941 resultados para Epistemological operations
This is a preprint of an article published in HEC Forum, 2010 22(4): 311-26. URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/jj08821k513u5747/
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This study is about the analysis of some queueing models related to N-policy.The optimal value the queue size has to attain in order to turn on a single server, assuming that the policy is to turn on a single server when the queue size reaches a certain number, N, and turn him off when the system is empty.The operating policy is the usual N-policy, but with random N and in model 2, a system similar to the one described here.This study analyses “ Tandem queue with two servers”.Here assume that the first server is a specialized one.In a queueing system,under N-policy ,the server will be on vacation until N units accumulate for the first time after becoming idle.A modified version of the N-policy for an M│M│1 queueing system is considered here.The novel feature of this model is that a busy service unit prevents the access of new customers to servers further down the line.It is deals with a queueing model consisting of two servers connected in series with a finite intermediate waiting room of capacity k.Here assume that server I is a specialized server.For this model ,the steady state probability vector and the stability condition are obtained using matrix – geometric method.
The thesis is the outcome of the experimental and theoretical investigations carried out on a novel slotted microstrip antenna.The antenna excites two resonance frequencies and provides orthogonal polarization. The radiation characteristics of the antenna are studied in detail. The antenna design is optimized using IE3D electromagnetic simulation tool. The frequency-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is employed for the analysis of the antenna.The antenna can be used for personal and satellite communication applications.
This study mainly deals with the structure of the motorised and mechanised trawl fishing fleet of Kerala, and assess the availability of resources and its extent of exploitation. The study is conducted by observing the performance of small motorised boats operating trawl nets from selected centers along the Kerala coast. The Study also deals with the type and material of construction of the propellers used in selected crafts and the efficiency of the propeller. The fuel consumption pattern of selected medium sized trawlers economics of operation of selected fishing crafts are analyzed through this study. The thesis also Suggest methods for reducing fuel consumption in trawling
NABARD has completed 14 years of operation.ln the light of its experiences and achievements, the performance ev.ilu.ilion of the National Bank need to be looked into.This could provide certain criteria for its strength and weakness which may help in consolidating the institution for better utilisation of its potentialities. It is also noteworthy that no evaluative study on the National Bank has been conducted in Kerala. The Major objective of this study is to evaluate the role of NABARD in catering to the long-term agricultural requirements of Kerala for 1982 to 1992.This is done by analysing the quantum and quality of NABARD's schematic refinance. The qualitative indices like (1) the efficiency of loan recovery, (2) the impact or financial viability of NABARD refinanced schemes, (3) the credit gap, (4) the commitment-disbursement gap, and (5) the imbalances in the NABARD refinance form the core of the study.Hypotheses were formulated inorder to study and analyse these qualitative indices. The study is presented in eight chapters
When simulation modeling is used for performance improvement studies of complex systems such as transport terminals, domain specific conceptual modeling constructs could be used by modelers to create structured models. A two stage procedure which includes identification of the problem characteristics/cluster - ‘knowledge acquisition’ and identification of standard models for the problem cluster – ‘model abstraction’ was found to be effective in creating structured models when applied to certain logistic terminal systems. In this paper we discuss some methods and examples related the knowledge acquisition and model abstraction stages for the development of three different types of model categories of terminal systems
Object recognition in the visual cortex is based on a hierarchical architecture, in which specialized brain regions along the ventral pathway extract object features of increasing levels of complexity, accompanied by greater invariance in stimulus size, position, and orientation. Recent theoretical studies postulate a non-linear pooling function, such as the maximum (MAX) operation could be fundamental in achieving such invariance. In this paper, we are concerned with neurally plausible mechanisms that may be involved in realizing the MAX operation. Four canonical circuits are proposed, each based on neural mechanisms that have been previously discussed in the context of cortical processing. Through simulations and mathematical analysis, we examine the relative performance and robustness of these mechanisms. We derive experimentally verifiable predictions for each circuit and discuss their respective physiological considerations.
