992 resultados para Frequency stability


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Algorithms for explicit integration of structural dynamics problems with multiple time steps (subcycling) are investigated. Only one such algorithm, due to Smolinski and Sleith has proved to be stable in a classical sense. A simplified version of this algorithm that retains its stability is presented. However, as with the original version, it can be shown to sacrifice accuracy to achieve stability. Another algorithm in use is shown to be only statistically stable, in that a probability of stability can be assigned if appropriate time step limits are observed. This probability improves rapidly with the number of degrees of freedom in a finite element model. The stability problems are shown to be a property of the central difference method itself, which is modified to give the subcycling algorithm. A related problem is shown to arise when a constraint equation in time is introduced into a time-continuous space-time finite element model. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Frequency, recency, and type of prior exposure to very low-and high-frequency words were manipulated in a 3-phase (i.e., familiarization training, study, and test) design. Increasing the frequency with which a definition for a very low-frequency word was provided during familiarization facilitated the word's recognition in both yes-no (Experiment 1) and forced-choice paradigms (Experiment 2). Recognition of very low-frequency words not accompanied by a definition during familiarization first increased, then decreased as familiarization frequency increased (Experiment I). Reasons for these differences were investigated in Experiment 3 using judgments of recency and frequency. Results suggested that prior familiarization of a very low-frequency word with its definition may allow a more adequate episodic representation of the word to be formed during a subsequent study trial. Theoretical implications of these results for current models of memory are discussed.


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The three possible disulfide bonded isomers of alpha-conotoxin GI have been selectively synthesised and their structures determined by H-1 NMR spectroscopy. alpha-Conotoxin GI derives from the venom of Conus geographus and is a useful neuropharmacological tool as it selectively binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), a ligand-gated ion channel involved in nerve signal transmission. The peptide has the sequence ECCNPACGRHYSC-NH2, and the three disulfide bonded isomers are referred to as GI(2-7;3-13), GI(2-13;3-7) and GI(2-3;7-13). The NMR structure for the native isomer GI(2-7;3-13) is of excellent quality, with a backbone pairwise RMSD of 0.16 Angstrom for a family of 35 structures, and comprises primarily a distorted 3(10),, helix between residues 5 to 11. The two non-native isomers exhibit multiple conformers in solution, with the major populated forms being different in structure both from each other and from the native form. Structure-activity relationships for the native GI(2-7;3-13) as well as the role of the disulfide bonds on folding and stability of the three isomers are examined. It is concluded that the disulfide bonds in alpha-conotoxin GI play a crucial part in determining both the structure and stability of the peptide. A trend for increased conformational heterogeneity was observed in the order of GI(2-7;3-13) < GI(2-13;3-7) < GI(2-3;7-13). It was found that the peptide bond joining Cys2 to Cys3 in GI(2-3;7-13) is predominantly trans, rather than cis as theoretically predicted. These structural data are used to interpret the varying nAChR binding of the non-native forms. A model for the binding of native GI(2-7;3-13) to the mammalian nAChR is proposed, with an alpha-subunit binding face made up of Cys2, Asn4, Pro5, Ala6 and Cys7 and a selectivity face, comprised of Arg9 and His10. These two faces orient the molecule between the alpha and delta subunits of the receptor. The structure of the CCNPAC sequence of the native GI(2-7;3-13) is compared to the structure of the identical sequence from the toxic domain of heat-stable enterotoxins, which forms part of the receptor binding region of the enterotoxins, but which has a different disulfide connectivity. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.


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The performance of three analytical methods for multiple-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) data was assessed. The methods were the established method of Cole and Cole, the newly proposed method of Siconolfi and co-workers and a modification of this procedure. Method performance was assessed from the adequacy of the curve fitting techniques, as judged by the correlation coefficient and standard error of the estimate, and the accuracy of the different methods in determining the theoretical values of impedance parameters describing a set of model electrical circuits. The experimental data were well fitted by all curve-fitting procedures (r = 0.9 with SEE 0.3 to 3.5% or better for most circuit-procedure combinations). Cole-Cole modelling provided the most accurate estimates of circuit impedance values, generally within 1-2% of the theoretical values, followed by the Siconolfi procedure using a sixth-order polynomial regression (1-6% variation). None of the methods, however, accurately estimated circuit parameters when the measured impedances were low (<20 Omega) reflecting the electronic limits of the impedance meter used. These data suggest that Cole-Cole modelling remains the preferred method for the analysis of MFBIA data.


