934 resultados para ENDOTHELIAL-CELLS


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The yolk sac, first site of hematopoiesis during mammalian development, contains not only hematopoietic stem cells but also the earliest precursors of endothelial cells. We have previously shown that a nonadherent yolk sac cell population (WGA+, density <1.077, AA4.1+) can give rise to B cells, T cells, and myeloid cells both in vitro and in vivo. We now report on the ability of a yolk sac-derived cloned endothelial cell line (C166) to provide a suitable microenvironment for expansion of these early precursor cells. Single day 10 embryonic mouse yolk sac hematopoietic stem cells were expanded >100 fold within 8 days by coculture with irradiated C166 cells. Colony-forming ability was retained for at least three passages in vitro, with retention of the ability to differentiate into T-cell, B-cell, and myeloid lineages. Stem cell properties were maintained by a significant fraction of nonadherent cells in the third passage, although these stem cells expressed a somewhat more mature cell surface phenotype than the initial yolk sac stem cells. When reintroduced into adult allogeneic immunocompromised (scid) hosts, they were able to give rise to all of the leukocyte lineages, including T cells, B cells, and myeloid cells. We conclude that yolk sac endothelial cells can support the stable proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, thus generating adequate numbers of cells for study of the mechanisms involved in their subsequent development and differentiation, for in vivo hematopoietic restitution, and for potential use as a vehicle for gene transfer.


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Mice deficient in the Flk-1 receptor tyrosine kinase are known to die in utero because of defective vascular and hematopoietic development. Here, we show that flk-1−/− embryonic stem cells are nevertheless able to differentiate into hematopoietic and endothelial cells in vitro, although they give rise to a greatly reduced number of blast colonies, a measure of hemangioblast potential. Furthermore, normal numbers of hematopoietic progenitors are found in 7.5-day postcoitum flk-1−/− embryos, even though 8.5-day postcoitum flk-1−/− embryos are known to be deficient in such cells. Our results suggest that hematopoietic/endothelial progenitors arise independently of Flk-1, but that their subsequent migration and expansion require a Flk-1-mediated signal.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a promising therapeutic approach in many diseases in view of their potent immunomodulatory properties, which are only partially understood. Here, we show that the endothelium is a specific and key target of MSC during immunity and inflammation. In mice, MSC inhibit activation and proliferation of endothelial cells in remote inflamed lymph nodes (LNs), affect elongation and arborization of high endothelial venules (HEVs) and inhibit T-cell homing. The proteomic analysis of the MSC secretome identified the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) as a potential effector molecule responsible for the anti-angiogenic properties of MSC. Both in vitro and in vivo, TIMP-1 activity is responsible for the anti-angiogenic effects of MSC, and increasing TIMP-1 concentrations delivered by an Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) vector recapitulates the effects of MSC transplantation on draining LNs. Thus, this study discovers a new and highly efficient general mechanism through which MSC tune down immunity and inflammation, identifies TIMP-1 as a novel biomarker of MSC-based therapy and opens the gate to new therapeutic approaches of inflammatory diseases.


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Objective: There is evidence to suggest a beneficial role for growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), in tissue repair and proliferation after injury within the lung. Whether this effect is mediated predominantly by actions on endothelial cells or epithelial cells is unknown. This study tested the hypothesis that VEGF acts as an autocrine trophic factor for human adult alveolar epithelial cells and that under situations of pro-apoptotic stress, VEGF reduces cell death. Design: In vitro cell culture study looking at the effects of 0.03% H2O2 on both A549 and primary distal lung epithelial cells.Measurement and Main Results: Primary adult human distal lung epithelial cells express both the soluble and membrane-associated VEGF isoforms and VEGF receptors 1 and 2. At physiologically relevant doses, soluble VEGF isoforms stimulate wound repair and have a proliferative action. Specific receptor ligands confirmed that this effect was mediated by VEGF receptor 1. In addition to proliferation, we demonstrate that VEGF reduces A549 and distal lung epithelial cell apoptosis when administered after 0.03% H2O2 injury. This effect occurs due to reduced caspase-3 activation and is phosphatidylinositol 3′–kinase dependent. Conclusion: In addition to its known effects on endothelial cells, VEGF acts as a growth and anti-apoptotic factor on alveolar epithelial cells. VEGF treatment may have potential as a rescue therapy for diseases associated with alveolar epithelial damage such as acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Naturally-occurring, endogenous electric fields (EFs) have been detected at skin wounds, damaged tissue sites and vasculature. Applied EFs guide migration of many types of cells, including endothelial cells to migrate directionally. Homing of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to an injury site is important for repair of vasculature and also for angiogenesis. However, it has not been reported whether EPCs respond to applied EFs. Aiming to explore the possibility to use electric stimulation to regulate the progenitor cells and angiogenesis, we tested the effects of direct-current (DC) EFs on EPCs. We first used immunofluorescence to confirm the expression of endothelial progenitor markers in three lines of EPCs. We then cultured the progenitor cells in EFs. Using time-lapse video microscopy, we demonstrated that an applied DC EF directs migration of the EPCs toward the cathode. The progenitor cells also align and elongate in an EF. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signaling completely abolished the EF-induced directional migration of the progenitor cells. We conclude that EFs are an effective signal that guides EPC migration through VEGF receptor signaling in vitro. Applied EFs may be used to control behaviors of EPCs in tissue engineering, in homing of EPCs to wounds and to an injury site in the vasculature.


