883 resultados para First-line


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INTRODUCCIÓN: El éxito de erradicación del H. pylori con las terapias convencionales ha disminuido a niveles inaceptables. Se buscan óptimos esquemas terapéuticos con excelentes tasas de erradicación. OBJETIVO: Cuantificar los desenlaces clínicos evaluados como efectividad, adherencia y seguridad, de una terapia secuencial de primera línea con Esomeprazol, Moxifloxacina, Amoxicilina y Tinidazol para la erradicación individual del H. pylori. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio prospectivo no controlado, piloto, abierto, único centro. Consecutivamente se incluirán adultos con prueba microbiológica positiva para H. pylori y síntomas dispépticos. Los pacientes recibirán un régimen de tratamiento de 10 días que consistirá los 5 primeros días de (Esomeprazol 40 mg, bd; Amoxicilina 1 g, bd). Del día 6 a 10 (Esomeprazol 40 mg, bd ; Tinidazol 500 mg, bd y Moxifloxacina 500 mg, bd). Se realizará una prueba de antígeno en materia fecal, para evaluar la efectividad terapéutica al menos a las 4 semanas de finalizar el tratamiento. RESULTADOS: 38 de 42 pacientes completaron el estudio. La tasa de erradicación fue de 87% (Intervalo de Confianza (IC) 95% (75,5 – 98,5%) en análisis por protocolo (PP), y 79% (IC) 95% (65 – 93%) en análisis por intención de tratar (ITT). La adherencia al tratamiento fue del 95% (40 pacientes), de los pacientes que ingresaron al estudio 48% presentaron al menos un efecto secundario menor principalmente diarrea y nauseas. CONCLUSIONES: Diez días de terapia secuencial basada en moxifloxacina proporciona tasas de erradicación óptimas, con una buena adherencia y efectos secundarios leves y transitorios.


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Resumen: •Antecedentes: La uveítis pediátrica no infecciosa tiene el potencial de desencadenar severas complicaciones visuales y su manejo farmacológico convencional está asociado a importantes efectos secundarios. 1 Infliximab (INF) y Adalimumab (ADA), son dos medicamentos biológicos disponibles para el manejo de la uveítis pediátrica refractaria. Se unen específicamente al TNFα y previenen la unión del mismo con los receptores celulares; interacción directamente implicada en el proceso inflamatorio y el subsecuente daño tisular. 2,3 •Métodos: Se realizó estudio de tipo cohorte retrospectiva mediante revisión de historias clínicas de 35 pacientes pediátricos diagnosticados con uveítis durante los años 2009-2015. Se comparó control de la inflamación ocular, tiempo de respuesta y eventos adversos en pacientes tratados con ADA o INF con dosis bajas de Metotrexate vs. Metotrexate (MTX) como única terapia. •Resultados: El 45.7% de la población estudiada correspondía al sexo femenino, cuya edad promedio de inicio de síntomas y de diagnósticos fue de 9 años. El 80% de los casos fueron uveítis idiopáticas, seguido por Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (8,5%) y AIJ (5,7%). El 91,4% presentó compromiso ocular bilateral y se documentaron 2 casos de ambliopía. El 12,9% de los pacientes que recibieron MTX como tratamiento de primera línea requirieron escalonamiento terapéutico por presentar eventos adversos (Elevación de enzimas hepáticas e intolerancia gastrointestinal (GI)). El tiempo promedio para alcanzar control de la inflamación con MTX fue 9 semanas, y para Adalimumab fue de 8,75 semanas (P: 0,90). Se comparó la capacidad de controlar la inflamación del MTX vs Anti-TNF, y no se observaron diferencias significativas (P: 0.88).


