979 resultados para FAO


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Nesta tese, faço uma leitura dos escritos de Winnicott coligada à filosofia de Whitehead apoiada nas afinidades existentes entre estes autores. Realizo uma leitura que, ao contrário do que é usual nas exposições do autor, explicita pressupostos e sistematiza conceitos. Nela, priorizo a abordagem relacional e processual, aprofundo as descrições dos conceitos de self, meio ambiente, saúde, apropriação e transição e chego a delinear uma metapsicologia winnicotiana. A releitura dos processos de transformação de si daí resultantes potencializa a relevância das colocações de Winnicott para a clínica e para a teoria psicanalítica.


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Sex-specific demography and reproductive biology of stripey bass (Lutjanus carponotatus) (also known as Spanish flag snapper, FAO) were examined at the Palm and Lizard island groups, Great Barrier Reef (GBR).Total mortality rates were similar between the sexes. Males had larger L∞ at both island groups and Lizard Island group fish had larger overall L∞. Female:male sex ratios were 1.3 and 1.1 at the Palm and Lizard island groups, respectively. The former is statistically different from 1, but is unlikely significantly different in a biological sense. Females matured on average at 2 years of age and 190 mm fork length at both locations. Female gonadal lipid body indices peaked from August through October, preceding peak gonadosomatic indices in October, November, and December that were twice as great as in any other month. However, ovarian staging revealed 50% or more ovaries were ripe from September through February, suggesting a more protracted spawning season and highlighting the different interpretations that can arise between gonad weight and gonad staging methods. Gonadosomatic index increases slightly with body size and larger fish have a longer average spawning season, which suggests that larger fish produce greater relative reproductive output. Lizard Island group females had ovaries nearly twice as large as Palm Island group females at a given body size. However, it is unclear whether this reflects spatial differences akin to those observed in growth or effects of sampling Lizard Island group fish closer to their date of spawning. These results support an existing 250 mm minimum size limit for L. carponotatus on the GBR, as well as the timing of a proposed October through December spawning closure for the fishery. The results also caution against assessing reef-fish stocks without reference to sex-, size-, and location-specific biological traits.


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The California market squid (Loligo opalescens Berry), also known as the opalescent inshore squid (FAO), plays a central role in the nearshore ecological communities of the west coast of the United States (Morejohn et al., 1978; Hixon, 1983) and it is also a prime focus of California fisheries, ranking first in dollar value and tons landed in recent years (Vojkovich, 1998). The life span of this species is only 7−10 months after hatching, as ascertained by aging statoliths (Butler et al., 1999; Jackson, 1994; Jackson and Domier, 2003) and mariculture trials (Yang, et al., 1986). Thus, annual recruitment is required to sustain the population. The spawning season ranges from April to November and spawning peaks from May to June. In some years there can be a smaller second peak in November. In Monterey Bay, the squids are fished directly on the egg beds, and the consequences of this practice for conservation and fisheries management are unknown but of some concern (Hanlon, 1998). Beginning in April 2000, we began a study of the in situ spawning behavior of L. opalescens in the southern Monterey Bay fishing area.


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This disclosure brochure prepared by the IIP Aquaculture Department is an adaptation of the manual "Freshwater fish farming: how to begin" published by FAO in 1979. Written in simple language and provided with numerous diagrams, the text has been set according to conditions and characteristics of Mozambique.


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The abundance of sharks is notable in the waters of Mozambique but this species has never been the object of a dedicated fishing effort. However, in recent years, some fishing activities have been carried out essentially for capture. The present paper describes status and trends of shark fisheries, utilization and trade of sharks. It is based mainly on working notes made by Mr. Tsnetoshi Mihara, a FAO expert involved in the MONAP Project - Development of coastal and continental fisheries (FI -1).


