931 resultados para Decreto 622 de 2000
Tem como objetivo apresentar os limites orçamentários e financeiros estabelecidos pelo Decreto nº 8.456/2015 e, especialmente, as implicações sobre as emendas parlamentares individuais, sujeitas ao regime do “orçamento impositivo” (classificadas, na lei orçamentária, sob o código de identificador de resultado primário RP6.
Analisa e detalha as ações orçamentárias das dotações iniciais constantes da Lei Orçamentária para 2015 – LOA 2015 dos órgãos integrantes da Área Temática IV (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação – MCTI, Ministério da Educação – MEC, Ministério da Cultura – MinC e Ministério do Esporte – ME) que foram objeto de limitação de movimentação e empenho em face do Decreto nº 8.456, de 22 de maio de 2015.
422 p.
The pressure of users other than shipping and fishery on the national EEZs for territorial claims has increased in recent years. So it becomes necessary to carry out a spatial planning for which all users have to indicate their recent and planned future activities. For the German waters in the North Sea a first attempt was made to calculate the mean international landings for the commercially important fish and crustacean species on the spatial scale of ICES-rectangles. The relationships between the German and international landings per species are listed in a table and the distribution of the landings for each species within the area are shown in 13 figures.
Fish larvae surveys provide information on the species composition in an area of investigation and leads to a better understanding of the entire fish community. Since 2000 every year in April/May an ichthyoplankton survey in ICES-Subdivision 22 and 24 has been performed to sample the plankton community in the western Baltic Sea. One objective was to acquire indicators of possible changes in the natural structures of the fish community. The time series derived from the Bongo-Net samples is too short to show a trend in larval densities. Up to now samples in the western Baltic Sea yielded only low mean densities. According to the reproductive biology the fish species were divided in three major groups: -Fish species with a long developmental phase in the plankton community -Small short living species with benthic eggs and a reduced planktonic phase -Guests without local spawning populations Species were identified, which were absent in the plankton of the western Baltic Sea in the 1960s and 1970s.
Ichthyoplankton provides information on the species com-position in an area of investigation and leads to a better understanding of the entire fish community. Every year since 1993 May/June (from 2000 in April/May) an ichthyoplankton survey in ICES Subdivision 22 and 24 has been done to sample the plankton community in the western Baltic Sea. One objective was to acquire indicators of possible changes in the natural structures of the fish com-munity. The time series derived from the Bongo-Net samples is too short to show a trend in larval densities. Up to now samples in the western Baltic Sea yielded only low mean densities. According to the reproductive biology the fish species were divided in three major groups: •Fish species with a long developmental phase in the plankton community •Small short lived species with benthic eggs and a reduced planktonic phase •Guests without local spawning populations. Species were identified, which were absent in the plankton of the western Baltic Sea in the 1960s and 1970s.
348 p.: gráf. Nota: tesis impresa en español y portugués, defendida en ambos idiomas
The German shrimp fisheries land different types of pro-duce. Besides cooked shrimp for human consumption small (undersized), raw shrimp (industrial shrimp) are landed regionally in the second half of each year for animal feedstuff purposes. They are dried in special plants and form sellable secession from sieving processes aboard shrimping vessels. Grading the cooked shrimp ashore gives the non-marketable fraction of too small shrimp, which is not meant for shelling. That fraction is produced all year alongside landings of shrimp and is used for feed-stuff as well. Both extra fractions are listed in the official statistics since 2000 for the first time. That year industrial shrimp made up 6 % of the total landings while the non-marketable, small cooked shrimp summed up to 7 %, respectively. Though being essential for specialised animal feeds they are commercially of very little value, making up to hardly 2 ‰ of the total turnover of the German shrimp fisheries.
During the autumn session of the ICES Advisory Committee for Fisheries Management (ACFM) the stock of the Arctic, Northern and Southern Shelf, North Sea and Skagerrak have been analysed and assessed, as well as the mackerel and horse mackerel, sardine, anchovy and Pandalus, eel and harp and hooded seals. For a number of stocks ICES recommends a reduction in fishing mortality. Moreover, ICES recommends for many stocks to establish recovery and management plans, to safe guarda continuous development of the stocks towards safe biological limits.
Analisa as controvérsias sobre a Política Nacional de Participação Social (PNPS), mediante a publicação do Decreto 8.243, de 2014.
The spring session of ACFM gave advice for a number of stocks in the North Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic. The present assessment of the situation is given here for stocks of higher importance for the German fishery. These are: Blue Whiting: the stock is still relatively high, this, however, will not last very long, due to too intense fishing. Cod in Kattegat: stock is outside safe biological limits. No immediate recovery in sight. Cod in 22–24 (Baltic): stock is inside save biological limits. F, however, is above the recommendation of the IBSFC. Greenland Halibut: state of the stock not quite clear. The present fishing intensity seems to be sustainable. Herring (Atlanto- scandian, Norwegian spring spawner): stock is within safe biological limits, weak recruitment of the recent years will lead to a reduction of biomass. Herring: for Baltic spring spawner in 22–24 and IIIa still no increasing tendency detectable. North Sea Herring: further increasing tendency, with 900 000 t over B lim, good recruitment. Herring in VIa: stable. Redfish: generally decreasing tendency observed, a reduction of the fishery is recommended. Signs of recovery, however, visible for some units
Several fishery independent estimates of the year-class strength are necessary for the assessment and the management of the total fish stock. An index for the year-class strength of the spring spawning herring in the western Baltic Sea is estimated on the basis of larvae surveys in the most important spawning ground. The results of this year’s herring larvae survey indicate a weak year-class 2000.
The atlanto-scandian herring consists of two major stocks, i.e. the Icelandic summer spawner and the Norwegian spring spawner. Both stocks have recovered well after complete collapse in the seventies and allow for a controlled fishery. The total allowable catch of the Norwegian spring spawner is currently 1.3 mill. t. The resumption of the fishery is accompanied by an annual and multi-national survey with Norwegian, Faeroe Islands, Icelandic and Russian contribution. In 1998 the EU will contribute to the survey with the Swedish vessel ”Argos” and in 1999 with the ”Walther Herwig III” under Dutch, Swedish and German participation. About half of the survey costs are covered by the EU by means of a funded study, the other half is contributed by the participating nations.
One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated preference valuation approach aimed at evaluating the social preferences of the population of the Basque Country, Spain, for the key attributes of a regional Natura 2000 network site. According to our results, individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) is higher for attributes associated with non-use values (native tree species and biodiversity conservation) than for attributes associated with use values (agricultural development and commercial forestry). The paper concludes that management policies related to Natura 2000 network sites should account for both for the importance of non-use values and the heterogeneity of the population's preferences in order to minimize potential land use conflicts.