881 resultados para Defence Reactions
Gasification offers an environmentally friendly alternative for conventional combustion enabling the use of low grade and troublesome fuel such as municipal waste. While combustion converts fuel directly into thermal energy and noxious gases, gasification thermally converts fuel into gas that can be used in multiple applications. The purpose of this work is to get to know the gasification as a phenomenon and examine the kinetics of gasification. The main interest is in the reaction rates of the most important gasification reactions - water-gas, Boudouard and shift reaction. Reaction rate correlations found in the scientific articles are examined in atmospheric pressure in different temperatures.
This thesis presents a three-dimensional, semi-empirical, steady state model for simulating the combustion, gasification, and formation of emissions in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) processes. In a large-scale CFB furnace, the local feeding of fuel, air, and other input materials, as well as the limited mixing rate of different reactants produce inhomogeneous process conditions. To simulate the real conditions, the furnace should be modelled three-dimensionally or the three-dimensional effects should be taken into account. The only available methods for simulating the large CFB furnaces three-dimensionally are semi-empirical models, which apply a relatively coarse calculation mesh and a combination of fundamental conservation equations, theoretical models and empirical correlations. The number of such models is extremely small. The main objective of this work was to achieve a model which can be applied to calculating industrial scale CFB boilers and which can simulate all the essential sub-phenomena: fluid dynamics, reactions, the attrition of particles, and heat transfer. The core of the work was to develop the model frame and the required sub-models for determining the combustion and sorbent reactions. The objective was reached, and the developed model was successfully used for studying various industrial scale CFB boilers combusting different types of fuel. The model for sorbent reactions, which includes the main reactions for calcitic limestones, was applied for studying the new possible phenomena occurring in the oxygen-fired combustion. The presented combustion and sorbent models and principles can be utilized in other model approaches as well, including other empirical and semi-empirical model approaches, and CFD based simulations. The main achievement is the overall model frame which can be utilized for the further development and testing of new sub-models and theories, and for concentrating the knowledge gathered from the experimental work carried out at bench scale, pilot scale and industrial scale apparatus, and from the computational work performed by other modelling methods.
Traditionally limestone has been used for the flue gas desulfurization in fluidized bed combustion. Recently, several studies have been carried out to examine the use of limestone in applications which enable the removal of carbon dioxide from the combustion gases, such as calcium looping technology and oxy-fuel combustion. In these processes interlinked limestone reactions occur but the reaction mechanisms and kinetics are not yet fully understood. To examine these phenomena, analytical and numerical models have been created. In this work, the limestone reactions were studied with aid of one-dimensional numerical particle model. The model describes a single limestone particle in the process as a function of time, the progress of the reactions and the mass and energy transfer in the particle. The model-based results were compared with experimental laboratory scale BFB results. It was observed that by increasing the temperature from 850 °C to 950 °C the calcination was enhanced but the sulfate conversion was no more improved. A higher sulfur dioxide concentration accelerated the sulfation reaction and based on the modeling, the sulfation is first order with respect to SO2. The reaction order of O2 seems to become zero at high oxygen concentrations.
Oxy-fuel combustion in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler appears to be a promising option for capturing CO2 in power plants. Oxy-fuel combustion is based on burning of fuel in the mixture of oxygen and re-circulated flue gas instead of air. Limestone (CaCO3) is typically used for capturing of SO2 in CFB boilers where limestone calcines to calcium oxide (CaO). Because of high CO2 concentration in oxy-fuel combustion, calcination reaction may be hindered or carbonation, the reverse reaction of calcination, may occur. Carbonation of CaO particles can cause problems especially in the circulation loop of a CFB boiler where temperature level is lower than in the furnace. The aim of the thesis was to examine carbonation of CaO in a fluidized bed heat exchanger of a CFB boiler featuring oxy-fuel combustion. The calculations and analyzing were based on measurement data from an oxy-fuel pilot plant and on 0-dimensional (0D) gas balance of a fluidized bed heat exchanger. Additionally, the objective was to develop a 1-dimensional (1D) model of a fluidized bed heat exchanger by searching a suitable pre-exponential factor for a carbonation rate constant. On the basis of gas measurement data and the 0D gas balance, it was found that the amount of fluidization gas decreased as it flew through the fluidized bed heat exchanger. Most likely the reason for this was carbonation of CaO. It was discovered that temperature has a promoting effect on the reaction rate of carbonation. With the 1D model, a suitable pre-exponential factor for the equation of carbonation rate constant was found. However, during measurements there were several uncertainties, and in the calculations plenty of assumptions were made. Besides, the temperature level in the fluidized bed heat exchanger was relatively low during the measurements. Carbonation should be considered when fluidized bed heat exchangers and the capacity of related fans are designed for a CFB boiler with oxy-fuel combustion.
