436 resultados para Eutectic Solder
The microstructural and compositional features of the laser-solidified microstructures and phase evolutions occurring during high temperature tempering were investigated by using analytical electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The cladded alloy, a powder mixture of Fe, Cr, W, Ni and C with a weight ratio of 10:5:1:1:1, was processed with a 3 kW continuous wave CO2 laser. The cladded coating possessed the hypoeutectic microstructure of the primary dendritic gamma-austenite and interdendritic eutectic consisting of (gamma+M7C3). The gamma-austenite is a nonequilibrium phase with extended solid solution of alloying elements. And, a great deal of fine structures, i.e., a high density of dislocations, twins, and stacking faults existed in austenite phase. During high temperature aging, the precipitation of M23C6, MC and M2C in austenite and in situ transformation of M7C3(+gamma) --> M23C6 and M7C3+gamma --> M6C occurred. The laser clad coating revealed an evident secondary hardening and superior impact wear resistance.
The rapidly solidified microstructural and compositional features, the precipitation and transformation of carbides during tempering, and the impact wear resistance of an iron-based alloy coating prepared by laser cladding are investigated. The clad coating alloy, a powder mixture of Fe, Cr, W, Ni, and C with a weight ratio of 10:5:1.1.1, is processed using a continuous wave CO, laser. Microstructural studies demonstrate that the coating possesses the hypoeutectic microstructure comprising the primary dendritic gamma-austenite and interdendritic eutectic consisting of gamma-austenite and M7C3 carbides. gamma-Austenite is a non-equilibrium phase with an extended solid solution of alloying elements. During high temperature tempering at 963 K for 1 h, the precipitation of M23C6, MC and M2C carbides in austenite and in situ carbide transformation of M7C3 to M23C6 and M7C3 to M6C respectively are observed. In addition, the microstructure of the laser-clad coating reveals an evident secondary hardening and a superior impact wear resistance.
可控坍塌芯片互连(C4)技术可以实现高速、高密度、小外形的封装,因此日渐得到关注和发展。本文针对发展新一代c4技术所面临的不流动芯下材料的机械性能问题,采用具有不同填充颗粒含量的不流动芯下材料,通过对材料的机械性能的测试和分析以及有限元模拟,初步揭示了不流动芯下材料变形行为的特点,填充颗粒含量对芯下材料机械性能的影响,以及芯下材料机械性能和芯下材料工艺导致的颗粒沉积对封装可靠性的影响。首先在差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、热一力学分析仪(TMA)上对材料的固条件、热膨胀系数、玻璃化转变温度进行了测试,接着又在六轴微型试验机上对材料在不同温度和应变率下的应力一应变行为进行了测试。测试结果表明,所用材料的固化条件和玻璃化转变温度可以满足不流动芯下材料的性能要求,材料的热膨胀系数高于芯下材料理想的热膨胀系数值,材料中填充颗粒含量、温度、应变率等对材料的应力一应变行为有重要的影响。为了解芯下材料中填充颗粒含量对机械性能的影响,对不同颗粒含量材料在各测试温度和应变率下的杨氏模量、屈服强度和流动应力进行了对比和分析。结果表明,在各测试条件下,芯下材料的杨氏模量基本随着颗粒含量的增加而升高;温度较低时,材料的屈服强度随颗粒含量的增加而升高,但是,较高温度时,材料的屈服强度和流动应力随着颗粒含量的增加呈现先升高后降低再升高的变化趋势。为理解芯下材料的屈服强度和流动应力随着颗粒含量非单调变化的行为,采用广义Eshelby等效夹杂法对含颗粒试样在单轴拉伸时试样内的应力分布进行了分析,并用纳米硬度计对材料纳米尺度的性能进行了测量。应力分析的结果表明,不流动芯下材料的SiO2填充颗粒的加入会在基体里引起应力集中,应力集中系数随着颗粒含量的增加先升高后降低,试样内的应力集中有使材料屈服强度降低的趋势。纳米硬度计的测试结果表明,芯~卜材料内形成了性能介于颗粒Z基体之间的界面相,界面相的形成有使芯下材料屈服强度提高的趋势。芯下材料屈服强度随着填充颗粒含量的非单调的变化是应力集中和界面效应藕合作用的结果。温度和应变率是影响芯下材料机械性能的重要因素。为刻画温度和应变率的效应,采用Pe化yna模型描述材料的应力一应变行为。结果表明,Per叮na模型可以拟合材料应变率相关的应力一应变行为,描述不流动芯下材料应力一应变曲线的基本趋势,对材料在测试范围外的行为给出较合理的预测,并且Perzyna模型可以很方便地用于ABAQUS中,这将易于工业应用。最后,采用商用有限元程序AB AQus分析了芯下材料机械性能和芯下材料工艺导致的填充颗粒沉积对C4封装可靠性的影响。结果表明,在芯片/基板的缝隙中填入芯下材料可以显著延长可控坍塌倒装封装焊点的热疲劳寿命,提高封装可靠性,可控坍塌倒装封装焊点的热疲劳寿命随着芯下材料中填充颗粒含量的增加而增长;芯下材料中填充颗粒在C4封装基板侧的沉积将导致封装焊点的热疲劳寿命缩短,而颗粒在芯片侧的沉积则可使焊点的热疲劳寿命稍稍延长。
Isotopic fractionation due to sputtering has been investigated via a collector type experiment in which targets of known isotopic composition have been bombarded with several keV Ar+ and Xe+ ions with fluences down to 3.0x1014 ions/cm2 , believed to be the lowest fluences for which such detailed measurements have ever been made. The isotopes were sputtered onto carbon collectors and analyzed with Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS.) There is clear indication of preferential effects several times that predicted by the dominant analytical theory. Results also show a fairly strong angular variation in the fractionation. The