874 resultados para FSB and Russian Organized Crime


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Este es un estudio sobre las dinámicas de seguridad en Malí durante el periodo de 2009 a 2013. La investigación busca explicar de qué manera se ha dado un proceso de securitización de los grupos insurgentes frente a la amenaza generada por la proliferación de grupos armados no estatales en el territorio comprendido entre Malí y Níger. Se toma a Níger con el ánimo de ver la existencia de un subcomplejo regional de seguridad entre este país y Malí. De esta manera se afirma que el aumento de las actividades insurgentes y terroristas en la zona compuesta por Malí y Níger se da por la proliferación de actores armados no estatales, entre los cuales se encuentran los grupos seculares e insurgentes Tuareg, las agrupaciones islamistas fundamentalistas y los grupos que se componen entre rebeldes Tuareg, criminales e islamistas, éstos actores han afectado la percepción que tiene Malí sobre su seguridad.


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Esta monografía analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera compartida por Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay y sus decisiones en Política Exterior durante 1996 y 2006. Se explica cómo el Crimen Organizado Transnacional y sus efectos en la gobernabilidad de los Estados pueden ser un motivo para el análisis de la situación como un Complejo de Seguridad Regional. A partir de la conceptualización de Seguridad Regional de Barry Buzan y Ole Waever y de Robert Stewart y Derrick Frazier, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite exponer los factores que conllevaron a el surgimiento de un Complejo de Seguridad Regional entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para diezmar los efectos del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera.


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Este estudio de caso analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de seguridad en Argentina entre 2001 y 2013. En contraste con otros estudios, se considera que la relación de estos dos fenómenos debe recoger aspectos fundamentales de un enfoque de seguridad integral y multidimensional. En el caso de Argentina, durante 2001 el Crimen Organizado Transnacional ocupó el primer lugar en la agenda pública, lo cual derivó en una serie de acciones públicas llevadas a cabo por los distintos gobiernos. Sin embargo, los casos de Santa Fe en 2012 y Córdoba en 2013 demostraron la debilidad institucional en la formulación de Políticas Públicas de este país. Por lo tanto, este trabajo pretende demostrar con los casos anteriormente mencionados que debilidades estatales como la corrupción estatal y la indiferencia ciudadana son obstáculos para la formulación de políticas públicas.


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El objetivo de esta monografía es analizar el abordaje a la trata de personas en Colombia durante el período 2004-2014 desde la teoría de la securitización, para determinar su posición en la agenda de seguridad del país. La hipótesis que se propone es que a través de algunos postulados de esta teoría es posible establecer que la trata de personas es un crimen transnacional que no ha sido percibido como amenaza para la seguridad del país, lo cual ha incidido en que no se hayan tomado medidas eficaces para contenerlo. A través de una investigación descriptiva que analiza las políticas de seguridad, y un ejercicio comparativo del abordaje gubernamental dado al secuestro durante este periodo, se intentará establecer una relación explicativa entre los postulados teóricos escogidos y el fenómeno analizado. Se espera también profundizar en el concepto de securitización y sus implicaciones para los estados y la población.


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In the tropical African and neighboring Atlantic region there is a strong contrast in the properties of deep convection between land and ocean. Here, satellite radar observations are used to produce a composite picture of the life cycle of convection in these two regions. Estimates of the broadband thermal flux from the geostationary Meteosat-8 satellite are used to identify and track organized convective systems over their life cycle. The evolution of the system size and vertical extent are used to define five life cycle stages (warm and cold developing, mature, cold and warm dissipating), providing the basis for the composite analysis of the system evolution. The tracked systems are matched to overpasses of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite, and a composite picture of the evolution of various radar and lightning characteristics is built up. The results suggest a fundamental difference in the convective life cycle between land and ocean. African storms evolve from convectively active systems with frequent lightning in their developing stages to more stratiform conditions as they dissipate. Over the Atlantic, the convective fraction remains essentially constant into the dissipating stages, and lightning occurrence peaks late in the life cycle. This behavior is consistent with differences in convective sustainability in land and ocean regions as proposed in previous studies. The area expansion rate during the developing stages of convection is used to provide an estimate of the intensity of convection. Reasonable correlations are found between this index and the convective system lifetime, size, and depth.


