OBJECTIVE: To evaluate fluoride and aluminum concentration in herbal, black, ready-to-drink, and imported teas available in Brazil considering the risks fluoride and aluminum pose to oral and general health, respectively. METHODS: One-hundred and seventy-seven samples of herbal and black tea, 11 types of imported tea and 21 samples of ready-to-drink tea were divided into four groups: I-herbal tea; II-Brazilian black tea (Camellia sinensis); III-imported tea (Camellia sinensis); IV-ready-to-drink tea-based beverages. Fluoride and aluminum were analyzed using ion-selective electrode and atomic absorption, respectively. RESULTS: Fluoride and aluminum levels in herbal teas were very low, but high amounts were found in black and ready-to-drink teas. Aluminum found in all samples analyzed can be considered safe to general health. However, considering 0.07 mg F/kg/day as the upper limit of fluoride intake with regard to undesirable dental fluorosis, some teas exceed the daily intake limit for children. CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian and imported teas made from Camellia sinensis as well as some tea-based beverages are sources of significant amounts of fluoride, and their intake may increase the risk of developing dental fluorosis.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship of blood lead and hemoglobin, zinc protoporphyrin, and ferritin concentrations in children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 136 anemic and non-anemic children from two rural villages near a lead smelter in Adrianópolis, Southern Brazil, from July to September 2001. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was performed to exclude children with hemoglobin variants and thalassemia syndromes associated with anemia. Lead was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; hemoglobin by automated cell counting; zinc protoporphyrin by hematofluorometry; ferritin by chemiluminescence. Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test, and the c² test were used to assess the significance of the differences between the variables investigated in anemic and non-anemic children. Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis was performed using two models for anemic and non-anemic children respectively. RESULTS: Lead was negatively associated to hemoglobin (p<0.017) in the first model, and in the second model lead was positively associated to zinc protoporphyrin (p<0.004) after controlling for ferritin, age, sex, and per capita income. There was an inverse association between hemoglobin and blood lead in anemic children. It was not possible to confirm if anemic children had iron deficiency anemia or subclinical infection, considering that the majority (90.4%) had normal ferritin. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected a relationship between anemia and elevated blood lead concentrations. Further epidemiological studies are necessary to investigate the impact of iron nutritional interventions as an attempt to decrease blood lead in children.
Fitness centres are special places where conditions for microbiological proliferation should be considered. Moisture due to human perspiration and water condensation as a result of human physical activities are prevalent in this type of buildings. Exposure to microbial contaminants is clinically associated with respiratory disorders and people who work out in polluted environments would be susceptible to contaminants. This work studied the indoor air contamination in three gymnasiums in Lisbon. The sampling was performed at two periods: at the opening (morning) and closing (night) of the three gymnasiums. The airborne bacterial and fungal populations were sampled by impaction directly onto Tryptic Soy Agar (for bacteria) and Malt Extract Agar (for fungi) plates, using a Merck MAS-100 air sampler. Higher bacterial concentrations were found at night as compared to the morning but the same behaviour was not found for fungal concentrations. Gram-negative catalase positive cocci were the dominant bacteria in indoor air samples of the studied gymnasiums. In this study, 21 genera/species of fungal colonies were identified. Chrysosporium sp., Chrysonilia sp., Neoscytalidium hialinum, Sepedonium sp. and Penicillium sp. were the most prevalent species identified in the morning, while Cladosporium sp., Penicillium sp., Chrysosporium sp., Acremonium sp. and Chrysonilia sp. were more prevalent at night. A well-designed sanitation and maintenance program for gymnasiums is needed to ensure healthier space for indoor physical activity.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of the Brazilian legislation about fluoride toothpaste. A search was conducted in LILACS, Medline and SciELO databases about the fluoride concentration found in Brazilians toothpastes, using descriptors on health. Publications since 1981 have shown that some Brazilian toothpastes are not able to maintain, during their expiration time, a minimum of 1,000 ppm F of soluble fluoride in the formulation. However, the Brazilian regulation (ANVISA, Resolution 79, August 28, 2000) only sets the maximum total fluoride (0.15%; 1,500 ppm F) that a toothpaste may contain but not the minimum concentration of soluble fluoride that it should contain to have anticaries potential, which according to systematic reviews should be 1,000 ppm F. Therefore, the Brazilian regulation on fluoride toothpastes needs to be revised to assure the efficacy of those products for caries control.