maximum effect is usually seen in the near normal direction, measured from the target surface, falling continuously, by a few percent in some cases, to a minimum in the oblique direction. Measurements have been made using Mo isotopes: 100Mo and 92Mo and a liquid metal system of In:Ga eutectic. The light isotope of Mo is found to suffer a 53 ± 5‰ (note: 1.0‰ ≡ 0.1%) enrichment in the sputtered flux in the near normal direction, compared to the steady state near normal sputtered composition, under 5.0 keV Xe+ bombardment of 3.0 x 1014 ions/cm2. In the liquid metal study only the angular dependence of the fractionation could be measured due to the lack of a well defined reference and the nature of the liquid surface, which is able to 'repair' itself during the course of a bombardment. The results show that 113In is preferentially sputtered over 115In in the near normal direction by about 8.7 ± 2.7‰ compared to the oblique direction. 69Ga, on the other hand, is sputtered preferentially over 71Ga in the oblique direction by about 13 ± 4.4‰ with respect to the near normal direction.
Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento eletroquímico do metal de base (MB) de uma liga a base de níquel-cromo em relação a juntas soldadas desta liga obtidas pelos processos de brasagem (BRA) e Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG), imersos em saliva artificial com pH 2,5 e 5,5. Foram também realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e análise química semi-quantitativa por EDS, nos grupos MB, TIG, BRA e no cordão de solda a laser (LAS). O MB apresentou uma matriz rica em níquel e cromo, distribuída em um arranjo dendrítico típico, apresentando inclusões metálicas de silício e titânio, além de porosidades. As soldas TIG e LAS revelaram uma microestrutura mais refinada que o MB, mostrando, entretanto, uma mesma composição química e distribuição de seus elementos. A solda BRA apresentou diferenças marcantes em sua microestrutura, composição química e distribuição de seus elementos em relação ao MB. Os dados de microdureza Vickers (HV), potencial de corrosão (Ecorr) e densidade de corrente de corrosão (jcorr) foram analisados com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Para determinação da influência do pH quanto a resistência à corrosão dos grupos MB, TIG e BRA, empregou-se o teste t de Student (p<0,05). O MB apresentou menor média de microdureza (256,13 9,39 HV), seguido pelos grupos TIG (271,53 8,07 HV), LAS (303,73 13,93 HV) e BRA (551,99 37,73 HV). Em pH 2,5 as médias do Ecorr (mV) para o MB, TIG e BRA foram, respectivamente, -67,9 8,43, -52,78 16,74, e -284,33 19,04; e em pH 5,5, médias de -54,03 21,15, -62,08 20,16 e -278,8 28,96. Os valores médios de jcorr (A.cm-2) para o MB, TIG e BRA em pH 2,5 foram, respectivamente, 2,49 0,95, 5,584 1,64 e 27,45 4,9; e em pH 5,5, médias de 1,929 0,83, 4,267 1,51 e 54,2 11,96. Os grupos MB e TIG apresentaram boa resistência à corrosão, com maior módulo de impedância em relação ao grupo BRA. As diferenças no pH da saliva artificial não alteraram o comportamento corrosivo dos grupos MB e TIG. Entretanto, observou-se uma redução marcante na jcorr e no módulo de impedância nas soldas obtidas pelo processo de brasagem. O grupo BRA apresentou corrosão galvânica ao ser analisado formando par com o MB, mostrando uma jcorr de 5,3 A.cm-2. Entretanto, o mesmo não foi observado quando o MB foi associado à solda TIG, onde a jcorr foi cerca de 150 vezes menor. O grupo BRA, além de apresentar um comportamento eletroquímico muito diferente do MB, revelou diferenças marcantes quanto a composição química, aspecto microestrutural e microdureza. As juntas TIG e LAS mostraram semelhanças químicas e microestruturais em relação ao MB, sendo que na solda TIG esta semelhança foi ainda mais evidente. Além disto, a solda TIG apresentou um comportamento eletroquímico muito semelhante ao MB e, portanto, parecendo ser mais recomendável para soldar ligas odontológicas de níquel-cromo em relação aos demais processos de soldagem aqui avaliados.
