934 resultados para Flow-pressure response
In pressure irrigation-water distribution networks, pressure regulating devices for controlling the discharged flow rate by irrigation units are needed due to the variability of flow rate. In addition, applied water volume is used controlled operating the valve during a calculated time interval, and assuming constant flow rate. In general, a pressure regulating valve PRV is the commonly used pressure regulating device in a hydrant, which, also, executes the open and close function. A hydrant feeds several irrigation units, requiring a wide range in flow rate. In addition, some flow meters are also available, one as a component of the hydrant and the rest are placed downstream. Every land owner has one flow meter for each group of field plots downstream the hydrant. Its lecture could be used for refining the water balance but its accuracy must be taken into account. Ideal PRV performance would maintain a constant downstream pressure. However, the true performance depends on both upstream pressure and the discharged flow rate. The objective of this work is to asses the influence of the performance on the applied volume during the whole irrigation events in a year. The results of the study have been obtained introducing the flow rate into a PRV model. Variations on flow rate are simulated by taking into account the consequences of variations on climate conditions and also decisions in irrigation operation, such us duration and frequency application. The model comprises continuity, dynamic and energy equations of the components of the PRV.
El principal objetivo de este trabajo es aportar conocimiento para contestar la pregunta: ¿hasta que punto los ensayos en túnel aerodinámico pueden contribuir a determinar las características que afectan la respuesta dinámica de los aerogeneradores operando en terreno complejo?. Esta pregunta no es nueva, de hecho, el debate en la comunidad científica comenzó en el primer tercio del siglo pasado y aún está intensamente vivo. El método generalmente aceptado para enfrentar el mencionado problema consiste en analizar un caso de estudio determinado en el cual se aplican tanto ensayos a escala real como análisis computacionales y ensayos en túnel aerodinámico. Esto no es ni fácil ni barato. Esta es la razón por la cual desde el experimento de Askervein en 1988, los modelizadores del flujo atmosférico tuvieron que esperar hasta 2007 a que el experimento de Bolund fuese puesto en marcha con un despliegue de medios técnicos equivalentes (teniendo en cuenta la evolución de las tecnologías de sensores y computación). El problema contempla tantos aspectos que ambas experiencias fueron restringidas a condiciones de atmósfera neutra con efectos de Coriolis despreciables con objeto de reducir la complejidad. Este es el contexto en el que se ha desarrollado la presente tesis doctoral. La topología del flujo sobre la isla de Bolund ha sido estudiada mediante la reproducción del experimento de Bolund en los túneles aerodinámicos A9 y ACLA16 del IDR. Dos modelos de la isla de Bolund fueron fabricados a dos escalas, 1:230 y 1:115. El flujo de entrada en el túnel aerodinámico simulando la capa límite sin perturbar correspondía a régimen de transición (transitionally rough regime) y fue usado como situación de referencia. El modelo a escala 1:230 fue ensayado en el túnel A9 para determinar la presión sobre su superficie. La distribución del coeficiente de presión sobre la isla proporcionó una visualización y estimación de una región de desprendimiento sobre el pequeño acantilado situado al frente de la misma. Las medidas de presión instantánea con suficiente grado de resolución temporal pusieron de manifiesto la no estacionariedad en la región de desprendimiento. El modelo a escala 1:115 fue ensayado utilizando hilo caliente de tres componentes y un sistema de velocimetría por imágenes de partículas de dos componentes. El flujo fue caracterizado por el ratio de aceleración, el incremento normalizado de energía cinética turbulenta y los ángulos de inclinación y desviación horizontal. Los resultados a lo largo de la dirección 270°y alturas de 2 m y 5 m presentaron una gran similitud con los resultados a escala real del experimento de Bolund. Los perfiles verticales en las localizaciones de las torres meteorológicas mostraron un acuerdo significativo con los resultados a escala real. El análisis de los esfuerzos de Reynolds y el análisis espectral en las localizaciones de los mástiles meteorológicos presentaron niveles de acuerdo variados en ciertas posiciones, mientras que en otras presentaron claras diferencias. El mapeo horizontal del flujo, para una dirección de viento de 270°, permitió caracterizar el comportamiento de la burbuja intermitente de recirculación sobre el pequeño acantilado existente al frente de la isla así como de la región de relajación y de la capa de cortadura en la región corriente abajo de Bolund. Se realizaron medidas de velocidad con alta