947 resultados para Experimental characterization


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We report on experiments aimed at the generation and characterization of solid density plasmas at the free-electron laser FLASH in Hamburg. Aluminum samples were irradiated with XUV pulses at 13.5 nm wavelength (92 eV photon energy). The pulses with duration of a few tens of femtoseconds and pulse energy up to 100 mu J are focused to intensities ranging between 10(13) and 10(17) W/cm(2). We investigate the absorption and temporal evolution of the sample under irradiation by use of XUV and optical spectroscopy. We discuss the origin of saturable absorption, radiative decay, bremsstrahlung and atomic and ionic line emission. Our experimental results are in good agreement with simulations.


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A two-thermocouple sensor characterization method for use in variable flow applications is proposed. Previous offline methods for constant velocity flow are extended using sliding data windows and polynomials to accommodate variable velocity. Analysis of Monte-Carlo simulation studies confirms that the unbiased and consistent parameter estimator outperforms alternatives in the literature and has the added advantage of not requiring a priori knowledge of the time constant ratio of thermocouples. Experimental results from a test rig are also presented. © 2008 The Institute of Measurement and Control.


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The joint fluids of 37 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, eight patients with traumatic injuries to their joints, two patients with Reiter's syndrome and three patients with psoriatic arthritis were tested for the presence of B cell colony stimulating activity (B cell CSA). B cell CSA was found in all of the joint fluids from the patients with rheumatoid arthritis but in none of the joint fluids from patients with traumatic injuries to their joints or in the joint fluids from the patients with Reiter's syndrome. A trace of B cell CSA was found in the joint fluid of one of the three patients with psoriatic arthritis. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.796) between the amount of rheumatoid factor present in the joint fluids and the titre of B cell CSA. This correlation was highly significant (P less than 0.001). The B cell CSA was localized to component(s) with molecular weight ranges 115-129 kD and 64-72 kD and an isoelectric point of 6.8. Its activity was sensitive to reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol and to the oxidising action of potassium periodate.


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Ultrasonic consolidation process is a rapid manufacturing process used to join thin layers of metal at low temperatures and low energy consumption. In this work, finite element method has been used to simulate the ultrasonic consolidation of Aluminium alloys 6061 (AA-6061) and 3003 (AA-3003). A thermomechanical material model has been developed in the framework of continuum cyclic plasticity theory which takes into account both volume (acoustic softening) and surface (thermal softening due to friction) effects. A friction model based on experimental studies has been developed, which takes into account the dependence of coefficient of friction upon contact pressure, amount of slip, temperature and number of cycles. Using the developed material and friction model ultrasonic consolidation (UC) process has been simulated for various combinations of process parameters involved. Experimental observations are explained on the basis of the results obtained in the present study. The current research provides the opportunity to explain the differences of the behaviour of AA-6061 and AA-3003 during the ultrasonic consolidation process. Finally, trends of the experimentally measured fracture energies of the bonded specimen are compared to the predicted friction work at the weld interface resulted from the simulation at similar process condition. Similarity of the trends indicates the validity of the developed model in its predictive capability of the process. © 2008 Materials Research Society.


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A string of repulsively interacting particles exhibits a phase transition to a zigzag structure, by reducing the transverse trap potential or the interparticle distance. Based on the emergent symmetry Z2 it has been argued that this instability is a quantum phase transition, which can be mapped to an Ising model in transverse field. An extensive Density Matrix Renormalization Group analysis is performed, resulting in an high-precision evaluation of the critical exponents and of the central charge of the system, confirming that the quantum linear-zigzag transition belongs to the critical Ising model universality class. Quantum corrections to the classical phase diagram are computed, and the range of experimental parameters where quantum effects play a role is provided. These results show that structural instabilities of one-dimensional interacting atomic arrays can simulate quantum critical phenomena typical of ferromagnetic systems.


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Thermocouples are one of the most popular devices for temperature measurement due to their robustness, ease of manufacture and installation, and low cost. However, when used in certain harsh environments, for example, in combustion systems and engine exhausts, large wire diameters are required, and consequently the measurement bandwidth is reduced. This article discusses a software compensation technique to address the loss of high frequency fluctuations based on measurements from two thermocouples. In particular, a difference equation (DE) approach is proposed and compared with existing methods both in simulation and on experimental test rig data with constant flow velocity. It is found that the DE algorithm, combined with the use of generalized total least squares for parameter identification, provides better performance in terms of time constant estimation without any a priori assumption on the time constant ratios of the thermocouples.