A novel pair of the E- and Z-isomeric 1R,4R-2-(4-heptyloxyphenyl)-benzylidene-p-menthan-3-ones has been prepared and the influence of distinctions in their molecular geometry on macroscopic properties of liquid crystal systems with the induced supra-molecular helical structure has been studied. The significantly lower helical twisting power of the chiral Z-isomer in comparison with that of E- one has been confirmed in the case of induced cholesteric systems based on 4-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl. The phase behavior and ferroelectric characteristics have been investigated for smectic-C* compositions based on the eutectic mixture of the homological 4-hexyloxyphenyl-4'-hexyloxy- and 4-hexyloxyphenyl-4'-octyloxybenzoates containing the novel isomeric chiral dopants. The spontaneous polarisation of the opposite signs induced by the isomeric chiral components has been revealed for the compositions studied. Distinctions in phase states, absolute values of the spontaneous polarization, smectic tilt angle and rotation viscosity of the systems obtained are discussed.
Some 1R,4R-2-(4-phenylbenzylidene)-p-menthane-3-one derivatives containing the ether or ester linking group between benzene rings of the arylidene fragment have been studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal systems based on the eutectic mixture (1:1) of two phenylbenzoate derivatives CmH2m+1OC6H4COOC6 H4OCnH2n+1 (n = 6; m = 8, 10). The ferroelectric properties of these compositions (spontaneous polarization, rotation viscosity, smectic tilt angle as well as quantitative characteristics of their concentration dependences) were compared with those for systems including chiral dopants containing no linking group. Ferroelectric parameters of the induced ferroelectric compositions studied have been shown to depend essentially on the presence of the linking group between benzene rings and its nature as well as on the number of the benzene rings in the rigid molecular core of the chiral dopants used. For all ferroelectric liquid crystal systems studied, the influence of the chiral dopants on the thermal stability of N*, SmA and SmC* mesophases has been quantified. The influence of the linking group nature in the dopant molecules on the characteristics of the systems studied is discussed taking into account results of the conformational analysis carried out by the semi-empirical AM1 and PM3 methods.
In this paper, we report on the realisation of a free space deposition process (FSD). For the first time the use of a moving support structure to deposit tracks of metal starting from a substrate and extending into free space is characterised. The ability to write metal shapes in free space has wide ranging applications in additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping where the tracks can be layered to build overhanging features without the use of fixed support structures (such as is used in selective laser melting (SLM) and stereo lithography (SLA)). We demonstrate and perform a preliminary characterisation of the process in which a soldering iron was used to deposit lead free solder tracks. The factors affecting the stability of tracks and the effect of operating parameters, temperature, velocity, initial track starting diameter and starting volume were measured. A series of 10 tracks at each setting were compared with a control group of tracks; the track width, taper and variation between tracks were compared. Notable results in free space track deposition were that the initial track diameter and volume affected the repeatability and quality of tracks. The standard deviation of mean track width of tracks from the constrained initial diameter group were half that of the unconstrained group. The amount of material fed to the soldering iron before commencing deposition affected the taper of tracks. At an initial volume of 7 mm3 and an initial track diameter of 0.8 mm, none of the ten tracks deposited broke or showed taper > ∼1°. The maximum deposition velocity for free space track deposition using lead-free solder was limited to 1.5 mm s-1. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel integration method for the production of cost-effective optoelectronic printed circuit boards (OE PCBs) is presented. The proposed integration method allows fabrication of OE PCBs with manufacturing processes common to the electronics industry while enabling direct attachment of electronic components onto the board with solder reflow processes as well as board assembly with automated pick-and-place tools. The OE PCB design is based on the use of polymer multimode waveguides, end-fired optical coupling schemes, and simple electro-optic connectors, eliminating the need for additional optical components in the optical layer, such as micro-mirrors and micro-lenses. A proof-of-concept low-cost optical transceiver produced with the proposed integration method is presented. This transceiver is fabricated on a low-cost FR4 substrate, comprises a polymer Y-splitter together with the electronic circuitry of the transmitter and receiver modules and achieves error-free 10-Gb/s bidirectional data transmission. Theoretical studies on the optical coupling efficiencies and alignment tolerances achieved with the employed end-fired coupling schemes are presented while experimental results on the optical transmission characteristics, frequency response, and data transmission performance of the integrated optical links are reported. The demonstrated optoelectronic unit can be used as a front-end optical network unit in short-reach datacommunication links. © 2011-2012 IEEE.
