860 resultados para Fungicides Physiological effect


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Les cortices sensoriels sont des régions cérébrales essentielles pour la perception. En particulier, le cortex visuel traite l’information visuelle en provenance de la rétine qui transite par le thalamus. Les neurones sont les unités fonctionnelles qui transforment l'information sensorielle en signaux électriques, la transfèrent vers le cortex et l'intègrent. Les neurones du cortex visuel sont spécialisés et analysent différents aspects des stimuli visuels. La force des connections entre les neurones peut être modulée par la persistance de l'activité pré-synaptique et induit une augmentation ou une diminution du signal post-synaptique à long terme. Ces modifications de la connectivité synaptique peuvent induire la réorganisation de la carte corticale, c’est à dire la représentation de ce stimulus et la puissance de son traitement cortical. Cette réorganisation est connue sous le nom de plasticité corticale. Elle est particulièrement active durant la période de développement, mais elle s’observe aussi chez l’adulte, par exemple durant l’apprentissage. Le neurotransmetteur acétylcholine (ACh) est impliqué dans de nombreuses fonctions cognitives telles que l’apprentissage ou l’attention et il est important pour la plasticité corticale. En particulier, les récepteurs nicotiniques et muscariniques du sous-type M1 et M2 sont les récepteurs cholinergiques impliqués dans l’induction de la plasticité corticale. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de déterminer les mécanismes de plasticité corticale induits par la stimulation du système cholinergique au niveau du télencéphale basal et de définir les effets sur l’amélioration de la perception sensorielle. Afin d’induire la plasticité corticale, j’ai jumelé des stimulations visuelles à des injections intracorticales d’agoniste cholinergique (carbachol) ou à une stimulation du télencéphale basal (neurones cholinergiques qui innervent le cortex visuel primaire). J'ai analysé les potentiels évoqués visuels (PEVs) dans le cortex visuel primaire des rats pendant 4 à 8 heures après le couplage. Afin de préciser l’action de l’ACh sur l’activité des PEVs dans V1, j’ai injecté individuellement l’antagoniste des récepteurs muscariniques, nicotiniques, α7 ou NMDA avant l’infusion de carbachol. La stimulation du système cholinergique jumelée avec une stimulation visuelle augmente l’amplitude des PEVs durant plus de 8h. Le blocage des récepteurs muscarinique, nicotinique et NMDA abolit complètement cette amélioration, tandis que l’inhibition des récepteurs α7 a induit une augmentation instantanée des PEVs. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'ACh facilite à long terme la réponse aux stimuli visuels et que cette facilitation implique les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques et une interaction avec les récepteur NMDA dans le cortex visuel. Ces mécanismes sont semblables à la potentiation à long-terme, évènement physiologique lié à l’apprentissage. L’étape suivante était d’évaluer si l’effet de l’amplification cholinergique de l’entrée de l’information visuelle résultait non seulement en une modification de l’activité corticale mais aussi de la perception visuelle. J’ai donc mesuré l’amélioration de l’acuité visuelle de rats adultes éveillés exposés durant 10 minutes par jour pendant deux semaines à un stimulus visuel de type «réseau sinusoïdal» couplé à une stimulation électrique du télencéphale basal. L’acuité visuelle a été mesurée avant et après le couplage des stimulations visuelle et cholinergique à l’aide d’une tâche de discrimination visuelle. L’acuité visuelle du rat pour le stimulus d’entrainement a été augmentée après la période d’entrainement. L’augmentation de l’acuité visuelle n’a pas été observée lorsque la stimulation visuelle seule ou celle du télencéphale basal seul, ni lorsque les fibres cholinergiques ont été lésées avant la stimulation visuelle. Une augmentation à long terme de la réactivité corticale du cortex visuel primaire des neurones pyramidaux et des interneurones GABAergiques a été montrée par l’immunoréactivité au c-Fos. Ainsi, lorsque couplé à un entrainement visuel, le système cholinergique améliore les performances visuelles pour l’orientation et ce probablement par l’optimisation du processus d’attention et de plasticité corticale dans l’aire V1. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes pharmacologiques impliqués dans l’amélioration de la perception visuelle, j’ai comparé les PEVs avant et après le couplage de la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique en présence d’agonistes/antagonistes sélectifs. Les injections intracorticales des différents agents pharmacologiques pendant le couplage ont montré que les récepteurs nicotiniques et M1 muscariniques amplifient la réponse corticale tandis que les récepteurs M2 muscariniques inhibent les neurones GABAergiques induisant un effet excitateur. L’infusion d’antagoniste du GABA corrobore l’hypothèse que le système inhibiteur est essentiel pour induire la plasticité corticale. Ces résultats démontrent que l’entrainement visuel jumelé avec la stimulation cholinergique améliore la plasticité corticale et qu’elle est contrôlée par les récepteurs nicotinique et muscariniques M1 et M2. Mes résultats suggèrent que le système cholinergique est un système neuromodulateur qui peut améliorer la perception sensorielle lors d’un apprentissage perceptuel. Les mécanismes d’amélioration perceptuelle induits par l’acétylcholine sont liés aux processus d’attention, de potentialisation à long-terme et de modulation de la balance d’influx excitateur/inhibiteur. En particulier, le couplage de l’activité cholinergique avec une stimulation visuelle augmente le ratio de signal / bruit et ainsi la détection de cibles. L’augmentation de la concentration cholinergique corticale potentialise l’afférence thalamocorticale, ce qui facilite le traitement d’un nouveau stimulus et diminue la signalisation cortico-corticale minimisant ainsi la modulation latérale. Ceci est contrôlé par différents sous-types de récepteurs cholinergiques situés sur les neurones GABAergiques ou glutamatergiques des différentes couches corticales. La présente thèse montre qu’une stimulation électrique dans le télencéphale basal a un effet similaire à l’infusion d’agoniste cholinergique et qu’un couplage de stimulations visuelle et cholinergique induit la plasticité corticale. Ce jumelage répété de stimulations visuelle/cholinergique augmente la capacité de discrimination visuelle et améliore la perception. Cette amélioration est corrélée à une amplification de l’activité neuronale démontrée par immunocytochimie du c-Fos. L’immunocytochimie montre aussi une différence entre l’activité des neurones glutamatergiques et GABAergiques dans les différentes couches corticales. L’injection pharmacologique pendant la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique suggère que les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques M1 peuvent amplifier la réponse excitatrice tandis que les récepteurs M2 contrôlent l’activation GABAergique. Ainsi, le système cholinergique activé au cours du processus visuel induit des mécanismes de plasticité corticale et peut ainsi améliorer la capacité perceptive. De meilleures connaissances sur ces actions ouvrent la possibilité d’accélérer la restauration des fonctions visuelles lors d’un déficit ou d’amplifier la fonction cognitive.


