714 resultados para Fiber optics


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The design and development of a cost-effective, simple, sensitive and portable LED based fiber optic evanescent wave sensor for simultaneously detecting trace amounts of chromium and nitrite in water are presented. In order to obtain the desired performance, the middle portions of two multimode plastic clad silica fibers are unclad and are used as the sensing elements in the two arms of the sensor. Each of the sensor arms is sourced by separate super bright green LEDs, which are modulated in a time-sharing manner and a single photo detector is employed for detecting these light signals. The performance and characteristics of this system clearly establish the usefulness of the technique for detecting very low concentrations of the dissolved contaminants.


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NDIR is proposed for monitoring of air pollutants emitted by ship engines. Careful optical filtering overcomes the challenge of optical detection of NO2 in humid exhaust gas, despite spectroscopic overlap with the water vapour band.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different light-curing units on the bond strength (push-out) of glass fiber posts in the different thirds of the root (cervical, middle and apical) with different adhesive luting resin systems (dual-cure total-etch; dual-cured and self-etch bonding system; and dual-cure self-adhesive cements), Disks of the samples (n = 144) were used, with approximately 1 mm of thickness of 48 bovine roots restored with glass fiber posts, that were luted with resin cements photo-activated by halogen LCU (QTH, Optilux 501) and blue LED (Ultraled), with power densities of 600 and 550 mW/cm(2), respectively. A universal testing machine (MTS 810 Material Test System) was used with a 1 mm diameter steel rod at cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min until post extrusion, with load cell of 50 kg, for evaluation of the push-out strength in the different thirds of each sample. The push-out strength values in kgf were converted to MPa and analyzed through Analysis of Variance and Tukey`s test, at significance level of 5%. The results showed that there were no statistical differences between the QTH and LED LCUs. The self-adhesive resin cement had lower values of retention. The total-etch and self-adhesive system resin cements seem to be a possible alternative for glass fiber posts cementation into the radicular canal and the LED LCU can be applied as an alternative to halogen light on photo-activation of dual-cured resin cements.


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In this work, optical sensing performance of tapered multimode fiber tip coated with graphene oxide (GO) nanostructured thin film towards aqueous ethanol with different concentrations is investigated. The tapering process of the optical fiber is done by a glass processing machine. The multimode optical fiber tip is dip-coated with GO and annealed at 70 °C to enhance the binding of the nanomaterials to the silica fiber. FESEM, Raman microscopy and XRD analyses are performed to micro-characterize the GO thin films. The morphology of the GO is observed to be in sheets forms. The reflectance response of the GO coated fiber tip is compared with the uncoated tip. The measurements are taken using a spectrophotometer in the optical wavelength range of 550-720 nm. The reflectance response of the GO coated fiber tip reduced proportionally, upon exposure to ethanol with concentration range of 5-80%. The dynamic response of the developed sensor showed strong reversibility and repeatability when it is exposed to ethanol with concentrations of 5%, 20% and 40% in distilled water. At room temperature, the sensor shows fast response and recovery as low as 19 and 25 s, respectively. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We report on the fabrication of novel lead-germanate glasses and fibers. We have characterized these glasses in terms of their thermal properties, Raman spectra and refractive indices (both linear and nonlinear) and present them as viable alternatives to tellurite glasses for applications requiring highly nonlinear optical fibers. © 2013 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate the supercontinuum (SC) generation in a suspended-core As2S3 chalcogenide microstructured optical fiber (MOF). The variation of SC is investigated by changing the fiber length, pump peak power and pump wavelength. In the case of long fibers (20 and 40 cm), the SC ranges are discontinuous and stop at the wavelengths shorter than 3500 nm, due to the absorption of fiber. In the case of short fibers (1.3 and 2.4 cm), the SC ranges are continuous and can extend to the wavelengths longer than 4 μm. The SC broadening is observed when the pump peak power increases from 0.24 to 1.32 kW at 2500 nm. The SC range increases with the pump wavelength changing from 2200 to 2600 nm, corresponding to the dispersion of As2S3 MOF from the normal to anomalous region. The SC generation is simulated by the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. The simulation includes the SC difference between 1.3 and 2.4 cm long fiber by 2500 nm pumping, the variation of SC with pump peak power in 2.4 cm long fiber, and the variation of SC with pump wavelength in 1.3 cm long fiber. The simulation agrees well with the experiment.


