936 resultados para GROUPING


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To collect information about the genetic diversity of the plankton community and to study how plankton respond to environmental conditions, plankton samples were collected from five stations representing different trophic levels in a shallow, eutrophic lake (Lake Donghu), and investigated by PCR-DGGE fingerprinting. A total of 100 bands (61 of 16S rDNA bands and 39 of 18S rDNA bands) were detected. The DGGE bands unique to any single station accounted for 38% of the total bands, whereas common bands detected at all five stations accounted for only 11%. Using UPGMA clustering and MDS ordination of DGGE fingerprints, stations I and II were found to initially group together into one cluster, which was later joined by station V. Stations III and IV were isolated into two separate groups of one station each. Some differences in grouping relationships were found when analysis was completed on the basis of chemical characteristics and morphological composition, with zooplankton composition showing the greatest variability. However, the most similar stations (I and II) were always initially grouped into one cluster. Moreover, stations that exhibited the same or similar trophic level (stations III and IV), but different concentrations of heavy metals, were further differentiated by the DGGE method. Results of the present study indicated that PCR-DGGE fingerprinting was more sensitive than the traditional methods, as other studies suggested. Additionally, PCR-DGGE appears to be more appropriate for diversity characterization of the plankton community, as it is more canonical, systematic, and effective. Most importantly, fingerprinting results are more convenient for the comparative analyses between different studies. Therefore, the use of the described fingerprinting analysis may provide an operable and sensitive biomonitoring approach to identify critical, and potentially negative, stress within an aquatic ecosystem.


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The complete sequence of the 16,539 nucleotide mitochondrial genome from the single species of the catfish family Cranoglanididae, the helmet catfish Cranoglanis bouderius, was determined using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction (LA PCR) method. The nucleotide sequences of C. bouderius mitochondrial DNA have been compared with those of three other catfish species in the same order. The contents of the C. bouderius mitochondrial genome are 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA and 22 transfer RNA genes, and a non-coding control region, the gene order of which is identical to that observed in most other vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses for 13 otophysan fishes were performed using Bayesian method based on the concatenated mtDNA protein-coding gene sequence and the individual protein-coding gene sequence data set. The competing otophysan topologies were then tested by using the approximately unbiased test, the Kishino-Hasegawa test, and the Shimodaira-Hasegawa test. The results show that the grouping ((((Characifonnes, Gymnotiformes), Siluriformes), Cyprinifionnes), outgroup) is the most likely but there is no significant difference between this one and the other alternative hypotheses. In addition, the phylogenetic placement of the family Cranoglanididae among siluriform families was also discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The small subunit rDNA sequence of Maristentor dinoferus (Lobban, Schefter, Simpson, Pochon, Pawlowski, and Foissner, 2002) was determined and compared with sequences from other Heterotrichea and Karyorelictea. Maristentor resembles Stentor in basic morphology and had been provisionally assigned to Stentoridae. However, our phylogenetic analyses show that Maristentor is more closely related to Folliculinidae. Our results support the creation of a separate family for Maristentor, Maristentoridae n. fam., and also confirm the phylogenetic grouping of Folliculindae, Stentoridae, Blepharismidae, and Maristentoridae, which we informally call 'stentorids'. Maristentor, rather than Stentor itself, appears to be most significant in understanding the origins of folliculinids from their aloricate ancestors. Our analyses suggest continued uncertainty in the exact placement of the root of heterotrichs with this phylogenetic marker.