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The effect of dietary sodium restriction on perceived intensity of and preference for the taste of salt was evaluated in 76 adults, 25-49 years, with diastolic blood pressure between 79-90 mmHg. Participants were volunteers from clinical Hypertension Prevention Trials (HPT), at the University of California, Davis and the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Participants followed one of four HPT diets: 1600 mg Na+/day (NA, n=lS), 1600 mg Na+ plus 3200 mg K+/day (NK, n=lS), 1600 mg Na+/day plus energy restriction to achieve weight loss (NW, n=l3) and weight loss only (WT, n=l3). All participants attended regularly scheduled nutri­tion intervention meetings designed to help them achieve the HPT dietary goals. A fifth, no-intervention group, consisted of 20, no-diet-change controls CCN). Sodium, potassium and energy intakes were monitored by analysis of single, 24-hour food records and corresponding overnight urine speci­mens, obtained at baseline and after 12 and 24 weeks of intervention. Hedonic responses to sodium chloride in a prepared cream of green bean soup were assessed by two methods : 1) scaling of like/dislike for an NaCl concentration series on 10-cm graphie line scales and 2) ad libitum mixing of unsalted and salted soups to maximum level of liking. Salt content of the mixes was analyzed by sodium ion-selective electrode. The concentration series was also rated for perceived saltiness­intensity on similar graphie line scales. Tests were conducted at base­line and after approximately 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 24 weeks of intervention. Reduction in sodium intake and excretion in NA, NK and NW partici­pants was accompanied by a shift in preference toward less saltiness in soup. The pattern of hedonic responses changed over time: scores for high NaCl concentrations decreased progressively while scores for low concentrations increased. Hedonic maxima shifted fran a concentration of 0.55% at the onset to 0.1-0.2% added NaCl at week 24. During the same time period, the preferred concentration of ad libitum mixes declined 50%. These shifts occurred independently of changes in salti­ness intensity ratings, potassium or energy intakes, and were consistent across the two participating study sites. Like/dislike and sd. libitum responses were similar after 13 and 24 weeks of diet, as were measures of sodium intake and excretion. These findings suggest that after three months of sodium restriction, preference for salt had readjusted to a lower level, reflective of lower sodium intake. Mechanisms underlying the change in preference are unclear, but may include sensory, context, physiological as well as behavioral effects. In contrast, few changes were noted within WT and CN groups. The pattern of hedonic responses varied little in controls while the WT group showed increased liking for mid-range NaCl concentrations. Small, but significant fluctuations in ad libitum mix concentration occurred in both of these groups, but the differences appeared to be random rather than systematic. The results of this study indicate that preference for the taste of salt declines progressively toward a new baseline following reductions in sodium intake. These alterations may enhance maintenance of low­sodium diets for the treatment and prevention of hypertension. Further investigation is needed to establish the degree to which long-term com­pliance is contingent upon variation in salt taste preference.