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An all-fiber approach to terahertz generation using a periodically poled optical fiber is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In the proposed approach, a continuous-wave THz wave is generated at a periodically poled fiber by beating two optical wavelengths from two laser sources with the wavelength spacing corresponding to the frequency of the THz wave. The key component in the system is the periodically poled fiber, which is made by a twin-hole fiber with the fiber core residing between two holes. The twin-hole fiber is then thermally poled at a temperature of similar to 260 degrees C with a voltage of 3.3 kV applied to the silver electrodes inside the two holes to introduce second-order nonlinearity. The quasi phase matching (QPM) condition is achieved by periodically erasing the thermal poling induced second-order nonlinearity with an ultraviolet laser, which enhances the energy conversion efficiency. The proposed approach is validated by an experiment. The emission of a THz wave centered at 3.8 THz with an output power of 0.5 mu W is observed. The frequency tunability between 2.2 and 3.8 THz is also experimentally demonstrated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This thesis reports on the experimental realization, characterization and application of a novel microresonator design. The so-called “bottle microresonator” sustains whispering-gallery modes in which light fields are confined near the surface of the micron-sized silica structure by continuous total internal reflection. While whispering-gallery mode resonators in general exhibit outstanding properties in terms of both temporal and spatial confinement of light fields, their monolithic design makes tuning of their resonance frequency difficult. This impedes their use, e.g., in cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) experiments, which investigate the interaction of single quantum mechanical emitters of predetermined resonance frequency with a cavity mode. In contrast, the highly prolate shape of the bottle microresonators gives rise to a customizable mode structure, enabling full tunability. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter I, I give a brief overview of different types of optical microresonators. Important quantities, such as the quality factor Q and the mode volume V, which characterize the temporal and spatial confinement of the light field are introduced. In chapter II, a wave equation calculation of the modes of a bottle microresonator is presented. The intensity distribution of different bottle modes is derived and their mode volume is calculated. A brief description of light propagation in ultra-thin optical fibers, which are used to couple light into and out of bottle modes, is given as well. The chapter concludes with a presentation of the fabrication techniques of both structures. Chapter III presents experimental results on highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling of light into bottle modes as well as their spatial and spectral characterization. Ultra-high intrinsic quality factors exceeding 360 million as well as full tunability are demonstrated. In chapter IV, the bottle microresonator in add-drop configuration, i.e., with two ultra-thin fibers coupled to one bottle mode, is discussed. The highly efficient, nearly lossless coupling characteristics of each fiber combined with the resonator's high intrinsic quality factor, enable resonant power transfers between both fibers with efficiencies exceeding 90%. Moreover, the favorable ratio of absorption and the nonlinear refractive index of silica yields optical Kerr bistability at record low powers on the order of 50 µW. Combined with the add-drop configuration, this allows one to route optical signals between the outputs of both ultra-thin fibers, simply by varying the input power, thereby enabling applications in all-optical signal processing. Finally, in chapter V, I discuss the potential of the bottle microresonator for CQED experiments with single atoms. Its Q/V-ratio, which determines the ratio of the atom-cavity coupling rate to the dissipative rates of the subsystems, aligns with the values obtained for state-of-the-art CQED microresonators. In combination with its full tunability and the possibility of highly efficient light transfer to and from the bottle mode, this makes the bottle microresonator a unique tool for quantum optics applications.