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海拔梯度造成的环境异质性,如崎岖的地形、复杂的植被结构以及花期延迟等可能会极大地影响到物种的形态和遗传变异格局。理解物种形态和遗传变异的海拔格局对于物种多样性的管理和保护是非常重要的。尽管植物群体遗传学是一个飞速发展的研究领域,然而与海拔相关的形态变异、遗传变异及群体间遗传差异的研究却很少。到目前为止,还不清楚遗传变异与海拔之间是否必然的相关性。 川滇高山栎是一种重要的生态和经济型树种,广泛分布于中国西南的四川、西藏、贵州和云南省的高海拔地区,在保持水土、调节气候方面起着十分重要的作用。尽管主要受阳光限制而仅分布于阳坡,但其海拔梯度范围较大,表明川滇高山栎对不同的环境具有很强的适应性。本文通过叶型及生理响应、微卫星分子标记和扩增性片段长度多态性方法,试图探索川滇高山栎叶沿海拔梯度的形态和生理响应及其沿海拔梯度的遗传变异格局,为川滇高山栎的保护和利用提供进一步的遗传学理论依据和技术指导。 对叶形、含氮量及碳同位素的试验结果表明,平均比叶面积、气孔密度、气孔长度和气孔指数等气孔参数随海拔的升高呈非线性变化。在海拔大于2800 m时,川滇高山栎的比叶面积、气孔长度和气孔指数都随海拔升高而降低,但是在海拔小于2800 m时,这些指标都随海拔的升高而增大。相对而言,单位叶面积的含氮量和碳同位素则表现出相反的变化模式。另外,比叶面积是决定碳同位素沿海拔梯度变化的最重要参数。本研究结果表明,海拔2800 m附近是川滇高山栎生长和发育的最适地带,在这里生长的植物叶片厚度更薄、气孔更大、叶碳同位素值更小。 利用六对微卫星引物对五个不同海拔川滇高山栎群体遗传多样性进行研究,结果表明,群体内表现出较高的遗传多样性,平均每位点等位基因数11.33个,平均期望杂合度达0.820。群体间差异较小,分化仅为6.6%。聚类分析也并没有显示出明显的海拔格局。然而低频率等位基因却与海拔呈显著性正相关(R2=0.97, P < 0.01),表明在高海拔处,川滇高山栎以更多的稀有基因来适应恶劣的环境条件。本试验结果表明由海拔梯度形成的选择性压力对川滇高山栎群体的遗传变异影响并不明显。 为了进一步探讨川滇高山栎群体遗传变异与海拔之间的相互关系,我们还对其进行了扩增性片段长度多态性分析。结果表明:(1)随海拔的升高(从群体WL2到群体WL5),群体内遗传变异降低,而群体间遗传差异增加;(2)低海拔群体WL1表现出最低的遗传变异性(HE = 0.181),同时与其余四个群体间呈现出最大的遗传差异性(平均FST = 0.0596);(3)在除去低海拔群体WL1后,Mantel检测表明群体间遗传距离与海拔距离之间表现出正相关性。另外,研究结果还表明,遗传变异受生境条件(过度的湿热环境)及人为干扰(火烧、砍伐和放牧)的影响,这一点至少在低海拔群体WL1上发生了作用。 通过叶形态、生理及DNA分子水平的研究,结果表明叶形态特征和碳同位素与海拔紧密相关,与海拔之间呈非线性变化,海拔2,800 m附近是川滇高山栎生长和发育的最适地带。海拔梯度在一定程度上会影响到川滇高山栎群体的遗传变异结构,但在这样一个狭窄的地理分布区域里,这种影响并不足以导致群体间较大的遗传分化。同时生境条件及人为干扰也是影响遗传变异的限制性因子,不容忽视。 Altitudinal gradients impose heterogeneous environmental conditions, such as rugged topography, a complex pattern of vegetation and flowering delay, and they likely furthermore markedly affect the morphological and genetic variation pattern of a species. Understanding altitudinal pattern of morphological and genetic variation at a species is important for the management and conservation of species diversity. Although plant population genetics is a fast growing field of research, there are only few recent investigations, which analyzed the genetic differentiation and changes of intra-population variation along altitudinal gradients. At present, it is still unclear whether there are some common patterns of morphological and genetic variation with altitude. Quercus aquifolioides Rehder & E.H. Wilson, which is an important ecological and economical endemic woody plant species, is widely distributed in the Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, Southwest China. Its large range of habitat across different altitudes implies strong adaptation to different environments, although it is mainly restricted to sunny, south facing slopes. It plays a very important role in preventing soil erosion, soil water loss and regulating climate, as well as in retaining ecological stability. In this paper, we tried to understand the altitudinal pattern of morphological and genetic variation along altitudinal gradients through the experiments of leaf morphological and physiological responses, microsatellite analysis and AFLP markers. In leaf morphological and physiological responses experiment, we measured leaf morphology, nitrogen content and carbon isotope composition (as an indicator of water use efficiency) of Q. aquifolioides along an altitudinal gradient. We found that these leaf morphological and physiological responses to altitudinal gradients were non-linear with increasing altitude. Specific leaf area, stomatal length and index increased with increasing altitude below 2,800 m, but decreased with increasing altitude above 2,800 m. In contrast, leaf nitrogen content per unit area and carbon isotope composition showed opposite change patterns. Specific leaf area seemed to be the most important parameter that determined the carbon isotope composition along the altitudinal gradient. Our results suggest that near 2,800 