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) stimulate angiogenesis within a wound environment and this effect is mediated through paracrine interactions with the endothelial cells present. Here we report that human MSC-conditioned medium (n=3 donors) significantly increased EaHy-926 endothelial cell adhesion and cell migration, but that this stimulatory effect was markedly donor-dependent. MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry demonstrated that whilst collagen type I and fibronectin were secreted by all of the MSC cultures, the small leucine rich proteoglycan, decorin was secreted only by the MSC culture that was least effective upon EaHy-926 cells. These individual extracellular matrix components were then tested as culture substrata. EaHy-926 cell adherence was greatest on fibronectin-coated surfaces with least adherence on decorin-coated surfaces. Scratch wound assays were used to examine cell migration. EaHy-926 cell scratch wound closure was quickest on substrates of fibronectin and slowest on decorin. However, EaHy-926 cell migration was stimulated by the addition of MSC-conditioned medium irrespective of the types of culture substrates. These data suggest that whilst the MSC secretome may generally be considered angiogenic, the composition of the secretome is variable and this variation probably contributes to donor-donor differences in activity. Hence, screening and optimizing MSC secretomes will improve the clinical effectiveness of pro-angiogenic MSC-based therapies.


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AIMS: Circulating Angiogenic Cells (CACs) promote revascularization of ischemic tissues although their underlying mechanism of action and the consequences of delivering varying numbers of these cells for therapy remain unknown. This study investigates molecular mechanisms underpinning CAC modulation of blood vessel formation.

METHODS & RESULTS: CACs at low (2x10(5)cells/ml) and mid (2x10(6)cells/ml) cellular densities significantly enhanced endothelial cell (EC) tube formation in vitro, while high density CACs (2x10(7)cells/ml) significantly inhibited this angiogenic process. In vivo, Matrigel-based angiogenesis assays confirmed mid-density CACs as pro-angiogenic and high density CACs as anti-angiogenic. Secretome characterization of CAC-EC conditioned media identified pentraxin 3 (PTX3) as only present in the high density CAC-EC co-culture. Recombinant PTX3 inhibited endothelial tube formation in vitro and in vivo Importantly, our data revealed that the anti-angiogenic effect observed in high density CAC-EC co-cultures was significantly abrogated when PTX3 bioactivity was blocked using neutralizing antibodies or PTX3 siRNA in endothelial cells. We show evidence for an endothelial source of PTX3, triggered by exposure to high density CACs. In addition, we confirmed that PTX3 inhibits FGF2-mediated angiogenesis, and that the PTX3 N-terminus, containing the FGF-binding site, is responsible for such anti-angiogenic effects.

CONCLUSIONS: Endothelium, when exposed to high density CACs, releases PTX3 which markedly impairs the vascular regenerative response in an autocrine manner. Therefore, CAC density and accompanying release of angiocrine PTX3 are critical considerations when using these cells as a cell therapy for ischemic disease.