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S. album L. is the source of highly priced and fragrant heartwood which on steam distillation yields on an average 57 per cent oil of high perfumery value. Global demand for sandalwood is about 5000-6000 tons/year and that of oil is 100 tons/year. Heartwood of sandal is estimated to fetch up to Rs. 3.7 million/ton and wood oil Rs.70,000-100,000/ kg in the international market. Sandal heartwood prices have increased from Rs. 365/ton in 1900 to Rs. 6.5 lakhs/ton in 1999-2000 and to Rs. 37 lakhs/ton in 2007. Substantial decline in sandalwood production has occurred from 3176 tons/year during 1960-‘ 65 to 1500 tons/year in 1997-98, and to 500 tons/year in 2007.Depletion of sandal resources is attributed to several factors, both natural and anthropogenic. Low seed setting, poor seed germination, seedling mortality, lack of haustorial connection with host plant roots, recurrent annual fires in natural sandal forests, lopping of trees for fodder, excessive grazing, hacking, encroachments, seedling diseases and spread of sandal spike disease are the major problems facing sandal. While these factors hinder sandal regeneration in forest areas, the situation is accelerated by human activities of chronic overexploitation and illicit felling.Deterioration of natural sandal populations due to illicit felling, encroachments and diseases has an adverse effect on genetic diversity of the species. The loss of genetic diversity has aggravated during recent years due to extensive logging, changing landuse patterns and poor natural regeneration. The consequent genetic erosion is of serious concern affecting tree improvement programme in sandal. Conservation as well as mass propagation are the two strategies to be given due importance. To initiate any conservation programme, precise knowledge of the factors influencing regeneration and survival of the species is essential. Hence, the present study was undertaken with the objective of investigating the autotrophic and parasitic phase of sandal seedlings growth, the effects of shade on morphology, chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence of sandal seedlings, genetic diversity in sandal seed stands using ISSR markers, and the diversity of fungal isolates causing sandal seedling wilt using RAPD markers. All these factors directly influence regeneration and survival of sandal seedlings in natural forests and plantations.