m in altitude could be the optimum zone for growth and development of Q. aquifolioides, and highlight the importance of the influence of altitude in research on plant physiological ecology. Genetic variation and differentiation were investigated among five natural populations of Q. aquifolioides occurring along an altitudinal gradient that varied from 2,000 to 3,600 m above sea level in the Wolong Natural Reserve of China, by analyzing variation at six microsatellite loci. The results showed that the populations were characterized by relatively high intra-population variation with the average number of alleles equaling 11.33 per locus and the average expected heterozygosity (HE) being 0.779. The amount of genetic variation varied only little among populations, which suggests that the influence of altitude factors on microsatellite variation is limited. However, there is a significantly positive correlation between altitude and the number of low-frequency alleles (R2=0.97, P < 0.01), which indicates that Q. aquifolioides from high altitudes has more unique variation, possibly enabling adaptation to severe conditions. F statistics showed the presence of a slight deficiency of heterozygosity (FIS=0.136) and a low level of differentiation among populations (FST=0.066). The result of the cluster analysis demonstrates that the grouping of populations does not correspond to the altitude of the populations. Based on the available data, it is likely that the selective forces related to altitude are not strong enough to significantly differentiate the populations of Q. aquifolioides in terms of microsatellite variation. To further elucidate genetic variation pattern of Q. aquifolioides populations under sub-alpine environments, genetic variation and differentiation were investigated along altitudinal gradients using AFLP markers. The altitudinal populations with an average altitude interval of 400 m, i.e. WL1, WL2, WL3, WL4 and WL5, correspond to the altitudes 2,000, 2,400, 2,800, 3,200 and 3,600 m, respectively. Our results were as follows: (i) decreasing genetic variation (ranging from 0.253 to 0.210) and increasing genetic differentiation with altitude were obtained from the WL2 to the WL5 population; (ii) the WL1 population showed the lowest genetic variation (HE = 0.181) and the highest genetic differentiation (average FST = 0.0596) with the other four populations; (iii) the positive correlation was obtained using Mantel tests between genetic and altitude distances except for the WL1 population. Our results suggest that altitudinal gradients may have influenced the genetic variation pattern of Q. aquifolioides populations to some extent. In addition, habitat environments (unfavorable wet and hot conditions) and human disturbances (burning, grazing and felling) were possible influencing factors, especially to the low-altitude WL1 population. The present study shows that there were close correlations between morphological features and carbon isotope composition in our data. This indicates that a coordinated plant response modified these parameters simultaneously across different altitudes. Around 2,800 m altitude there seems to be an optimum zone for growth and development of Q. aquifolioides, as indicated by thinner leaves, larger stomata and more negative d13C values. All available evidence indicates altitudinal gradients may have influenced the genetic variation pattern of Q. aquifolioides to some extent. Decreasing genetic variation and increasing genetic differentiation with altitude was obtained except for the WL1 population. And the environment of habitats and human disturbances were also contributing factors, which impact genetic variation pattern, especially to the low-altitude WL1 population.


