980 resultados para Diagnostic imaging services


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La sindrome di Cushing (SC) è una delle endocrinopatie più comuni nel cane. La diagnosi richiede l'integrazione di anamnesi, segnalamento, segni clinici, esami ematobiochimici, test endocrini specifici e diagnostica per immagini . Nel corso degli anni diversi sono i principi attivi testati per la terapia della SC del cane. In passato, il mitotane è stato il farmaco più utilizzato, sebbene il suo uso risulti complicato e non privo di potenziali effetti collaterali. Recentemente, il trilostano ha dimostrato di essere un trattamento efficace per il controllo dei sintomi ed è stato approvato per tale uso nel cane. Al fine di testare metodiche non invasive per la diagnosi di SC nel cane abbiamo valutato le concentrazioni di cortisolo nel pelo (HCC) .Queste risultavano significativamente più elevate nei cani con SC rispetto ai cani sani e malati. Questo test può essere quindi considerato una procedura diagnostica non invasiva in cani con un elevato sospetto di SC. Inoltre, a causa della difficile reperibilità dell’ACTH esogeno sono state valutate le concentrazioni di cortisolo basale come strumento di monitoraggio in cani con SC trattati con trilostano. Tuttavia la singola valutazione del cortisolo basale non rappresenta un parametro efficace ed accurato per il monitoraggio della terapia con trilostano. Sono stati inoltre valutati i fattori prognostici in cani con SC alla diagnosi. L' iperfosfatemia è risultata un riscontro comune nei cani SC, rappresentando un fattore prognostico negativo. La terapia chirurgica non è una procedura di routine nella SC del cane, tuttavia abbiamo descritto l'approccio di ipofisectomia transsfenoidale in un Galgo spagnolo di 8 anni con SC . Il cane è stato sottoposto per due volte ad ipofisectomia transsfenoidale che ha permesso di rimuovere completamente il macroadenoma ipofisario. In conclusione, questi studi ci hanno permesso di indagare alcuni aspetti patogenetici, clinici e diagnostici della SC del cane.


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In the last decades noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) arose as one of the most powerful tools for applications in nanomedicine field and cancer treatment. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), in particular, is one of the most aggressive malignant brain tumors that nowadays still presents a dramatic scenario concerning median survival. Gold nanorods (GNRs) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) could find applications such as diagnostic imaging, hyperthermia and glioblastoma therapy. During these three years, both GNRs and AgNPs were synthesized with the “salt reduction” method and, through a novel double phase transfer process, using specifically designed thiol-based ligands, lipophilic GNRs and AgNPs were obtained and separately entrapped into biocompatible and biodegradable PEG-based polymeric nanoparticles (PNPs) suitable for drug delivery within the body. Moreover, a synergistic effect of AgNPs with the Alisertib drug, were investigated thanks to the simultaneous entrapment of these two moieties into PNPs. In addition, Chlorotoxin (Cltx), a peptide that specifically recognize brain cancer cells, was conjugated onto the external surface of PNPs. The so-obtained novel nanosystems were evaluated for in vitro and in vivo applications against glioblastoma multiforme. In particular, for GNRs-PNPs, their safety, their suitability as optoacoustic contrast agents, their selective laser-induced cells death and finally, a high tumor retention were all demonstrated. Concerning AgNPs-PNPs, promising tumor toxicity and a strong synergistic effect with Alisertib was observed (IC50 10 nM), as well as good in vivo biodistribution, high tumor uptake and significative tumor reduction in tumor bearing mice. Finally, the two nanostructures were linked together, through an organic framework, exploiting the click chemistry azido-alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition, between two ligands previously attached to the NPs surface; this multifunctional complex nanosystem was successfully entrapped into PNPs with nanoparticles’ properties maintenance, obtaining in this way a powerful and promising tool for cancer fight and defeat.