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The upgrade of the Mainz Mikrotron (MAMI) electron accelerator facility in 2007 which raised the beam energy up to 1.5,GeV, gives the opportunity to study strangeness production channels through electromagnetic process. The Kaon Spectrometer (KAOS) managed by the A1 Collaboration, enables the efficient detection of the kaons associated with strangeness electroproduction. Used as a single arm spectrometer, it can be combined with the existing high-resolution spectrometers for exclusive measurements in the kinematic domain accessible to them.rnrnFor studying hypernuclear production in the ^A Z(e,e'K^+) _Lambda ^A(Z-1) reaction, the detection of electrons at very forward angles is needed. Therefore, the use of KAOS as a double-arm spectrometer for detection of kaons and the electrons at the same time is mandatory. Thus, the electron arm should be provided with a new detector package, with high counting rate capability and high granularity for a good spatial resolution. To this end, a new state-of-the-art scintillating fiber hodoscope has been developed as an electron detector.rnrnThe hodoscope is made of two planes with a total of 18432 scintillating double-clad fibers of 0.83 mm diameter. Each plane is formed by 72 modules. Each module is formed from a 60deg slanted multi-layer bundle, where 4 fibers of a tilted column are connected to a common read out. The read-out is made with 32 channels of linear array multianode photomultipliers. Signal processing makes use of newly developed double-threshold discriminators. The discriminated signal is sent in parallel to dead-time free time-to-digital modules and to logic modules for triggering purposes.rnrnTwo fiber modules were tested with a carbon beam at GSI, showing a time resolution of 220 ps (FWHM) and a position residual of 270 microm m (FWHM) with a detection efficiency epsilon>99%.rnrnThe characterization of the spectrometer arm has been achieved through simulations calculating the transfer matrix of track parameters from the fiber detector focal plane to the primary vertex. This transfer matrix has been calculated to first order using beam transport optics and has been checked by quasielastic scattering off a carbon target, where the full kinematics is determined by measuring the recoil proton momentum. The reconstruction accuracy for the emission parameters at the quasielastic vertex was found to be on the order of 0.3 % in first test realized.rnrnThe design, construction process, commissioning, testing and characterization of the fiber hodoscope are presented in this work which has been developed at the Institut für Kernphysik of the Johannes Gutenberg - Universität Mainz.


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Efficient coupling of light to quantum emitters, such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots, is one of the great challenges in current research. The interaction can be strongly enhanced by coupling the emitter to the eva-nescent field of subwavelength dielectric waveguides that offer strong lateral confinement of the guided light. In this context subwavelength diameter optical nanofibers as part of a tapered optical fiber (TOF) have proven to be powerful tool which also provide an efficient transfer of the light from the interaction region to an optical bus, that is to say, from the nanofiber to an optical fiber. rnAnother approach towards enhancing light–matter interaction is to employ an optical resonator in which the light is circulating and thus passes the emitters many times. Here, both approaches are combined by experi-mentally realizing a microresonator with an integrated nanofiber waist. This is achieved by building a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot type resonator from two fiber Bragg grating mirrors with a stop-band near the cesium D2-line wavelength. The characteristics of this resonator fulfill the requirements of nonlinear optics, optical sensing, and cavity quantum electrodynamics in the strong-coupling regime. Together with its advantageous features, such as a constant high coupling strength over a large volume, tunability, high transmission outside the mirror stop band, and a monolithic design, this resonator is a promising tool for experiments with nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles in the strong-coupling regime. rnThe resonator's high sensitivity to the optical properties of the nanofiber provides a probe for changes of phys-ical parameters that affect the guided optical mode, e.g., the temperature via the thermo-optic effect of silica. Utilizing this detection scheme, the thermalization dynamics due to far-field heat radiation of a nanofiber is studied over a large temperature range. This investigation provides, for the first time, a measurement of the total radiated power of an object with a diameter smaller than all absorption lengths in the thermal spectrum at the level of a single object of deterministic shape and material. The results show excellent agreement with an ab initio thermodynamic model that considers heat radiation as a volumetric effect and that takes the emitter shape and size relative to the emission wavelength into account. Modeling and investigating the thermalization of microscopic objects with arbitrary shape from first principles is of fundamental interest and has important applications, such as heat management in nano-devices or radiative forcing of aerosols in Earth's climate system. rnUsing a similar method, the effect of the TOF's mechanical modes on the polarization and phase of the fiber-guided light is studied. The measurement results show that in typical TOFs these quantities exhibit high-frequency thermal fluctuations. They originate from high-Q torsional oscillations that couple to the nanofiber-guided light via the strain-optic effect. An ab-initio opto-mechanical model of the TOF is developed that provides an accurate quantitative prediction for the mode spectrum and the mechanically induced polarization and phase fluctuations. These high-frequency fluctuations may limit the ultimate ideality of fiber-coupling into photonic structures. Furthermore, first estimations show that they may currently limit the storage time of nanofiber-based atom traps. The model, on the other hand, provides a method to design TOFs with tailored mechanical properties in order to meet experimental requirements. rn