resolución espacial en planos perpendiculares a la dirección del flujo sin perturbar. Estas medidas permitieron detectar y caracterizar una estructura de flujo similar a un torbellino longitudinal con regiones con altos gradientes de velocidad y alta intensidad de turbulencia. Esta estructura de flujo es, sin duda, un reto para los modelos computacionales y puede considerarse un factor de riesgo para la operación de los aerogeneradores. Se obtuvieron y analizaron distribuciones espaciales de los esfuerzos de Reynolds mediante 3CHW y PIV. Este tipo de parámetros no constituyen parte de los resultados habituales en los ensayos en túnel sobre topografías y son muy útiles para los modelizadores que utilizan simulación de grades torbellinos (LES). Se proporciona una interpretación de los resultados obtenidos en el túnel aerodinámico en términos de utilidad para los diseñadores de parques eólicos. La evolución y variación de los parámetros del flujo a lo largo de líneas, planos y superficies han permitido identificar como estas propiedades del flujo podrían afectar la localización de los aerogeneradores y a la clasificación de emplazamientos. Los resultados presentados sugieren, bajo ciertas condiciones, la robustez de los ensayos en túnel para estudiar la topología sobre terreno complejo y su comparabilidad con otras técnicas de simulación, especialmente considerando el nivel de acuerdo del conjunto de resultados presentados con los resultados a escala real. De forma adicional, algunos de los parámetros del flujo obtenidos de las medidas en túnel son difícilmente determinables en ensayos a escala real o por medios computacionales, considerado el estado del arte. Este trabajo fue realizado como parte de las actividades subvencionadas por la Comisión Europea como dentro del proyecto FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008WAUDIT (Wind Resource Assessment Audit and Standardization) dentro de la FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network y por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad dentro del proyecto ENE2012-36473, TURCO (Determinación en túnel aerodinámico de la distribución espacial de parámetros estadísticos de la turbulencia atmosférica sobre topografías complejas) del Plan Nacional de Investigación (Subprograma de investigación fundamental no orientada 2012). El informe se ha organizado en siete capítulos y un conjunto de anexos. En el primer capítulo se introduce el problema. En el capítulo dos se describen los medios experimentales utilizados. Seguidamente, en el capítulo tres, se analizan en detalle las condiciones de referencia del principal túnel aerodinámico utilizado en esta investigación. En el capítulo tres se presentan resultados de ensayos de presión superficial sobre un modelo de la isla. Los principales resultados del experimento de Bolund se reproducen en el capítulo cinco. En el capítulo seis se identifican diferentes estructuras del flujo sobre la isla y, finalmente, en el capitulo siete, se recogen las conclusiones y una propuesta de lineas de trabajo futuras. ABSTRACT The main objective of this work is to contribute to answer the question: to which extend can the wind tunnel testing contribute to determine the flow characteristics that affect the dynamic response of wind turbines operating in highly complex terrains?. This question is not new, indeed, the debate in the scientific community was opened in the first third of the past century and it is still intensely alive. The accepted approach to face this problem consists in analysing a given case study where full-scale tests, computational modelling and wind tunnel testing are applied to the same topography. This is neither easy nor cheap. This is is the reason why since the Askervein experience in 1988, the atmospheric flow modellers community had to wait till 2007 when the Bolund experiment was setup with a deployment of technical means equivalent (considering the evolution of the sensor and computing techniques). The problem is so manifold that both experiences were restricted to neutral conditions without Coriolis effects in order to reduce the complexity. This is the framework in which this PhD has been carried out. The flow topology over the Bolund Island has been studied by replicating the Bolund experiment in the IDR A9 and ACLA16 wind tunnels. Two mock-ups of the Bolund island were manufactured at two scales of 1:230 and 1:115. The in-flow in the empty wind tunnel simulating the incoming atmospheric boundary layer was in the transitionally rough regime and used as a reference case. The 1:230 model was tested in the A9 wind tunnel to measure surface pressure. The mapping of the pressure coefficient across the island gave a visualisation and estimation of a detachment region on the top of the escarpment in front of the island. Time resolved instantaneous pressure measurements illustrated the non-steadiness in the detachment region. The 1:115 model was tested using 3C hot-wires(HW) and 