974 resultados para Efficient Consumer Response
Collagen, type I, is a highly abundant natural protein material which has been cross-linked by a variety of methods including chemical agents, physical heating and UV irradiation with the aim of enhancing its physical characteristics such as mechanical strength, thermal stability, resistance to proteolytic breakdown, thus increasing its overall biocompatibility. However, in view of the toxicity of residual cross-linking agents, or impracticability at large scales, it would be more useful if the collagen could be cross-linked by a milder, efficient and more practical means by using enzymes as biological catalysts. We demonstrate that on treating native collagen type I (from bovine skin) with both tissue transglutaminase (TG2; tTG) and microbial transglutaminase (mTG; Streptoverticillium mobaraense) leads to an enhancement in cell attachment, spreading and proliferation of human osteoblasts (HOB) and human foreskin dermal fibroblasts (HFDF) when compared to culture on native collagen. The transglutaminase-treated collagen substrates also showed a greater resistance to cell-mediated endogenous protease degradation than the native collagen. In addition, the HOB cells were shown to differentiate at a faster rate than on native collagen when assessed by measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity and osteopontin expression. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrical compound action potentials (ECAPs) of the cochlear nerve are used clinically for quick and efficient cochlear implant parameter setting. The ECAP is the aggregate response of nerve fibres at various distances from the recording electrode, and the magnitude of the ECAP is therefore related to the number of fibres excited by a particular stimulus. Current methods, such as the masker-probe or alternating polarity methods, use the ECAP magnitude at various stimulus levels to estimate the neural threshold, from which the parameters are calculated. However, the correlation between ECAP threshold and perceptual threshold is not always good, with ECAP threshold typically being much higher than perceptual threshold. The lower correlation is partly due to the very different pulse rates used for ECAPs (below 100 Hz) and clinical programs (hundreds of Hz up to several kHz). Here we introduce a new method of estimating ECAP threshold for cochlear implants based upon the variability of the response. At neural threshold, where some but not all fibers respond, there is a different response each trial. This inter-trial variability can be detected overlaying the constant variability of the system noise. The large stimulus artefact, which requires additional trials for artefact rejection in the standard ECAP magnitude methods, is not consequential, as it has little variability. The variability method therefore consists of simply presenting a pulse and recording the ECAP, and as such is quicker than other methods. It also has the potential to be run at high rates like clinical programs, potentially improving the correlation with behavioural threshold. Preliminary data is presented that shows a detectable variability increase shortly after probe offset, at probe levels much lower than those producing a detectable ECAP magnitude. Care must be taken, however, to avoid saturation of the recording amplifier saturation; in our experiments we found a gain of 300 to be optimal.
Increasing mail survey response using monetary incentives is a proven, but not always cost-effective, method in every population. This paper tackles the questions of whether it is worth using monetary incentives and the size of the inducement by testing a regression model of the impact of prepaid monetary incentives on response rates in consumer and organizational mail surveys. The results support their use and show that the inducement value makes a significant impact on the effect size. Importantly, no significant differences were found between consumer and organizational populations.
Mental simulations and analogies have been identified as powerful learning tools for RNPs. Furthermore, visuals in advertising have recently been conceptualized as meaningful sources of information as opposed to peripheral cues and thus may help consumers learn about RNPs. The study of visual attention may also contribute to understanding the links between conceptual and perceptual analyses when learning for a RNP. Two conceptual models are developed. the first model consists of causal relationships between the attributes of advertising stimuli for RNPs and consumer responses, as well as mediating influences. The second model focuses on the role of visual attention in product comprehension as a response to advertising stimuli. Two experiments are conducted: a Web-Experiment and an eye-tracking experiment. The first experiment (858 subjects) examines the effect of learning strategies (mental simulation vs. analogy vs. no analogy/no mental simulation) and presentation formats (words vs. pictures) on individual responses. The mediating role of emotions is assessed. The second experiment investigates the effect of learning strategies and presentation formats on product comprehension, along with the role of attention (17 subjects). The findings from experiment 1 indicate that learning strategies and presentation formats can either enhance or undermine the effect of advertising stimuli on individual responses. Moreover, the nature of the product (i.e. hedonic vs. utilitarian vs. hybrid) should be considered when designing communications for RNPs. The mediating role of emotions is verified. Experiment 2 suggests that an increase in attention to the message may either reflect enhanced comprehension or confusion.