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Endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelial regenerative capacity play a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the major causes of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be an indicator of vascular damage, while circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may be a biomarker for vascular repair. However, the simultaneously evaluation of CEC and EPC circulating levels and its relation were not previously examined in CKD population. A blood sample (18ml) of healthy subjects (n=10), early CKD (n=10) and advanced CKD patients (n=10) was used for the isolation of early and late EPCs, CECs, and hematopoietic cells, identified by flow cytometry (BD FACSCanto™ II system) using a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies: CD31-PE, CD45-APC Cy7, CD34-FITC, CD117-PerCp Cy5.5, CD133-APC, CD146-Pacific Blue, and CD309-PECy7. Exclusion of dead cells was done according to a fixable viability dye staining. This eightcolor staining flow cytometry optimized protocol allowed us to accurate simultaneously identify EPCs, CECs and hematopoietic cells. In addition, it was also possible to distinguish the two subpopulations of EPCs, early and late EPCs subpopulation, by CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133+CD309-CD146- and CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133-CD309+CD146- multiple labeling, respectively. Moreover, the identification of CECs and hematopoietic cells was performed by CD45-CD31+CD34-/lowCD117-CD133-CD309-CD146+ and CD34+CD117+, respectively. The levels of CECs were non-significantly increased in early CKD (312.06 ± 91.34) and advanced CKD patients (191.43±49.86) in comparison with control group (103.23±24.13). By contrast, the levels of circulating early EPCs were significantly reduced in advanced CKD population (17.03±3.23) in comparison with early CKD (32.31±4.97), p=0.04 and control group (36.25 ± 6.16), p=0.03. In addition the levels of late EPCs were significantly reduced in both advanced (6.60±1.89), p=0.01, and early CKD groups (8.42±2.58), p=0.01 compared with control group (91.54±29.06). These results were accompanied by a dramatically reduction in the recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity indexes in CKD population. Taken together, these results suggest an imbalance in the process of endothelial repairment in CKD population, and further propose that the indexes of recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity of EPCs, may help to select the patients to benefit from guiding intervention strategies to improve cardiovascular health by inducing vascular protection.


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Most forms of tissue healing depend critically on revascularisation. In soft tissues and in vitro, mechanical stimuli have been shown to promote vessel-forming activity. However, in bone defects, increased interfragmentary motion impairs vascular regeneration. Because these effects seem contradictory, we aimed to determine whether a range of mechanical stimuli exists in which angiogenesis is favoured. A series of cyclic strain magnitudes were applied to a Matrigel-based “tube formation” assay and the total lengths of networks formed by human microvascular endothelial cells measured at 24 h. Network lengths were reduced at all strain levels, compared to unstretched controls. However, the levels of pro-angiogenic matrix metalloproteases-2 and -9 in the corresponding conditioned media were unchanged by strain, and vascular endothelial growth factor was uniformly elevated in stretched conditions. By repeating the assay with the addition of conditioned media from mesenchymal stem cells cultivated in similar conditions, paracrine stimuli were shown to increase network lengths, but not to alter the negative effect of cyclic stretching. Together, these results demonstrate that directly applied periodic strains can inhibit endothelial organisation in vitro, and suggest that this may be due to physical disruption rather than biochemical modulation. Most importantly, the results indicate that the straining of endothelial cells and their assembly into vascular-like structures must be studied simultaneously to adequately characterise the mechanical influence on vessel formation.