The Fog of Cyber Defence is a book about cyberspace, cyber security and cyberwar. The book is untangling the ties of the Nordic states with the important, yet complex and foggy phenomenon of cyber. It is adding important perspectives into the ongoing discussion about cyber security and creating room for the deepening of co-operation amongst the Nordic states. The articles in the book contribute to the debate over the implications of cyber for national security and the armed forces. The authors, who come from various professional backgrounds, appreciate and welcome further discussion and comments on the very important themes that impact our everyday lives.
This work describes a lumped parameter mathematical model for the prediction of transients in an aerodynamic circuit of a transonic wind tunnel. Control actions to properly handle those perturbations are also assessed. The tunnel circuit technology is up to date and incorporates a novel feature: high-enthalpy air injection to extend the tunnels Reynolds number capability. The model solves the equations of continuity, energy and momentum and defines density, internal energy and mass flow as the basic parameters in the aerodynamic study as well as Mach number, stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature, all referred to test section conditions, as the main control variables. The tunnel circuit response to control actions and the stability of the flow are numerically investigated. Initially, for validation purposes, the code was applied to the AWT ("Altitude Wind Tunnel" of NASA-Lewis). In the sequel, the Brazilian transonic wind tunnel was investigated, with all the main control systems modeled, including injection.
A rapidly growing gaming industry, which specializes on PC, console, online and other games, attracts attention of investors and analysts, who try to understand what drives changes of the gaming industry companies’ stock prices. This master thesis shows the evidence that, besides long-established types of events (M&A and dividend payments), the companies’ stock price changes depend on industry-specific events. I analyzed specific for gaming industry events - game releases with respect to its subdivisions: new games-sequels, games ratings and subdivision according to a developer of a game (self-developed by publisher or outsourced). The master thesis analyzes stock prices of 55 companies from gaming industry from all over the world. The research period covers 5 year, spreading from April 2008 to April 2013. Executed with an event study method, results of the research show that all the analyzed events types have significant influence on the stock prices of the gaming industry companies. The current master thesis suggests that acquisitions in the industry affect positively bidders’ and targets’ stock prices. Mergers events cause positive stock price reactions as well. But dividends payments and game releases events influence negatively on the stock prices. Game releases’ effect is up to -2.2% of cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) drop during the first ten days after the game releases. Having researched different kinds of events and identified the direction of their impact, the current paper can be of high value for investors, seeking profits in the gaming industry, and other interested parties.
The development of carbon capture and storage (CCS) has raised interest towards novel fluidised bed (FB) energy applications. In these applications, limestone can be utilized for S02 and/or CO2 capture. The conditions in the new applications differ from the traditional atmospheric and pressurised circulating fluidised bed (CFB) combustion conditions in which the limestone is successfully used for SO2 capture. In this work, a detailed physical single particle model with a description of the mass and energy transfer inside the particle for limestone was developed. The novelty of this model was to take into account the simultaneous reactions, changing conditions, and the effect of advection. Especially, the capability to study the cyclic behaviour of limestone on both sides of the calcination-carbonation equilibrium curve is important in the novel conditions. The significances of including advection or assuming diffusion control were studied in calcination. Especially, the effect of advection in calcination reaction in the novel combustion atmosphere was shown. The model was tested against experimental data; sulphur capture was studied in a laboratory reactor in different fluidised bed conditions. Different Conversion levels and sulphation patterns were examined in different atmospheres for one limestone type. The Conversion curves were well predicted with the model, and the mechanisms leading to the Conversion patterns were explained with the model simulations. In this work, it was also evaluated whether the transient environment has an effect on the limestone behaviour compared to the averaged conditions and in which conditions the effect is the largest. The difference between the averaged and transient conditions was notable only in the conditions which were close to the calcination-carbonation equilibrium curve. The results of this study suggest that the development of a simplified particle model requires a proper understanding of physical and chemical processes taking place in the particle during the reactions. The results of the study will be required when analysing complex limestone reaction phenomena or when developing the description of limestone behaviour in comprehensive 3D process models. In order to transfer the experimental observations to furnace conditions, the relevant mechanisms that take place need to be understood before the important ones can be selected for 3D process model. This study revealed the sulphur capture behaviour under transient oxy-fuel conditions, which is important when the oxy-fuel CFB process and process model are developed.