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FAO regularly releases studies on the state of fish resources exploitation (The state of world fisheries and aquaculture)and the development of fisheries by geographic areas. The 1983 and 1985 editions provided interesting discussions on fisheries development trends in the world: the majority of sea-facing countries adopted legislation that extends the national jurisdiction on the waters off their coasts (usually indicated within 200 miles) and establishes exclusive economic zones (EEZs). The huge fluctuations in the abundance of some fish stocks are obstacles to fisheries development. This issue, as well as the need to improve research activities and management of fish stocks is also analyzed in this work. The author highlighted the situation of fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean, with particular attention to tuna fisheries and to inland water resources of Mozambique.


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Based on the proven existence of large pelagic fish resources in the southern coast of Mozambique, an experimental fishing trolling program has been designed to study the possibility of resources exploitation through the introduction of trolling technique on artisanal vessels (Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653). Although operational problems occurred, the program carried out during the year 1957, provided a collection of data and knowledge. It allowed the preparation of present paper, which could serve as an indicator for a possible implementation of this fishing method in the Mozambican artisanal sector. Sharing this study, the author expects to give a further contribution to the development of a greater pelagic fishery in the waters of Mozambique.


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The development of the aquaculture industry worldwide is discussed in detail with respect to activities conducted by various international organizations, considering in particular the leading role played by the FAO and its regional agencies. A brief examination is also made of the current situation regarding the industry in India and the potential for further development and improvement.


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Even though smoke curing is a very elegant method of preserving fish, the resultant products have only a very restricted shelf-life, unless stored under refrigerated conditions. The main source of spoilage is the early setting in of a vigorous growth of moulds. This problem is of a serious nature even in temperate climatic conditions. In full and universal recognition of the gravity of the problem, the FAO conference on herring technology held in September 1950 at Bergen in Norway has recommended the problem of "means of prevention of mould growth in smoked products" for future research study. This note records an interesting observation made at this Laboratory on the inhibitory action of sodium chloride on the development of mould in smoked fishery products.


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This bulletin has been written primarily to serve as a handbook to the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council at its sessions in Colombo during December 1958. It presents an outline of the fishing industry as found in Ceylon today, in non-technical language so that it may also be understood by laymen. The large gaps in our knowledge are brought out in the section on "resources"; the section on "administration" gives an indication of progress made towards solving the problems of the industry, while sections on "fishing methods" and "utilization of catch" will help us to appreciate the handicaps and difficulties of those concerned with the industry. The Government Administration of the fisheries of Ceylon is being assisted to a considerable extent by the generous gifts of machinery and equipment as well as the loan of skilled technical personnel made by other countries through the FAO and the Colombo Plan. The progress made so far has helped to place the industry in a favorable position for further improvements.