2C Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). Measurements at met masts M3, M6, M7 and M8 and along Line 270°were taken to replicate the result of the Bolund experiment. The flow was characterised by the speed-up ratio, normalised increment of the turbulent kinetic energy, inclination angle and turning angle. Results along line 270°at heights of 2 m and 5 m compared very well with the full-scale results of the Bolund experiment. Vertical profiles at the met masts showed a significant agreement with the full-scale results. The analysis of the Reynolds stresses and the spectral analysis at the met mast locations gave a varied level of agreement at some locations while clear mismatch at others. The horizontal mapping of the flow field, for a 270°wind direction, allowed to characterise the behaviour of the intermittent recirculation bubble on top of the front escarpment followed by a relaxation region and the presence of a shear layer in the lee side of the island. Further detailed velocity measurements were taken at cross-flow planes over the island to study the flow structures on the island. A longitudinal vortex-like structure with high mean velocity gradients and high turbulent kinetic energy was characterised on the escarpment and evolving downstream. This flow structure is a challenge to the numerical models while posing a threat to wind farm designers when siting wind turbines. Spatial distribution of Reynold stresses were presented from 3C HW and PIV measurements. These values are not common results from usual wind tunnel measurements and very useful for modellers using large eddy simulation (LES). An interpretation of the wind tunnel results in terms of usefulness to wind farm designers is given. Evolution and variation of the flow parameters along measurement lines, planes and surfaces indicated how the flow field could affect wind turbine siting. Different flow properties were presented so compare the level of agreement to full-scale results and how this affected when characterising the site wind classes. The results presented suggest, under certain conditions, the robustness of the wind tunnel testing for studying flow topology over complex terrain and its capability to compare to other modelling techniques especially from the level of agreement between the different data sets presented. Additionally, some flow parameters obtained from wind tunnel measurements would have been quite difficult to be measured at full-scale or by computational means considering the state of the art. This work was carried out as a part of the activities supported by the EC as part of the FP7- PEOPLE-ITN-2008 WAUDIT project (Wind Resource Assessment Audit and Standardization) within the FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network and by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, within the framework of the ENE2012-36473, TURCO project (Determination of the Spatial Distribution of Statistic Parameters of Flow Turbulence over Complex Topographies in Wind Tunnel) belonging to the Spanish National Program of Research (Subprograma de investigación fundamental no orientada 2012). The report is organised in seven chapters and a collection of annexes. In chapter one, the problem is introduced. In chapter two the experimental setup is described. Following, in chapter three, the inflow conditions of the main wind tunnel used in this piece of research are analysed in detail. In chapter three, preliminary pressure tests results on a model of the island are presented. The main results from the Bolund experiment are replicated in chapter five. In chapter six, an identification of specific flow strutures over the island is presented and, finally, in chapter seven, conclusions and lines for future works related to the presented one are included.
This study shows the air flow behavior through the geometry of a freight truck inside a AF6109 wind tunnel with the purpose to predict the speed, pressure and turbulence fields made by the air flow, to decrease the aerodynamic resistance, to calculate the dragging coefficient, to evaluate the aerodynamics of the geometry of the prototype using the CFD technique and to compare the results of the simulation with the results obtained experimentally with the “PETER 739 HAULER” scaled freight truck model located on the floor of the test chamber. The Geometry went through a numerical simulation process using the CFX 5,7. The obtained results showed the behavior of the air flow through the test chamber, and also it showed the variations of speed and pressure at the exit of the chamber and the calculations of the coefficient and the dragging force on the geometry of the freight truck. The evaluation of the aerodynamics showed that the aerodynamic deflector is a device that helped the reduction the dragging produced in a significant way by the air. Furthermore, the dragging coefficient and force on the prototype freight truck could be estimated establishing an incomplete similarity.