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Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) is a dramatic and challenging syndrome in clinical medicine. Although an uncommon disorder, it is usually fatal and occurs in previously healthy person. While the causes of FHF remain unclear, viral hepatitis and drug-induced liver injury account for the majority of cases. Hepatitis E causes large-scale epidemics of hepatitis in the Indian subcontinent, involving hundreds of thousands of cases with high mortality. FHF is associated with several clinical features like jaundice, shrunken liver, easy bruising, low levels of serum proteins, fatigue, multi-organ failure etc and metabolic derangements like hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyponatremia, defective protein synthesis, reduced energy production, decreased rate of urea production etc. These disturbances are predominantly attributed to oxidative stress, membrane destabilization and osmolytic imbalances. The options available for these patients are quite minimal with liver transplantation being one of them. But the procedure is ridden with issues causing it to find less favor among the patients and the caregivers. Use of hepatoprotective and cytoprotective drugs, is being considered to be a more acceptable alternative as a strategy to enhance liver regeneration. In this regard use of taurine a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a crucial role in many physiological processes would prove to be effective. In the present study, hepatoprotective effect of taurine on a rat model of induced FHF was studied. Taurine supplementation has effectively counteracted the metabolic and structural aberrations in the liver caused by D-galactosamine intoxication.


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The title reaction was undertaken to establish the interaction between amantadine and molybdate at physiological pH. Identical FTIR spectra, TG-DTA curves and CHN data of the complexes formed from three solutions at pH 1.5, 7.4 and 8.0 indicate that the same complex was formed at all the three pHs. The FTIR spectrum shows shift in peaks corresponding to primary amino group of the drug due to coordination to molybdate. An octahedral geometry is assigned to the complex. The kinetics of the complexation has been studied at low concentrations of the reactants using UV-visible spectrophotometry. At pH 7.4, the initial rate varies linearly with [molybdate]. A plot of initial rate versus [drug] is linear passing through origin. These results indicate that the drug and molybdate react at pH 7.4 even at low concentrations. At pH 1.5, the rate increases linearly with increase in [drug] but decreases with [molybdate]. The effect of pH and ionic strength on the rate of the reaction has also been studied. A suitable mechanism has been proposed for the reaction. Reaction between the drug and molybdate even at low concentrations and the fact that the amino group of amantadine required to be free for its function as antiviral, is bound to molybdate in the complex suggests that simultaneous administration of the drug and molybdate supplements should be avoided.


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The extraction and use of metals has been the mainstay for the sustained development and progress of a nation. Metals, though fairly stable in the natural environment are found in trace quantities in water bodies. Attention has therefore been focused to identify the metals that impair the water quality. In the last few decades the concern about the fate of these metals in the aquatic system has been gaining momentum, particularly in the industrial belts. The disasters caused by metal poisoning in recent times have prompted an indepth study of the interaction of metals with aquatic biota. Kerala, basically an agriculture oriented state has witnessed the upsurgence of various industries as a part of the nationwide economic development programme. Cochin has been identified as the industrial capital of the state.The present study is an attempt towards a better understanding of the metal-phytoplankton interactions with special reference to the physiological changes in the species. various parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, nutrients, number of cells, photosynthetic pigments, carbohydrates, protein and lipid are studied to highlight the complexity of metal..phytoplankton interaction


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In the present study an endeavour has been made to analyse the acute toxicity of WAFs of Bombay High crude and Light Diesel oil on commercially important bivalve species Perna viridis and Perna indica by static bioassay methods. The toxic effects of chemicals in the WAF on the organisms ; their tissues and eventually on rate functions have been elucidated. Marine oil pollution not only affects productivity and quality of marine organisms but also eventually affects the health of human population due to a possible health risk by way of consumption of oil contaminated seafood


