713 resultados para Falso Aneurisma
Foram utilizadas 82 LCR de transplantados renais (24 pacientes), 43 LCR de pacientes com críptococose comprovada (controles positivos), 35 LCR de pacientes com outras doenças (histoplasmose, paracoccidioidomicose e infecções bacterianas) como controles negativos. Os primeiros foram cultivados em ágar Sabouraud com sementes de girassol e juntamente com os demais examinado pelo teste de látex para pesquisa de antígeno circulante de C. neoformans, qualitativamente. O teste de Coaglutinação foi realizado qualitativamente e quantitativamente, encontrando-se títulos até a diluição 1:2048. Não foram detectadas reações falso-positivas ou falso-negativas entre os controles. Como prova de valor diagnóstico demonstrou: sensibilidade - 92,1%; especificidade - 92,6% e eficiência - 92,3%. Provou também ser um teste rápido, exato e econômico, embora sua escolha dependa do pré-tratamento de LCR (80ºC por 3 a 5 minutos) e soros (diluição ou álcali-precipitação) para evitar autoaglutinação e aumentar a sensibilidade da reação.
No diagnóstico sorológico da doença de Chagas podem ser encontradas acentuadas divergências mesmo entre laboratórios de grande experiência. Para a padronização de um teste imunoenzimático destinado primariamente à seleção de doadores de sangue foram cuidadosamente escolhidos painéis de soros que se buscaram como representativos das populações de chagásicos e de não chagásicos. Produzido para máxima sensibilidade e estabilidade, o novo reagente (bioELISA - cruzi*) foi testado em 1648 soros, com diagnóstico clínico de doença de Chagas em 219 e de outras afecções em 104. O teste foi comparado com testes já bem padronizados, de imunofluorescência (IF) e de hemaglutinação (HA), em 1325 soros. O limiar de reatividade (cut off), estabelecido como ideal, foi indicado nos testes pela absorbância de um soro de reatividade mínima. A sensibilidade do teste imunoenzimático foi de 0,9954 e a especificidade, como conegatividade, de 0,9969. Não foram vistos resultados falso-positivos em casos de sífilis, toxoplasmose, mononucleose e de soros com altos títulos de anti-estreptolisina 0, mas foram encontrados em 5 de 15 casos de leishmaniose tegumentar, 10 de 24 casos de calazar, 1 de 15 casos de artrite reumatóide e 1 de 12 casos de lupus eritematoso sistêmico. Os altos índices de sensibilidade em chagásicos e de especificidade na população geral, traduzem a elevada confiabilidade do teste para triagem de doadores de sangue e para a confirmação de suspeita clínica de doença de Chagas.
A síndrome febril indeterminada no idoso coloca sempre alguma dificuldade diagnóstica. A endocardite infecciosa, pela relativa raridade e pela atipia das suas manifestações é muitas vezes esquecida neste grupo etário, onde outras causas, nomeadamente neoplásicas, são primeiramente consideradas. Os autores apresentam um caso clínico de uma doente idosa com endocardite infecciosa subaguda mitral e tricuspide, cujo diagnóstico foi estabelecido apenas após embolização periférica. Para além de fenómenos embólicos múltiplos, esta doente teve ainda como complicação um aneurisma micótico da artéria femural esquerda a que foi operada.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Conservação e Restauro, Especialização em Ciências da Conservação
Os aneurismas do septo interauricular são uma entidade rara cuja prevalência foi subestimada antes do uso da ecocardiografia. A importância clínica tem vindo a aumentar devido à sua associação com fenómenos tromboembólicos. A propósito de seis casos clínicos, os autores fazem uma revisão dos aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos em relação a este tema.
Chiropractic's popularity is rising among the general population. Moreover, few studies have been conducted to properly evaluate its safety. We report three cases of serious neurological adverse events in patients treated with chiropractic manipulation. The first case is a 41 years old woman who developed a vertebro-basilar stroke 48 h after cervical manipulation. The second case represents a 68 years old woman who presented a neuropraxic injury of both radial nerves after three sessions of spinal manipulation. The last case is a 34 years old man who developed a cervical epidural haematoma after a chiropractic treatment for neck pain. In all three cases there were criteria to consider a causality relation between the neurological adverse events and the chiropractic manipulation. The described serious adverse events promptly recommend the implementation of a risk alert system.
Os autores apresentam uma análise retrospectiva de todos os procedimentos endovasculares aórticos realizados no Serviço, até Novembro de 2009. A série inclui 302 doentes, dos quais 246 correspondem ao tratamento electivo de aneurismas da aorta abdominal, 33 ao tratamento de aneurismas da aorta abdominal em contexto de urgência e 23 a procedimentos endovasculares da aorta torácica. O objectivo da análise visa descrever as características epidemiológicas, incluindo patologia associada, assim como mortalidade major e mortalidade aos 30 dias de pós-operatório.
With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD).
With the recent technical improvement in echocardiography imaging (second harmonics) the number of interatrial septum aneurysms (ASA) increased and are easily recognized. We assist to an overdiagnosing number of cases and diagnostic criteria emerged to face this problem. In the great majority of the cases ASA are small and inoffensive, but as ASA is considered a risk factor for cardioembolism when associated with persistence of foramen oval (PFO), an examination by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) for exclusion of PFO makes the sense and is a common testing in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Besides these frequent ASA, other forms exist; the authors describe two cases of uncommon and huge ASA, one mimicking a right atrial tumor and the other a quistic, hipoechoic mass. The first case was associated with mitral stenosis and was submitted to surgery and the second was closed with an Amplatzer occluder device usually used in atrial septal defect (ASD).