Para las decisiones urgentes sobre intervenciones quirúrgicas en el sistema cardiovascular se necesitan simulaciones computacionales con resultados fiables y que consuman un tiempo de cálculo razonable. Durante años los investigadores han trabajado en diversos métodos numéricos de cálculo que resulten atractivos para los cirujanos. Estos métodos, precisos pero costosos desde el punto de vista del coste computacional, crean un desajuste entre la oferta de los ingenieros que realizan las simulaciones y los médicos que operan en el quirófano. Por otra parte, los métodos de cálculo más simplificados reducen el tiempo de cálculo pero pueden proporcionar resultados no realistas. El objetivo de esta tesis es combinar los conceptos de autorregulación e impedancia del sistema circulatorio, la interacción flujo sanguíneo-pared arterial y modelos geométricos idealizados tridimensionales de las arterias pero sin pérdida de realismo, con objeto de proponer una metodología de simulación que proporcione resultados correctos y completos, con tiempos de cálculo moderados. En las simulaciones numéricas, las condiciones de contorno basadas en historias de presión presentan inconvenientes por ser difícil conocerlas con detalle, y porque los resultados son muy sensibles ante pequeñas variaciones de dichas historias. La metodología propuesta se basa en los conceptos de autorregulación, para imponer la demanda de flujo aguas abajo del modelo en el ciclo cardiaco, y la impedancia, para representar el efecto que ejerce el flujo en el resto del sistema circulatorio sobre las arterias modeladas. De este modo las historias de presión en el contorno son resultados del cálculo, que se obtienen de manera iterativa. El método propuesto se aplica en una geometría idealizada del arco aórtico sin patologías y en otra geometría correspondiente a una disección Stanford de tipo A, considerando la interacción del flujo pulsátil con las paredes arteriales. El efecto de los tejidos circundantes también se incorpora en los modelos. También se hacen aplicaciones considerando la interacción en una geometría especifica de un paciente anciano que proviene de una tomografía computarizada. Finalmente se analiza una disección Stanford tipo B con tres modelos que incluyen la fenestración del saco. Clinicians demand fast and reliable numerical results of cardiovascular biomechanic simulations for their urgent pre-surgery decissions. Researchers during many years have work on different numerical methods in order to attract the clinicians' confidence to their colorful contours. Though precise but expensive and time-consuming methodologies create a gap between numerical biomechanics and hospital personnel. On the other hand, simulation simplifications with the aim of reduction in computational time may cause in production of unrealistic outcomes. The main objective of the current investigation is to combine ideas such as autoregulation, impedance, fluid-solid interaction and idealized geometries in order to propose a computationally cheap methodology without excessive or unrealistic simplifications. The pressure boundary conditions are critical and polemic in numerical simulations of cardiovascular system, in which a specific arterial site is of interest and the rest of the netwrok is neglected but represented by a boundary condition. The proposed methodology is a pressure boundary condition which takes advantage of numerical simplicity of application of an imposed pressure boundary condition on outlets, while it includes more sophisticated concepts such as autoregulation and impedance to gain more realistic results. Incorporation of autoregulation and impedance converts the pressure boundary conditions to an active and dynamic boundary conditions, receiving feedback from the results during the numerical calculations and comparing them with the physiological requirements. On the other hand, the impedance boundary condition defines the shapes of the pressure history curves applied at outlets. The applications of the proposed method are seen on idealized geometry of the healthy arotic arch as well as idealized Stanford type A dissection, considering the interaction of the arterial walls with the pulsatile blood flow. The effect of surrounding tissues is incorporated and studied in the models. The simulations continue with FSI analysis of a patient-specific CT scanned geometry of an old individual. Finally, inspiring of the statistic results of mortality rates in Stanford type B dissection, three models of fenestrated dissection sac is studied and discussed. Applying the developed boundary condition, an alternative hypothesis is proposed by the author with respect to the decrease in mortality rates in patients with fenestrations.
Recently, a new method to analyze biological nonstationary stochastic variables has been presented. The method is especially suitable to analyze the variation of one biological variable with respect to changes of another variable. Here, it is illustrated by the change of the pulmonary blood pressure in response to a step change of oxygen concentration in the gas that an animal breathes. The pressure signal is resolved into the sum of a set of oscillatory intrinsic mode functions, which have zero “local mean,” and a final nonoscillatory mode. With this device, we obtain a set of “mean trends,” each of which represents a “mean” in a definitive sense, and together they represent the mean trend systematically with different degrees of oscillatory content. Correspondingly, the oscillatory content of the signal about any mean trend can be represented by a set of partial sums of intrinsic mode functions. When the concept of “indicial response function” is used to describe the change of one variable in response to a step change of another variable, we now have a set of indicial response functions of the mean trends and another set of indicial response functions to describe the energy or intensity of oscillations about each mean trend. Each of these can be represented by an analytic function whose coefficients can be determined by a least-squares curve-fitting procedure. In this way, experimental results are stated sharply by analytic functions.
Hypertrophy of mammalian cardiac muscle is mediated, in part, by angiotensin II through an angiotensin II type1a receptor (AT1aR)-dependent mechanism. To understand how the level of AT1aRs is altered in this pathological state, we studied the expression of an injected AT1aR promoter-luciferase reporter gene in adult rat hearts subjected to an acute pressure overload by aortic coarctation. This model was validated by demonstrating that coarctation increased expression of the α-skeletal actin promoter 1.7-fold whereas the α-myosin heavy chain promoter was unaffected. Pressure overload increased expression from the AT1aR promoter by 1.6-fold compared with controls. Mutations introduced into consensus binding sites for AP-1 or GATA transcription factors abolished the pressure overload response but had no effect on AT1aR promoter activity in control animals. In extracts from coarcted hearts, but not from control hearts, a Fos-JunB-JunD complex and GATA-4 were detected in association with the AP-1 and GATA sites, respectively. These results establish that the AT1aR promoter is active in cardiac muscle and its expression is induced by pressure overload, and suggest that this response is mediated, in part, by a functional interaction between AP-1 and GATA-4 transcription factors.