In photosynthesis, light energy is converted to chemical energy, which is consumed for carbon assimilation in the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle. Intensive research has significantly advanced the understanding of how photosynthesis can survive in the ever-changing light conditions. However, precise details concerning the dynamic regulation of photosynthetic processes have remained elusive. The aim of my thesis was to specify some molecular mechanisms and interactions behind the regulation of photosynthetic reactions under environmental fluctuations. A genetic approach was employed, whereby Arabidopsis thaliana mutants deficient in specific photosynthetic protein components were subjected to adverse light conditions and assessed for functional deficiencies in the photosynthetic machinery. I examined three interconnected mechanisms: (i) auxiliary functions of PsbO1 and PsbO2 isoforms in the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II (PSII), (ii) the regulatory function of PGR5 in photosynthetic electron transfer and (iii) the involvement of the Calcium Sensing Receptor CaS in photosynthetic performance. Analysis of photosynthetic properties in psbo1 and psbo2 mutants demonstrated that PSII is sensitive to light induced damage when PsbO2, rather than PsbO1, is present in the oxygen evolving complex. PsbO1 stabilizes PSII more efficiently compared to PsbO2 under light stress. However, PsbO2 shows a higher GTPase activity compared to PsbO1, and plants may partially compensate the lack of PsbO1 by increasing the rate of the PSII repair cycle. PGR5 proved vital in the protection of photosystem I (PSI) under fluctuating light conditions. Biophysical characterization of photosynthetic electron transfer reactions revealed that PGR5 regulates linear electron transfer by controlling proton motive force, which is crucial for the induction of the photoprotective non-photochemical quenching and the control of electron flow from PSII to PSI. I conclude that PGR5 controls linear electron transfer to protect PSI against light induced oxidative damage. I also found that PGR5 physically interacts with CaS, which is not needed for photoprotection of PSII or PSI in higher plants. Rather, transcript profiling and quantitative proteomic analysis suggested that CaS is functionally connected with the CBB cycle. This conclusion was supported by lowered amounts of specific calciumregulated CBB enzymes in cas mutant chloroplasts and by slow electron flow to PSI electron acceptors when leaves were reilluminated after an extended dark period. I propose that CaS is required for calcium regulation of the CBB cycle during periods of darkness. Moreover, CaS may also have a regulatory role in the activation of chloroplast ATPase. Through their diverse interactions, components of the photosynthetic machinery ensure optimization of light-driven electron transport and efficient basic production, while minimizing the harm caused by light induced photodamage.
Tropical high altitude grasslands present several species with both microphyllous and highly sclerophyllous leaves, and co-occur in specific soil patches, thus exposed to identical environments. In this article we describe herbivory among co-occurring microphyllous species in a tropical high altitude grassland ecosystem of Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais state, and we tested the effect of variable anatomic traits on leaf herbivory patterns. Leaf anatomical traits were investigated for Baccharis imbricata Heering , Lavoisiera imbricata DC. and L. subulata Triana (focal species). Herbivory was measured from branches and leaves of individual plants and compared among co-occurring species within one multispecific shrub patch and among L. subulata individuals from this patch and an adjacent monospecific patch. For all present plant species and individuals we estimated the proportion of leaves with different levels of area lost. For the focal species, six leaves were sorted and taken for histological sectioning, in order to allow precise measures of defensive structures. Relative mean leaf area lost differed significantly among the six species found in the multispecific patch. Lavoisiera subulata individuals were more attacked in the multispecific than in the monospecific patch. Leaf margin protection traits in both B. imbricata and L. imbricata showed significant effect against herbivory. Data suggest that some anatomic traits have direct effect against herbivory but their effect are not clearly perceptible among branches within individual plants or among plants within the same species.