In order to generate sales promotion response predictions, marketing analysts estimate demand models using either disaggregated (consumer-level) or aggregated (store-level) scanner data. Comparison of predictions from these demand models is complicated by the fact that models may accommodate different forms of consumer heterogeneity depending on the level of data aggregation. This study shows via simulation that demand models with various heterogeneity specifications do not produce more accurate sales response predictions than a homogeneous demand model applied to store-level data, with one major exception: a random coefficients model designed to capture within-store heterogeneity using store-level data produced significantly more accurate sales response predictions (as well as better fit) compared to other model specifications. An empirical application to the paper towel product category adds additional insights. This article has supplementary material online.
While many offline retailers have developed informational websites that offer information on products and prices, the key question for such informational websites is whether they can increase revenues via web-to-store shopping. The current paper draws on the information search literature to specify and test hypotheses regarding the offline revenue impact of adding an informational website. Explicitly considering marketing efforts, a latent class model distinguishes consumer segments with different short-term revenue effects, while a Vector Autoregressive model on these segments reveals different long-term marketing response. We find that the offline revenue impact of the informational website critically depends on the product category and customer segment. The lower online search costs are especially beneficial for sensory products and for customers distant from the store. Moreover, offline revenues increase most for customers with high web visit frequency. We find that customers in some segments buy more and more expensive products, suggesting that online search and offline purchases are complements. In contrast, customers in a particular segment reduce their shopping trips, suggesting their online activities partially substitute for experiential shopping in the physical store. Hence, offline retailers should use specific online activities to target specific product categories and customer segments.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the components of consumer-based brand equity from the perspective of experts in brand management in the UK, Germany and Greece. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from semi-structured interviews with senior brand consultants and managers, five in the UK, five in Germany and five in Greece. Findings: The findings suggested four categories of measures which can be used to define brand equity. These are the consumers' understanding of brand characteristics; consumers' brand evaluation; consumers' affective response towards the brand; and consumers' behaviour towards the brand. Specific dimensions are identified as indicators of each category. Research limitations/implications: Although the focus of this study is Europe, data were only collected from the UK, Germany and Greece, countries representing three of the five European cultural clusters. The resultant taxonomy adds to the fragmented literature on brand equity measurement by proposing four categories to gauge brand equity. Practical implications: The suggested taxonomy provides indicators of a framework managers could use when assessing brand equity. Originality/value: There is little agreement on what constitutes brand equity and therefore measures of brand equity are fragmented. To date, the views of practicing managers have not been taken into account in research. This paper draws on the views of practitioners and academics to suggest a taxonomy of categories of measures for brand equity. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
The traffic carried by core optical networks grows at a steady but remarkable pace of 30-40% year-over-year. Optical transmissions and networking advancements continue to satisfy the traffic requirements by delivering the content over the network infrastructure in a cost and energy efficient manner. Such core optical networks serve the information traffic demands in a dynamic way, in response to requirements for shifting of traffics demands, both temporally (day/night) and spatially (business district/residential). However as we are approaching fundamental spectral efficiency limits of singlemode fibers, the scientific community is pursuing recently the development of an innovative, all-optical network architecture introducing the spatial degree of freedom when designing/operating future transport networks. Spacedivision- multiplexing through the use of bundled single mode fibers, and/or multi-core fibers and/or few-mode fibers can offer up to 100-fold capacity increase in future optical networks. The EU INSPACE project is working on the development of a complete spatial-spectral flexible optical networking solution, offering the network ultra-high capacity, flexibility and energy efficiency required to meet the challenges of delivering exponentially growing traffic demands in the internet over the next twenty years. In this paper we will present the motivation and main research activities of the INSPACE consortium towards the realization of the overall project solution. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.