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The main objective of this thesis was to determine the potential impact of heat stress (HS) on physiological traits of lactating cows and semen quality of bulls kept in a temperate climate. The thesis is comprised of three studies. An innovative statistical modeling aspect common to all three studies was the application of random regression methodology (RRM) to study the phenotypic and genetic trajectory of traits in dependency of a continuous temperature humidity index (THI). In the first study, semen quality and quantity traits of 562 Holstein sires kept on an AI station in northwestern Germany were analyzed in the course of THI calculated from data obtained from the nearest weather station. Heat stress was identified based on a decline in semen quality and quantity parameters. The identified general HS threshold (THI = 60) and the thermoneutal zone (THI in the range from 50 to 60) for semen production were lower than detected in studies conducted in tropical and subtropical climates. Even though adult bulls were characterized by higher semen productivity compared to younger bulls, they responded with a stronger semen production loss during harsh environments. Heritabilities (low to moderate range) and additive genetic variances of semen characteristics varied with different levels of THI. Also, based on genetic correlations genotype, by environment interactions were detected. Taken together, these findings suggest the application of specific selection strategies for specific climate conditions. In the second study, the effect of the continuous environmental descriptor THI as measured inside the barns on rectal temperatures (RT), skin temperatures (ST), vaginal temperatures (VT), respiration rates (RR), and pulse rate (PR) of lactating Holstein Friesian (HF) and dual-purpose German black pied cattle (DSN) was analyzed. Increasing HS from THI 65 (threshold) to THI 86 (maximal THI) resulted in an increase of RT by 0.6 °C (DSN) and 1 °C (HF), ST by 3.5 °C (HF) and 8 °C (DSN), VT by 0.3 °C (DSN), and RR by 47 breaths / minute (DSN), and decreased PR by 7 beats / minute (DSN). The undesired effects of rising THI on physiological traits were most pronounced for cows with high levels of milk yield and milk constituents, cows in early days in milk and later parities, and during summer seasons in the year 2014. In the third study of this dissertation, the genetic components of the cow’s physiological responses to HS were investigated. Heat stress was deduced from indoor THI measurements, and physiological traits were recorded on native DSN cows and their genetically upgraded crosses with Holstein Friesian sires in two experimental herds from pasture-based production systems reflecting a harsh environment of the northern part of Germany. Although heritabilities were in a low range (from 0.018 to 0.072), alterations of heritabilities, repeatabilities, and genetic components in the course of THI justify the implementation of genetic evaluations including heat stress components. However, low repeatabilities indicate the necessity of using repeated records for measuring physiological traits in German cattle. Moderate EBV correlations between different trait combinations indicate the potential of selection for one trait to simultaneously improve the other physiological attributes. In conclusion, bulls of AI centers and lactating cows suffer from HS during more extreme weather conditions also in the temperate climate of Northern Germany. Monitoring physiological traits during warm and humid conditions could provide precious information for detection of appropriate times for implementation of cooling systems and changes in feeding and management strategies. Subsequently, the inclusion of these physiological traits with THI specific breeding values into overall breeding goals could contribute to improving cattle adaptability by selecting the optimal animal for extreme hot and humid conditions. Furthermore, the recording of meteorological data in close distance to the cow and visualizing the surface body temperature by infrared thermography techniques might be helpful for recognizing heat tolerance and adaptability in cattle.


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An increase in altitude leads to a proportional fall in the barometric pressure, and a decrease in atmospheric oxygen pressure, producing hypobaric hypoxia that affects, in different degrees, all body organs, systems and functions. The chronically reduced partial pressure of oxygen causes that individuals adapt and adjust to physiological stress. These adaptations are modulated by many factors, including the degree of hypoxia related to altitude, time of exposure, exercise intensity and individual conditions. It has been established that exposure to high altitude is an environmental stressor that elicits a response that contributes to many adjustments and adaptations that influence exercise capacity and endurance performance. These adaptations include in crease in hemoglobin concentration, ventilation, capillary density and tissue myoglobin concentration. However, a negative effect in strength and power is related to a decrease in muscle fiber size and body mass due to the decrease in the training intensity. Many researches aim at establishing how training or living at high altitudes affects performance in athletes. Training methods, such as living in high altitudes training low, and training high-living in low altitudes have been used to research the changes in the physical condition in athletes and how the physiological adaptations to hypoxia can enhanceperformance at sea level. This review analyzes the literature related to altitude training focused on how physiological adaptations to hypoxic environments influence performance, and which protocols are most frequently used to train in high altitudes.


