902 resultados para Environment and public health


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Geographic Information Systems (GIS) may be used to measure objectively, those features of the built environment that may influence walking. Public health research on environmental determinants of physical activity in adults shows that different factors can influence walking for recreation, compared to walking for transport. Most studies have used perceived (self-report) rather than objective measures of potentially relevant environmental attributes. We describe how a previously-developed index of ‘walkability’ was operationalized in an Australian context, using available spatial data.               Attributes believed to be of relevance to walking for transport, that are measurable using GIS, are: Dwelling density (higher-density neighborhoods support greater retail and service variety, resulting in shorter, walkable distances between facilities; driving and parking are more difficult and time consuming). Connectivity (higher intersection densities provide people with a greater variety of potential routes, easier access to major roads where public transport is available and shorter times to get to destinations). Land use mix (the more varied the land use mix and built form, then the more conducive it is to walk to various destinations). Net retail area (there are more options for destinations where goods and services may be purchased and more local employment opportunities that can be reached by walking). The associations of these attributes with walking behaviors can be  examined separately, or in combination. Such GIS data are very helpful in fundamental studies of the environmental determinants of behavior, and also in applied policy research for cities, regions or local communities, to
address public health and environmental issues.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Health Care Waste (HCW) represents 1%, and it has presently gained a lot of importance. Adequate management is one of the great challenges to be faced by health care centers. It has gained distinction and been widely discussed by members of the sectors involved with sanitation, public health and environmental issues due to waste physical, chemical biological characteristics, which pose potential risk to the environment and public health. The present study aims at evaluating HCW internal management by following all its phases, determining indicators, classifying and quantifying, establishing production rates (kg /patient/day) for the sector and designing materials to disseminate appropriate HCW disposal in the Emergency Room of the UNESP University Hospital in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. : From June to October 2011, the waste flow was observed from its production to final disposal. Four weight measurements were performed on four consecutive days in the month of August by using a properly calibrated (in grams) digital scale at the times scheduled for collection of the produced waste. Hence, the daily and monthly amounts were estimated according to their classification. All the waste packaged in the bags in garbage cans in the Emergency Room for a 24-hour period was considered to be a sample. Separation was not adequately performed in that sector, and waste from Group A was mixed with that from Group D. The amount of infectious waste produced in the sector corresponded to 87.80 %, common waste to 10.93 % and recyclable waste to 1.27%. The mean daily HCW production was of 123.300 kg/day, and the total monthly production was of 3,822 kg/month, which was distributed as follows: Group A 3,355,750 kg/month; Group D 417,570 kg/month and recyclables 48,670 kg/month. The production rate corresponded to 0.47 kg/patient/day, thus showing... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The mechanical garages do varied types to activities related to the reparation from vehicles such as change from Motor oil, change and cleaning from car pieces, motor rectification, among others. These activities generate different kinds of waste and wastewater that when disposed in an inappropriate way can pollute the environmentand cause risks to the public health. Despite the environmental issues that involves these enterprises, they aren´t object of environmental licensing and there are any rules that regularizes their activities with the goal of these possible environmental impacts mitigation. The environmental diagnosis proposed by the present work has as goal the knowledge of the possible environmental aspects and their effects in the environment, for establishing control measures and from that to generate subsidy for environmental normatization of the sector in the municipal level. Furthermore, it should also define practices as waste production reduction, separation of them at the generator source and convenient final disposal, as well as wastewater production reduction and treatment of them before its launching in the wastewater network. The environmental diagnosis was based on a survey realized in garages from the city of São Carlos – SP, in order to define the more important characteristics of this activity that are related to the environment and public health. From the obtained information from the survey and the interpretation of the data, subsidy for the municipal environment management of the mechanical garages were generated.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Este artigo tem como objetivo levantar e discutir as ações de gestão ambiental e sua interface com a questão habitacional junto à área administrada pela Subprefeitura de Paranapiacaba e Parque Andreense, Santo André-SP, no biênio 2007-2008. O foco do trabalho é a capacidade política e institucional do município criada para tratar de tais questões. Os métodos usados foram pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e de campo, com entrevista a gestores do município. A pesquisa identificou que o município conta com propostas com grande potencial de contribuição para a melhoria da qualidade ambiental e habitacional na área de mananciais, principalmente por seu caráter de integração entre planejamentos. O estabelecimento de conselhos com participação de várias pastas representa um potencial elemento de integração nas ações desses órgãos, permitindo o compartilhamento de temas pertinentes ao longo do desenvolvimento das agendas de forma contínua. Quanto à recuperação urbana e ambiental dos loteamentos irregulares, é possível afirmar que os parâmetros urbanísticos e a definição do uso e ocupação do solo estão intimamente relacionados à qualidade ambiental e precisam ser construídos em conjunto por profissionais da área de urbanismo e da área ambiental, e discutidos com a comunidade local. O formato de gestão na área de mananciais, foco deste estudo de caso no município de Santo André, representa um significativo passo na construção da integração entre os sistemas de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos e de planejamento urbano/metropolitano.


