327 resultados para Dispersió de neutrons
In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden die Kernreaktionen 25Mg(alpha,n)28Si, 26Mg(alpha,n)29Si und 18O(alpha,n)21Ne im astrophysikalisch interessanten Energiebereich von E alpha = 1000 keV bis E alpha = 2450 keV untersucht.rnrnDie Experimente wurden am Nuclear Structure Laboratory der University of Notre Dame (USA) mit dem vor Ort befindlichen Van-de-Graaff Beschleuniger KN durchgeführt. Hierbei wurden Festkörpertargets mit evaporiertem Magnesium oder anodisiertem Sauerstoff mit alpha-Teilchen beschossen und die freigesetzten Neutronen untersucht. Zum Nachweis der freigesetzten Neutronen wurde mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen ein Neutrondetektor basierend auf rn3He-Zählrohren konstruiert. Weiterhin wurden aufgrund des verstärkten Auftretens von Hintergrundreaktionen verschiedene Methoden zur Datenanalyse angewendet.rnrnAbschliessend wird mit Hilfe von Netzwerkrechnungen der Einfluss der Reaktionen 25Mg(alpha,n)28Si, 26Mg(alpha,n)29Si und 18O(alpha,n)21Ne auf die stellare Nukleosynthese untersucht.rn
La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.
In case of violation of CPT- and Lorentz Symmetry, the minimal Standard Model Extension (SME) of Kostelecky and coworkers predicts sidereal modulations of atomic transition frequencies as the Earth rotates relative to a Lorentz-violating background field. One method to search for these modulations is the so-called clock-comparison experiment, where the frequencies of co-located clocks are compared as they rotate with respect to the fixed stars. In this work an experiment is presented where polarized 3He and 129Xe gas samples in a glass cell serve as clocks, whose nuclear spin precession frequencies are detected with the help of highly sensitive SQUID sensors inside a magnetically shielded room. The unique feature of this experiment is the fact that the spins are precessing freely, with transverse relaxation times of up to 4.4 h for 129Xe and 14.1 h for 3He. To be sensitive to Lorentz-violating effects, the influence of external magnetic fields is canceled via the weighted difference of the 3He and 129Xe frequencies or phases. The Lorentz-violating SME parameters for the neutron are determined out of a fit on the phase difference data of 7 spin precession measurements of 12 to 16 hours length. The result of the fit gives an upper limit for the equatorial component of the neutron parameter b_n of 3.7×10^(−32) GeV at the 95% confidence level. This value is not limited by the signal-to-noise ratio, but by the strong correlations between the fit parameters. To reduce the correlations and therewith improve the sensitivity of future experiments, it will be necessary to change the time structure of the weighted phase difference, which can be realized by increasing the 129Xe relaxation time.
The beta-decay of free neutrons is a strongly over-determined process in the Standard Model (SM) of Particle Physics and is described by a multitude of observables. Some of those observables are sensitive to physics beyond the SM. For example, the correlation coefficients of the involved particles belong to them. The spectrometer aSPECT was designed to measure precisely the shape of the proton energy spectrum and to extract from it the electron anti-neutrino angular correlation coefficient "a". A first test period (2005/ 2006) showed the “proof-of-principles”. The limiting influence of uncontrollable background conditions in the spectrometer made it impossible to extract a reliable value for the coefficient "a" (publication: Baessler et al., 2008, Europhys. Journ. A, 38, p.17-26). A second measurement cycle (2007/ 2008) aimed to under-run the relative accuracy of previous experiments (Stratowa et al. (1978), Byrne et al. (2002)) da/a =5%. I performed the analysis of the data taken there which is the emphasis of this doctoral thesis. A central point are background studies. The systematic impact of background on a was reduced to da/a(syst.)=0.61 %. The statistical accuracy of the analyzed measurements is da/a(stat.)=1.4 %. Besides, saturation effects of the detector electronics were investigated which were initially observed. These turned out not to be correctable on a sufficient level. An applicable idea how to avoid the saturation effects will be discussed in the last chapter.
Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi si colloca nell’area della robotica aerea e della visione artificiale attraverso l’integrazione di algoritmi di visione per il controllo di un velivolo senza pilota. Questo lavoro intende dare un contributo al progetto europeo SHERPA (Smart collaboration between Humans and ground-aErial Robots for imProving rescuing activities in Alpine environments), coordinato dall’università di Bologna e con la compartecipazione delle università di Brema, Zurigo, Twente, Leuven, Linkopings, del CREATE (Consorzio di Ricerca per l’Energia e le Applicazioni Tecnologiche dell’Elettromagnetismo), di alcune piccole e medie imprese e del club alpino italiano, che consiste nel realizzare un team di robots eterogenei in grado di collaborare con l’uomo per soccorrere i dispersi nell’ambiente alpino. L’obiettivo di SHERPA consiste nel progettare e integrare l’autopilota all’interno del team. In tale contesto andranno gestiti problemi di grande complessità, come il controllo della stabilità del velivolo a fronte di incertezze dovute alla presenza di vento, l’individuazione di ostacoli presenti nella traiettoria di volo, la gestione del volo in prossimità di ostacoli, ecc. Inoltre tutte queste operazioni devono essere svolte in tempo reale. La tesi è stata svolta presso il CASY (Center for Research on Complex Automated Systems) dell’università di Bologna, utilizzando per le prove sperimentali una PX4FLOW Smart Camera. Inizialmente è stato studiato un autopilota, il PIXHAWK, sul quale è possibile interfacciare la PX4FLOW, in seguito sono stati studiati e simulati in MATLAB alcuni algoritmi di visione basati su flusso ottico. Infine è stata studiata la PX4FLOW Smart Camera, con la quale sono state svolte le prove sperimentali. La PX4FLOW viene utilizzata come interfaccia alla PIXHAWK, in modo da eseguire il controllo del velivolo con la massima efficienza. E’ composta da una telecamera per la ripresa della scena, un giroscopio per la misura della velocità angolare, e da un sonar per le misure di distanza. E’ in grado di fornire la velocità di traslazione del velivolo, e quest’ultima, integrata, consente di ricostruire la traiettoria percorsa dal velivolo.
The aim of this work is to present various aspects of numerical simulation of particle and radiation transport for industrial and environmental protection applications, to enable the analysis of complex physical processes in a fast, reliable, and efficient way. In the first part we deal with speed-up of numerical simulation of neutron transport for nuclear reactor core analysis. The convergence properties of the source iteration scheme of the Method of Characteristics applied to be heterogeneous structured geometries has been enhanced by means of Boundary Projection Acceleration, enabling the study of 2D and 3D geometries with transport theory without spatial homogenization. The computational performances have been verified with the C5G7 2D and 3D benchmarks, showing a sensible reduction of iterations and CPU time. The second part is devoted to the study of temperature-dependent elastic scattering of neutrons for heavy isotopes near to the thermal zone. A numerical computation of the Doppler convolution of the elastic scattering kernel based on the gas model is presented, for a general energy dependent cross section and scattering law in the center of mass system. The range of integration has been optimized employing a numerical cutoff, allowing a faster numerical evaluation of the convolution integral. Legendre moments of the transfer kernel are subsequently obtained by direct quadrature and a numerical analysis of the convergence is presented. In the third part we focus our attention to remote sensing applications of radiative transfer employed to investigate the Earth's cryosphere. The photon transport equation is applied to simulate reflectivity of glaciers varying the age of the layer of snow or ice, its thickness, the presence or not other underlying layers, the degree of dust included in the snow, creating a framework able to decipher spectral signals collected by orbiting detectors.