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The measurements of VUV-UV photoluminescence emission (PL) and photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectra of rare earth ions activated strontium orthophosphate [Sr-3(PO4)(2):RE, RE = Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb] are performed. Whenever the samples are excited by VUV or UV light, the typical emission of Ce-3+,Ce- Sm3+, Eu3+, Eu2+ and Tb3+ ions can be observed in PL spectra, respectively. The charge transfer bands (CTBs) of Sm3+ and Eu3+ are found, respectively, peaking at 206 and 230nm. The absorption bands peaking in the region of 150-160 nm are assigned to the host lattice sensitization bands, i.e., the band-to-band transitions of PO43- grouping in Sr-3(PO4)(2). It is speculated that the first f-d transitions of Sm3+ (Eu3+), and the CTB of Tb3+ are, respectively, located around 165 (14 3) and 167 urn by means of VUV-UV PLE spectra and relational empirical formula, these f-d transitions or CT bands are included in the bands with the maxima at 150-160 nm, respectively. The valence change of europium from trivalent to divalent in strontium orthophosphate prepared in air is observe by VUV-UV PL and PLE spectra.


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The systematic and taxonomic position of Biebersteinia Stephan has long been in dispute. The present paper describes for the first time the karyomorphology of two species in Biebersteinia Stephan. Both species commonly showed the interphase nuclei of the simple chromocenter type and the mitotic prophase chromosomes of the interstitial type. The karyotype formulae of both B. heterostemon and B. odora were 2n=10=2m(2sec)+8sm(2sec), belonging to the 3A type of Stebbins' classification. The karyotype of this genus is recorded for the first time. The basic chromosome numbers of four of the five known species of Biebersteinia have been recorded as x=5. The combination of resting nuclei of the simple chromocenter type, mitotic prophase chromosomes of the interstitial type, two pairs of chromosomes with four obvious secondary constrictions at the mitotic prophase and metaphase stages, and the peculiar 3A karyotype in Biebersteinia can be regarded as the karymorphological marker of this genus. The karyomorphological data presented here do not support the traditional grouping of this genus in Geraniaceae. The unique karyomorphology of Biebersteinia justifies its familiar or ordinal status, which is congruent with embryological, anatomical, chemical and molecular data. The systematic position of Biebersteinia needs further study.


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设计了一种能够使蛇形机器人运动更灵巧、奇异点更少和运动能力更强的机构 ,对具有三个自由度的新型蛇形机器人单元进行了改进 ,在单元上增加被动轮机构 ,使其具有万向机构的特点。该单元不仅能够用被动轮驱动机器人运动 ,而且增加了类似于主动轮的驱动机构 ,克服了被动轮驱动能力弱的缺点 ,增强了机器人的运动能力。在分析非完整约束的基础上 ,对蛇形机器人的运动学和冗余度进行分析 ,提出了控制该类蛇形机器人运动的分解矩阵方法和分组交替运动法。


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在 CIMS 环境下,采用虚拟单元技术可以解决使用成组单元的结构中出现的过量跨单元加工和加工负荷不平衡问题.本文对实现虚拟单元的关键技术——单元重构的可行性进行了分析,对单元重构的两个主要过程,即任务的时间分解过程和任务的空间分解过程进行了详细的讨论,并对所涉及到的时间划分、计划调度、工件、机器成组等问题给出了相应的策略和算法.从而证明了在 CIMS 环境下实现虚拟单元的可行性.


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This dissertation systematically depicted and improved the application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), following the logic of verification, improvement, extension, and application. The concept of “reproducibility” was the philosophy throughout its four concluded studies. In the “verification” study, ICA was applied to the resting-state fMRI data, verified the resultant components with reproducibility, and examined the consistency of the results from ICA and traditional “seed voxel” method. At the meantime, the limitation of ICA application on fMRI data analysis was presented. In the “improvement” study, an improved ICA algorithm based on reproducibility, RAICAR, was developed to aid some of the limitations of ICA application. RAICAR was able to rank ICA components by reproducibility, determine the number of reliable components, and obtain more stable results. RAICAR provided useful tools for validation and interpretation of ICA results. In the “extension” study, RAICAR as well as the concept of “reproducibility” was extended to multi-subject ICA analysis, and gRAICAR algorithm was developed. gRAICAR allows some variation across subjects, examining common components among subjects. gRAICAR is also capable to detect potential subject grouping on some components. It is a new way for exploratory group analysis on fMRI. In the “application” study, two newly developed methods, RAICAR and gRAICAR, were used to investigate the effect of early music training on the brain mechanism of memory and learning. The results showed brain mechanism difference in memory retrieval and learning process between two groups of subjects. This study also verified the usefulness and importance of the new methods.


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Crowding, generally defined as the deleterious influence of nearby contours on visual discrimination, is ubiquitous in spatial vision. Specifically, long-range effects of non-overlapping distracters can alter the appearance of an object, making it unrecognizable. Theories in many domains, including vision computation and high-level attention, have been proposed to account for crowding. However, neither compulsory averaging model nor insufficient spatial esolution of attention provides an adequate explanation for crowding. The present study examined the effects of perceptual organization on crowding. We hypothesize that target-distractor segmentation in crowding is analogous to figure-ground segregation in Gestalt. When distractors can be grouped as a whole or when they are similar to each other but different from the target, the target can be distinguished from distractors. However, grouping target and distractors together by Gestalt principles may interfere with target-distractor separation. Six experiments were carried out to assess our theory. In experiments 1, 2, and 3, we manipulated the similarity between target and distractor as well as the configuration of distractors to investigate the effects of stimuli-driven grouping on target-distractor segmentation. In experiments 4, 5, and 6, we focused on the interaction between bottom-up and top-down processes of grouping, and their influences on target-distractor segmentation. Our results demonstrated that: (a) when distractors were similar to each other but different from target, crowding was eased; (b) when distractors formed a subjective contour or were placed regularly, crowding was also reduced; (c) both bottom-up and top-down processes could influence target-distractor grouping, mediating the effects of crowding. These results support our hypothesis that the figure-ground segregation and target-distractor segmentation in crowding may share similar processes. The present study not only provides a novel explanation for crowding, but also examines the processing bottleneck in object recognition. These findings have significant implications on computer vision and interface design as well as on clinical practice in amblyopia and dyslexia.