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We report the experimental reconstruction of the nonequilibrium work probability distribution in a closed quantum system, and the study of the corresponding quantum fluctuation relations. The experiment uses a liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance platform that offers full control on the preparation and dynamics of the system. Our endeavors enable the characterization of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of a quantum spin from a finite-time thermodynamics viewpoint.


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This manuscript describes the application and further development of the TAP technique in kinetic characterization of heterogeneous catalysis. The major application of TAP systems is to study mechanisms, kinetics and transport phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis, all of which is made possible by the sub-millisecond time resolution. Furthermore, the kinetic information obtained can be used to gain an insight into the mechanism occurring over the catalyst system. This is advantageous as heterogeneous catalysts with an improved efficiency can be developed as a result. TAP kinetic studies are carried out at low pressure (~1x10-7 mbar) and TAP pulses are sufficiently small (1013-1015 molecules) so as to maintain this low pressure. The use of a small number of molecules in comparison to the total number of active sites means the state of the catalyst remains relatively unchanged. The use of the low intensity pulses also makes the pressure gradient negligible and so allows the TAP reactor system to operate in the Knudsen Diffusion regime, where gas-gas reactions are eliminated. Hence only gas-catalyst reactions are investigated and, by the use of moment analysis of observed exit flow, rate constants of elementary steps of the reaction can be obtained.

In this manuscript, two attempts to further the TAP technique are reported. Firstly, the work undertaken at QUB to attempt to control the number of molecules of condensable reagents that can be pulsed during a TAP pulse experiment is disclosed. Secondly, a collaborative project with SAI Ltd Manchester is discussed in a separate chapter, where technical details and validation of a customised time of flight mass spectrometer (ToF MS) for the QUB TAP-1 system are reported. A collaborative project with Cardiff Catalysis Institute focusing on the study of CO oxidation over hopcalite catalysts is also reported. The analysis of the experimental results has provided an insight into the possible mechanism of the oxidation of CO over these catalysts. A correction function has also been derived which accounts for the adsorption of reactant molecules over inert materials that are used for the reactor packing in TAP experiments. This function was then applied to the selective reduction of O2 in a H2 rich ethene feed, so that more accurate TAP moment based analysis could be conducted.