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The thesis belongs to the field of lexical semantics studies, associated with describing the Russian linguistic world-image. The research focuses on the universal situation of purchase and sale as reflected in the Russian lexical standard and sub-standard. The work deals also with subjects related to the sphere of social linguistics: the social stratification of the language, the structure of sub-standard, etc. The thesis is a contribution to the description of the Russian linguistic world-image as well as to the further elaboration of the conceptional analysis method. The results are applicable in teaching Russian as a foreign language, particularly in lexis and Russian culture and mentality studies.


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”You are not welcome in our lovely Malmo”: Conditions for belonging in mobilization against organized crime Several murders occurred in the Swedish city of Malmö between 2011 and 2012. Against this backdrop, the municipality and the police initiate a public campaign. The aim is to mobilize the city’s population against organized crime. In this study the ideology of the initiative is analysed. It is argued that the representation of organized crime as nurtured by the black economy can be read as an example of neoliberal revanchist city agenda, albeit an ambivalent one. The role of groups working in the low-price sphere of the economy becomes that of a threatening projection, while a consumption ideology regulates the boundaries of belonging


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The context: the historical and philosophical demise of the Marxist model of praxis as a unity of theory and practice organized by a Party in service of a Cause. The task: to remodel praxis by distinguishing it from functional work. The proving ground: the discourse of ontology. The thesis works through four types of ontology in its attempt to construct different ontological schemas for praxis and functional work. In the first three ontologies, Platonic, Aristotelian and relativist, ontological impasses occur in the accounts of the relation between one and the multiple, and of the existence of order. They prevent the successful construction of a schema for functional work. It is in the set-theory ontology of Alain Badiou that the means arise for the passage through these impasses and the definitive construction of distinct ontological schemas for functional work and praxis. This results in a new concept of praxis and a multiplication of its domains beyond politics to science, art and love


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the trend towards the criminalization of hard core cartel conduct and to consider the appropriateness and effectiveness of extending the criminal law to this conduct. In addition, it will consider some of the legal implications, including the exposure of directors of companies to potential racketeering charges.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper first examines cartel theory and the justification for prohibition. The paper then identifies the emerging trend toward criminalization of hard core cartel conduct, followed by an assessment of potential justifications for criminalization. Implications of criminalization, including the potential impact of organized crime legislation on offenders and regulators, will then be considered.
Findings – There is a clear trend towards the criminalization of hard core cartels. The paper argues that this trend is appropriate, both because of the moral culpability it attracts and because of its potential to enhance general deterrence. The paper also argues that cartel conduct, in jurisdictions in which it is criminalized, will constitute “organized crime” as defined in the Palermo Convention and, as such, expose participants to potential money laundering and asset forfeiture consequences.
Originality/value – This paper is of value to governments and regulators considering adoption or implementation of a criminal cartel regime and to practitioners in advising clients about potential consequences of cartel conduct within a criminal regime.


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With the massive amount of crime data generated daily, this has put law enforcement under intensive stress. This means that law enforcement has to compete against the time to solve crime. In addition, the focus of crime investigation has been expanded from the ability to catch the criminals towards the ability to act before a crime happens (i.e pre-crime). Given such situation, creation of crime profiles is very important to law enforcement, especially in understanding the behaviours of criminals and identifying the characteristics of similar crimes. In fact, crime profiles could be used to solve similar crimes and thus pre-crime action could be conducted. In this paper, a brain inspired conceptual model is proposed and a structurally adaptive neural network is deployed for its implementation. Subsequently, the proposed model is applied for the identification and presentation of multi-view crime patterns. Such multi-view crime patterns could be useful for the construction of crime profiles. Moreover, the suitability of the proposed model in crime profiling is discussed and demonstrated through some experimental results.


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Ineffective management of blood glucose levels during preconception and pregnancy has been associated with severe maternal and fetal complications in women with pre-existing diabetes. Studies have demonstrated that preconception counseling and pre-pregnancy care can dramatically reduce these risks. However, pregnancy-related outcomes in women with diabetes continue to be less than ideal.

This review highlights and discusses a variety of patient, provider, and organizational factors that can contribute to these suboptimal outcomes. Based on the findings of studies reviewed and authors’ clinical and research experiences, recommendations have been proposed focusing on various aspects of care provided, including improved accessibility to effective preconception and pregnancy-related care and better organized clinic consultations that are sensitive to women’s diabetes and pregnancy needs.


