925 resultados para Distribution (economic theory)
Dissertação de mestrado em Direito dos Negócios, Europeu e Transnacional
El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar la política óptima (considerando producción, transporte y regulación) para la integración de la industria de gas natural en el Mercosur. Se analizarán factores que promueven o limitan la integración en la región. Utilizando un modelo matemático de flujo de redes, se minimizará el costo total (producción y transporte) para la región en su conjunto, satisfaciendo las restricciones de producción, capacidad de transporte y equilibrio (oferta igual a demanda) en cada nodo. El costo total (CT) de la producción y transporte de gas natural (considerando nodos para cada país en la región) es la función objetivo. El proceso de optimización consiste en identificar el nivel de gas natural producido y transportado que minimiza el costo total del sistema para la región. El modelo es estático, no considerando una optimización dinámica con relación a las reservas remanentes. Restricciones Consideramos cuatro restricciones en operación, a saber: 1. Equilibrio en los nodos: esta ecuación establece el equilibrio entre la oferta y la demanda de gas natural en cada nodo. La oferta incluye la producción local y las importaciones. Por su parte, la demanda incluye el consumo doméstico más las exportaciones. 2. Capacidad de producción en cada cuenca: esta restricción establece que las cantidades producidas en cada cuenca debería ser menor o igual a su capacidad de producción. Ello también permite la existencia de una utilización no plena de la capacidad. La capacidad máxima de producción en cada cuenca está determinada sobre la base de una medida de política para cada país a través de la cual el horizonte de consumo de las reservas probadas está establecido. Dada esta relación, el límite sobre la producción de cada año está fijado. En otras palabras, el nivel de producción no está basado ni en la capacidad instalada de producción ni en los precios, sino en la política de agotamiento decidida sobre las reservas probadas en el año de calibración del modelo. Esto permite diferentes escenarios para el análisis. Para las simulaciones se tomó el ratio de reservas a producción en el año de calibración del modelo. 3. Capacidad de transporte: el gas transportado a través de un gasoducto (los operativos y aquellos que están en plan de construcción), en general, y el gas transportado desde cada cuenca a cada mercado, en particular, debería ser menor o igual a la capacidad del gasoducto. 4. Nivel no negativo de gas natural producido: esto evita la existencia de soluciones inconsistentes no sólo desde un punto de vista económico sino también técnico. Referencias Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo BID (2001). Integración Energética en el Mercosur Ampliado, Washington DC. Beato, Paulina and Juan Benavides (2004). Gas Market Integration in the Southern Cone. Inter-American Development Bank. Washington, D.C. Conrad, Jon M. (1999). Resource Economics. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. Dasgupta, P.S. and G. M. Heal (1979). Economic Theory and Exhaustible Resources. Cambridge University Press. United States of America. Dos Santos, Edmilson M, Victorio E. Oxilia Dávalos, and Murilo T. Werneck Fagá (2006). “Natural Gas Integration in Latin America: Forward or Backwards?”. Revue de l’Energie, Nº 571, mai-juin. Fagundes de Almeida, E.L. y Trebat, N. (2004). “Drivers and barriers to cross-border gas trade in the southern cone”. Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence, Vol. 2, Nº 3, Julio. Givogri, Pablo (2007). “Condiciones de abastecimiento y precios de la industria del gas de Argentina en los próximos años”. Fundación Mediterránea. Julio. Córdoba, Argentina. Kozulj, Roberto (2004). “La industria del gas natural en América del Sur: situación y posibilidades de la integración de los mercados”. Serie Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura. Nº 77. CEPAL. Santiago de Chile, Chile. Diciembre.
This paper analyses the theoretical relevance of the dynamical aspects of growth on the discussion about the observed positive correlation between per capita real income and real exchange rates. With this purpose, we develop a simple exogenous growth model where the internal, external and intertemporal equilibrium conditions of a typical macroeconomic model are imposed; this last one through the inclusion of a balanced growth path for the foreign assets accumulation. The main result under this consideration is that the relationship defended by the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis is no more so straightforward. In our particular approach, the mentioned bilateral relationship depends on a parameter measuring thriftiness in the economy. Therefore, the probability of ending up with a positive relationship between growth and real exchange rates -as the classical economic theory predicts- will be higher when the economy is able to maintain a minimum saving ratio. Moreover, given that our model considers a simple Keynesian consumption function, some explosive paths can also be possible.
We prove the non-emptiness of the core of an NTU game satisfying a condition of payoff-dependent balancedness, based on transfer rate mappings. We also define a new equilibrium condition on transfer rates and we prove the existence of core payoff vectors satisfying this condition. The additional requirement of transfer rate equilibrium refines the core concept and allows the selection of specific core payoff vectors. Lastly, the class of parametrized cooperative games is introduced. This new setting and its associated equilibrium-core solution extend the usual cooperative game framework and core solution to situations depending on an exogenous environment. A non-emptiness result for the equilibrium-core is also provided in the context of a parametrized cooperative game. Our proofs borrow mathematical tools and geometric constructions from general equilibrium theory with non convexities. Applications to extant results taken from game theory and economic theory are given.