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Introducción: El cáncer colorrectal es el tercer cáncer más diagnosticado en los hombres y el segundo en las mujeres a nivel mundial. Hasta 1.000 casos nuevos se diagnostican en Colombia cada año, por lo que es importante conocer la experiencia con esta patología en un centro de experiencia recientemente creado en el “Méderi, Hospital Universitario Mayor”. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal de la población con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal atendida entre agosto 2012 y diciembre 2014 que corresponde al tiempo de funcionamiento del servicio de Coloproctología. Resultados: Se atendieron un total de 152 pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en la institución. Se operó el 91% de los pacientes. El estadío más frecuente fue el IV. Solo el 4.9% presentó dehiscencia de anastomosis, datos concordantes con la literatura cuando el manejo es a cargo de expertos. El subtipo histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma moderadamente diferenciado y la mortalidad perioperatoria de 2.63%. Discusión: El cáncer colorrectal es una entidad con alta morbimortalidad lo cual puede cambiar si se realizan pruebas de tamizaje, para realizar un manejo temprano y oportuno. Además juega un papel importante la experiencia del cirujano y la discusión de los pacientes en juntas multidisciplinarias. Palabras clave: cáncer de colon, cáncer de recto, epidemiología, estadificación


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Objective: Epilepsy is a common neurologic disorder affecting 1% of the world population with one-third of these patients failing to have seizure control for more than one year. Clobazam is a long-acting benzodiazepine used worldwide for the treatment of epilepsy. This antiepileptic drug has demonstrated great clinical benefits with mild side effects. The objective of this study was to better understand the efficacy of clobazam treatment on adult patients with refractory epilepsy. Design: A retrospective review of 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy that were seen at our Epilepsy Clinic between January 2014 and May 2015. Setting: An outpatient epilepsy clinic at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia. Participants: 44 adult patients with diagnosis of epilepsy. Measurements: Seizure frequency, adverse effects and the use of concomitant AEDs were reviewed in each of the patient´s clinical charts. Results: The responder rate of patients with clobazam was 52% at 3 months, 50% at 6 months and 55% at 12 month. Seizure freedom rates at 3, 6 and 12 months were 18%, 25% and 25% respectively. Clobazam related adverse events occurred only in four patients (9%) at the end of the twelve months with somnolence being the most common. Conclusion: These findings suggest that clobazam treatment in adult patients with focal or generalized epilepsy is effective and safe. Its use should be considered early when first-line agents fail to provide seizure control.


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Este trabalho visa contribuir para uma melhor percepção da problemática do analfabetismo, em Portugal, no primeiro quartel do século XX, tendo em conta o ideário educativo republicano e as suas concretizações a nível do ensino primário. Neste sentido, foram traçadas as linhas estruturantes desta problemática: uma, centrada nas ideias educativas sobre o analfabetismo e os debates no quotidiano escolar e jornalístico; e a outra referente às concretizações e realizações educativas republicanas que operacionalizaram o combate ao analfabetismo. O conceito de analfabetismo foi o fio condutor de todo o trabalho, do qual se delinearam as seguintes áreas: (i) Dos finais da Monarquia Constitucional à República: breve perspectiva histórica e educativa; (ii) O analfabetismo e suas causas; (iii) O combate ao analfabetismo; (iv) Escolas móveis e cursos nocturnos na promoção da alfabetização e, (v) Programas escolares: as propostas governamentais. A cada área corresponde um capítulo. A fonte principal deste trabalho foi a Imprensa de Educação e Ensino, consultada na Biblioteca Nacional, pois a mesma oferece uma complexa vastidão de materiais pertinentes para o tema. Entre os vários periódicos compulsados, destacam-se A Federação Escolar, Educação Nacional e O Professor Primário. A pesquisa exploratória e selectiva também conduziu ao semanário Sul da Beira. Muitas obras e estudos da época foram ainda pesquisados, com destaque para as actas dos Congressos da Liga Nacional de Instrução. Igualmente se afigurou significativo perscrutar o Diário da Câmara dos Deputados, o Diário do Senado da República e ainda o Diário do Governo para serem trabalhados, respectivamente, os debates parlamentares e a legislação. Assim, foi objectivo do trabalho configurar um painel revelador do tema que mobilizou personalidades académicas, jornalísticas e políticas, no período compreendido entre 1910 e 1926.