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The influence of temperature on the developmental times and survival of insects can largely determine their distribution. For invasive species, like the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), these data are essential for predicting their potential range based on mechanistic models. In the case of this species, such data are too scarce and incomplete to make accurate predictions based on its physiological needs. This research provides comprehensive new data about brood survival and developmental times at a wide range of temperatures under laboratory conditions. Temperature affected both the complete brood development from egg to adult worker and each of the immature stages separately. The higher the temperature, the shorter the development times. Brood survival from egg to adult was low, with the maximum survival rate being only 16% at 26º C. Temperature also affected survival of each of the immature stages differently: eggs were negatively affected by high temperatures, while larvae were negatively affected by low temperatures, and the survival of pupae was apparently independent of environmental temperature. At 32º C no eggs survived, while at 18º C less than 2% of the eggs hatched into larva. The data from the present study are essential for developing prediction models about the distribution range of this tramp species based on its physiological needs in relation to temperature


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Twenty-eight field experiments on sandy-loam soils in the UK (1982-2003) are reviewed by relating the extension of the green area duration of the flag leaf (GLADF) by fungicides to effects on yield and quality of winter wheat. Over all experiments mean grain yield = 8.85t ha(-1) at 85% DM. With regards quality, mean values were: thousand grain weight (TGW) = 44.5 g; specific weight (SWT) = 76.9 kg hl(-1); crude protein concentration (CP (N x 5.7)) = 12.5 % DM; Hagberg falling number (HFN) = 285 s; and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-sedimentation volume = 69ml. For each day (d) that fungicides increased GLADF there were associated average increases in yield (0.144 1 ha(-1) d(-1), se 0.0049, df = 333), TGW (0.56 gd(-1), se = 0.017) and SWT (0.22 kg hl(-1) d(-1), se 0.011). Some curvature was evident in all these relationships. When GLADF was delayed beyond 700 degrees Cd after anthesis, as was possible in cool wet seasons, responses were curtailed, or less reliable. Despite this apparent terminal sink limitation, fungicide effects on sink size, eg endosperm cell numbers or maximum water mass per grain, were not prerequisites for large effects on grain yield, TGW or SWT. Fungicide effects on CP were variable. Although the average response of CP was negative (-0.029%DM/d; se = 0.00338), this depended on cultivar and disease controlled. Controlling biotrophs such as rusts, (Puccinia spp.) tended to increase CP, whereas controlling a more necrotrophic pathogen (Septoria tritici) usually reducedCP. Irrespective of pathogen controlled, delaying senescence of the flag leaf was associated with increased nitrogen yields in the grain (averaging 2.24 kg N ha-1 d(-1), se = 0.0848) due to both increased N uptake into the above ground crop, and also more efficient remobilisation of N from leaf laminas. When sulphur availability appeared to be adequate, fungicide x cultivar interactions were similar on S as for CP, although N:S ratios tended to decline (i.e. improve for bread making) when S. tritici was controlled. On average, SDS-sedimentation volume declined (-0. 18 ml/d, se = 0.027) with increased GLADF, broadly commensurate with the average effect on CP. Hagberg falling number decreased as fungicide increased GLADF (-2.73 s/d, se = 0.178), indicating an increase in alpha-amylase activity.


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An experiment was designed to test the response of growing pullets to two changes in photoperiod (an increase from 8 to 14 h followed 5 weeks later by the reverse change, or a decrease from 14 to 8 h followed by an increase). The first change was made either at 35 days or at 56 days of age, to test the influence of age on the responses observed. Control groups were kept oil constant 8-h and constant 14-h photoperiods and the responses to appropriate single changes were also tested. Mean age at first egg varied from 111 days for birds given a single increment at 56 days to 166 days for pullets given an increase in photoperiod at 35 days followed by a reduction at 70 days. Responses to the single changes confirmed earlier reports that sensitivity to change in photoperiod varies with age ill a manner that is quantitatively predictable. Responses to the double changes could be explained by Postulating that the initial change altered the 'physiological age' of the bird to all extent that was also quantitatively predictable. An early increase in photoperiod advances sexual development and makes the bird more sensitive to a subsequent decrease than would be expected by reference to its chronological age. An early decrease in photoperiod delays sexual development, which can have the effect of making the bird more or less sensitive to a subsequent increase since, ill layer-strain pullets, sensitivity to an increment in photoperiod normally increases Lip to about 9 weeks of age but decreases thereafter. Mean age at first egg predicted using these concepts was very highly correlated with observed age at first egg. The results provide a rational basis for constructing a model to predict age at first egg for any combination of increases and decreases in photoperiod applied to growing pullets.