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Electronic waste is a fairly new and largely unknown phenomenon. Accordingly, governments have only recently acknowledged electronic waste as a threat to the environment and public health. In attempting to mitigate the hazards associated with this rapidly growing toxic waste stream, governments at all levels have started to implement e-waste management programs. The legislation enacted to create these programs is based on extended producer responsibility or EPR policy. ^ EPR shifts the burden of final disposal of e-waste from the consumer or municipal solid waste system to the manufacturer of electronic equipment. Applying an EPR policy is intended to send signals up the production chain to the manufacturer. The desired outcome is to change the methods of production in order to reduce production outputs/inputs with the ultimate goal of changing product design. This thesis performs a policy analysis of the current e-waste policies at the federal and state level of government, focusing specifically on Texas e-waste policies. ^ The Texas e-waste law known, as HB 2714 or the Texas Computer TakeBack Law, requires manufacturers to provide individual consumers with a free and convenient method for returning their used computers to manufacturers. The law is based on individual producer responsibility and shared responsibility among consumer, retailers, recyclers, and the TCEQ. ^ Using a set of evaluation criteria created by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Texas e-waste law was examined to determine its effectiveness at reducing the threat of e-waste in Texas. Based on the outcomes of the analysis certain recommendations were made for the legislature to incorporate into HB 2714. ^ The results of the policy analysis show that HB 2714 is a poorly constructed law and does not provide the desired results seen in other states with EPR policies. The TakeBack Law does little to change the collection methods of manufacturers and even less to change their production habits. If the e-waste problem is to be taken seriously, HB 2714 must be amended to reflect the proposed changes in this thesis.^


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Introduction. Shale gas is an unconventional form of gas1 because its extraction is more difficult or less economical than that of conventional natural gas. It has become an important item of energy policy during the last years since new processes have allowed its extraction. In the medium term, shale gas should foster a reinforcement of the gas part in the world’s energy mix. In 2011, the IEA released an influential report entitled “Are we entering a golden age of gas?” This report suggests that shale gas could help substantially boost global gas use.2 It also warns at the same time that this success could bring into question the international goal of limiting the long-term increase in the global temperature to 2° C above pre-industrial levels. In the world economy, the impact of shale gas is increasing rapidly (especially in the USA, albeit apparently not as significantly as expected3). In the EU, its perspectives remain uncertain, for many reasons. Estimates are not reliable. Shale gas exploitation remains a controversial issue due to geology, lack of infrastructure and also fears for the environment and public health. The EU institutions seem to have a favorable attitude towards shale gas development while the Member States’ attitude seems to vary from enthusiasm to hesitation or opposition. Public opinion on the issue appears quite divided everywhere. This brief paper will examine various estimations of potential resources in the EU (§ 1), the potential costs and benefits (§ 2), the initiatives taken by the EU institutions (§ 3) and the national authorities (§ 4), and finally the emerging EU framework (§ 5). The conclusion is, rather surprisingly, that whatever happens on this front, this will not modify the present structural challenges of the EU in the domains of climate and energy.4


