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The team examined 147 amputated war veterans in the former Yugoslavia between February and December 1998. The official end of the war, substitution of lost body parts and adjustment to the new state of physical disability added extra tasks to these people's efforts to rejoin "normal life". The resocialisation process of amputated persons, i.e. the process of their return into the social environment with the related readjustment and establishment, was observed through its objective and subjective indicators. In addition to obtaining information about socio-demographic characteristics and current working status, the group focused on the psychological dimension, i.e. the individual reality of the disabled persons. In this sense they began with research into the personal, social and professional identity (how they see themselves under these altered circumstances and how they determine their place in the world). To do so they used the model of basic personality supports and observed the resocialisation according to the psychological support systems. They therefore focused on the following topics: body, social identity and belonging, personal identity, working status and engagement, individual responsibility and expectations from the social environment, and orientation towards the future. These were considered with respect to certain significant socio-demographic characteristics of the interviewees. The data were gathered through standardised interviews. Bearing in mind the unpopularity of this subject among experts in the country and the lack of material in specialist literature, the group chose to use descriptive research logic in order to "record" the situation in this field and to establish a framework for future studies which may be methodologically and statistically more complex and thematically more focused.
OBJECTIVE: Postmortem investigations are becoming more and more sophisticated. CT and MRI are already being used in pathology and forensic medicine. In this context, the impact of postmortem angiography increases because of the rapid evaluation of organ-specific vascular patterns, vascular alteration under pathologic and physiologic conditions, and tissue changes induced by artificial and unnatural causes. CONCLUSION: In this article, the advantages and disadvantages of former and current techniques and contrast agents are reviewed.
Amphibole asbestos (AA) has been detected on the surface of tree bark in forests neighboring an abandoned vermiculite mine near Libby, Montana. In the present study, simulations were performed to assess potential AA exposure associated with United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (FS) occupational activities. Bark samples were collected prior, and personal breathing zone (PBZ) and Tyvek clothing wipe samples were collected during and immediately after trials that simulated FS activities. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses revealed AA bark concentrations up to 15 million structures per square centimeter (s/cm2). AA was detected in 25% of the PBZ TEM samples. AA was detected on wipe samples collected from all activities evaluated. This research demonstrates the potential for airborne exposure and transport of AA in the Kootenai National Forest. These findings are especially relevant to those that work in the area and to the general public who may conduct recreational activities.
Bone strength benefits after long-term retirement from elite gymnastics in terms of bone geometry and volumetric BMD were studied by comparing retired female gymnasts to moderately active age-matched women. In a cross-sectional study, 30 retired female gymnasts were compared with 30 age-matched moderately active controls. Bone geometric and densitometric parameters were measured by pQCT at the distal epiphyses and shafts of the tibia, femur, radius, and humerus. Muscle cross-sectional areas were assessed from the shaft scans. Independent t-tests were conducted on bone and muscle variables to detect differences between the two groups. The gymnasts had retired for a mean of 6.1 +/- 0.4 yr and were engaged in
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of continued injecting drug use, enrolment in an opiate substitution treatment programme (OSTP), or cessation of injecting drug use on the uptake and course of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Design A prospective observational study of all participants in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study followed between 1997 and 2006 was carried out. METHODS: We distinguished four groups of former or current injecting drug users (IDUs): (i) abstinent former IDUs; (ii) persons in OSTPs without concomitant injecting drug use; (iii) persons in OSTPs with concomitant injecting drug use; (vi) current IDUs. These groups were compared with a group of patients who had never been IDUs. Factors related to ART uptake and virological endpoints were analysed using logistic generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: We followed 8660 participants for 48 477 person-years; 29.7% were in the IDU HIV transmission group. The likelihood of being on ART at biannual visits was lower among individuals in OSTPs with concomitant injecting drug use [odds ratio (OR) 0.79; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.71-0.89] and current IDUs (OR 0.80; 95% CI 0.67-0.96), compared with those who had never been IDUs (reference), abstinent former IDUs (OR 1.13; 95% CI 1.02-1.25) and individuals in OSTPs without injecting drug use (OR 1.18; 95% CI 1.06-1.31). The likelihood of suppressed viral replication on ART was similar among those who had never been IDUs, abstinent former IDUs and individuals in an OSTP without injecting drug use, and lower among those in OSTPs with concomitant drug use (OR 0.82; 95% CI 0.72-0.93) and current IDUs (OR 0.81; 0.65-1.00). Adherence to ART was decreased among persons with continued injecting drug use, and correlated with virological outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Uptake of and virological response to ART were improved among abstinent former IDUs and persons in OSTPs without concomitant injecting drug use, compared with persons with continued injecting drug use.
