997 resultados para ENFERMEDAD - TRICHOMONOSIS


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La relación entre la salud y el medio geográfico ha sido convencionalmente enfocada de un modo restrictivo. El "medio geográfico" y la "sociedad" tienen espacio y tiempo, y se transforman continuamente, no como esferas aisladas sino como expresiones de un mismo mundo. La naturaleza gracias a su permanente transformación dio lugar a la aparición de la sociedad,su más acabado producto. Lo social es una manifestación superior y altamente compleja de lo natural, que se desenvuelve en un espacio que puede denominarse el medio geográfico o las condiciones naturales externas. Al aparecer la vida social, el medio geográfico se vuelve un medio natural transformado por el hombre, "humanizado" o social. Muchas veces se piensa que la geografía es un espacio estático, que existe únicamente como una inmensa base natural de la vida social, ligada a ésta sólo por relaciones externas, ecológicas, y sobre la cual puede distribuirse físicamente la enfermedad. Se expone una síntesis de los aspectos relevantes de la geografía de la salud materno-infantil en la formación social ecuatoriana.


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En el mundo cada cinco minutos se produce un suicidio en adolescentes por problemas inherentes a su sexualidad. Frente a este escenario la genealogía de los discursos médico, jurídico y literario se entreteje apretando los hilos, convirtiéndose en cábala del suicidio; un reflejo difuso de una realidad menos ficcional y más dolorosa. A pesar de las cifras alarmantes, no se ha trabajado el tema; menos aún con la perspectiva de encontrar relación entre los discursos históricos que en su búsqueda de poder y control han dibujado sobre los cuerpos, representaciones de una disciplina heterosexual. Es indispensable una perspectiva cualitativa, reflexiones que aporten a una práctica ética diferente, que incluya los nuevos cuerpos filosóficos, legales, concibiendo al adolescente como sujeto, con la agencia que deben tener sus cuerpos. En contraste en la literatura (¿mundo ficticio?) se describe y resignifica de manera exhaustiva esta realidad, rescatando la capacidad creativa y re-creativa del lenguaje. Esto por un lado permite analizar los contextos y coyunturas sociales, culturales; y, por otro interpretar los imaginarios sociales y las metáforas que refuerzan este contexto. Como mencionara Stuart Hall, a través de la representación conectamos el lenguaje al sentido y la cultura. Y esto nos licencia a referirnos al mundo real pero también a un mundo ficticio. Esta exploración pretende aportar a esta problemática mediante la descripción de esa compleja interseccionalidad y la identificación de posibles intersticios en el lenguaje que pudieran dar sentido y descodificar ciertas incertidumbres, contribuir a cambios micro sociales y, quizás, conducir a lo que pudiera ser el comienzo de un diálogo más amplio que empuje posicionamientos y cambios estructurales, frente a discursos vetustos que siempre encuentran mecanismos para reinventarse. ¿Cómo se representan y entretejen los discursos de homoerotismo1 adolescente y suicidio representados en las novelas Conquering Venus de Collin Kelley, Suicide Notes de Michael Thomas Ford? Lo podremos averiguar examinando las matrices discursivas del homoerotismo y su castigo, la homosexualidad; analizando el suicidio como un acto humano complejo, incomprensible, un tabú en nuestra sociedad, e identificando en las novelas escogidas, las intersecciones entre homoerotismo y tendencias suicidas en el cuerpo adolescente.


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¿La «medida de seguridad» en Brasil actúa como un instrumento de violación de la dignidad de las personas que cometieron crímenes y que sufren algún trastorno mental? Para contestar esta pregunta, la obra empieza por analizar las tensiones existentes entre las concepciones sobre la locura, y expone los modelos de control social que justificaron la historia de segregación de estos sujetos. La dignidad humana, en esta investigación, se articula a partir de la concepción individualista de Kant y de la relacional de Hannah Arendt, estableciendo una base teórica donde ambas dimensiones de dignidad se complementan para conseguir el desarrollo pleno, el reconocimiento y el respeto de la dignidad humana en el ámbito jurídico. La obra problematiza, además, la visión teórico-dogmática detrás de la medida de seguridad como mecanismo de control en el derecho penal, y analiza críticamente su aplicación en contrapunto con el respeto a los derechos humanos. Finalmente, estudia el parámetro jurídico para el tratamiento digno a los enfermos mentales autores de delito, a partir de las normas de los sistemas global e interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos, de las disposiciones de la Constitución brasileña, de las normas pertinentes de ese país, de la jurisprudencia del órgano de control constitucional, el Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil, además del aporte de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia.


