1000 resultados para Fe evangélica
By sensitizing with 514 nm green light, 488 nm blue light and 390 nm ultraviolet light, respectively, recording with 633 nm red light, effect of wavelength of sensitizing light on holographic storage properties in LiNbO3:Fe:Ni crystal is investigated in detail. It is shown that by shortening the wavelength of sensitizing light gradually, nonvolatile holographic recording properties of oxidized LiNbO3:Fe:Ni crystal is optimized gradually, 390 nm ultraviolet light is the best as the sensitizing light. Considering the absorption of sensitizing light, to obtain the best performance in two-center holographic recording we must choose a sensitizing wavelength that is long enough to prevent unwanted absorptions (band-to-band, etc.) and short enough to result in efficient sensitization from the deep traps. So in practice a trade-off is always needed. Explanation is presented theoretically. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
The activation of Fe-coordinated N2 via the formal addition of hydrogen atom equivalents is explored in this thesis. These reactions may occur in nitrogenase enzymes during the biological conversion of N2 to NH3. To understand these reactions, the N2 reactivity of a series of molecular Fe(N2) platforms is investigated. A trigonal pyramidal, carbon-ligated FeI complex was prepared that displays a similar geometry to that of the resting state 'belt' Fe atoms of nitrogenase. Upon reduction, this species was shown to coordinate N2, concomitant with significant weakening of the C-Fe interaction. This hemilability of the axial ligand may play a critical role in mediating the interconversion of Fe(NxHy) species during N2 conversion to NH3. In fact, a trigonal pyramidal borane-ligated Fe complex was shown to catalyze this transformation, generating up to 8.49 equivalents of NH3. To shed light on the mechanistic details of this reaction, protonation of a borane-ligated Fe(N2) complex was investigated and found to give rise to a mixture of species that contains an iron hydrazido(2-) [Fe(NNH2)] complex. The identification of this species is suggestive of an early N-N bond cleavage event en route to NH3 production, but the highly-reactive nature of this complex frustrated direct attempts to probe this possibility. A structurally-analogous silyl-ligated Fe(N2) complex was found to react productively with hydrogen atom equivalents, giving rise to an isolable Fe(NNH2) species. Spectroscopic and crystallographic studies benefited from the enhanced stability of this complex relative to the borane analogue. One-electron reduction of this species initiates a spontaneous disproportionation reaction with an iron hydrazine [Fe(NH2NH2)] complex as the predominant reaction product. This transformation provides support for an Fe-mediated N2 activation mechanism that proceeds via a late N-N bond cleavage. In hopes of gaining more fundamental insight into these reactions, a series of Fe(CN) complexes were prepared and reacted with hydrogen-atom equivalents. Significant quantities of CH4 and NH3 are generated in these reactions as a result of complete C-N bond activation. A series of Fe(CNHx) were found to be exceptionally stable and may be intermediates in these reactions. The stability of these compounds permitted collection of thermodynamic parameters pertinent to the unique N-H bonds. This data is comparatively discussed with the theoretically-predicted data of the N2-derived Fe(NNHx) species. Exceptionally-weak N-H bond enthalpies are found for many of these compounds, and sheds light on their short-lived nature and tendency to evolve H2. As a whole, these works both establish and provide a means to understand Fe-mediated N2 activation via the addition of hydrogen atom equivalents.
Las nanoestructuras han sido muy estudiadas debido a su importancia en aplicaciones tecnológicas y biomédicas, como por ejemplo el recubrimiento de los sensores y biosensores. Estas necesitan ser recubiertas para su protección y/o funcionalización. Un estudio sobre las superficies de nanopartículas magnéticas y esféricas (MNPs) de Fe y Ni reveló que el tolueno actúa como catalizador de reacciones de condensación de los componentes aromáticos formando estructuras gigantes, policíclicas e irregulares, creando así una especie de recubrimiento de carbono. También se ha estudiado la posibilidad de formar recubrimientos con carbono en películas de hierro y permalloy (FeNi) en tiempos largos de tratamiento de 1 año. En el presente trabajo, debido a los resultados anteriores para las películas delgadas de hierro, se ha estudiado el desarrollo del proceso de deposición del grafeno defectuoso a temperatura ambiente, sobre las superficies de las películas delgadas de hierro en periodos de entre unos días hasta medio año aproximadamente. Se ha hecho un estudio en función del tiempo de inmersión en tolueno