The most consumed squid species worldwide were characterized regarding their concentrations of minerals, fatty acids, cholesterol and vitamin E. Interspecific comparisons were assessed among species and geographical origin. The health benefits derived from squid consumption were assessed based on daily minerals intake and on nutritional lipid quality indexes. Squids contribute significantly to daily intake of several macro (Na, K, Mg and P) and micronutrients (Cu, Zn and Ni). Despite their low fat concentration, they are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentanoic (EPA) acids, with highly favorable ω-3/ω-6 ratios (from 5.7 to 17.7), reducing the significance of their high cholesterol concentration (140–549 mg/100 g ww). Assessment of potential health risks based on minerals intake, non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks indicated that Loligo gahi (from Atlantic Ocean), Loligo opalescens (from Pacific Ocean) and Loligo duvaucelii (from Indic Ocean) should be eaten with moderation due to the high concentrations of Cu and/or Cd. Canonical discriminant analysis identified the major fatty acids (C14:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:3ω-3, C20:4ω-6 and C22:5ω-6), P, K, Cu and vitamin E as chemical discriminators for the selected species. These elements and compounds exhibited the potential to prove authenticity of the commercially relevant squid species.
We determined the relationship between plasma and red blood cell concentrations of quinine in children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria from an endemic area of Amazonian region. Quinine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. In the steady state the ratio between plasma and red blood cell quinine concentration was 1.89 ± 1.25 ranging from 1.05 to 2.34. This result demonstrated that quinine do not concentrate in red blood cell of Brazilian children and characterize the absence of interracial difference in this relationship.
SUMMARY Parasitic infections are responsible for substantial mortality and morbidity worldwide. In most healthy individuals, little overt pathology is observed during infection with S. stercoralis. However, the symptoms in advanced cases may include gastrointestinal bleeding. Anemia is most commonly associated with hookworm infection, especially when several hundred worms are present. Our study evaluates the relationship between the hookworm or S. stercoralis infection status and the hemoglobin concentration of individuals examined by a private network of laboratories in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. We examined 374,120 samples from middle-class individuals living in Salvador City from January 2004 to April 2008. The stool samples were analyzed by the Lutz and Baermann-Moraes methods, and the blood samples were analyzed for hemoglobin concentration and eosinophil counting. The prevalence of hookworm and S. stercoralis were 0.27% (1,027) and 0.34% (1,286), respectively. The prevalence of hookworm and S. stercoralis infection was significantly higher in males than in females and increased with age. Eosinophilia was a common laboratorial finding in individuals infected with hookworm and S. stercoralis. The hemoglobin concentration was lower in the hookworm-infected individuals than in non-infected ones, but none of the examined patients were anemic. Lack of anemia could be a consequence of the socioeconomic status of these patients.
AIMS: Data on efavirenz in HIV/viral hepatitis co-infected patients is non-consensual, probably due to liver function heterogeneity in the patients included. METHODS: A case control study was performed on 27 HIV-infected patients, with controlled and homogenous markers of hepatic function, either mono-infected or co-infected with HBV/HCV, to ascertain the influence of viral hepatitis on efavirenz concentrations over a 2-year follow-up period. RESULTS: No differences were found in efavirenz concentrations between groups both during and at the end of the follow-up period: control (2.43 +/- 1.91 mg l(-1)) vs. co-infected individuals (2.37 +/- 0.37 mg l(-1)). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that HBV/HCV infections in themselves do not predispose to an overexposure to efavirenz.