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Skeletal muscle constitutes a highly adaptable and malleable tissue that responds to environmental and physiological challenges by changing its phenotype in terms of size and composition, outcomes that are brought about by changes in gene expression, biochemical and metabolic properties. Both the short- and long-term effects of nutritional alterations on skeletal muscle homeostasis have been defined as the object of intensive research over the last thirty years. This review focuses predominantly on assimilating our understanding of the changes in muscle fibre phenotype and functional properties induced by either food restriction or alternatively existing on a high fat diet. Firstly, food restriction has been shown in a number of studies to decrease the myofibre cross sectional area and consistently, it has been found that glycolytic type IIB fibres are more prone to atrophy than oxidative fibres. Secondly, in rodents, a high fat diet has been shown to induce an oxidative profile in skeletal muscle, although obese humans usually show higher numbers of glycolytic type IIB fibres. Moreover, attention is paid to the effect of prenatal maternal food restriction on muscle development of the offspring in various species. A key point related to these experiments is the timing of food restriction for the mother. Furthermore, we explore extensively the seemingly species-specific response to maternal malnutrition. Finally, key signalling molecules that play a pivotal role in energy metabolism, fibre type transitions and muscle hypertrophy are discussed in detail.


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Shoot dieback is a problem in frequently trimmed Leyland hedges and is increasingly affecting gardeners’ choice of hedge trees, having a negative effect on a conifer nursery industry. Some damage can be attributed to the feeding by aphids, but it is unclear if there are also underlying physiological causes. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that shoot-clipping of conifer trees during adverse growing conditions (i.e. high air temperature and low soil moisture) could be leading to shoot ‘dieback’. Three-year-old Golden Leyland Cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Excalibur Gold’) plants were subjected to either a well-watered or droughted irrigation regime and placed in either a ‘hot’ (average day temperature = 40°C) or a ‘cool’ (average day temperature = 27°C) glasshouse compartment. Half of the plants from each glasshouse were clipped on Day 14 and again on Day 50. Measurements of soil moisture content (SMC), net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), branchlet xylem water potential (XWP), plant height and foliage colour were made. Within the clipped and unclipped treatments of both glasshouse compartments, plants from the droughted regime had significantly lower values for A, gs and XWP than those from the well-watered regime. However, there was no difference in these parameters between the hot and cool glasshouse compartments. The trends seen for A, gs and XWP of all treatments generally mirrored changes in SMC indicating a direct effect of water supply on these parameters. By the end of the experiment the overall foliage colour of plants from the hot glasshouse was darker than that of plants from the cool glasshouse and the overall foliage colour was also darker following shoot clipping. In general, shoot clipping led to increases in A, gs XWP and SMC. This may be due to the reduction in total leaf area leading to a greater supply of water for the remaining leaves. No shoot ‘dieback’ was observed in any treatment in response to drought stress or shoot-clipping.


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TGF-beta1 levels increase after vascular injury and promote vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. We define a nonviral gene delivery system that targets alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins that are expressed on proliferating VSMCs and strongly induced by TGF-beta1. A 15-amino acid RGDNP-containing peptide from American Pit Viper venom was linked to a Lys(16) peptide as vector (molossin vector) and complexed with Lipofectamine or fusogenic peptide for delivery of luciferase or beta-galactosidase reporter genes to primary cultures of human, rabbit, and rat VSMCs. Preincubation of VSMCs with TGF-beta1 for 24 h, but not with PDGF-BB, interferon-gamma, TNF-alpha, nor PMA, increased alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 expressions on VSMCs and enhanced gene delivery of molossin vector. Thus beta-galactosidase activity increased from 35 +/- 5% (controls) to 75 +/- 5% after TGF-beta1 treatment, and luciferase activity increased fourfold over control values. Potential use of this system in vessel bypass surgery was examined in an ex vivo rat aortic organ culture model after endothelial damage. Molossin vector system delivered beta-galactosidase to VSMCs in the vessel wall that remained for up to 12 days posttransfection. The molossin vector system, when combined with TGF-beta1, enhances gene delivery to proliferating VSMCs and might have clinical applications for certain vasculoproliferative diseases.