The transition of political power in former Yugoslavia and the wars that followed have led to the country's reassessment of the proper role of women in society, culture, nation, and family. Advocates of a new vision of nationalist womanhood assert that the continued existence of the entire country depends solely on women carrying out their reproductive and nurturing roles. This new envisioning clearly serves a political purpose, solely at the expense of the women's movement that has made significant strides in this nation. It is the purpose of this article to provide a brief historical overview of the development of the new idealized "mother of the nation" from a strengths-based social work perspective.
In 8 captive adult chimpanzees of various ages premedicated with oral zuclopenthixol anaesthesia was induced intramuscularly with a combination of medetomidine and ketamine (40 or 50 µg/kg and 5 mg/kg, IM, respectively), with and without midazolam (0.05 mg/kg), and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. At the end of the procedure, sedation was reversed with atipamezole (0.25 mg/kg, IM) and sarmazenil (0.005 mg/kg, IM) when midazolam had been administered. Oral zuclopenthixol resulted in tranquillization of the whole group and only one animal required a second dart injection to achieve adequately deep anaesthesia. Effective and reliable anaesthesia was achieved in all apes; the depth of hypnosis was stable and sudden arousal did not occur. Physiological parameters remained within normal ranges in the majority of the animals; however, manageable anaesthesia-related complications, namely apnoea after darting, hypotension, hypoventilation, hypoxemia and prolonged recovery, occurred in 6 out of 8 animals. The use of monitoring devices was essential to guarantee adequate management of these complications.
Pododermatitis is a worldwide problem in captive flamingos. We performed an evaluation of different influence factors (age, sex, weight, origin, breeding status) and a comparison of foot lesions between several zoological institutions and the feet of free-ranging Greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus). A scoring system was used to determine the prevalence and types of lesions and severity. Cracks and nodules developed as early as 3 months of age and papillomatous growths as early as 6 to 7 months of age in captivity. Nodules with ulceration occurred significantly more often in birds older than 31 years and heavier than 4 kg. The comparison of different institutions revealed that birds kept in enclosures with natural-floored water ponds had significantly less severe lesions than birds kept in concrete water ponds. None of the free-ranging flamingos, which live on a muddy underground, showed any lesion. This study demonstrates that flooring, weight and age are important in the onset and progression of pododermatitis in flamingos.
Extensive glaciers repeatedly occupied the northern Alpine Foreland during the Pleistocene and left a strongly glacially overprinted low slope landscape. Only few islands appeared as nunataks standing above the surface of the large piedmont glacier lobes. These nunatak areas kept their original shape, manifested in steep catchments with mean slopes up to 33 . Even though not glaciated, these catchments where significantly affected by base-level changes occurring as a consequence of phases of glacier advances and retreats. Both domains, the glacially eroded and non-eroded, are therefore prone to different mechanisms and time-scales of fluvial and colluvial re-adjustment. In this study we investigate these effects by exploring the spatial distribution and magnitude of denudation in the Hörnli region of the eastern Swiss Alpine Foreland in the present Interglacial. The area represents both domains in a relatively small area with largely uniform tectonic, lithologic and climatic conditions. The differences in Holocene andscape evolution are investigated using topographic analyses and catchment-averaged denudation rates derived from 10Be concentrations in fluvial quartz sand. We find that in formerly non-glaciated, fluvially dominated catchments close hillslope-channel coupling prevails and that these catchments yield high average denudation rates of 350 mm/ka. Glacially overprinted catchments yielded catchment-wide denudation rates an order of magnitude lower. These low denudation rates are hypothesized to be the consequence of both (i) a dominance of slow hillslope processes and (ii) admixture of high concentration, pre-LGM glacial sediment. This suggests that a) a careful field investigation must accompany the denudation rate studies and b) that the concept of area-weighted cosmogenic nuclide denudation rates must be considered in light of the predominant catchment processes.