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We have investigated the use of a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing corneal fibroblasts (keratocytes) as a novel scaffold to support the growth of corneal limbal epithelial stem cells. The growth of limbal epithelial cells was compared between compressed collagen gel and a clinically proven conventional substrate, denuded amniotic membrane. Following compression of the collagen gel, encapsulated keratocytes remained viable and scanning electron microscopy showed that fibres within the compressed gel were dense, homogeneous and similar in structure to those within denuded amniotic membrane. Limbal epithelial cells were successfully expanded upon the compressed collagen resulting in stratified layers of cells containing desmosome and hemidesmosome structures. The resulting corneal constructs of both the groups shared a high degree of transparency, cell morphology and cell stratification. Similar protein expression profiles for cytokeratin 3 and cytokeratin 14 and no significant difference in cytokeratin 12 mRNA expression levels by real time PCR were also observed. This study provides the first line of evidence that a laminin coated compressed collagen gel containing keratocytes can adequately support limbal epithelial cell expansion, stratification and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the leading conventional scaffold, denuded amniotic membrane.


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An international survey of clients, consultants and contractors produced wide-ranging data on the views of users of the FIDIC form of contract. The purpose of the survey was to elicit views on a range of issues, prior to revising the model form, to ensure that the contract drafters produce a form that is satisfactory for its users. Those questions that focus upon the role of the engineer have been subjected to detailed statistical analysis. The analysis shows that, contrary to popular belief, the views of contract users from common law jurisdictions do not differ from those in civil code jurisdictions. The engineer’s role is not generally perceived as neutral in the contractual relationships between clients and contractors. Contractors would prefer someone other than the engineer to be the first-line settler of disputes in contracts.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus infection and growth are dependent on initiating signaling and enzyme actions upon viral entry into the host cell. Proteins packaged during virus assembly may subsequently form the first line of attack and host manipulation upon infection. A complete characterization of virion components is therefore important to understanding the dynamics of early stages of infection. Mass spectrometry and kinase profiling techniques identified nearly 200 incorporated host and viral proteins. We used published interaction data to identify hubs of connectivity with potential significance for virion formation. Surprisingly, the hub with the most potential connections was not the viral M protein but the nonstructurall protein 3 (nsp3), which is one of the novel virion components identified by mass spectrometry. Based on new experimental data and a bioinformatics analysis across the Coronaviridae, we propose a higher-resolution functional domain architecture for nsp3 that determines the interaction capacity of this protein. Using recombinant protein domains expressed in Escherichia coli, we identified two additional RNA-binding domains of nsp3. One of these domains is located within the previously described SARS-unique domain, and there is a nucleic acid chaperone-like domain located immediately downstream of the papain-like proteinase domain. We also identified a novel cysteine-coordinated metal ion-binding domain. Analyses of interdomain interactions and provisional functional annotation of the remaining, so-far-uncharacterized domains are presented. Overall, the ensemble of data surveyed here paint a more complete picture of nsp3 as a conserved component of the viral protein processing machinery, which is intimately associated with viral RNA in its role as a virion component.


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The aim of this study was to construct an artificial fetal membrane (FM) by combination of human amniotic epithelial stem cells (hAESCs) and a mechanically enhanced collagen scaffold containing encapsulated human amniotic stromal fibroblasts (hASFs). Such a tissue-engineered FM may have the potential to plug structural defects in the amniotic sac after antenatal interventions, or to prevent preterm premature rupture of the FM. The hAESCs and hASFs were isolated from human fetal amniotic membrane (AM). Magnetic cell sorting was used to enrich the hAESCs by positive ATP-binding cassette G2 selection. We investigated the use of a laminin/fibronectin (1:1)-coated compressed collagen gel as a novel scaffold to support the growth of hAESCs. A type I collagen gel was dehydrated to form a material mimicking the mechanical properties and ultra-structure of human AM. hAESCs successfully adhered to and formed a monolayer upon the biomimetic collagen scaffold. The resulting artificial membrane shared a high degree of similarity in cell morphology, protein expression profiles, and structure to normal fetal AM. This study provides the first line of evidence that a compacted collagen gel containing hASFs could adequately support hAESCs adhesion and differentiation to a degree that is comparable to the normal human fetal AM in terms of structure and maintenance of cell phenotype.