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory of strong interactions, one of the four fundamental forces in our Universe. It describes the interaction of gluons and quarks which build up hadrons like protons and neutrons. Most of the visible matter in our universe is made of protons and neutrons. Hence, we are interested in their fundamental properties like their masses, their distribution of charge and their shape. \\rnThe only known theoretical, non-perturbative and {\it ab initio} method to investigate hadron properties at low energies is lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (lattice QCD). However, up-to-date simulations (especially for baryonic quantities) do not achieve the accuracy of experiments. In fact, current simulations do not even reproduce the experimental values for the form factors. The question arises wether these deviations can be explained by systematic effects in lattice QCD simulations.rnrnThis thesis is about the computation of nucleon form factors and other hadronic quantities from lattice QCD. So called Wilson fermions are used and the u- and d-quarks are treated fully dynamically. The simulations were performed using gauge ensembles with a range of lattice spacings, volumes and pion masses.\\rnFirst of all, the lattice spacing was set to be able to make contact between the lattice results and their experimental complement and to be able to perform a continuum extrapolation. The light quark mass has been computed and found to be $m_{ud}^{\overline{\text{MS}}}(2\text{ GeV}) = 3.03(17)(38)\text{ MeV}$. This value is in good agreement with values from experiments and other lattice determinations.\\rnElectro-magnetic and axial form factors of the nucleon have been calculated. From these form factors the nucleon radii and the coupling constants were computed. The different ensembles enabled us to investigate systematically the dependence of these quantities on the volume, the lattice spacing and the pion mass.\newpage Finally we perform a continuum extrapolation and chiral extrapolations to the physical point.\\rnIn addition, we investigated so called excited state contributions to these observables. A technique was used, the summation method, which reduces these effects significantly and a much better agreement with experimental data was achieved. On the lattice, the Dirac radius and the axial charge are usually found to be much smaller than the experimental values. However, due to the carefully investigation of all the afore-mentioned systematic effects we get $\langle r_1^2\rangle_{u-d}=0.627(54)\text{ fm}^2$ and $g_A=1.218(92)$, which is in agreement with the experimental values within the errors.rnrnThe first three chapters introduce the theoretical background of form factors of the nucleon and lattice QCD in general. In chapter four the lattice spacing is determined. The computation of nucleon form factors is described in chapter five where systematic effects are investigated. All results are presented in chapter six. The thesis ends with a summary of the results and identifies options to complement and extend the calculations presented. rn
Die elektromagnetischen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sind fundamentale Größen, welche eng mit der elektromagnetischen Struktur der Nukleonen zusammenhängen. Der Verlauf der elektrischen und magnetischen Sachs-Formfaktoren G_E und G_M gegen Q^2, das negative Quadrat des Viererimpulsübertrags im elektromagnetischen Streuprozess, steht über die Fouriertransformation in direkter Beziehung zu der räumlichen Ladungs- und Strom-Verteilung in den Nukleonen. Präzise Messungen der Formfaktoren über einen weiten Q^2-Bereich werden daher für ein quantitatives Verständnis der Nukleonstruktur benötigt.rnrnDa es keine freien Neutrontargets gibt, gestaltet sich die Messung der Neutron-Formfaktoren schwierig im Vergleich zu der Messung am Proton. Konsequenz daraus ist, dass die Genauigkeit der vorhandenen Daten von Neutron-Formfaktoren deutlich geringer ist als die von Formfaktoren des Protons; auch der vermessene Q^2-Bereich ist kleiner. Insbesondere der elektrische Sachs-Formfaktor des Neutrons G_E^n ist schwierig zu messen, da er aufgrund der verschwindenden Nettoladung des Neutrons im Verhältnis zu den übrigen Nukleon-Formfaktoren sehr klein ist. G_E^n charakterisiert die Ladungsverteilung des elektrisch neutralen Neutrons und ist damit besonders sensitiv auf die innere Struktur des Neutrons.rnrnIn der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurde G_E^n aus Strahlhelizitätsasymmetrien in der quasielastischen Streuung vec{3He}(vec{e}, e'n)pp bei einem Impulsübertrag von Q^2 = 1.58 (GeV/c)^2 bestimmt. Die Messung fand in Mainz an der Elektronbeschleunigeranlage Mainzer Mikrotron innerhalb der A1-Kollaboration im Sommer 2008 statt. rnrnLongitudinal polarisierte Elektronen mit einer Energie von 1.508 GeV wurden an einem polarisierten ^3He-Gastarget, das als effektives, polarisiertes Neutrontarget diente, gestreut. Die gestreuten Elektronen wurden in Koinzidenz mit den herausgeschlagenen Neutronen detektiert; die Elektronen wurden in einem magnetischen Spektrometer nachgewiesen, durch den Nachweis der Neutronen in einer Matrix aus Plastikszintillatoren wurde der Beitrag der quasielastischen Streuung am Proton unterdrückt.rnrnAsymmetrien des Wirkungsquerschnitts bezüglich der Elektronhelizität sind bei Orientierung der Targetpolarisation in der Streuebene und senkrecht zum Impulsübertrag sensitiv auf G_E^n / G_M^n; mittels deren Messung kann G_E^n bestimmt werden, da der magnetische Formfaktor G_M^n mit vergleichsweise hoher Präzision bekannt ist. Zusätzliche Messungen der Asymmetrie bei einer Polarisationsorientierung parallel zum Impulsübertrag wurden genutzt, um systematische Fehler zu reduzieren.rnrnFür die Messung inklusive statistischem (stat) und systematischem (sys) Fehler ergab sich G_E^n = 0.0244 +/- 0.0057_stat +/- 0.0016_sys.
A permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron violates time reversal as well as parity symmetry. Thus it also violates the combination of charge conjugation and parity symmetry if the combination of all three symmetries is a symmetry of nature. The violation of these symmetries could help to explain the observed baryon content of the Universe. The prediction of the Standard Model of particle physics for the neutron electric dipole moment is only about 10e−32 ecm. At the same time the combined violation of charge conjugation and parity symmetry in the Standard Model is insufficient to explain the observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Several extensions to the Standard Model can explain the observed baryon asymmetry and also predict values for the neutron electric dipole moment just below the current best experimental limit of d n < 2.9e−26 ecm, (90% C.L.) that has been obtained by the Sussex-RAL-ILL collaboration in 2006. The very same experiment that set the current best limit on the electric dipole moment has been upgraded and moved to the Paul Scherrer Institute. Now an international collaboration is aiming at increasing the sensitivity for an electric dipole moment by more than an order of magnitude. This thesis took place in the frame of this experiment and went along with the commissioning of the experiment until first data taking. After a short layout of the theoretical background in chapter 1, the experiment with all subsystems and their performance are described in detail in chapter 2. To reach the goal sensitivity the control of systematic errors is as important as an increase in statistical sensitivity. Known systematic efects are described and evaluated in chapter 3. During about ten days in 2012, a first set of data was measured with the experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute. An analysis of this data is presented in chapter 4, together with general tools developed for future analysis eforts. The result for the upper limit of an electric dipole moment of the neutron is |dn| ≤ 6.4e−25 ecm (95%C.L.). Chapter 5 presents investigations for a next generation experiment, to build electrodes made partly from insulating material. Among other advantages, such electrodes would reduce magnetic noise, generated by the thermal movement of charge carriers. The last Chapter summarizes this work and gives an outlook.
For the improvement of current neutron capture therapy, several liposomal formulations of neutron capture agent gadolinium were developed and tested in a glioma cell model. Formulations were analyzed regarding physicochemical and biological parameters, such as size, zeta potential, uptake into cancer cells and performance under neutron irradiation. The neutron and photon dose derived from intracellular as well as extracellular Gd was calculated via Monte Carlo simulations and set in correlation with the reduction of cell survival after irradiation. To investigate the suitability of Gd as a radiosensitizer for photon radiation, cells were also irradiated with synchrotron radiation in addition to clinically used photons generated by linear accelerator.rnIrradiation with neutrons led to significantly lower survival for Gd-liposome-treated F98 and LN229 cells, compared to irradiated control cells and cells treated with non-liposomal Gd-DTPA. Correlation between Gd-content and -dose and respective cell survival displayed proportional relationship for most of the applied formulations. Photon irradiation experiments showed the proof-of-principle for the radiosensitizer approach, although the photon spectra currently used have to be optimized for higher efficiency of the radiosensitizer. In conclusion, the newly developed Gd-liposomes show great potential for the improvement of radiation treatment options for highly malignant glioblastoma.rn
Light pseudoscalar bosons, such as the axion that was originally proposed as a solution of the strong CP problem, would cause a new spin-dependent short-range interaction. In this thesis, an experiment is presented to search for axion mediated short-range interaction between a nucleon and the spin of a polarized bound neutron. This interaction cause a shift in the precession frequency of nuclear spin-polarized gases in the presence of an unpolarized mass. To get rid of magnetic field drifts co-located, nuclear spin polarized 3He and 129Xe atoms were used. The free nuclear spin precession frequencies were measured in a homogeneous magnetic guiding field of about 350nT using LTc SQUID detectors. The whole setup was housed in a magnetically shielded room at the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Berlin. With this setup long nuclear spin-coherence times, respectively, transverse relaxation times of 5h for 129Xe and 53h for 3He could be achieved. The results of the last run in September 2010 are presented which give new upper limits on the scalar-pseudoscalar coupling of axion-like particles in the axion-mass window from 10^(-2) eV to 10^(-6) eV. The laboratory upper bounds were improved by up to 4 orders of magnitude.