We will investigate the amount of residual demand in a market consisting of only one consumer and two producers. Since there is only one consumer, we cannot really speak about a rationing rule, but we can ask ourselves whether a known rationing rule reflects the consumer’s utility maximizing behavior. We will show that, if the consumer has a Cobb-Douglas utility function, then the amount purchased by the consumer from the high-price firm lies between the values determined according to the efficient rationing rule and the random rationing rule. We will show further, that if the consumer has a quasilinear utility function, then in the economically interesting case his residual demand function will be equal to the residual demand function under efficient rationing.
Tanulmányukban a szerzők egy magyar tulajdonú autóipari beszállító lean (továbbiakban karcsú) átalakulását vizsgáljuk. Bár az új rendszer bevezetése alig több mint egy éve kezdődött el a vállalatnál, mégis a rövid idő ellenére komoly eredményekről számolhatnak be. Különösen látványos a pénzügyi mutatók és a vevői elégedettség területén elért javulás. Kutatásuk célja kettős volt: (1) megvizsgálni, hogyan érzékelik a vezetők és a beosztottak a változásokat, valamint (2) összehasonlítani a vállalat két üzemében dolgozó nők és férfiak átalakítással kapcsolatos reakcióit és érzeteit. Az eredmények alapján elmondható, hogy a vezetők és a beosztottak, csakúgy, mint a két nem képviselői, nagyon eltérően gondolkodnak a változásokról és az átalakítás sikerének hátteréről. Eredményeik tükrében megállapítható, hogy a vizsgált szervezetnél a női munkavállalóknál a hit, a férfiaknál az elkötelezettség az a tényező, amely leginkább hatással van a sikerérzetre. A kutatás tapasztalatait felhasználva tanácsokat fogalmaznak meg a karcsú menedzsment sikeres bevezetésével kapcsolatosan. ______________ Relatively little research attention has been given to what happens after service failure, how the organizations respond to the failure and how this response affects customers’ subsequent behaviours and attitudes. This article proposes to take an in-depth look at the different organizational responses to customer complaints. On the basis of the equity theory the concept of justice has been used that involves distributive, procedural and interactional justice. Using 2x2x2 factorial design experiment based on scenarios the main findings of the research is that interactional justice (explanation and apology) is as important as distributive justice (compensation). On the other hand the result is dependent on the failure type: different recovery effort is efficient in the case of outcome or process failure.
A szerzők cikkükben a panaszkezelés hatékonyságát vizsgálják, kutatási módszerük a szcenáriókon alapuló kísérleti módszertan. Eredményeik alapján elmondható, hogy a panaszkezelés hatásaként vizsgált elégedettség és lojalitás – előzetes hipotéziseiknek megfelelően – nemcsak a kompenzáció nagyságától függ, hanem lényeges az is, hogy a folyamat során milyen hangnemben történik a hiba kiigazítása. Elemzéseik azt is alátámasztják, hogy a hiba típusától is függ, hogy a kompenzáció vagy az őszinte bocsánatkérés-e a célravezetőbb. ____________ Relatively little research attention has been given to what happens after service failure, how the organizations respond to the failure and how this response affects customers’ subsequent behaviours and attitudes. This article proposes to take an in-depth look at the different organizational responses to customer complaints. On the basis of the equity theory the concept of justice has been used that involves distributive, procedural and interactional justice. Using 2x2x2 factorial design experiment based on scenarios the main findings of the research is that interactional justice (explanation and apology) is as important as distributive justice (compensation). On the other hand the result is dependent on the failure type: different recovery effort is efficient in the case of outcome or process failure.