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There may be an interaction between periodontal disease and sonic systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus The objective of this review was to verify by means of a review of clinical trials if is a positive association between periodontal disease and the glycerine control of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM 2) patients Eleven articles that fit the study criteria were revised It was concluded that periodontal disease may influence the metabolic control of 2 Additional studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow up are necessary for a better clarification of this issue (Rev Med Chile 2010 138 1172 1178)


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Introduction. Complex relations between brain and psychopathology have attracted the interest of researchers, aiming to clarify the neurobiological mechanisms of depression in Parkinson's disease, obviously in addiction to mental features. Aims. The association of motor impairment and decline of personal autonomy with severity of depressive symptoms was the hypothesis of the present study. Aiming to check this hypothesis, the objective of this study consisted in investigating relationships between the severity of depressive symptoms and motor characteristics of Parkinson's disease. Patients and methods. Thirty patients (53 to 80 year-old) with medical diagnosis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease in initial clinic stages were studied. The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, Hoehn-Yahr Scale, and Schwab & England Scale were used to assess the clinic signs and symptoms. The depressive symptoms were identified by complete anamnesis, examination of mental condition, and the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and the Anxiety and Depression Scale. Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results. A significant correlation of severity of depression symptoms with disease stage (p < 0.02), with motor signs (p < 0.008), and with functional performance (p < 0.007) was found. Conclusion. There was significant association between motor impairment and severity of depressive symptoms, and between depression and early disease onset or prolonged duration of Parkinson's disease. © 2007, Revista de Neurología.


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Alzheimer's dementia (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes motor and cognitive decline. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of a specific physical activity program on the cognitive, depressive symptoms and functional capacity of patients with diagnosis of probable AD. The subject, a 79-year old woman, participated in this program for three months, with 50 min sessions three times a week. The instruments used were the Cambridge Cognitive Examination; the Geriatric Depression Scale; and the Battery of the American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The results in relationship with the depressive symptoms and functional capacity were significantly positive. There were no changes in regards to the patient's cognitive functions. In conclusion, this physical activity program seems to be an important part of the treatment for patients with AD, as it improves the functional capacity and also stimulates cognitive tasks. © 2008 Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Myotonic dystrophies are autosomal dominant neuromuscular diseases. Among them, myotonic dystrophy type 1 (MD1), or Steinert disease, is the most common in adults, and besides muscular involvement it also has important systemic manifestations. Myotonic dystrophy type 1 poses a challenge to the anesthesiologist. Those patients are more sensitive to anesthetics and prone to cardiac and pulmonary complications. Besides, the possibility of developing malignant hyperthermia and myotonic episodes is also present. CASE REPORT: This is a 39-year old patient with DM1 who underwent general anesthesia for videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy. Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol, remifentanil, and rocuronium was the technique chosen. Intercurrences were not observed in the 90-minute surgical procedure, but after extubation, the patient developed respiratory failure and myotonia, which made tracheal intubation impossible. A laryngeal mask was used, allowing adequate oxygenation, and mechanical ventilation was maintained until full recovery of the respiratory function. The patient did not develop further complications. CONCLUSIONS: Myotonic dystrophy type 1 presents several particularities to the anesthesiologist. Detailed knowledge of its systemic involvement along with the differentiated action of anesthetic drugs in those patients will provide safer anesthetic-surgical procedure.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical with participation in almost all physiologic host processes; however, in high concentrations it may damage the tissues. Its immunoregulatory action is present in the inflammation and in auto-immune mechanisms, being intensively studied in the medical area. Recently, some studies have also reported that NO could play a role as etiopathogenic factor of the periodontal disease, which shows inflammatory and multifactorial course. Due to beneficial or damage effects of NO, according to its concentrations, some studies have been focused in the evaluation of inhibitor of NO-Synthase (NOS) as therapeutic agents in inflammatory processes. In this context, the aim of this study was to report the role of NO and NOS inhibition in the periodontal disease modulation process. In conclusion, it could be suggested that NO seems to play an essential role in evolution of inflammatory periodontal disease, and that the NOS inhibition may be considered as a promising therapeutic in modulation of inflammatory process.


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Introduction: The responsibility of giving care to patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may result in health changes in the older caregiver. It is important to explore the factors which influence the presence of care burden and to create strategies to face this condition. In this context, the aims of present study were to investigate the relationships between psychoneuroimmunological parameters and determine the predictors to burden in older caregivers of patients with AD. Material and methods: A total of 30 AD older caregivers participating in the «Cognitive and Functional Kinesiotherapy Program in Elderly with Alzheimer’s disease«(PRO-CDA)», de Rio Claro, SP-Brazil, were submitted to an assessment protocol to evaluate the psychoneuroimmunological parameters. A descriptive statistical analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regressions were performed.