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Cardiovascular diseases refer to the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). Examples of medical devices for treating the cardiovascular diseases include ventricular assist devices (VADs), artificial heart valves and stents. Metallic biomaterials such as titanium and its alloy are commonly used for ventricular assist devices. However, titanium and its alloy show unacceptable thrombosis, which represents a major obstacle to be overcome. Polyurethane (PU) polymer has better blood compatibility and has been used widely in cardiovascular devices. Thus one aim of the project was to coat a PU polymer onto a titanium substrate by increasing the surface roughness, and surface functionality. Since the endothelium of a blood vessel has the most ideal non-thrombogenic properties, it was the target of this research project to grow an endothelial cell layer as a biological coating based on the tissue engineering strategy. However, seeding endothelial cells on the smooth PU coating surfaces is problematic due to the quick loss of seeded cells which do not adhere to the PU surface. Thus it was another aim of the project to create a porous PU top layer on the dense PU pre-layer-coated titanium substrate. The method of preparing the porous PU layer was based on the solvent casting/particulate leaching (SCPL) modified with centrifugation. Without the step of centrifugation, the distribution of the salt particles was not uniform within the polymer solution, and the degree of interconnection between the salt particles was not well controlled. Using the centrifugal treatment, the pore distribution became uniform and the pore interconnectivity was improved even at a high polymer solution concentration (20%) as the maximal salt weight was added in the polymer solution. The titanium surfaces were modified by alkli and heat treatment, followed by functionlisation using hydrogen peroxide. A silane coupling agent was coated before the application of the dense PU pre-layer and the porous PU top layer. The ability of the porous top layer to grow and retain the endothelial cells was also assessed through cell culture techniques. The bonding strengths of the PU coatings to the modified titanium substrates were measured and related to the surface morphologies. The outcome of the project is that it has laid a foundation to achieve the strategy of endothelialisation for the blood compatibility of medical devices. This thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 2 describes the current state of the art in the field of surface modification in cardiovascular devices such as ventricular assist devices (VADs). It also analyses the pros and cons of the existing coatings, particularly in the context of this research. The surface coatings for VADs have evolved from early organic/ inorganic (passive) coatings, to bioactive coatings (e.g. biomolecules), and to cell-based coatings. Based on the commercial applications and the potential of the coatings, the relevant review is focused on the following six types of coatings: (1) titanium nitride (TiN) coatings, (2) diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings, (3) 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) polymer coatings, (4) heparin coatings, (5) textured surfaces, and (6) endothelial cell lining. Chapter 3 reviews the polymer scaffolds and one relevant fabrication method. In tissue engineering, the function of a polymeric material is to provide a 3-dimensional architecture (scaffold) which is typically used to accommodate transplanted cells and to guide their growth and the regeneration of tissue. The success of these systems is dependent on the design of the tissue engineering scaffolds. Chapter 4 describes chemical surface treatments for titanium and titanium alloys to increase the bond strength to polymer by altering the substrate surface, for example, by increasing surface roughness or changing surface chemistry. The nature of the surface treatment prior to bonding is found to be a major factor controlling the bonding strength. By increasing surface roughness, an increase in surface area occurs, which allows the adhesive to flow in and around the irregularities on the surface to form a mechanical bond. Changing surface chemistry also results in the formation of a chemical bond. Chapter 5 shows that bond strengths between titanium and polyurethane could be significantly improved by surface treating the titanium prior to bonding. Alkaline heat treatment and H2O2 treatment were applied to change the surface roughness and the surface chemistry of titanium. Surface treatment increases the bond strength by altering the substrate surface in a number of ways, including increasing the surface roughness and changing the surface chemistry. Chapter 6 deals with the characterization of the polyurethane scaffolds, which were fabricated using an enhanced solvent casting/particulate (salt) leaching (SCPL) method developed for preparing three-dimensional porous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering. The enhanced method involves the combination of a conventional SCPL method and a step of centrifugation, with the centrifugation being employed to improve the pore uniformity and interconnectivity of the scaffolds. It is shown that the enhanced SCPL method and a collagen coating resulted in a spatially uniform distribution of cells throughout the collagen-coated PU scaffolds.In Chapter 7, the enhanced SCPL method is used to form porous features on the polyurethane-coated titanium substrate. The cavities anchored the endothelial cells to remain on the blood contacting surfaces. It is shown that the surface porosities created by the enhanced SCPL may be useful in forming a stable endothelial layer upon the blood contacting surface. Chapter 8 finally summarises the entire work performed on the fabrication and analysis of the polymer-Ti bonding, the enhanced SCPL method and the PU microporous surface on the metallic substrate. It then outlines the possibilities for future work and research in this area.


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Angiogenesis, or neovascularization, is a finely balanced process controlled by pro- and anti-angiogenic factors. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major pro-angiogenic factor, whereas pigment epithelial-derived factor (PEDF) is the most potent natural angiogenesis inhibitor. In this study, the regulatory role of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) during angiogenesis was assessed by the endothelial differentiation potential, VEGF/PEDF production and responses to pro-angiogenic and hypoxic conditions. The in vivo regulation of blood vessel formation by BMSCs was also explored in a SCID mouse model. Results showed that PEDF was expressed more prominently in BMSCs compared to VEGF. This contrasted with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) where the expression of VEGF was higher than that of PEDF. The ratio of VEGF/PEDF gene expression in BMSCs increased when VEGF concentration reached 40 ng/ml in the culture medium, but decreased at 80 ng/ml. Under CoCl2- induced hypoxic conditions, the VEGF/PEDF ratio of BMSCs increased significantly in both normal and angiogenic culture media. There was no expression of endothelial cell markers in BMSCs cultured in either pro-angiogenic or hypoxia culture conditions when compared with HUVECs. The in vivo study showed that VEGF/PEDF expression closely correlated with the degree of neovascularization, and that hypoxia significantly induced pro-angiogenic activity in BMSCs. These results indicate that, rather than being progenitors of endothelial cells, BMSCs play an important role in regulating the neovascularization process, and that the ratio of VEGF and PEDF may, in effect, be an indicator of the pro- or antiangiogenic activities of BMSCs.