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Six right-handed subjects performed rhythmic flexion and extension movements of the index finger in time with an auditory metronome. On each block of trials, the wrist of the response hand was placed in a extended, neutral or flexed position. In the flex-on-the-beat condition, subjects were instructed to coordinate maximum excursion in the direction of finger flexion with each beat of the metronome. In the extend-on-the-beat condition, subjects were instructed to coordinate maximum excursion in the direction of finger extension with each beat of the metronome. The frequency of the metronome was increased from 2.00 Hz to 3.75 Hz in 8 steps (8 s epochs) of 0.25 Hz. During trials prepared in the extend-on-the-beat pattern, all subjects exhibited transitions to either a flex-on-the-beat pattern or to phase wandering as the frequency of pacing was increased. The time at which these transitions occurred was reliably influenced by the position of the wrist. Four subjects exhibited qualitative departures from the flex-on-the-beat pattern at pacing frequencies that were greater than those at which the extend-on-the-beat pattern could be maintained. The lime at which these departures occurred was not influenced by the position of the wrist. These results are discussed with reference to the constraints imposed on the coordination dynamics by the intrinsic properties of the neuromuscular-skeletal system.


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A method for the accurate computation of the current densities produced in a wide-runged bi-planar radio-frequency coil is presented. The device has applications in magnetic resonance imaging. There is a set of opposing primary rungs, symmetrically placed on parallel planes and a similar arrangement of rungs on two parallel planes surrounding the primary serves as a shield. Current densities induced in these primary and shielding rungs are calculated to a high degree of accuracy using an integral-equation approach, combined with the inverse finite Hilbert transform. Once these densities are known, accurate electrical and magnetic fields are then computed without difficulty. Some test results are shown. The method is so rapid that it can be incorporated into optimization software. Some preliminary fields produced from optimized coils are presented.


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The adsorbed film in small cylindrical mesopores is studied by using MCM-41 samples of uniform cylindrical channels as model systems. It is found that at a given relative pressure, the smaller the pore radius, the thicker the adsorbed film is, as postulated by Broekhoff and De Beer. Thermodynamics analysis established that the stability of the adsorbed film is determined by interface curvature and the potential of interaction between adsorbate and adsorbent. A semiempirical equation is proposed to describe the state of stable adsorbed films in cylindrical mesopores. It is also shown to be useful in calculations of pore size distributions of mesoporous solids.


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Power system small signal stability analysis aims to explore different small signal stability conditions and controls, namely: (1) exploring the power system security domains and boundaries in the space of power system parameters of interest, including load flow feasibility, saddle node and Hopf bifurcation ones; (2) finding the maximum and minimum damping conditions; and (3) determining control actions to provide and increase small signal stability. These problems are presented in this paper as different modifications of a general optimization to a minimum/maximum, depending on the initial guesses of variables and numerical methods used. In the considered problems, all the extreme points are of interest. Additionally, there are difficulties with finding the derivatives of the objective functions with respect to parameters. Numerical computations of derivatives in traditional optimization procedures are time consuming. In this paper, we propose a new black-box genetic optimization technique for comprehensive small signal stability analysis, which can effectively cope with highly nonlinear objective functions with multiple minima and maxima, and derivatives that can not be expressed analytically. The optimization result can then be used to provide such important information such as system optimal control decision making, assessment of the maximum network's transmission capacity, etc. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Multidimensional spatiotemporal parametric simultons (simultaneous solitary waves) are possible in a nonlinear chi((2)) medium with a Bragg grating structure, where large effective dispersion occurs near two resonant band gaps for the carrier and second-harmonic field, respectively. The enhanced dispersion allows much reduced interaction lengths, as compared to bulk medium parametric simultons. The nonlinear parametric band-gap medium permits higher-dimensional stationary waves to form. In addition, solitons can occur with lower input powers than conventional nonlinear Schrodinger equation gap solitons. In this paper, the equations for electromagnetic propagation in a grating structure with a parametric nonlinearity are derived from Maxwell's equation using a coupled mode Hamiltonian analysis in one, two, and three spatial dimensions. Simultaneous solitary wave solutions are proved to exist by reducing the equations to the coupled equations describing a nonlinear parametric waveguide, using the effective-mass approximation (EMA). Exact one-dimensional numerical solutions in agreement with the EMA solutions are also given. Direct numerical simulations show that the solutions have similar types of stability properties to the bulk case, providing the carrier waves are tuned to the two Bragg resonances, and the pulses have a width in frequency space less than the band gap. In summary, these equations describe a physically accessible localized nonlinear wave that is stable in up to 3 + 1 dimensions. Possible applications include photonic logic and switching devices. [S1063-651X(98)06109-1].


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Objectives. To investigate the test-retest stability of a standardized version of Nelson's (1976) Modified Card Sorting Test (MCST) and its relationships with demographic variables in a sample of healthy older adults. Design. A standard card order and administration were devised for the MCST and administered to participants at an initial assessment, and again at a second session conducted a minimum of six months later in order to examine its test-retest stability. Participants were also administered the WAIS-R at initial assessment in order to provide a measure of psychometric intelligence. Methods. Thirty-six (24 female, 12 male) healthy older adults aged 52 to 77 years with mean education 12.42 years (SD = 3.53) completed the MCST on two occasions approximately 7.5 months (SD = 1.61) apart. Stability coefficients and test-retest differences were calculated for the range of scores. The effect of gender on MCST performance was examined. Correlations between MCST scores and age, education and WAIS-R IQs were also determined. Results. Stability coefficients ranged from .26 for the percent perseverative errors measure to .49 for the failure to maintain set measure. Several measures were significantly correlated with age, education and WAIS-R IQs, although no effect of gender on MCST performance was found. Conclusions. None of the stability coefficients reached the level required for clinical decision making. The results indicate that participants' age, education, and intelligence need to be considered when interpreting MCST performance. Normative studies of MCST performance as well as further studies with patients with executive dysfunction are needed.