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Notions of figure-ground, inside-outside are difficult to define in a computational sense, yet seem intuitively meaningful. We propose that "figure" is an attention-directed region of visual information processing, and has a non-discrete boundary. Associated with "figure" is a coordinate frame and a "frame curve" which helps initiate the shape recognition process by selecting and grouping convex image chunks for later matching- to-model. We show that human perception is biased to see chunks outside the frame as more salient than those inside. Specific tasks, however, can reverse this bias. Near/far, top/bottom and expansion/contraction also behave similarly.


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Many current recognition systems use constrained search to locate objects in cluttered environments. Previous formal analysis has shown that the expected amount of search is quadratic in the number of model and data features, if all the data is known to come from a sinlge object, but is exponential when spurious data is included. If one can group the data into subsets likely to have come from a single object, then terminating the search once a "good enough" interpretation is found reduces the expected search to cubic. Without successful grouping, terminated search is still exponential. These results apply to finding instances of a known object in the data. In this paper, we turn to the problem of selecting models from a library, and examine the combinatorics of determining that a candidate object is not present in the data. We show that the expected search is again exponential, implying that naﶥ approaches to indexing are likely to carry an expensive overhead, since an exponential amount of work is needed to week out each of the incorrect models. The analytic results are shown to be in agreement with empirical data for cluttered object recognition.


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We describe an approach to parallel compilation that seeks to harness the vast amount of fine-grain parallelism that is exposed through partial evaluation of numerically-intensive scientific programs. We have constructed a compiler for the Supercomputer Toolkit parallel processor that uses partial evaluation to break down data abstractions and program structure, producing huge basic blocks that contain large amounts of fine-grain parallelism. We show that this fine-grain prarllelism can be effectively utilized even on coarse-grain parallel architectures by selectively grouping operations together so as to adjust the parallelism grain-size to match the inter-processor communication capabilities of the target architecture.


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A key question regarding primate visual motion perception is whether the motion of 2D patterns is recovered by tracking distinctive localizable features [Lorenceau and Gorea, 1989; Rubin and Hochstein, 1992] or by integrating ambiguous local motion estimates [Adelson and Movshon, 1982; Wilson and Kim, 1992]. For a two-grating plaid pattern, this translates to either tracking the grating intersections or to appropriately combining the motion estimates for each grating. Since both component and feature information are simultaneously available in any plaid pattern made of contrast defined gratings, it is unclear how to determine which of the two schemes is actually used to recover the plaid"s motion. To address this problem, we have designed a plaid pattern made with subjective, rather than contrast defined, gratings. The distinguishing characteristic of such a plaid pattern is that it contains no contrast defined intersections that may be tracked. We find that notwithstanding the absence of such features, observers can accurately recover the pattern velocity. Additionally we show that the hypothesis of tracking "illusory features" to estimate pattern motion does not stand up to experimental test. These results present direct evidence in support of the idea that calls for the integration of component motions over the one that mandates tracking localized features to recover 2D pattern motion. The localized features, we suggest, are used primarily as providers of grouping information - which component motion signals to integrate and which not to.


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The Saliency Network proposed by Shashua and Ullman is a well-known approach to the problem of extracting salient curves from images while performing gap completion. This paper analyzes the Saliency Network. The Saliency Network is attractive for several reasons. First, the network generally prefers long and smooth curves over short or wiggly ones. While computing saliencies, the network also fills in gaps with smooth completions and tolerates noise. Finally, the network is locally connected, and its size is proportional to the size of the image. Nevertheless, our analysis reveals certain weaknesses with the method. In particular, we show cases in which the most salient element does not lie on the perceptually most salient curve. Furthermore, in some cases the saliency measure changes its preferences when curves are scaled uniformly. Also, we show that for certain fragmented curves the measure prefers large gaps over a few small gaps of the same total size. In addition, we analyze the time complexity required by the method. We show that the number of steps required for convergence in serial implementations is quadratic in the size of the network, and in parallel implementations is linear in the size of the network. We discuss problems due to coarse sampling of the range of possible orientations. We show that with proper sampling the complexity of the network becomes cubic in the size of the network. Finally, we consider the possibility of using the Saliency Network for grouping. We show that the Saliency Network recovers the most salient curve efficiently, but it has problems with identifying any salient curve other than the most salient one.