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Negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un miglioramento della qualità di vita dei piccoli animali che, oltre ad aumentarne l'aspettativa di vita, ha determinato un aumento della frequenza di patologie associate all'età medio-avanzata, quali le patologie renali croniche. Il presente studio si fonda sulla necessità, sempre più sentita nella pratica clinica veterinaria, di poter fornire al proprietario del paziente affetto da CKD, una serie di parametri che, oltre a fungere da target terapeutico, possano aiutare a comprenderne la prognosi. Lo studio ha valutato una popolazione di cani affetti da CKD e ne ha seguito o ricostruito il follow-up, per tutto il periodo di sopravvivenza fino al momento dell’exitus. Di tali soggetti sono stati raccolti dati relativi ad anamnesi, esame clinico, misurazione della pressione arteriosa, diagnostica per immagini, esami ematochimici, analisi delle urine ed eventuale esame istologico renale. È stato possibile individuare alcuni importanti fattori prognostici per la sopravvivenza in pazienti con CKD. Oltre a fattori ben noti in letteratura, come ad esempio elevati valori di creatinina e fosforo, o la presenza di proteinuria, è stato possibile anche evidenziare il ruolo prognostico negativo di alcuni parametri meno noti, ed in particolare delle proteine di fase acuta positive e negative, e del rapporto albumina/globuline. Una possibile spiegazione del valore prognostico di tali parametri risiede nel ruolo prognostico negativo dell’infiammazione nel paziente con CKD: tale ruolo è stato suggerito e dimostrato nell’uomo e avrebbe alla base numerosi possibili meccanismi (sviluppo di anemia, complicazioni gastroenteriche, neoplasie, etc.), ma dati analoghi sono mancanti in medicina veterinaria. Una seconda possibile spiegazione risiede nel fatto che potenzialmente i livelli delle proteine di fase acuta possono essere influenzati dalla presenza di proteinuria nel paziente con CKD e di conseguenza potrebbero essere una conferma di come la proteinuria influenzi negativamente l'outcome.


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The Virtopsy project, a multi-disciplinary project that involves forensic science, diagnostic imaging, computer science, automation technology, telematics and biomechanics, aims to develop new techniques to improve the outcome of forensic investigations. This paper presents a new approach in the field of minimally invasive virtual autopsy for a versatile robotic system that is able to perform three-dimensional (3D) surface scans as well as post mortem image-guided soft tissue biopsies.


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Modern imaging technologies, such as computed tomography (CT) techniques, represent a great challenge in forensic pathology. The field of forensics has experienced a rapid increase in the use of these new techniques to support investigations on critical cases, as indicated by the implementation of CT scanning by different forensic institutions worldwide. Advances in CT imaging techniques over the past few decades have finally led some authors to propose that virtual autopsy, a radiological method applied to post-mortem analysis, is a reliable alternative to traditional autopsy, at least in certain cases. The authors investigate the occurrence and the causes of errors and mistakes in diagnostic imaging applied to virtual autopsy. A case of suicide by a gunshot wound was submitted to full-body CT scanning before autopsy. We compared the first examination of sectional images with the autopsy findings and found a preliminary misdiagnosis in detecting a peritoneal lesion by gunshot wound that was due to radiologist's error. Then we discuss a new emerging issue related to the risk of diagnostic failure in virtual autopsy due to radiologist's error that is similar to what occurs in clinical radiology practice.


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This is a European cohort study on predictors of spinal injury in adult (≥16 years) major trauma patients, using prospectively collected data of the Trauma Audit and Research Network from 1988 to 2009. Predictors for spinal fractures/dislocations or spinal cord injury were determined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. 250,584 patients were analysed. 24,000 patients (9.6%) sustained spinal fractures/dislocations alone and 4,489 (1.8%) sustained spinal cord injury with or without fractures/dislocations. Spinal injury patients had a median age of 44.5 years (IQR = 28.8-64.0) and Injury Severity Score of 9 (IQR = 4-17). 64.9% were male. 45% of patients suffered associated injuries to other body regions. Age <45 years (≥45 years OR 0.83-0.94), Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 3-8 (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.02-1.19), falls >2 m (OR 4.17, 95% CI 3.98-4.37), sports injuries (OR 2.79, 95% CI 2.41-3.23) and road traffic collisions (RTCs) (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.83-2.00) were predictors for spinal fractures/dislocations. Age <45 years (≥45 years OR 0.78-0.90), male gender (female OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.72-0.85), GCS <15 (OR 1.36-1.93), associated chest injury (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.01-1.20), sports injuries (OR 3.98, 95% CI 3.04-5.21), falls >2 m (OR 3.60, 95% CI 3.21-4.04), RTCs (OR 2.20, 95% CI 1.96-2.46) and shooting (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.21-3.00) were predictors for spinal cord injury. Multilevel injury was found in 10.4% of fractures/dislocations and in 1.3% of cord injury patients. As spinal trauma occurred in >10% of major trauma patients, aggressive evaluation of the spine is warranted, especially, in males, patients <45 years, with a GCS <15, concomitant chest injury and/or dangerous injury mechanisms (falls >2 m, sports injuries, RTCs and shooting). Diagnostic imaging of the whole spine and a diligent search for associated injuries are substantial.