Eutrophication from anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is a primary threat to the oligotrophic freshwater marshes of southern Florida. Macrophyte and periphyton response to increased phosphorus (P) has been well documented in both correlative and experimental studies, but the response of consumer communities remains poorly understood, especially in southern marl prairies. We conducted a P-loading experiment in in situ mesocosms in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, and examined the response of macroinvertebrate communities. Mesocosms at two sites were loaded weekly with P at four levels: control (0 g P/m2/yr), low (0.2 g P/m2/yr), intermediate (0.8 g P/m2/yr), and high (3.2 g P/m2/ yr). After ∼2 yrs of P-loading, macroinvertebrates were sampled using periphyton mat and benthic floc cores. Densities of macroinvertebrate taxa (no./g AFDM) were two to 16 times higher in periphyton mats than benthic floc. Periphyton biomass decreased with enrichment at one site, and periphyton was absent from many intermediate and all high P treatments at both sites. Total macroinvertebrate density in periphyton mats increased with intermediate P loads, driven primarily by chironomids and nematodes. Conversely, total macroinvertebrate density in benthic floc decreased with enrichment, driven primarily by loss of chironomids and ceratopogonids (Dasyhelea). This study suggests that macroinvertebrate density increases with enrichment until periphyton mats are lost, after which it decreases, and mat infauna fail to move into benthic substrates in response to mat loss. These results were noted at nutrient levels too low to yield anoxia, and we believe that the decrease of macroinvertebrate density resulted from a loss of habitat. This work illustrates the importance of periphyton mats as habitat for macroinvertebrates in the Everglades. This study also indicates that in this system, macroinvertebrate sampling should be designed to target periphyton mats or conducted with special attention to inclusion of substrates relative to their coverage.
Americans are learning more about wines and consuming them in increasingly greater quantities. Italian wines have experienced a tremendous growth in their share of the U. S. market during the last decade. This article analyzes the marketing and success of the wines of Italy with the American consumer.
Pulse subsidies account for a substantial proportion of resource availability in many systems, having persistent and cascading effects on consumer population dynamics, and energy flow within and across ecosystem boundaries. Although the importance of pulsed resource subsidies is well-established, the mechanisms that regulate resource fluxes across ecosystem boundaries are not well understood. The aim of our study was to determine the extent that marsh consumers regulated a marsh prey subsidy to estuarine consumers in the oligohaline reaches of an Everglades estuary. We characterized a marsh pulsed subsidy of cyprinodontoid, invertebrate and sunfish prey that move into the upper estuary from adjacent drying marshes. In response to the prey pulse, we examined the numerical, fitness and dietary responses of three focal consumers in the upper estuary; two marsh species (largemouth bass and bowfin) that accompanied the subsidy as a result of marsh drying, and one estuarine consumer (snook). At the onset of marsh drying and the prey subsidy, estuarine consumers switched diets to consume the larger marsh prey (sunfishes), while bass and bowfin maintained similar diets (cyprinodontoids and invertebrates respectively) than pre and post subsidy. From the consumption of this subsidy, bass (marsh species) and snook (estuarine species) exhibited fitness gains while bowfin did not. Although both marsh and estuarine consumers benefitted from the subsidy, we found evidence that freshwater consumers shunted some of the subsidy away from snook. Of the prey sampled in consumer stomachs, 41% of marsh prey biomass was eaten by marsh consumers, while 59% was consumed by the estuarine consumer. We conclude that the amount of the marsh prey available to estuarine consumers may be greater in the absence of marsh consumers, thus the magnitude of the prey subsidy could depend on the dynamics of the marsh consumers from donor communities.
Minimum Student Performance Standards in Computer Literacy and Science were passed by the Florida Legislature through the Educational Reform Act of 1983. This act mandated that all Florida high school graduates receive training in computer literacy. Schools and school systems were charged with the task of determining the best methods to deliver this instruction to their students. The scope of this study is to evaluate one school's response to the state of Florida's computer literacy mandate. The study was conducted at Miami Palmetto Senior High School, located in Dade County, Florida. The administration of Miami Palmetto Senior High School chose to develop and implement a new program to comply with the state mandate - integrating computer literacy into the existing biology curriculum. The study evaluated the curriculum to determine if computer literacy could be integrated successfully and meet both the biology and computer literacy objectives. The findings in this study showed that there were no significant differences between biology scores of the students taking the integrated curriculum and those taking a traditional curriculum of biology. Student in the integrated curriculum not only met the biology objectives as well as those in the traditional curriculum, they also successfully completed the intended objectives for computer literacy. Two sets of objectives were successfully completed in the integrated classes in the same amount of time used to complete one set of objectives in the traditional biology classes. Therefore, integrated curriculum was the more efficient means of meeting the intended objectives of both biology and computer literacy.