de las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de las películas de hierro depositadas sobre vidrio. Las películas de hierro han sido preparadas por el método de pulverización catódica y después sumergidas en tolueno. Las técnicas utilizadas para la caracterización estructural han sido, la difracción de Rayos-X, los estudios de microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM) y la perfilómetría. La caracterización magnética se ha hecho con un magnetómetro de Kerr (MOKE) y un magnetómetro vibrante (VSM). Las muestras cristalizaban en el sistema cúbico FCC del grupo espacial Fm-3m, con parámetro de celda de 3.5922Ǻ. El tamaño de dominio coherente para los índices de Miller (110) ha ido aumentando a lo largo del tratamiento. Para el índice de Miller (211) el tamaño de dominio coherente ha disminuido. Este comportamiento se explica tendiendo en cuenta el modelo propuesto en la literatura científica del proceso de formación de las estructuras de grafeno defectuoso. El análisis de las imágenes de SEM y los correspondientes datos de la emisión de Rayos-X han confirmado la presencia del carbono en la superficie. La cantidad del carbono en la superficie de las películas de hierro aumenta con el incremento del tiempo de inmersión en tolueno. Ha sido posible detectar la presencia del carbono en la superficie después de 9 días de inmersión (por lo tanto, el proceso de las estructuras policíclicas e irregulares es relativamente rápido). La deposición del carbono no resulta en una formación de estructura uniforme, así que cuanto más largo es el tratamiento, más complicadas son las estructuras. Como resultado del tratamiento superficial durante aproximadamente medio año, se observa un aumento de rugosidad de un micrómetro aproximadamente. La diferencia entre las medidas de MOKE y VSM para el campo coercitivo y la remanencia, se explica teniendo en cuenta el proceso de oxidación de la superficie y la interacción de algunas partes de la película de hierro con el tolueno, que pueden causar la relajación de las tensiones. La imanación de saturación obtenida para las películas después del tiempo de tratamiento de 135 días es de 192 emu por gramo. La disminución de la imanación de saturación es debida a la oxidación de las películas por el contacto con la atmósfera y el tolueno. En un cálculo aproximado se ha llegado a la conclusión que dicha capa tiene un espesor de 50 nm, repartida en dos capas de 25 nm. De todo lo anterior y de la base de análisis de las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de las películas delgadas de hierro sumergidas en tolueno para hacer el tratamiento superficial a temperatura ambiente, se concluye, que las estructuras policíclicas e irregulares de grafeno defectuoso se forman relativamente rápido. El tratamiento con el tolueno no causa muchos cambios en la estructura y en las propiedades magnéticas, se trata de procesos superficiales. La modificación in situ de películas de hierro en tolueno, puede ser candidato a método de protección y funcionalización de los sensores magnéticos.
The near-infrared nonvolatile holographic recording has been realized in a doubly doped LiNbO3:Fe:Rh crystal by the traditional two-center holographic recording scheme, for the first time. The recording performance of this crystal has been investigated by recording with 633 nm red light, 752 nm red light and 799 nm near-infrared light and sensitizing with 405 nm purple light. The experimental results show that, co-doped with Fe and Rh, the near-infrared absorption and the photovoltaic coefficient of shallow trap Fe are enhanced in this LiNbO3:Fe:Rh crystal, compared with other doubly doped LiNbO3 crystals Such as LiNbO3:Fe:Mn. It is also found that the sensitizing light intensity affects the near-infrared recording sensitivity in a different way than two-center holographic recording with shorter wavelength, and the origin of experimental results is analyzed. (C) 2007 Elsevier GrnbH. All rights reserved.
Fe:BiOx films are fabricated on K9 glass substrates by rf-magnetron sputtering of a BiFeO target under argon atmosphere with increasing sputtering power from 80 to 200 W at room temperature. It is found that the thin films grown at the sputtering power of 160W can be formed at an appropriate deposition rate and have an improved surface morphology. The XPS result reveals that the films investigated are comprised of Bi, Fe and O elements. A typical XRD pattern shows that no phase transition occurs in the films up to 400 degrees C. The results of the blue laser recording test demonstrate that the Fe:BiOx films have good writing sensitivity for blue laser beam (406.7 nm) and good stability after reading 10000 times. The recording marks of 200nm or less are obtained. These results indicate that the introduction of Fe into BiOx films can reduce the mark size and improve the stability of the films.