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In this article, we, for the first time, investigated mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds for the delivery of vascular endothelial growth factor. We have found that mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds have significantly higher loading efficiency and more sustained release of vascular endothelial growth factor than non-mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds. In addition, vascular endothelial growth factor delivery from mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds has improved the viability of endothelial cells. The study has suggested that mesopore structures in mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds play an important role in improving the loading efficiency, decreasing the burst release, and maintaining the bioactivity of vascular endothelial growth factor, indicating that mesoporous bioactive glass scaffolds are an excellent carrier of vascular endothelial growth factor for potential bone tissue engineering applications.


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Fibrogenic stresses promote progression of renal tubulointerstitial fibrosis, disparately affecting survival, proliferation and trans-differentiation of intrinsic renal cell populations through ill-defined biomolecular pathways. We investigated the effect of fibrogenic stresses on the activation of cell-specific mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in renal fibroblast, epithelial and endothelial cell populations. The relative outcomes (cell death, proliferation, trans-differentiation) associated with activation or inhibition of extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK) or stress activated/c-Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) were analysed in each renal cell population after challenge with oxidative stress (1 mmol/L H2O2), transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1, 10 ng/mL) or tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha, 50 ng/mL) over 0-20 h. Apoptosis increased significantly in all cell types after oxidative stress (P < 0.05). In fibroblasts, oxidative stress caused the activation of ERK (pERK) but not JNK (pJNK). Inhibition of ERK by PD98059 supported its role in a fibroblast death pathway. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress-induced apoptosis was preceded by early induction of pERK, but its inhibition did not support a pro-apoptotic role. Early ERK activity may be conducive to their survival or promote the trans-differentiation of epithelial cells. In epithelial and endothelial cells, oxidative stress induced pJNK acutely. Pretreatment with SP600125 (JNK inhibitor) verified its pro-apoptotic activity only in epithelial cells. Transforming growth factor-beta1 did not significantly alter mitosis or apoptosis in any of the cell types, nor did it alter MAPK activity. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha caused increased apoptosis with no associated change in MAPK activity. Our results demonstrate renal cell-specific differences in the activation of ERK and JNK following fibrotic insult, which may be useful for targeting excessive fibroblast proliferation in chronic fibrosis.


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Polymer biomaterials have been widely used for bone replacement/regeneration because of their unique mechanical properties and workability. Their inherent low bioactivity makes them lack osseointegration with host bone tissue. For this reason, bioactive inorganic particles have been always incorporated into the matrix of polymers to improve their bioactivity. However, mixing inorganic particles with polymers always results in inhomogeneity of particle distribution in polymer matrix with limited bioactivity. This study sets out to apply the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique to prepare uniform akermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7, AKT) glass nanocoatings on the surface of two polymers (non-degradable polysulfone (PSU) and degradable polylactic acid (PDLLA)) in order to improve their surface osteogenic and angiogenic activity. The results show that a uniform nanolayer composed of amorphous AKT particles (∼30nm) of thickness 130nm forms on the surface of both PSU and PDLLA films with the PLD technique. The prepared AKT-PSU and AKT-PDLLA films significantly improved the surface roughness, hydrophilicity, hardness and apatite mineralization, compared with pure PSU and PDLLA, respectively. The prepared AKT nanocoatings distinctively enhance the alkaline phosphate (ALP) activity and bone-related gene expression (ALP, OCN, OPN and Col I) of bone-forming cells on both PSU and PDLLA films. Furthermore, AKT nanocoatings on two polymers improve the attachment, proliferation, VEGF secretion and expression of proangiogenic factors and their receptors of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). The results suggest that PLD-prepared bioceramic nanocoatings are very useful for enhancing the physicochemical, osteogenic and angiogenic properties of both degradable and non-degradable polymers for application in bone replacement/regeneration.