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当今,生物资源——“物种”正在以地质史上前所未有的速度灭绝或走向濒危。保护生物多样性已是世界范围内环境保护和生物学研究的热点。基于种子具有完善的保护结构和内潜的隐蔽生命以适应逆境的微妙机制,种子库被认为是保护植物种质资源的主要措施。现阶段世界各国的种子库均为低温库或超低温库,可观的建库投资和运转费用的经济负担直接影响到贫困国家和地区植物种质资源及时有效的保护,寻求取代低温库的廉价贮藏种子的策略和技术已列为联合国FAO/IBPGR的全球战略措施。 此乃本文的工作背景和最终目标。早期的研究已查明,通过降低种子含水量可以在适当提高温度的条件下达到在较高含水量在低温下同样的贮藏效果,但是由于干燥技术以及5%为种子安全含水量下限这一经典概念的局限,种子贮藏的含水量一直没有突破5%下限。超干贮藏即以此为依据,摸索以适当的干燥技术将种子含水量降至这一经典下限以下,即采取超低含水量种子密封贮藏的方法,以达到部分或完全取代低温库的目的。 作为种子贮藏的方法首先要保证种子活力的保持。本文选用了不同化学组份以及不同粒度大小的种子为材料,涉及到40个不同的种和品种,针对不同类型的种子摸索了适宜的干燥方法及辅助措施,从种子生活力和活力、细胞形态结构、细胞器发育和功能以及若干生理活性指标等多元角度上确认种子含水量可以安全降至5%以下,除了个别敏感类型种子外,在常温条件下能大幅度增强种子的耐藏性。 本文对种子耐干性差异以及辅助干燥措施提高种子耐干性进行了水分热力学方面的分析,认为种子本身的特性决定了种子内部水分吸附位点对关键水分束缚力量的不同,导致在相同干燥过程中失去关键性水分程度的不同,从而造成种子在耐干程度上有所差异。干燥的辅助措施可以通过改变种子中的化学成份增强种子对关键性水分吸附的力量,继而使得关键性水分不会轻易丢失。超干延缓种子劣变的原因在于,MC不能真实反映种子水分水平,一定MC范围内的超干种子的关键性水分仍然存在,即使在极度干燥的种子中,虽然一部分束缚水已失去,但对导致和抑制脂质过氧化的正负效应折衷的结果使劣变反应从整体上还是受到抑制。内源抗氧剂的活性及含量以及劣变产物MDA的积累量表明种子在超干贮藏过程中脂质过氧化被部分抑制,酶类抗氧剂系统保存完好,非酶类抗氧剂被消耗的量减少,使得种子在结束贮藏进入萌发状态时仍具有较高水平的自由基清除系统的正常运转能力。无氧贮藏,和外源抗氧防护等预处理措施使种子在超干贮藏过程中能更好地清除活性氧的伤害,吸湿回干、PEG等处理使超于种子吸胀时膜系统功能及结构更具完整性。回水预处理诱导的生化修补效应可保留于种子内部,以便在种子再次吸水时及早发挥作用。本文已在干前及干后预处理辅助措施上找到了若干行之有效的方法,其中有些是首次应用于种子技术范畴。 本文在总结系列试验研究结果和纵观近年来国内外在此领域的动态后,认为一般常规型种子在适度超低水分状态下不仅自身不受脂质过氧化的危害,并能保持种子内外形态学和种质遗传性的完整性,而且可使种子内部代谢停顿,更有利于耐藏性的大幅度提高,加上超干技术上的不断完善,为今后建立节能种子库展示了希望。


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This Technical Paper is a basic guide to carp pond polyculture practicable in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) countries. It provides an overview on the guiding principles, aspects and tasks, and presents the most applicable production techniques and patterns of carp polyculture. For further reading and more in-depth information on the suggested techniques and technologies, it also includes a list of relevant FAO publications. It is expected that this publication will help identify resources and contribute to the successful planning and realization of fish production by those fish pond owners and operators who need to strengthen and improve their knowledge on the subject.


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This publication is based on materials covered and outputs generated during the Workshop on Risk Assessment Methodologies and Tools for Aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, which was jointly held by WorldFish and FAO in Siavonga, Zambia on 28 June - 2 July 2010. The workshop was delivered as a training exercise to 17 participants from seven sub-Saharan countries and was designed to highlight current methodologies and tools available for environmental risk analysis in aquaculture development. A key focus of the workshop was to encourage participants to consider hypothetical but realistic scenarios and to discuss issues relevant to evaluating the environmental risks of a given activity or scenario. This publication presents selected scenarios from the workshop and the outcomes of the deliberative process as developed by the participants. This publication is factual but not comprehensive, therefore any statements or estimations of risk do not represent the actual risks arising from the described scenario. It is intended to serve as an easily readable introduction to risk analysis, highlighting worked examples that will provide guidance on how a risk analysis may be approached in a similar situation.


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Longliner and purse-seiner catch/effort statistics for tuna fisheries in the western Indian Ocean collected by Mozambique, Seychelles and Somalia are summarized. Although the data are not considered sufficient to indicate trends for the western Indian Ocean as a whole, an examination of data from the Seychelles EEZ shows that catch rates for yellowfin tuna declined consistently from 1982 to 1985, to about half their former levels. The data were processed by the FAO/Indo Pacific Tuna Development and Management Programme, Colombo, Sri Lanka.