The small all-β protein tendamistat folds and unfolds with two-state kinetics. We determined the volume changes associated with the folding process by performing kinetic and equilibrium measurements at variable pressure between 0.1 and 100 MPa (1 to 1,000 bar). GdmCl-induced equilibrium unfolding transitions reveal that the volume of the native state is increased by 41.4 ± 2.0 cm3/mol relative to the unfolded state. This value is virtually independent of denaturant concentration. The use of a high-pressure stopped-flow instrument enabled us to measure the activation volumes for the refolding (ΔVf0‡) and unfolding reaction (ΔVu0‡) over a broad range of GdmCl concentrations. The volume of the transition state is 60% native-like (ΔVf0‡ = 25.0 ± 1.2 cm3/mol) in the absence of denaturant, indicating partial solvent accessibility of the core residues. The volume of the transition state increases linearly with denaturant concentration and exceeds the volume of the native state above 6 M GdmCl. This result argues for a largely desolvated transition state with packing deficiencies at high denaturant concentrations and shows that the structure of the transition state depends strongly on the experimental conditions.
Tissue kallikrein is a serine protease thought to be involved in the generation of bioactive peptide kinins in many organs like the kidneys, colon, salivary glands, pancreas, and blood vessels. Low renal synthesis and urinary excretion of tissue kallikrein have been repeatedly linked to hypertension in animals and humans, but the exact role of the protease in cardiovascular function has not been established largely because of the lack of specific inhibitors. This study demonstrates that mice lacking tissue kallikrein are unable to generate significant levels of kinins in most tissues and develop cardiovascular abnormalities early in adulthood despite normal blood pressure. The heart exhibits septum and posterior wall thinning and a tendency to dilatation resulting in reduced left ventricular mass. Cardiac function estimated in vivo and in vitro is decreased both under basal conditions and in response to βadrenergic stimulation. Furthermore, flow-induced vasodilatation is impaired in isolated perfused carotid arteries, which express, like the heart, low levels of the protease. These data show that tissue kallikrein is the main kinin-generating enzyme in vivo and that a functional kallikrein–kinin system is necessary for normal cardiac and arterial function in the mouse. They suggest that the kallikrein–kinin system could be involved in the development or progression of cardiovascular diseases.
Diurnal changes in corneal geometry, pachymetry, and intraocular pressure (IOP) in a healthy eye were recorded. The deformation response to an air puff was simulated using 3 levels of corneal stiffness. The response was dependent on IOP and pachymetry and not only on the biomechanical properties of the cornea. Similarly, the maximum variability due to the diurnal changes in pachymetry and IOP in the corneal displacement generated by the air puff was found to reach 5%. Therefore, diurnal changes in IOP and corneal thickness were able to induce some variability in the air puff–based corneal deformation response. This potential variability should be considered when the biomechanical properties of the cornea are analyzed with air-puff devices.
"June 1996."
We explore both the rheology and complex flow behavior of monodisperse polymer melts. Adequate quantities of monodisperse polymer were synthesized in order that both the materials rheology and microprocessing behavior could be established. In parallel, we employ a molecular theory for the polymer rheology that is suitable for comparison with experimental rheometric data and numerical simulation for microprocessing flows. The model is capable of matching both shear and extensional data with minimal parameter fitting. Experimental data for the processing behavior of monodisperse polymers are presented for the first time as flow birefringence and pressure difference data obtained using a Multipass Rheometer with an 11:1 constriction entry and exit flow. Matching of experimental processing data was obtained using the constitutive equation with the Lagrangian numerical solver, FLOWSOLVE. The results show the direct coupling between molecular constitutive response and macroscopic processing behavior, and differentiate flow effects that arise separately from orientation and stretch. (c) 2005 The Society of Rheology.