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The results from experiments conducted in a 2m high flow compartment at large Reynolds numbers are reported in this paper. Flow entered the compartment through an opening at the base on one side of the compartment and exited from an opening at the bottom of the opposite wall of the compartment. A shear layer is formed at the boundary between the incoming flow and the ambient fluid in the compartment. The impingement of the shear layer on the opposite wall of the compartment gives rise to periodic vortex formation and highly organized oscillations in the shear layer. When a density interface is present inside the compartment, resonance conditions were set up when the oscillations of the internal standing waves were “locked in” with the shear layer oscillations. Under resonance conditions, internal standing waves with amplitudes of up to 0.1m were observed. The formation of the internal standing waves is linked to the shear layer oscillations. Resonance conditions result when the shear layer is oscillating close to the natural frequency of the stratified fluid system in the compartment. The results of this investigation are applicable for fresh water storage in floating bottom-opened tanks in the sea, where under resonance conditions, entrainment rates could be significantly increased.


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In this essay we consider the construction of cultural identity, motherhood and the family in ABCD, a film of the Indian diaspora that had its world premiere at the 2001 London Film Festival. This film reads family, apparently within familiar narrative structures such as the U.S.-immigrant story, as portrayed in films like Goodbye, Columbus and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and the "leaving home" story, as classically portrayed in Pride and Prejudice, where a young person needs to escape from her clueless family. The irritating presence of the mother in the film, and the quickness with which her two children appear to make life-determining decisions following her death, seem to invite discussions of plot and character organized around ideas of individual development, self-improvement and understanding. This is the territory of the desire plot, an account of family history captured for the twentieth century by Freudian-Lacanian readings which position sexual desire within the unconscious history of familial fantasies, understood as vertical and Oedipal. In this territory, mothers and old ladies become, as Mary Jacobus memorably phrased it, little more than "the waste products" of a system in which marriageable women are objects of exchange between men (142) and a mother's death would be expected to grease the wheels of narrative. Identity and narrative are inextricably linked here: a certain understanding of narrative as developmental and teleological paves the way for an understanding of identity as either/or. There are problems, however, in trying to read ABCD as a bildüngsroman structured by what Susan Freidman calls "the temporal plots of the family romance, its repetitions and discontents" (137), rendering the "Indian" characteristics of the plot unreadable, and the apparently self-defeating nature of the characters' choices and behavior, rather pointless. A central [End Page 16] difficulty is that the film both responds to and resists readings based on the Oedipal model of the bildüngsroman with its focus on linear development through time.


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OBJECTIVES: Sitting time is a public health concern. This study examined associations of objectively measured neighbourhood environmental attributes with non-transport sitting time and motorised transport in 484 Hong Kong older adults. Neighbourhood attributes encouraging walking may help older adults replace some sitting time at home and on motorised transport with light-to-moderate-intensity activities such as strolling around the neighbourhood or walking to/from neighbourhood destinations. Thus, we hypothesised environmental attributes found to be related to walking would show associations with non-transport sitting time and motorised transport opposite to those seen for walking. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Hong Kong, an ultradense urban environment. PARTICIPANTS: 484 ethnic Chinese Hong Kong residents aged 65+ recruited from membership lists of four Hong Kong Elderly Health Centres representing catchment areas of low and high transport-related walkability stratified by socioeconomic status (response rate: 78%). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Attributes of participants' neighbourhood environments were assessed by environmental audits, while non-transport sitting time and motorised transport were ascertained using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Long Form (Chinese version). RESULTS: Daily non-transport sitting minutes were 283 (SD=128) and motorised transport 23 (SD=28). Prevalence of signs of crime/disorder, streetlights, public facilities (toilets and benches) and pedestrian safety were independently negatively related, and sloping streets positively related, to sitting outcomes. Places of worship in the neighbourhood were predictive of more, and prevalence of public transit points of less, non-transport sitting. Associations of either or both sitting outcomes with prevalence of food/grocery stores and presence of parks were moderated by path obstructions and signs of crime/disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that access to specific destinations and relatively low-cost, minimal impact modifications to the urban form, such as street lighting, public toilets, benches and public transit points, could potentially reduce sitting time and associated negative health outcomes in Hong Kong older adults.