This paper presents a novel platform for the formation of cost-effective PCB-integrated optical waveguide sensors. The sensor design relies on the use of multimode polymer waveguides that can be formed directly on standard PCBs and commercially-available chemical dyes, enabling the integration of all essential sensor components (electronic, photonic, chemical) on low-cost substrates. Moreover, it enables the detection of multiple analytes from a single device by employing waveguide arrays functionalised with different chemical dyes. The devices can be manufactured with conventional methods of the PCB industry, such as solder-reflow processes and pick-and-place assembly techniques. As a proof of principle, a PCB-integrated ammonia gas sensor is fabricated on a FR4 substrate. The sensor operation relies on the change of the optical transmission characteristics of chemically functionalised optical waveguides in the presence of ammonia molecules. The fabrication and assembly of the sensor unit, as well as fundamental simulation and characterisation studies, are presented. The device achieves a sensitivity of approximately 30 ppm and a linear response up to 600 ppm at room temperature. Finally, the potential to detect multiple analytes from a single device is demonstrated using principal-component analysis. © 1983-2012 IEEE.
Taper-free and vertically oriented Ge nanowires were grown on Si (111) substrates by chemical vapor deposition with Au nanoparticle catalysts. To achieve vertical nanowire growth on the highly lattice mismatched Si substrate, a thin Ge buffer layer was first deposited, and to achieve taper-free nanowire growth, a two-temperature process was employed. The two-temperature process consisted of a brief initial base growth step at high temperature followed by prolonged growth at lower temperature. Taper-free and defect-free Ge nanowires grew successfully even at 270 °C, which is 90 °C lower than the bulk eutectic temperature. The yield of vertical and taper-free nanowires is over 90%, comparable to that of vertical but tapered nanowires grown by the conventional one-temperature process. This method is of practical importance and can be reliably used to develop novel nanowire-based devices on relatively cheap Si substrates. Additionally, we observed that the activation energy of Ge nanowire growth by the two-temperature process is dependent on Au nanoparticle size. The low activation energy (∼5 kcal/mol) for 30 and 50 nm diameter Au nanoparticles suggests that the decomposition of gaseous species on the catalytic Au surface is a rate-limiting step. A higher activation energy (∼14 kcal/mol) was determined for 100 nm diameter Au nanoparticles which suggests that larger Au nanoparticles are partially solidified and that growth kinetics become the rate-limiting step. © 2011 American Chemical Society.
We systematically studied the temperature-dependent physicochemical properties, such as density, conductivity, and fluidity, of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium iodides. In combination with the amphiphilic Z907Na sensitizer, we have found that it is important to use low-viscosity iodide melts with small cations to achieve high-efficiency dye-sensitized solar cells. By employing high-fluidity eutectic-based melts the device efficiencies considerably increased compared to those for cells with the corresponding state of the art ionic liquid electrolytes.
Die cast AZ91-xYmm (x = 0-0.8 wt.%) magnesium alloys with excellent tensile properties and corrosion resistance behavior were successfully prepared by a simple addition of yttrium-rich misch metal (Ymm) to AZ91. Influences of Ymm on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of AZ91 were investigated. The results showed that addition of Ymm to die cast AZ91 alloy could re. ne the microstructure including primary alpha-Mg and eutectic beta-Mg17Al12. When the content of Ymm reached 0.8 wt.% a small quantity of Al2Y phase would form. The tensile properties were improved greatly with addition of Ymm to AZ91. The creep rate of the AZ91-Ymm alloys, tested at 150 degrees C/50MPa, was one order of magnitude lower than that of AZ91. When addition of Ymm was more than 0.3 wt.%, the salt-spray corrosion resistance of AZ91-Ymm alloys could be 30-40 times of that of AZ91. The improvement of corrosion resistance with addition of Ymm was confirmed by the results of electrochemical polarization experiments. Mechanism of the improvement of mechanical properties and corrosion behavior caused by Ymm was also discussed.
A facile molten salt synthesis route was developed to prepare ZnTiO3 ceramic powders with simple oxides ZnO and TiO2 using sodium and potassium chloride eutectic salts as flux. The role of calcination temperature and time and the amount of salt addition to ZnTiO3 formation was investigated by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transformation-infrared spectroscopy measurements. Pure hexagonal phase of ZnTiO3 could be obtained from the mixture of the simple oxides and the chlorides (50 mol% KCl, 20 times to oxides in molar ratio) heating at 800 degrees C for 6 h. The scanning electron microscopy images revealed the products were hexagonal sheets of about 1-3 mu m size. Increasing the amount of salt aids in reducing the crystal sizes of final ceramic powders because of diluting the solution.