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The objective of this study was to describe the use of a titanium 1.5 mm locking plate in the stabilization of atlantoaxial pathology in three toy breed dogs. Two dogs with atlantoaxial subluxation and another dog with an axial fracture, confirmed by diagnostic imaging, were stabilized via a ventral approach with a 1.5 mm titanium 5-hole locking butterfly-plate. Surgical reduction and stabilization were assessed by computed tomography and radiography after surgery. Follow-up evaluation for resolution of neurological signs and possible complications was performed in all three dogs. For long-term assessment, a telephone follow-up was performed. A considerable improvement of neurological signs occurred within two to four weeks after surgery. An excellent clinical outcome was identified in all three patients. Adequate stabilization and resolution of neurological signs in all three dogs was achieved. The stabilization of atlantoaxial surgical conditions in toy breeds with the 1.5 mm titanium 5-hole butterfly locking plate appears to be an effective means of surgical treatment.


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Advances in diagnostic imaging and the introduction of damage control strategy in trauma have influenced our approach to treating liver trauma patients. The objective of the present study was to investigate the impact of change in liver trauma management on outcome.


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Background Backyard trampolines are immensely popular among children, but are associated with an increase of trampoline-related injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate radiographs of children with trampoline related injuries and to determine the risk factors. Methods Between 2003 and 2009, 286 children under the age of 16 with backyard trampoline injuries were included in the study. The number of injuries increased from 13 patients in 2003 to 86 in 2009. The median age of the 286 patients was 7 years (range: 1–15 years). Totally 140 (49%) patients were males, and 146 (51%) females. Medical records and all available diagnostic imaging were reviewed. A questionnaire was sent to the parents to evaluate the circumstances of each injury, the type of trampoline, the protection equipment and the experience of the children using the trampoline. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Bern. Results The questionnaires and radiographs of the 104 patients were available for evaluation. A fracture was sustained in 51 of the 104 patients. More than 75% of all patients sustaining injuries and in 90% of patients with fractures were jumping on the trampoline with other children at the time of the accident. The most common fractures were supracondylar humeral fractures (29%) and forearm fractures (25%). Fractures of the proximal tibia occurred especially in younger children between 2–5 years of age. Conclusions Children younger than 5 years old are at risk for specific proximal tibia fractures (“Trampoline Fracture”). A child jumping simultaneously with other children has a higher risk of suffering from a fracture.


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The risk to have a stroke during childhood is at least as frequent as to suffer from a brain tumour. Unlike adults, in whom ischaemic strokes overweigh haemorrhagic strokes, ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes are equally frequent in children, occurring with an incidence of 2 - 3/100'000 children/year. Even though the clinical presentation of arterial-ischaemic stroke in children (pedAIS) is similar to adults, time to diagnosis is longer. The delay to diagnosis is mainly explained by the low index of suspicion of both the general population and the medical personnel, a broad range of differential diagnoses, and the fact that diagnostic imaging in children often requires sedation, which is not always readily available. PedAIS is a multiple risk problem, usually occurring due to a combination of risk factors, such as infectious diseases, dehydration, trauma or an underlying condition such as congenital heart disease. Still little is known about the appropriate management of pedAIS. Supportive measures are considered to be the mainstay of therapy. The use of antithrombotic medication depends on pedAIS aetiology. In an ongoing multicenter trial, the safety and effectiveness of thrombolysis are currently being investigated. PedAIS carries an important mortality and morbidity, with neurological and neuropsychological deficits persisting in two thirds of the affected children.