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Modulational instability in optical Bragg gratings with a quadratic nonlinearity is studied. The electric field in such structures consists of forward and backward propagating components at the fundamental frequency and its second harmonic. Analytic continuous wave (CW) solutions are obtained, and the intricate complexity of their stability, due to the large number of equations and number of free parameters, is revealed. The stability boundaries are rich in structures and often cannot be described by a simple relationship. In most cases, the CW solutions are unstable. However, stable regions are found in the nonlinear Schrodinger equation limit, and also when the grating strength for the second harmonic is stronger than that of the first harmonic. Stable CW solutions usually require a low intensity. The analysis is confirmed by directly simulating the governing equations. The stable regions found have possible applications in second-harmonic generation and dark solitons, while the unstable regions maybe useful in the generation of ultrafast pulse trains at relatively low intensities. [S1063-651X(99)03005-6].


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Community awareness of the sustainable use of land, water and vegetation resources is increasing. The sustainable use of these resources is pivotal to sustainable farming systems. However, techniques for monitoring the sustainable management of these resources are poorly understood and untested. We propose a framework to benchmark and monitor resources in the grains industry. Eight steps are listed below to achieve these objectives: (i) define industry issues; (ii) identify the issues through growers, stakeholder and community consultation; (iii) identify indicators (measurable attributes, properties or characteristics) of sustainability through consultation with growers, stakeholders, experts and community members, relating to: crop productivity; resource maintenance/enhancement; biodiversity; economic viability; community viability; and institutional structure; (iv) develop and use selection criteria to select indicators that consider: responsiveness to change; ease of capture; community acceptance and involvement; interpretation; measurement error; stability, frequency and cost of measurement; spatial scale issues; and mapping capability in space and through time. The appropriateness of indicators can be evaluated using a decision making system such as a multiobjective decision support system (MO-DSS, a method to assist in decision making from multiple and conflicting objectives); (v) involve stakeholders and the community in the definition of goals and setting benchmarking and monitoring targets for sustainable farming; (vi) take preventive and corrective/remedial action; (vii) evaluate effectiveness of actions taken; and (viii) revise indicators as part of a continual improvement principle designed to achieve best management practice for sustainable farming systems. The major recommendations are to: (i) implement the framework for resources (land, water and vegetation, economic, community and institution) benchmarking and monitoring, and integrate this process with current activities so that awareness, implementation and evolution of sustainable resource management practices become normal practice in the grains industry; (ii) empower the grains industry to take the lead by using relevant sustainability indicators to benchmark and monitor resources; (iii) adopt a collaborative approach by involving various industry, community, catchment management and government agency groups to minimise implementation time. Monitoring programs such as Waterwatch, Soilcheck, Grasscheck and Topcrop should be utilised; (iv) encourage the adoption of a decision making system by growers and industry representatives as a participatory decision and evaluation process. Widespread use of sustainability indicators would assist in validating and refining these indicators and evaluating sustainable farming systems. The indicators could also assist in evaluating best management practices for the grains industry.


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Curing of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A/diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DGEBA/DDS) epoxy resin has been effected by heating with radio frequency (RF) radiation at frequencies of 30-99 MHz. The epoxy resins can be cured rapidly at low RF power levels. Comparison of the kinetics of the RF curing with thermal curing while maintaining the same curing temperature revealed no differences. Previous differences in rates of thermal and microwave curing are believed to be due to lack of temperature control during microwave curing. For RF curing,the rate of cure, at constant power level, increases at lower RF frequency, thus emphasizing one of the principal advantages of RF curing over microwave curing. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Bioelectrical impedance analysis has found extensive application as a simple noninvasive method for the assessment of body fluid volumes, The measured impedance is, however, not only related to the volume of fluid but also to its inherent resistivity. The primary determinant of the resistivities of body fluids is the concentration of ions. The aim of this study was to investigate the sensitivity of bioelectrical impedance analysis to bodily ion status. Whole body impedance over a range of frequencies (4-1012 kHz) of rats was measured during infusion of various concentrations of saline into rats concomitant with measurement of total body and intracellular water by tracer dilution techniques. Extracellular resistance (R-o), intracellular resistance (R-i) and impedance at the characteristic frequency (Z(c)) were calculated. R-o and Z(c) were used to predict extracellular and total body water respectively using previously published formulae. The results showed that whilst R-o and Z(c) decreased proportionately to the amount of NaCl infused, R-i increased only slightly. Impedances at the end of infusion predicted increases iu TBW and ECW of approximately 4-6% despite a volume increase of less than 0.5% in TBW due to the volume of fluid infused. These data are discussed in relation to the assumption of constant resistivity in the prediction of fluid volumes from impedance data.