Three concentrations of Leishmania mexicana amazonensis sonicated whole promastigote antigen (30, 9.6 and 3 ug N in 0.1 ml) wereprepared and 0.1 ml of each inoculated intradermally intopatients who live in one endemic leishmaniasis region in Brazil. Patients were divided into groups with active cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), healed cutaneous leishmaniasis (HCL), mucosal leishmaniasis (ML), and Controls (C). Skin reactions were recorded by measuring induration 48 hours after inoculation. Skin tests using 9.6 ugN/0.1 mlyielded the best diagnostic resultssince 97% of 30 patients with active lesions (cutaneous or mucosal) and 83% with HCL showed reactions of 5 mm orgreater as compared with 4% Controls. Tests using 30ug N/O. 1 ml causedan unacceptable levei of skin reactions with necrosis (10% of ACL patients tested and 17% of HCL, respectively). Tests using 3 ug N/O. 1 ml were less sensitive since only 87% of patients with active lesions and 68% with HCL had reactions of 5mm orgreater. The 3 ug N/O. 1 ml dose was utilized to ask the questions whether skin delayed hypersensitivity decreased with time after the initial lesion and whether mucosal involvement is associated with enhaced hypersensitivity to leishmanial antigen. Decreased delayed hypersensitivity was noted only in those patients who had an initial lesion more than 30 years ago. The mean induration of the reaction in 10 patients with ML was 11.3 mm ± 7.15, in 41 patients with HCL, 9.27 mm ± 6.78 and in 20patients with ACL 10. 7 mm ± 6.10 mm. The percent of patients with 5 mm orgreater induration was ML 80%, HCL 71%, ACL 90%. Thus, we could not confirm an association between enhanced delayed hypersensitivity and mucosal involvement in leishmaniasis.
INTRODUCTION: Peak and trough serum concentrations of vancomycin were determined in term newborn infants with confirmed or suspected Staphylococcus sp sepsis by high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay. OBJECTIVE: To statistically compare the results of the high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay techniques for measuring serum vancomycin concentrations. METHODS: Eighteen peak and 20 trough serum samples were assayed for vancomycin concentrations using high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay from October 1995 to October 1997. RESULTS: The linear correlation coefficients for high performance liquid chromatography and flourescence polarization immunoassay were 0.27 (peak, P = 0.110) and 0.26 (trough, P = 0.1045) respectively, which were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: There was wide variation in serum vancomycin concentrations determined by high performance liquid chromatography as compared with those determined by flourescence polarization immunoassay. There was no recognizable pattern in the variability; in an apparently random fashion, the high performance liquid chromatography measurement was sometimes substantially higher than the flourescence polarization immunoassay measurement, and at other times it was substantially lower.
In the Brazilian Amazon, large areas of abandoned lands may revert to secondary forest. In the process, pioneer tree species have an important role to restore productivity in old fields and improve environmental conditions. To determine potential photosynthesis (Apot), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (E), and leaf micronutrient concentrations in Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urban a study was carried out in the Brazilian Amazon (01o 51' S; 60o 04' W). Photosynthetic parameters were measured at increasing [CO2], saturating light intensity (1 mmol (photons) m-2 s-1), and ambient temperature. The rate of electron-transport (J), Apot,and water-use efficiency (WUE) increased consistently at increasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci). Conversely, increasing [CO2] decreased gs, E, and photorespiration (Pr). At the CO2-saturated region of the CO2 response curve (1.1 mmol (CO2) mol-1(air), J was 120 μmol (e-) m-2s-1 and Apot reached up to 24 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Likewise, at saturating C1 g and E were 30 and 1.4 mmol (H2O) m-2s-1, respectively, and P 2 r about 1.5 μmol (CO2) m-2s-1. Foliar nutrients were 185, 134, 50, and 10 μmol (element) m-2 (leaf area) for Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, respectively. It was concluded that [CO ] probably limits light saturated photosynthesis in this site. Furthermore, from a nutritional point of view, the low Fe to Cu ratio (15:1) may reflect nutritional imbalance in O. pyramidale at this site.
Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene) – P(VDF-CTFE) membranes are increasingly interesting for a wide range of applications, including battery separators, filtration membranes and biomedical applications. This work reports on the morphology, hydrophobicity, thermal and mechanical properties variation of P(VDF-CTFE) membranes processed by nonsolvent induced phase separation technique (NIPS) as a function of the main processing parameters. All membranes show a porous structure composed of large spherulites, (interconnected) micropores and/or microvoids depending on the processing conditions used that in turn affect their hydrophobicity and mechanical properties. The degree of crystallinity of the membranes remains approximately constant with a value of about 15 %, except for the membranes immediately immersed in ethanol, which is of about 23 %. In turn, the crystalline phases present in the copolymer is mainly affected by the temperature and nonsolvent characteristics of the coagulation bath, the β-phase content ranging from 33 to 100 %, depending on those processing parameters. It was show that the temperature of water-based coagulation bath plays an important role in order to produce structurally uniform and homogeneous porous membranes, which is particularly important from the point of view of technological applications.
Due to the increasing need of low voltage actuators, independent from electrochemical processes, electroactive actuators based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites with 10, 25 and 40 % of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, [C2mim] [NTf2], ionic liquid are prepared by solvent casting and melting. We show that the charge structure of [C2mim] [NTf2] induces the complete piezoelectric -phase crystallization of the PVDF within the composite and decreases its crystallinity fraction significantly. [C2mim] [NTf2] also works as a plasticizer of PVDF, reducing the elastic modulus down to 12 % of the initial value. Moreover, the composites show significant displacement and bending under applied voltages of 2, 5 and 10 Vpp. The displacement and bending of the composite membranes are also evaluated as a function of [C2mim] [NTf2] content and sample thickness. Increasing amounts of ionic liquid result in larger deformations independently of the applied voltage.
Polymer based scintillator composites have been fabricated by combining poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles (50nm). PVDF has been used since it is a flexible and stable binder matrix and highly resistance to thermal and light deterioration. Gd2O3:Eu has been selected as scintillator material due to its wide band gap, high density and suitable visible light yield. The structural, mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of the composites were studied as a function of filler content, together with their performance as scintillator material. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu nanoparticles into the PVDF matrix does not influence the morphology of the polymer or the degree of crystallinity. On the other hand, an increase of the Young´s modulus with respect to PVDF matrix is observed for filler contents of 0.1-0.75 wt.%. The introduction of Gd2O3:Eu into the PVDF matrix increases dielectric constant and DC electrical conductivity as well as the visible light yield in the nanocomposite, being this increase dependent upon Gd2O3:Eu content and X-ray input power. In this way, Gd2O3:Eu/PVDF composites shows suitable characteristics to be used as X-ray radiation transducers, in particular for large area applications.
Separator membranes based on poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene) (PVDF-CTFE) were prepared by solvent casting technique based on its phase diagram in N,Ndimethylformamide (DMF) solvent. The microstructure of the PVDF-CTFE separator membranes depends on the initial position (temperature and concentration) of the solution in the phase diagram of the PVDF-CTFE/DMF system. A porous microstructure is achieved for PVDF-CTFE membranes with solvent evaporation temperature up to 50 ºC for a polymer/solvent relative concentration of 20 wt%. The ionic conductivity of the separator depends on the degree of porosity and electrolyte uptake, the highest room temperature value being 1.5 mS.cm-1 for the sample with 20 wt% of polymer concentration and solvent evaporation temperature at 25 ºC saturated with 1 mol L-1 lithium bis (trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide (LiTFSI) in propylene carbonate (PC). This PVDF-CTFE separator membrane in Li/C-LiFePO4 half-cell shows good cyclability and rate capability, showing a discharge value after 50 cycles of 92 mAh.g-1 at 2 C, which is still 55% of the theoretical value. PVDF-CTFE separators are thus excellent candidates for high-power and safety lithium-ion batteries applications.