The influence of theoretical discourse on the corresponding field of investigation is an important feature of social science : social scientists shape the world by describing it. This phenomenon has been studied in several ways. Economic sociology has recently focused on the fact that the economy is embedded in the economics through which it is scrutinized. Great names of economic theory have focused on the effects of economists' discourse on agents' behaviours. This article aims to bring out the distinction between these two kinds of contributions which deal with the same object. Finally, it explains the analytical distinction by a difference in the initial problematic. Following trends in the French school of the economics of convention, the social influence of theoretical discourse is analyzed on the strategic side (in connection with economics) and on the interpretative side (in connection with sociology).
Spatial econometrics has been criticized by some economists because some model specifications have been driven by data-analytic considerations rather than having a firm foundation in economic theory. In particular this applies to the so-called W matrix, which is integral to the structure of endogenous and exogenous spatial lags, and to spatial error processes, and which are almost the sine qua non of spatial econometrics. Moreover it has been suggested that the significance of a spatially lagged dependent variable involving W may be misleading, since it may be simply picking up the effects of omitted spatially dependent variables, incorrectly suggesting the existence of a spillover mechanism. In this paper we review the theoretical and empirical rationale for network dependence and spatial externalities as embodied in spatially lagged variables, arguing that failing to acknowledge their presence at least leads to biased inference, can be a cause of inconsistent estimation, and leads to an incorrect understanding of true causal processes.
Social entrepreneurship has been a subject of growing interest by academics and governments, however little still being known about environmental factors that affect this phenomenon. The main objective of this study is to analyze how these factors affect social entrepreneurial activity, in the light of the institutional economic theory as the conceptual framework. Using linear regression analysis for a sample of 49 countries, is studied the impact of informal institutions (social needs, societal attitudes and education) and formal institutions (public spending, access to finance and governance effectiveness) on social entrepreneurial activity. The findings suggest that while societal attitudes increase the rates of social entrepreneurship, public spending has a negative relationship with this phenomenon. Finally, the empirical evidence found could be useful for the definition of government policies on promoting social entrepreneurship.
This paper provides a new benchmark for the analysis of the international diversi cation puzzle in a tractable new open economy macroeconomic model. Building on Cole and Obstfeld (1991) and Heathcote and Perri (2009), this model speci es an equilibrium model of perfect risk sharing in incomplete markets, with endogenous portfolios and number of varieties. Equity home bias may not be a puzzle but a perfectly optimal allocation for hedging risk. In contrast to previous work, the model shows that: (i) optimal international portfolio diversi cation is driven by home bias in capital goods, independently of home bias in consumption, and by the share of income accruing to labour. The model explains reasonably well the recent patterns of portfolio allocations in developed economies; and (ii) optimal portfolio shares are independent of market dynamics.
We present an overlapping generations model that explains price dispersion among Catalonian healthcare insurance firms. The model shows that firms with different premium policies can coexist. Furthermore, if interest rates are low, firms that apply equal premium to all insureds can charge higher average prices than insurers that set premiums according to the risk of insured. Economic theory, health insurance, health economics.
The valuation of human costs is a necessity, but this task poses many problems of method. A team made of a philosopher, a psychologist and a physician has been working with economist researchers in order to look into the meaning that the preferences announced at the time of the inquiries on human costs by QALY methods could assume. These methods are often used to obtain a valuation of the impact of a health attack on people's quality of life. The methods--in the frame of the argument assumed by the economic theory on well-being--hypothesize that people's choices depend mainly on cognitive work. The qualitative interviews show that the psychological construction process for the announced preferences largely overlap this frame. In this paper the authors hastily tackle the factors which have an effect on the preferences. They conclude that the QALY methods don't seem to be able to assess the quality of life nori to valuate the damage that the quality of life could include.
The radiation distribution function used by Domínguez and Jou [Phys. Rev. E 51, 158 (1995)] has been recently modified by Domínguez-Cascante and Faraudo [Phys. Rev. E 54, 6933 (1996)]. However, in these studies neither distribution was written in terms of directly measurable quantities. Here a solution to this problem is presented, and we also propose an experiment that may make it possible to determine the distribution function of nonequilibrium radiation experimentally. The results derived do not depend on a specific distribution function for the matter content of the system
Quantum molecular similarity (QMS) techniques are used to assess the response of the electron density of various small molecules to application of a static, uniform electric field. Likewise, QMS is used to analyze the changes in electron density generated by the process of floating a basis set. The results obtained show an interrelation between the floating process, the optimum geometry, and the presence of an external field. Cases involving the Le Chatelier principle are discussed, and an insight on the changes of bond critical point properties, self-similarity values and density differences is performed
International industry data permits testing whether the industry-specific impact of cross-countrydifferences in institutions or policies is consistent with economic theory. Empirical implementationrequires specifying the industry characteristics that determine impact strength. Most of the literature has been using US proxies of the relevant industry characteristics. We show that usingindustry characteristics in a benchmark country as a proxy of the relevant industry characteristicscan result in an attenuation bias or an amplification bias. We also describe circumstances allowingfor an alternative approach that yields consistent estimates. As an application, we reexamine theinfluential conjecture that financial development facilitates the reallocation of capital from decliningto expanding industries.