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O estudo de escoamentos turbulentos em descarregadores em degraus tem sido um desafio para os investigadores. A macro-rugosidade do leito, a ondulação da superfície livre, a intermitência da localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e o escoamento bi-fásico a jusante da secção inicial de entrada de ar fazem com que a caracterização do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus não seja simples. Actualmente, é possível combinar técnicas de medição fiáveis com simulações numéricas e análise teórica. Nesta dissertação, o estudo experimental baseia-se em resultados experimentais obtidos em duas instalações experimentais: a instalação A, do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:0.75H e a instalação B, do Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), dotada de um descarregador em degraus com declive de 1V:2H. Uma sonda de ar, um tubo de Pitot modificado e vários hidrómetros permitiram o estudo do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões mono- e bifásico ao longo do descarregador em degraus da instalação A. Na bacia de dissipação de energia, a observação visual do escoamento foi auxiliada pelas leituras efectuadas em tomadas de pressão localizadas na soleira da bacia e pelas leituras da altura do escoamento efectuadas em réguas graduadas localizadas nas paredes da bacia. Na instalação B foram utilizados um tubo de Pitot e vários hidrómetros para estudar a região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões no descarregador em degraus. O estudo numérico é baseado em simulações numéricas da região não arejada do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões sobre descarregadores em degraus com o código comercial de CFD FLOW-3D® de modo a reproduzir as condições ensaiadas experimentalmente. As simulações beneficiaram da técnica de blocos múltiplos (multi-block) num sistema de coordenadas cartesianas, da determinação da superfície livre pelo método TruVOF e da utilização de dois modelos de turbulência: os modelos k- e RNG k-. Por último, o estudo teórico consistiu em desenvolver um modelo simplificado 1D para determinar as características hidráulicas principais do trecho não arejado do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus. O modelo foi desenvolvido a partir das equações de Navier-Stokes, conjuntamente com resultados experimentais e numéricos. Os resultados apresentados nesta dissertação contribuem para o conhecimento do escoamento deslizante sobre turbilhões em descarregadores em degraus, nomeadamente na região não arejada, na secção inicial de entrada de ar e na região arejada. A hidráulica dos dissipadores de energia a jusante de descarregadores em degraus, em particular das bacias tipo III do USBR, é também objecto de estudo. Em relação à região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores com declive acentuado, e com base em resultados experimentais e numéricos, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, da espessura da camada limite, da concentração média de ar, do coeficiente de energia cinética, da dissipação de energia, do factor de resistência e do coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning. São ainda propostas expressões adimensionais para a energia cinética turbulenta e sua dissipação. Para declives moderados, são propostas expressões para estimar o desenvolvimento da altura equivalente de água, do coeficiente de energia cinética e da energia específica residual. São ainda apresentados valores do expoente 1/N da expressão adimensional da distribuição de velocidades, quer para descarregadores com declive acentuado quer com declive moderado. Em conformidade com outros estudos centrados em escoamentos de parede e com derivações teóricas, para a região não arejada do escoamento em descarregadores em degraus de acentuado declive, observa-se que o factor de resistência depende da macro-rugosidade criada pelos degraus e da geometria da secção transversal e que o coeficiente n da fórmula de Manning aumenta com a rugosidade. A descrição estatística da turbulência do escoamento é igualmente explorada, contribuindo para o conhecimento da estrutura do escoamento. Observou-se que para números de Reynolds rugoso não superiores a 6.8x104 a energia cinética turbulência e a sua dissipação cumprem leis de semelhança. Estas expressões adimensionais estão de acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros autores para escoamentos completamente desenvolvidos em canais abertos e no escoamento em rios com leito de gravilha. Em acréscimo, a taxa de dissipação de energia, quer para descarregadores de declive acentuado quer de moderado declive, é baixa. Por último, observa-se que os valores da média temporal da concentração de ar entre 0 e 1 medidos na região não arejada do escoamento dizem respeito não só ao ar capturado entre ondas de água, na zona de ondulação da superfície livre, mas também ao ar emulsionado no escoamento, i.e., sob a forma de bolhas de ar, quando perto da secção média inicial de entrada de ar, devido à diferença entre localizações instantânea e média temporal. Foram revistas metodologias e fórmulas para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar e apresentadas expressões para estimar a concentração média de ar e a altura equivalente de água nessa secção. Relativamente à região de escoamento arejado em descarregadores em degraus com declive acentuado, os resultados experimentais apresentados nesta dissertação permitiram estimar a influência da definição da superfície livre nos parâmetros hidráulicos da região do escoamento arejado e estimar a máxima elevação do escoamento nesta região do escoamento. Com base nos resultados experimentais obtidos na bacia de dissipação de energia do tipo III do USBR localizada a jusante do descarregador em degraus da instalação A, observou-se que os perfis da altura piezométrica e da altura do escoamento tendem a seguir o perfil recomendado pelo USBR para bacias tipo III. A excepção ocorre à entrada da bacia, onde as alturas piezométricas apresentadas nesta dissertação excedem largamente as apresentadas pelo USBR. É ainda observado que, tal como entre as bacias tipo I e tipo III do USBR, o ressalto hidráulico estabiliza muito mais rapidamente numa bacia tipo III a jusante de um descarregador em degraus do que uma bacia tipo I a jusante do mesmo descarregador em degraus. Finalmente, observa-se que os blocos de amortecimento a colocar no descarregador não têm influência visível nos resultados da altura piezométrica nem da altura do escoamento ao longo da bacia. Relativamente às simulações numéricas do escoamento não arejado, a proximidade entre resultados experimentais e numéricos permite validar o modelo teórico e a integração numérica usados no FLOW-3D®. As simulações desenvolvidas também mostraram que o modelo de turbulência k- permite representar as características do escoamento não arejado em descarregadores em degraus, uma vez que não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as simulações com este modelo e com o modelo RNG k-. Finalmente, observou-se que o modelo de entrada de ar usado no FLOW-3D® é válido para estimar a localização da secção inicial de entrada de ar. Por último, a proximidade entre os resultados obtidos da aplicação do modelo teórico desenvolvido no âmbito desta dissertação e os resultados experimentais indica que as hipóteses e simplificações consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo são adequadas.