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The glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system is important for the acid resistance of Listeria monocytogenes. We previously showed that under acidic conditions, glutamate (Glt)/γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) antiport is impaired in minimal media but not in rich ones, like brain heart infusion. Here we demonstrate that this behavior is more complex and it is subject to strain and medium variation. Despite the impaired Glt/GABA antiport, cells accumulate intracellular GABA (GABA(i)) as a standard response against acid in any medium, and this occurs in all strains tested. Since these systems can occur independently of one another, we refer to them as the extracellular (GAD(e)) and intracellular (GAD(i)) systems. We show here that GAD(i) contributes to acid resistance since in a ΔgadD1D2 mutant, reduced GABA(i) accumulation coincided with a 3.2-log-unit reduction in survival at pH 3.0 compared to that of wild-type strain LO28. Among 20 different strains, the GAD(i) system was found to remove 23.11% ± 18.87% of the protons removed by the overall GAD system. Furthermore, the GAD(i) system is activated at milder pH values (4.5 to 5.0) than the GAD(e) system (pH 4.0 to 4.5), suggesting that GAD(i) is the more responsive of the two and the first line of defense against acid. Through functional genomics, we found a major role for GadD2 in the function of GAD(i), while that of GadD1 was minor. Furthermore, the transcription of the gad genes in three common reference strains (10403S, LO28, and EGD-e) during an acid challenge correlated well with their relative acid sensitivity. No transcriptional upregulation of the gadT2D2 operon, which is the most important component of the GAD system, was observed, while gadD3 transcription was the highest among all gad genes in all strains. In this study, we present a revised model for the function of the GAD system and highlight the important role of GAD(i) in the acid resistance of L. monocytogenes.


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Background Promising evidence has emerged of clinical gains using guided self-help cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for child anxiety and by involving parents in treatment; however, the efficacy of guided parent-delivered CBT has not been systematically evaluated in UK primary and secondary settings. Aims To evaluate the efficacy of low-intensity guided parent-delivered CBT treatments for children with anxiety disorders. Method A total of 194 children presenting with a current anxiety disorder, whose primary carer did not meet criteria for a current anxiety disorder, were randomly allocated to full guided parent-delivered CBT (four face-to-face and four telephone sessions) or brief guided parent-delivered CBT (two face-to-face and two telephone sessions), or a wait-list control group (trial registration: ISRCTN92977593). Presence and severity of child primary anxiety disorder (Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for DSM-IV, child/parent versions), improvement in child presentation of anxiety (Clinical Global Impression-Improvement scale), and change in child anxiety symptoms (Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale, child/parent version and Child Anxiety Impact scale, parent version) were assessed at post-treatment and for those in the two active treatment groups, 6 months post-treatment. Results Full guided parent-delivered CBT produced superior diagnostic outcomes compared with wait-list at post-treatment, whereas brief guided parent-delivered CBT did not: at post-treatment, 25 (50%) of those in the full guided CBT group had recovered from their primary diagnosis, compared with 16 (25%) of those on the wait-list (relative risk (RR) 1.85, 95% CI 1.14-2.99); and in the brief guided CBT group, 18 participants (39%) had recovered from their primary diagnosis post-treatment (RR = 1.56, 95% CI 0.89-2.74). Level of therapist training and experience was unrelated to child outcome. Conclusions Full guided parent-delivered CBT is an effective and inexpensive first-line


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Statins are widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs that are a first-line treatment for coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, reducing the incidence of thrombotic events such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Statins have been shown to reduce platelet activation, although the mechanism(s) through which this occurs is unclear. Since several of the characteristic effects of statins on platelets are shared with those elicited by the inhibitory platelet adhesion receptor PECAM-1, we investigated a potential connection between the influence of statins on platelet function and PECAM-1 signalling. Statins were found to inhibit a range of platelet functional responses and thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo. Notably, these effects of statins on platelet function in vitro and in vivo were diminished in PECAM-1-/- platelets. Activation of PECAM-1 signalling results in its tyrosine phosphorylation, the recruitment and activation of tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, the subsequent binding of phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) and diminished PI3-K signalling. Statins resulted in the stimulation of these events, leading to the inhibition of Akt activation. Together, these data provides evidence for a fundamental role of PECAM-1 in the inhibitory effects of statins on platelet activation, which may explain some of the pleiotropic actions of these drugs.