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A aplicação de agrotóxicos nas práticas agrícolas aumentou muito nos últimos anos. Isto vem ocorrendo devido ao crescimento populacional, demandando maior produção de alimentos. O uso de agrotóxicos e seus resíduos tornaram-se um problema devido a possível contaminação das águas de superfície e subterrânea, podendo impactar o meio ambiente e causar danos à saúde pública. Na cidade de Rio Grande, RS, Brasil, o suprimento de água potável é realizado pela CORSAN (Companhia Riograndense de Saneamento), que capta a água do Canal São Gonçalo, o qual estabelece uma ligação entre as duas lagoas: Lagoa dos Patos e Lagoa Mirim. Em suas margens há também a captação de água para irrigação das culturas agrícolas. Esta interação entre o uso da água das lagoas e a agricultura, pode resultar na contaminação das águas que são captadas para abastecimento dos municípios situados na região. Uma metodologia analítica empregando Extração em Fase Sólida (SPE) e Cromatografia Líquida acoplada a uma fonte de ionização por Electrospray tandem Espectrometria de Massas (LCESI-MS/MS) foi desenvolvida e validada para a determinação de dezoito agrotóxicos multiclasses (herbicidas, inseticidas e fungicidas) e dois metabólitos em amostras de água superficial e de abastecimento público. Esta metodologia foi aplicada para monitoramento durante dez meses na água superficial do Canal São Gonçalo e na água de consumo da cidade de Rio Grande, após o tratamento pela CORSAN. Os agrotóxicos selecionados foram: clomazona, bispiribaque-sódio, diurom, atrazina, simazina, imazetapir, imazapique, metsulfuron-metílico, quincloraque, penoxsulam, 2,4-D, pirazosulfuron-etílico, bentazona, propanil, irgarol, tebuconazol, fipronil e carbofurano. Os metabólitos foram: 3,4-DCA e 3-hidroxicarbofurano. Os limites de detecção do método variaram entre 0,4 – 40,0 ng L -1 , enquanto para os limites de quantificação a variação foi de 4,0 – 100,0 ng L -1 . Todos os compostos apresentaram excelente linearidade, com coeficiente de determinação maior do que 0,99. As recuperações empregando SPE com cartuchos contendo 500 mg de C18ec, variaram entre 70 a 120%, para 95% dos compostos, apresentando %RSD 20%. Através do monitoramento de múltiplas reações (MRM), duas transições diferentes (íon precursor – íon produto) foram selecionadas para cada composto, uma para quantificação e outra para confirmação, o que aumentou a seletividade do método. Para as amostras analisadas, foram detectados agrotóxicos nível de ng L -1 . O método desenvolvido é sensível, rápido e apresenta elevada seletividade, permitindo a identificação e a quantificação dos agrotóxicos em águas superficiais e de abastecimento público, atendendo os níveis requeridos pelos órgãos reguladores como da União Européia (98/83/EC) e do Brasil segundo a Portaria Nº. 518 (25/03/2004).


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Air pollution can threat the environment and public health, and is assess by pollutant ́s concentration measurements in order to verify whether the limits set by environmental agencies are being respected. However, these measures do not indicate immediately the impacts to living beings. To faced this problem, plants are been investigated as potential bioindicators of air pollution and, among them, stand out bromeliads Tillandsia genus which colonize various substrates,. obtaining water and nutrients from the atmosphere directly. In this context, this research assessed the potential of epiphytic bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. found in urbanized areas of the city of Curitiba - PR as a bioindicator of urban air pollution. According to vehicle traffic, five sample points were selected and classified. Points P1 and P2 were classified as high-traffic vehicle due presenting trucks and urban transport; point P3 was classified as moderate traffic due the predominance of private vehicles and urban transport; and points P4 and P5 were classified as low-traffic, presenting circulation of private vehicles only. There were analyzed the abundance of T. recurvata, morphophysiological parameters (leaf area, leaf specific area, sclerophylly index, percentage dry weight / fresh weight, chlorophyll (a + b), analysis of structural mesophyll organization) and the heavy metals accumulation (Fe, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn). The abundance analysis and the results obtained for metals analysis were correlated with the intensity of vehicular traffic, directing the sampling points P1 > P2 = P3 > P4 = P5. This result demonstrate that the abundance of T. recurvata is greater in urban air pollution impacted areas, thus indicating that T. recurvata absorbs and accumulates metals and can be used in biomonitoring of urban air pollution in areas impacted by vehicular traffic. Morphophysiological parameters analyzed shows that the internal plant ́s structure is not significantly impacted by urban air pollution due plant ́s adptations. The presence of absorbing scales, the CAM metabolism pathway and it ́s store water ability, among other features, demonstrate their potential as bio-indicator in urban areas, especially regarding heavy metals accumulation .


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Systematic Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) authorities of Sri Lanka contributes to exchange some productive outputs with localities; however it is still not in a successful mode due to limitations and environmental failures in their operation. Most of these local administrations are directly dumping Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to an open dumping site, this manner of inappropriate disposal of MSW is become a major threat to the environment and public health in developing countries like Sri Lanka. This study was conducted for the MSWM practices of Balangoda Urban Council. The research was performed based on analyzing information obtained from field observations; reports; literature; questionnaire distribution among community; and a series of formal interviews with major stakeholders. The ongoing MSWM practices of Balangoda Urban Council encompass six categories as waste minimization and handling; waste collection; on-site separation; waste transportation; further management including grading, composting, recycling, producing sludge fertilizer; and final disposal to an open dump site. Apart from those, training sessions on MSWM are also being conducted. The purpose of this paper is to assess current status of urban waste management scenario and highlight strengths and weaknesses to understand the sustainability of the system which would help any local authority to improve MSWM.