«Così una circoncisione del Guercino mi ha fatto una profonda impressione, perché già conosco ed amo questo maestro. Gli ho perdonato il soggetto antipatico e ho goduto dell’esecuzione», commentò Goethe nel suo Viaggio in Italia, quando passò per Bologna tra il 18 ed il 20 ottobre 1786. Lo scrittore tedesco fu una delle ultime personalità che poté ammirare l’opera che campeggiava sull' altare maggiore della chiesa di Gesù e Maria, autentico tempio del barocco bolognese, oggi scomparso. L’abbattimento del complesso intervenne infatti all’inizio del XIX secolo con la conseguente dispersione dell’intero corpo iconografico e del materiale mobiliare, a testimonianza della qualità e del pregio, non solo delle opere un tempo contenute all’interno, ma anche della struttura architettonica. L’interesse alla chiesa di Gesù e Maria è stato determinato dal forte impatto che l’edificio ed il suo apparato ebbe sui contemporanei, come dimostrano efficacemente i testi di letterati e cronisti bolognesi coevi, quali Carlo Cesare Malvasia e Antonio Masini. Per quanto riguarda invece la celebre pala d’altare del Guercino, oltre a Goethe, anche Stendhal ne valutò l’importanza riportandola come una tra le più belle di Bologna. La finalità di questa tesi di laurea, dunque, è quella di far luce sulla vita di questa opera, a partire dalle testimonianze dirette, ricavate dalla comparazione dei documenti dispersi in diversi fondi archivistici di Bologna, indagando soprattutto sulla possibile “paternità” del progetto.
The excitation spectrum is one of the fundamental properties of every spatially extended system. The excitations of the building blocks of normal matter, i.e., protons and neutrons (nucleons), play an important role in our understanding of the low energy regime of the strong interaction. Due to the large coupling, perturbative solutions of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) are not appropriate to calculate long-range phenomena of hadrons. For many years, constituent quark models were used to understand the excitation spectra. Recently, calculations in lattice QCD make first connections between excited nucleons and the fundamental field quanta (quarks and gluons). Due to their short lifetime and large decay width, excited nucleons appear as resonances in scattering processes like pion nucleon scattering or meson photoproduction. In order to disentangle individual resonances with definite spin and parity in experimental data, partial wave analyses are necessary. Unique solutions in these analyses can only be expected if sufficient empirical information about spin degrees of freedom is available. The measurement of spin observables in pion photoproduction is the focus of this thesis. The polarized electron beam of the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) was used to produce high-intensity, polarized photon beams with tagged energies up to 1.47 GeV. A "frozen-spin" Butanol target in combination with an almost 4π detector setup consisting of the Crystal Ball and the TAPS calorimeters allowed the precise determination of the helicity dependence of the γp → π0p reaction. In this thesis, as an improvement of the target setup, an internal polarizing solenoid has been constructed and tested. A magnetic field of 2.32 T and homogeneity of 1.22×10−3 in the target volume have been achieved. The helicity asymmetry E, i.e., the difference of events with total helicity 1/2 and 3/2 divided by the sum, was determined from data taken in the years 2013-14. The subtraction of background events arising from nucleons bound in Carbon and Oxygen was an important part of the analysis. The results for the asymmetry E are compared to existing data and predictions from various models. The results show a reasonable agreement to the models in the energy region of the ∆(1232)-resonance but large discrepancies are observed for energy above 600 MeV. The expansion of the present data in terms of Legendre polynomials, shows the sensitivity of the data to partial wave amplitudes up to F-waves. Additionally, a first, preliminary multipole analysis of the present data together with other results from the Crystal Ball experiment has been as been performed.