O foco desta dissertação é a relação entre Pentecostalismo e a tecnologia televisiva na vila de Provetá, uma comunidade evangélica situada na Ilha Grande, município de Angra dos Reis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os residentes de Provetá são majoritariamente membros da Igreja Pentecostal Assembléia de Deus, situada ali desde princípios da década de 1930. A televisão, em contraste, fora introduzida na vila apenas em 1987, mediante o acesso a antenas parabólicas. O objetivo central da dissertação é compreender o processo histórico e social de inserção da tecnologia televisiva na vila de Provetá, e como esta tecnologia se relaciona com mídias e práticas Pentecostais de mediação com o transcendental. Condenada num primeiro momento pelo então pastor presidente da Assembléia de Deus como uma tecnologia exclusivamente diabólica e portanto, irrevogavelmente proibida aos membros da igreja , a televisão fora progressivamente ressignificada pelas lideranças da igreja como uma tecnologia ambivalente, a partir da qual tanto Deus quanto o Diabo seriam capazes de operar. A dissertação explora, nesse sentido, o processo de negociação em torno dos significados religiosos atribuídos à televisão, bem como os regimes normativos relativos ao seu consumo. Dado o status ambivalente da tecnologia televisiva aos olhos das lideranças contemporâneas da igreja seu potencial de estar a serviço de Deus ou do Diabo, do bem ou do mal , busco compreender uma ética do assistir que parece subjazer o processo de autorização do consumo da televisão, isto é, como um crente deve assisti-la. Assistir à televisão de forma eticamente apropriada, portanto, implicaria um conhecimento essencial sobre como assistir. Este conhecimento, argumento, é o conhecimento da Bíblia. Mediante um regime de verdade bíblico, os provetaenses traçariam uma distinção fundamental em relação aos conteúdos televisivos considerados factuais ou reais, cujo consumo seria inofensivo ou benéfico, e aqueles considerados forjados, encenados ou construídos, cujo consumo seria inapropriado, ou ainda perigoso. Partindo da identificação das telenovelas da Rede Globo como mentiras de natureza diabólica, e do telejornal como um espaço de aprendizado para o crente, empreendo uma análise de recepção destes programas, buscando compreender as dinâmicas simbólicas e sensoriais de identificação das presenças e das agências de Deus e do Diabo através da televisão. O argumento central a ser desenvolvido na dissertação é o de que a experiência de assistir à televisão em Provetá encontra-se estruturada por uma estética Pentecostal fomentada a partir da Bíblia. A partir das práticas religiosas de mediação centradas na Bíblia, um regime sensorial Pentecostal fora progressivamente constituído: uma dada gramática do sentir os objetos da experiência em relação ao regime de verdade Bíblico. Têm-se, desse modo, uma dinâmica circular no interior da qual imagens são experimentadas sensivelmente a partir do prisma da verdade Bíblica, e tais sensações, por sua vez, objetificam a realidade dessa verdade no corpo do sujeito. Nessa dialética entre o crer e o sentir, a experiência sensível de assistir à televisão é informada por um entendimento Pentecostal da realidade, e esse entendimento é autenticado por aquilo que é sentido.
The optical loss coefficient at 1053-nm wavelength, influenced by Fe ions in N31-type Nd-doped phosphate laser glass, was determined precisely and analyzed in detail. It is found that the optical loss coefficient per unit of Fe concentration (cm^(-1)/ppmw) increases with Fe concentration in the range of 0---300 ppmw, but it approaches a constant as the Fe concentration is larger than 300 ppmw. Such a concentration effect is due to a shift in the redox equilibrium between Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions in the glass. The effect of oxygen pressure, temperature, and variable valence states of other metal ions in glass samples on the optical loss is also discussed.
Observation of room-temperature ferromagnetisin in Fe- and Ni-co-doped In2O3 samples (In0.9Fe0.1-xNix)(2)O-3 (0 <= x <= 0.1) prepared by citric acid sol-gel auto-igniting method is reported. All of the samples with intermediate x values are ferromagnetic at roomtemperature. The highest saturation magnetization (0.453 mu B/Fe + Ni ions) moment is reached in the sample with x = 0.04. The highest solubility of Fe and Ni ions in the In2O3 lattice is around 10 and 4 at%, respectively. The 10 at% Fe-doped sample is found to be weakly ferromagnetic, while the 10at% Ni-doped sample is paramagnetic. Extensive structure including Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), magnetic and magneto-transport including Hall effects studies on the samples indicate the observed ferromagnetism is intrinsic rather than from the secondary impurity phases. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several pseudo-binary RxR2-x'Fe-17 alloys (with R = Y, Ce, Pr, Gd and Dy) were synthesized with rhombohedral Th2Zn17-type crystal structure determined from x-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The choice of compositions was done with the aim of tuning the Curie temperature (T-C) in the 270 +/- 20 K temperature range, in order to obtain the maximum magneto-caloric effect around room temperature. The investigated compounds exhibit broad isothermal magnetic entropy changes, Delta S-M(T), with moderate values of the refrigerant capacity, even though the values of Delta S-M(Peak) are relatively low compared with those of the R2Fe17 compounds with R = Pr or Nd. The reduction on the Delta S-M(Peak) is explained in terms of the diminution in the saturation magnetization value. Furthermore, the Delta S-M(T) curves exhibit a similar caret-like behavior, suggesting that the magneto-caloric effect is mainly governed by the Fe-sublattice. A single master curve for Delta S-M/Delta S-M(Peak)(T) under different values of the magnetic field change are obtained for each compound by rescaling of the temperature axis.
Artículo científico Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 8074−8081