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BACKGROUND: Systematic need for angiography in diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis and indication of surgical therapy is still debated. Noninvasive imaging techniques such as MR angiography (MRA) or CT angiography (CTA) offer an alternative to digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and are increasingly used in clinical practice. In this study, we present the radiological characteristics and clinical results of a series of patients operated on the basis of combined ultrasonography (US)/MRA. METHODS: This observational study included all the patients consecutively operated for a carotid stenosis in our Department from October 1998 to December 2004. The applied MRA protocol had previously been established in a large correlation study with DSA. DSA was used only in case of discordance between US and MRA. The preoperative radiological information furnished by MRA was compared with intraoperative findings. The outcome of the operation was assessed according to ECST criteria. RESULTS: Among 327 patients, preoperative MRA was performed in 278 (85%), DSA in 44 (13.5%) and CT angiography in 5 (1.5%). Most of DSA studies were performed as emergency for preparation of endovascular therapy or for reasons other than carotid stenosis. Eleven additional DSA (3.3%) complemented US/MRA, mostly because diverging diagnosis of subocclusion of ICA. No direct morbidity or intraoperative difficulty was related to preoperative MRA. Combined mortality/major morbidity rate was 0.9% (3 patients) and minor morbidity rate 5.5% (18 patients). CONCLUSIONS: This observational study describes a well-established practice of carotid surgery and supports the exclusive use of non invasive diagnostic imaging for indicating and deciding the operation.


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PURPOSE: Gallium-68 is a metallic positron emitter with a half-life of 68 min that is ideal for the in vivo use of small molecules, such as [68Ga-DOTA,Tyr3]octreotide, in the diagnostic imaging of somatostatin receptor-positive tumours. In preclinical studies it has shown a striking superiority over its 111In-labelled congener. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether third-generation somatostatin-based, radiogallium-labelled peptides show the same superiority. METHODS: Peptides were synthesised on solid phase. The receptor affinity was determined by in vitro receptor autoradiography. The internalisation rate was studied in AR4-2J and hsst-HEK-transfected cell lines. The pharmacokinetics was studied in a rat xenograft tumour model, AR4-2J. RESULTS: All peptides showed high affinities on hsst2, with the highest affinity for the Ga(III)-complexed peptides. On hsst3 the situation was reversed, with a trend towards lower affinity of the Ga(III) peptides. A significantly increased internalisation rate was found in sst2-expressing cells for all 67Ga-labelled peptides. Internalisation into HEK-sst3 was usually faster for the 111In-labelled peptides. No internalisation was found into sst5. Biodistribution studies employing [67Ga-DOTA,1-Nal3]octreotide in comparison to [111In-DOTA,1-Nal3]octreotide and [67Ga-DOTA,Tyr3]octreotide showed a significantly higher and receptor-mediated uptake of the two 67Ga-labelled peptides in the tumour and somatostatin receptor-positive tissues. A patient study illustrated the potential advantage of a broad receptor subtype profile radiopeptide over a high-affinity sst2-selective radiopeptide. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that 67/68Ga-DOTA-octapeptides show distinctly better preclinical, pharmacological performances than the 111In-labelled peptides, especially on sst2-expressing cells and the corresponding animal models. They may be excellent candidates for further development for clinical studies.


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Treatment of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) is often complicated by the fact that early HCCs are mostly asymptomatic and the carcinoma is often discovered at an advanced stage. The aim of diagnostic imaging is to detect HCC at an early stage, when curative options are available. In recent years, there have been many efforts to improve early detection of small HCC. The purpose of this article is to describe the pertinent findings of HCCs in non-invasive, diagnostic imaging, including ultrasound, computed tomography, as well as modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Special emphasis is given to the frequently addressed difficulties of differentiation of precancerous lesions and small HCCs. A non-invasive diagnostic approach is considered with a review of the literature.