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Untersuchung eines Magnetometers zur exakten und präzisen Messung schwacher Magnetfelder. Diese Art von Magnetometer eignet sich zur Anwendung in physikalischen hochpräzisions Experimenten wie zum Beispiel der Suche nach dem elektrischen Dipolmomentrndes Neutrons. Die Messmethode beruht auf der gleichzeitigen Detektion der freien Spin Präzession Kern-Spin polarisierten 3He Gases durch mehrere optisch gepumpte Cäsium Magnetometer. Es wird gezeigt, dass Cäsium Magnetometer eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Methode zur Messung der 3He Larmor Frequenz und eine komfortable Alternative zur Benutzung von SQUIDs für diesen Zweck darstellen. Ein Prototyp dieses Magnetometers wurde gebaut und seine Funktion in der magnetisch abgeschirmten Messkabine der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt untersucht. Die Sensitivität des Magnetometers in Abhängigkeitrnvon der Messdauer wurde experimentell untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass für kurze Messperioden (< 500s) Cramér-Rao limitierte Messungen möglich sind während die Sensitivität bei längeren Messungen durch die Stabilität des angelegten Magnetfeldes limitiert ist. Messungen eines 1 muT Magnetfeldes mit einer relative Genauigkeit von besser als 5x10^(-8) in 100s werden präsentiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Messgenauigkeit des Magnetometers durch die Zahl der zur Detektion der 3He Spin Präzession eingesetzten Cäsium Magnetometer skaliert werden kann. Prinzipiell ist dadurch eine Anpassung der Messgenauigkeit an jegliche experimentellen Bedürfnisse möglich. Es wird eine gradiometrische Messmethode vorgestellt, die es erlaubt den Einfluss periodischerrnmagnetischer Störungen auf dieMessung zu unterdrücken. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Sensitivität des kombinierten Magnetometers und den Betriebsparametern der Cäsium Magnetometer die zur Spin Detektion verwendet werden wird theoretisch untersucht und anwendungsspezifische Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Betriebsartenwerden diskutiert. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in einer Formel zusammengefasst die es erlaubt, die erwartete Sensitivität des Magnetometers zu berechnen. Diese Vorhersagen befinden sich in perfekter Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten. Die intrinsische Sensitivität des Magnetometer Prototyps wird auf Basis dieser Formel theoretisch bestimmt. Ausserdem wird die erwartete Sensitivität für die Anwendung im Rahmen des Experiments der nächsten Generation zur Bestimmung des elektrischenrnDipolmoments des Neutrons am Paul Scherrer Institut abgeschätzt. Des weiteren wird eine bequeme experimentelle Methode zur Messung des Polarisationsgrades und des Rabi Flip-Winkels der 3He Kernspin Polarisation vorgestellt. Letztere Messung ist sehr wichtig für die Anwendung in hochpräzisions Experimenten.
Conoscere con dettaglio il campo di radiazione che si genera nell'utilizzo di un acceleratore lineare di elettroni durante una seduta di radioterapia è essenziale sia per i pazienti sia per gli operatori. L'utilizzo del codice Monte Carlo MCNPX 2.7.0 permette di stimare dati dosimetrici dettagliati in zone dove può essere complicato effettuare misurazioni.Lo scopo di questo lavoro è indagare il comportamento del fascio fotonico prodotto nel bunker di radioterapia dell'ASMN-IRCCS di Reggio Emilia, valutando con precisione in particolare la produzione di fotoneutroni secondari. L'obiettivo è la verifica dell'efficacia delle barriere offerte dalla struttura tenendo in considerazione anche il canale di penetrazione degli impianti di servizio che costituisce un punto di fuga per le radiazioni.