OBJECTIVE: Venous aneurysms of the lower limbs are rare. When they involve the deep venous system, they can be associated with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The authors report the case of a 63-year-old women evaluated by duplex imaging and venography, in the context of a pulmonary embolism, and detected bilateral large aneurysms of the femoral veins (5 cm in the right femoral vein and 4 cm in the left femoral vein). The aneurysms were located at the bifurcation of the common femoral vein with the superficial and profound veins. METHOD: The right aneurysm was partially thrombosed. The patient was asymptomatic in the lower-limb extremities. After a period of anticoagulation, the authors proceeded to surgically excise the right aneurysm and replaced the venous system using a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft with the construction of an a-v fistula. RESULT: The patient had no complications in the postoperative period and her 8-month follow-up examination revealed no symptoms, not even leg edema. The duplex scan showed patency of the graft. She continued with oral anticoagulation. The histologic examination revealed an eosinophilic inflammatory reaction of the vein wall, compatible with the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that they have probably described the first case in the international literature of a venous aneurysm with a Churg-Strauss syndrome and pulmonary embolism.
The authors report the clinical case of a 32 years old woman who suffered a spontaneous dissection of the common trunk, anterior descending, intermediary and circumflex coronary arteries, on the 6th post partum day. The diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was made, through ECG and enzymatic studies and the patient was transferred to a Coronary Unit. Coronary angiography disclosed those lesions and the patient underwent a triple coronary bypass graft, under extracorporeal circulation. The post operative course was uneventful. Eight months after the operation she was found in good condition, free of symptoms and with a normal pattern of life.
The authors report two cases in which stent grafts were used to treat visceral artery aneurysms. Case number 1 was a 42-year old woman with a history of renal colic who was found to have a right renal artery aneurysm. Two 6-mm x 20-mm Wallgraft endoprosthesis (Boston Scientific, Watertown, Mass) were placed across the aneurysm neck. Case number 2 was a 72 year-old woman with a past medical history significant for hepatic angioma and hypothyroidism. She was found to have a superior mesenteric artery aneurysm that was treated with a 6-mm x 17-mm Jostent stent graft (Jomed, GmbH, Ra). In both cases the aneurysm was completely excluded and distal end-organ flow preserved. Stent graft placement is a safe and effective treatment for visceral artery aneurysms. If this approach proves durable and reproducible, it can become the method of choice for the management of visceral artery aneurysms in selected patients.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a role as a modulator in the pathogenesis of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). The clinical pattern of vagally mediated PAF has been observed mainly in young patients. Neurocardiogenic responses during orthostatic stress are related to autonomic reflexes in which the vagal influence predominates. AIM: To evaluate the susceptibility of elderly patients with PAF to activation of vasovagal syncope mechanisms. METHODS: We performed passive head-up tilt testing (HUT) in 34 patients (62% women, aged 72 +/- 7 years), with > or = 1 year of clinical history of PAF--19 without structural heart disease, 11 with hypertensive heart disease and 4 with coronary artery disease (who had no previous myocardial infarction, had undergone myocardial revascularization, and had no documented ischemia) (PAF group), and compared the results with those obtained in a group of 34 age-matched patients (53% women, aged 74 +/- 6 years), who underwent HUT due to recurrent syncope (Sc group). In this group, 21 had no documented heart disease and none had a clinical history of AF. There was no diabetes, congestive heart failure or syncope in the PAF group. After a supine resting period, the subjects were tilted at 70 degrees for 20 minutes while in sinus rhythm. No provocative agents were used to complement the HUT. ECG and blood pressure were continuously monitored (Task Force Monitor, CNSystems). The test was considered positive when syncope or presyncope occurred with bradycardia and/or arterial hypotension. Abnormal responses were classified as cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor or mixed. RESULTS: HUT was positive in seven patients of the PAF group--vasodepressor response in five and mixed in two (20.5% of the total; 26.3% of those without heart disease)--and in eight patients (vasodepressor in six and mixed in two) of the Sc group (p=NS). During HUT, three patients of the PAF group had short periods of self-limited PAF (in one, after vasodepressor syncope). There were no differences in gender distribution, age or heart disease. No cardioinhibitory responses or orthostatic hypotension were observed. CONCLUSION: In elderly patients with PAF, a significant number of false positive results during passive HUT may be expected, suggesting increased vasovagal reactions despite aging. This suggests that ANS imbalances may be observed in this population.
The role of cerebral angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease is currently being questioned due to both the increasing availability of carotid sonography and the recent introduction of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA). After a technical foreword about the different modalities available today in Cerebral Angiography, we discuss its present indications (Conventional or Digital subtraction by intra-arterial route), in patients with extra and intra cranial atherosclerotic cerebro vascular disease, subarachnoid hemorrhage and arterial aneurysms, in vascular malformations, particularly arterio-venous malformations (AVM's), in occlusive non-atherosclerotic non hypertensive arteriopathies and in occlusive venous pathology. Although it is possible that the future will show us the progressive replacement of the invasive technologies by MRA, at the present stage of Magnetic Resonance development there is still an important role, if not crucial, for catheter angiography in the diagnosis of most of the diseases producing stroke syndromes.