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In this work physical and behavioral models for a bulk Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (RSOA) modulator in Radio over Fiber (RoF) links are proposed. The transmission performance of the RSOA modulator is predicted under broadband signal drive. At first, the simplified physical model for the RSOA modulator in RoF links is proposed, which is based on the rate equation and traveling-wave equations with several assumptions. The model is implemented with the Symbolically Defined Devices (SDD) in Advanced Design System (ADS) and validated with experimental results. Detailed analysis regarding optical gain, harmonic and intermodulation distortions, and transmission performance is performed. The distribution of the carrier and Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) is also demonstrated. Behavioral modeling of the RSOA modulator is to enable us to investigate the nonlinear distortion of the RSOA modulator from another perspective in system level. The Amplitude-to-Amplitude Conversion (AM-AM) and Amplitude-to-Phase Conversion (AM-PM) distortions of the RSOA modulator are demonstrated based on an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and a generalized polynomial model. Another behavioral model based on Xparameters was obtained from the physical model. Compensation of the nonlinearity of the RSOA modulator is carried out based on a memory polynomial model. The nonlinear distortion of the RSOA modulator is reduced successfully. The improvement of the 3rd order intermodulation distortion is up to 17 dB. The Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) is improved from 6.1% to 2.0%. In the last part of this work, the performance of Fibre Optic Networks for Distributed and Extendible Heterogeneous Radio Architectures and Service Provisioning (FUTON) systems, which is the four-channel virtual Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), is predicted by using the developed physical model. Based on Subcarrier Multiplexing (SCM) techniques, four-channel signals with 100 MHz bandwidth per channel are generated and used to drive the RSOA modulator. The transmission performance of the RSOA modulator under the broadband multi channels is depicted with the figure of merit, EVM under di erent adrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) level of 64 and 254 for various number of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers of 64, 512, 1024 and 2048.


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The genetic diversity of 15 carob ( Ceratonia siliqua L.) cultivars located in an experimental field from Algarve (Portugal) was evaluated over 7 years using 12 fruit and seed phenotypic characters, in order to characterize carob cultivars. The values of morphological traits obtained by cultiv ar were compared with those from other countries of the Mediterranean basin. Statistically significant differences were found between cultivars for al l characters which were examined, what indicates a high genetic diversity. The relationship among these characters was analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) resulting in the separation of these cultivars classed in four groups (clusters I–IV) and in four ungrouped cultivars. A three dimension of the model was found to be significant and explained 74.5% of the total variation, in which the first component accounting for 34.6% of the total variation is dominated by fruit characters, while the second component is dominated by seed characters. Cultivars plotted on the left-lower quadrant on the space determined by principal components 1 and 2 are characterized by fruits with high seed yield more appropriated for industrial rentability. The correlation analyses established by cultivar provided a specific understanding about the way how fruit and seed characteristics correlate within each cultivar. This approach can be useful for the development of a breeding programme, aiming to increase the seed yield, seed thickness, individual and total seed weight by fruit, characteristics that are determinant to improve the industrial exploitation of carob.


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Gla-rich protein (GRP) is a vitamin K-dependent protein related to bone and cartilage recently described. This protein is characterized by a large number of Gla (γ-carboxyglutamic acid) residues being the protein with the highest Gla content of any known protein. It was found in a widely variety of tissues but highest levels was found in skeletal and cartilaginous tissues. This small secreted protein was also expressed and accumulated in soft tissues and it was clearly associated with calcification pathologies in the same tissues. Although the biological importance of GRP remains to be elucidated, it was suggested a physiological role in cartilage development and calcification process during vertebrate skeleton formation. Using zebrafish, an accepted model to study skeletal development, we have described two grp paralog genes, grp1 and grp2, which exhibited distinct patterns of expression, suggesting different regulatory pathways for each gene. Gene synteny analysis showed that grp2 gene is more closely related to tetrapod grp, although grp1 gene was proposed to be the vertebrate ortholog by sequence comparison. In addition, we identified a functional promoter of grp2 gene and using a functional approach we confirmed the involvement of transcription factors from Sox family (Sox9b and Sox10) in the regulation of grp2 expression. In an effort to provide more information about the function of grp isoforms, we generated two zebrafish transgenic lines capable to overexpress conditionally grp genes and possible roles in the skeleton development were studied. To better understand GRP function a mammalian system was used and the analysis of knockout mice showed that GRP is involved in chondrocyte maturation and the absence of GRP is associated to proteoglycans loss in calcified articular cartilage. In addition, we detected differences in chondrogenesis markers in articular chondrocyte primary culture. Overall, our data suggest a main role for GRP on chondrocyte differentiation.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofisíca), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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This paper consist in the establishment of a Virtual Producer/Consumer Agent (VPCA) in order to optimize the integrated management of distributed energy resources and to improve and control Demand Side Management DSM) and its aggregated loads. The paper presents the VPCA architecture and the proposed function-based organization to be used in order to coordinate the several generation technologies, the different load types and storage systems. This VPCA organization uses a frame work based on data mining techniques to characterize the costumers. The paper includes results of several experimental tests cases, using real data and taking into account electricity generation resources as well as consumption data.