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Background Anxiety disorders are common, and cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) is a first-line treatment. Candidate gene studies have suggested a genetic basis to treatment response, but findings have been inconsistent. Aims To perform the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) of psychological treatment response in children with anxiety disorders (n = 980). Method Presence and severity of anxiety was assessed using semi-structured interview at baseline, on completion of treatment (post-treatment), and 3 to 12 months after treatment completion (follow-up). DNA was genotyped using the Illumina Human Core Exome-12v1.0 array. Linear mixed models were used to test associations between genetic variants and response (change in symptom severity) immediately post-treatment and at 6-month follow-up. Results No variants passed a genome-wide significance threshold (P = 5×10−8) in either analysis. Four variants met criteria for suggestive significance (P<5×10−6) in association with response post-treatment, and three variants in the 6-month follow-up analysis. Conclusions This is the first genome-wide therapygenetic study. It suggests no common variants of very high effect underlie response to CBT. Future investigations should maximise power to detect single-variant and polygenic effects by using larger, more homogeneous cohorts.


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Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is a first-line drug used in patients with highly active retroviral disease; however, it can cause renal failure associated with many tubular anomalies that may be due to down regulation of a variety of ion transporters. Because rosiglitazone, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma agonist induces the expression of many of these same transporters, we tested if the nephrotoxicity can be ameliorated by its use. High doses of TDF caused severe renal failure in rats accompanied by a reduction in endothelial nitric-oxide synthase and intense renal vasoconstriction; all of which were significantly improved by rosiglitazone treatment. Low-dose TDF did not alter glomerular filtration rate but produced significant phosphaturia, proximal tubular acidosis, polyuria and a reduced urinary concentrating ability. These alterations were caused by specific downregulation of the sodium-phosphorus cotransporter, sodium/hydrogen exchanger 3 and aquaporin 2. A Fanconi`s-like syndrome was ruled out as there was no proteinuria or glycosuria. Rosiglitazone reversed TDF-induced tubular nephrotoxicity, normalized urinary biochemical parameters and membrane transporter protein expression. These studies suggest that rosiglitazone treatment might be useful in patients presenting with TFV-induced nephrotoxicity especially in those with hypophosphatemia or reduced glomerular filtration rate.


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A very unusual triple structural transition pattern below room temperature was observed for the antifilarial drug diethylcarbamazine citrate. Besides the first thermal, crystallographic, and vibrational investigations of this first-line drug used in clinical treatment for lymphatic filariasis, a noteworthy behavior with three structural transformations as a function of temperature was demonstrated by differential scanning calorimetry, Raman spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffractometry. Our X-ray data on single crystals allow for a complete featuring and understanding of all transitions, since the four structures associated with the three solid-solid phase transformations were accurately determined. Two of three structural transitions show an order-disorder mechanism and temperature hysteresis with exothermic peaks at 224 K (T(1)`) and 213 K (T(2)`) upon cooling and endothermic ones at 248 K (T(1)) and 226 K (T(2)) upon heating. The other transition occurs at 108 K (T(3)) and it is temperature-rate sensitive. Molecular displacements onto the (010) plane and conformational changes of the diethylcarbamazine backbone as a consequence of the C-H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonding formation/cleavage between drug molecules explain the mechanism of the transitions at T(1)`/T(2). However, such changes are observed only on alternate columns of the drug intercalated by citrate chains, which leads to a doubling of the lattice period along the a axis of the 235 K structure with respect to the 150 and 293 K structures. At T(2)`/T(1), these structural alterations occur in all columns of the drug. At T(3), there is a rotation on the axis of the N-C bond between the carbamoyl moiety and an ethyl group of one crystallographically independent diethylcarbamazine molecule besides molecular shifts and other conformational alterations. The impact of this study is based on the fascinating finding in which the versatile capability of structural adaptation dependent on the thermal history was observed for a relatively simple organic salt, diethylcarbamazine citrate.