Including positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in the manual resuscitation bag (MRB) may render manual hyperinflation (MHI) ineffective as a secretion maneuver technique in mechanically ventilated patients. In this study we aimed to determine the effect of increased PEEP or decreased compliance on peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) during MHI. A blinded, randomized study was performed on a lung simulator by 10 physiotherapists experienced in MHI and intensive care practice. PEEP levels of 0-15 cm H2O, compliance levels of 0.05 and 0.02 L/cm H2O, and MRB type were randomized. The Mapleson-C MRB generated significantly higher PEF (P < 0.01, d = 2.72) when compared with the Laerdal MRB for all levels of PEEP. In normal compliance (0.05 L/cm H2O) there was a significant decrease in PEF (P < 0.01, d = 1.45) for a PEEP more than 10 cm H2O in the Mapleson-C circuit. The Laerdal MRB at PEEP levels of more than 10 cm H2O did not generate a PEF that is theoretically capable of producing two-phase gas-liquid flow and, consequently, mobilizing pulmonary secretions. If MHI is indicated as a result of mucous plugging, the Mapleson-C MRB may be the most effective method of secretion mobilization.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the relationship between ocular perfusion pressure and color Doppler measurements in patients with glaucoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with visual field deterioration in spite of an intraocular pressure lowered below 21 mm Hg, 20 age-matched patients with glaucoma with stable visual fields, and 20 age-matched healthy controls were recruited. After a 20-minute rest in a supine position, intraocular pressure and color Doppler measurements parameters of the ophthalmic artery and the central retinal artery were obtained. Correlations between mean ocular perfusion pressure and color Doppler measurements parameters were determined. RESULTS: Patients with glaucoma showed a higher intraocular pressure (P <.0008) and a lower mean ocular perfusion pressure (P <.0045) compared with healthy subjects. Patients with deteriorating glaucoma showed a lower mean blood pressure (P =.033) and a lower end diastolic velocity in the central retinal artery (P =.0093) compared with normals. Mean ocular perfusion pressure correlated positively with end diastolic velocity in the ophthalmic artery (R = 0.66, P =.002) and central retinal artery (R = 0.74, P <.0001) and negatively with resistivity index in the ophthalmic artery (R = -0.70, P =.001) and central retinal artery (R = -0.62, P =.003) in patients with deteriorating glaucoma. Such correlations did not occur in patients with glaucoma with stable visual fields or in normal subjects. The correlations were statistically significantly different between the study groups (parallelism of regression lines in an analysis of covariance model) for end diastolic velocity (P =.001) and resistivity index (P =.0001) in the ophthalmic artery, as well as for end diastolic velocity (P =.0009) and resistivity index (P =. 001) in the central retinal artery. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings suggest that alterations in ocular blood flow regulation may contribute to the progression in glaucomatous damage.
This work presents pressure distributions and fluid flow patterns on the shellside of a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The apparatus used was constructed from glass enabling direct observation of the flow using a dye release technique and had ten traversable pressure instrumented tubes permitting detailed pressure distributions to be obtained. The `exchanger' had a large tube bundle (278 tubes) and main flow areas typical of practical designs. Six geometries were studied: three baffle spacings both with and without baffle leakage. Results are also presented of three-dimensional modelling of shellside flows using the Harwell Laboratory's FLOW3D code. Flow visualisation provided flow patterns in the central plane of the bundle and adjacent to the shell wall. Comparison of these high-lighted significant radial flow variations. In particular, separated regions, originating from the baffle tips, were observed. The size of these regions was small in the bundle central plane but large adjacent to the shell wall and extended into the bypass lane. This appeared to reduce the bypass flow area and hence the bypass flow fraction. The three-dimensional flow modelling results were presented as velocity vector and isobar maps. The vector maps illustrated regions of high and low velocity which could be prone to tube vibration and fouling. Separated regions were also in evidence. A non-uniform crossflow was discovered with, in general, higher velocities in the central plane of the bundle than near the shell wall._The form of the isobar maps calculated by FLOW3D was in good agreement with experimental results. In particular, larger pressure drops occurred across the inlet than outlet of a crossflow region and were higher near the upstream than downstream baffle face. The effect of baffle spacing and baffle leakage on crossflow and window pressure drop measurements was identified. Agreement between the current measurements, previously obtained data and commonly used design correlations/models was, in general, poor. This was explained in terms of the increased understanding of shellside flow. The bulk of previous data, which dervies from small-scale rigs with few tubes, have been shown to be unrepresentative of typical commerical units. The Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service design program TASC provided the best predictions of the current pressure drop results. However, a number of simple one-dimensional models in TASC are, individually, questionable. Some revised models have been proposed.