Key operations for Authors of QM Perception Assessments
En este artículo* se repiensa el concepto de “ciudad” mediante una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo con el propósito de identificar aquellos aspectos provenientes de las teorías urbanas que permitan responder crítica y creativamente a las siguientes preguntas: ¿cómo repensar con rigor teórico-metodológico la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo? y ¿cómo producir, justificar y usar conocimiento para repensar el sentido y el contenido de la relación entre los conceptos de campus universitario y de lo social?En respuesta a la primera pregunta se abordan, en primer lugar, los conceptos de ciudad moderna y de metrópoli contemporánea señalando elementos generales de la relación universidad-ciudad en los orígenes de la ciudad moderna y elementos específicos de esa misma relación en las transformaciones de la metrópoli contemporánea. En segundo lugar, se destacan las connotaciones del concepto de ciudad moderna, entendido como la operación de reunir agrupaciones de operaciones diferenciadas, y las connotaciones del concepto de metrópoli contemporánea, entendido como territorialidad de la aberración del sentido común de la modernidad en su actual fase escotósica de globalización informatizada. En tercer lugar, se presenta el concepto de campus universitario desagregado en los modelos de ciudad universitaria y de universidad ciudadana, destacando las lógicas de las territorialidades de la ciudad moderna y de la metrópoli contemporánea para mostrar la falsa dualidad existente entre tales modelos y entre tales lógicas.Como respuesta a la segunda pregunta se presenta el método de la tematización metafórica, mediante cuya aplicación se propone: i) repensar el concepto de “ciudad”, re-entendiéndolo como probabilidad emergente de un organismo vivo; ii) repensar el concepto de “lo social”, re-concibiéndolo como campo relacional entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser en proceso de totalización inacabado y iii) repensar el concepto de “región”, re-entendiéndolo como categoría de análisis espacio-temporal, territorial, jurisdiccional y funcional del campo relacional de lo social.Finalmente, se plantea un nuevo interrogante en torno a si, acaso, desde el sentido de trascendencia del intercambio orgánico de energía entre manifestaciones conscientes del ser, sea posible proponer un enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo desde teorías de complejidad como un paso siguiente a esta aproximación epistemológica de la relación universidad-ciudad en tanto problema filosófico contemporáneo.* Artículo basado en el ensayo titulado ¿“CIUDAD”?: REGIÓN. Una aproximación epistemológica a la relación universidad-ciudad como problema filosófico contemporáneo, elaborado en el curso sobre Historia de la Filosofía Contemporánea ofrecido por el profesor Francisco Sierra Gutiérrez en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana durante el semestre II de 2004. Este artículo hace parte del Programa Docente Individualizado del autor con miras a la propuesta de un “Enfoque regional para la alternatividad al desarrollo ERPAD: una aproximación epistemológica desde las teorías de complejidad”, en el marco del Programa de Doctorado en Urbanismo ofrecido por la Universidad Central de Venezuela en convenio con la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.-----This article reviews the concept of “city” through an epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship, with the purpose of identifying those elements of urban theories that can help to provide a critical and creative answer to the following questions: How can the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship be reviewed with scientific rigor, that is, by using theories and methods thoroughly? How to produce, justify and use knowledge to review the meaning and content of the relationship between the concepts of university campus and social sphere?In order to answer the first question, the concepts of ‘modern city’ and ‘contemporary metropolis’ are initially discussed; general elements of the relationship university-city can be found in the origins of modern cities, whereas more specific ones can be identified in the transformations of contemporary metropolis. Secondly, the author highlights the connotations of the concept of ‘modern city’ –the act of gathering groups which perform different operations—, as well as those of the concept of ‘contemporary metropolis’ –a territory where common sense becomes aberrant in the current stage of computerized globalization. Thirdly, the concept of ‘university campus’ is disintegrated into the models of a city for university students and a university for citizens; the logic behind territoriality in modern cities and contemporary metropolis is pointed out in order to show the false duality between such models and such logic.To answer the second question, the metaphoric thematization method is introduced with the purpose of: i) reviewing the concept of ‘city’, so that it is understood as a new possibility for living organisms; ii) reviewing the concept of ‘social sphere’, so as to conceive it as the arena where man’s conscious manifestations relate to each other in an unfinished process of totalization; and iii) reviewing the concept of ‘region’, so that it can be seen as a type of spatial, time, territorial, jurisdictional and functional analysis of the arena where social matters relate.Finally, a new question is raised as to whether, in fact, from the transcendence of the organic exchange of energy between man’s conscious manifestations, it is possible to put forward a regional approach from the complexity of theories as an alternative for development, as the next step to be taken after this epistemological approach to the contemporary philosophical problem of the university-city relationship.
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