985 resultados para DECIMAL NUMERATION
BACKGROUND: Clostridium perfringens type A food poisoning is caused by enterotoxigenic C. perfringens type A isolates that typically possess high spore heat-resistance. The molecular basis for C. perfringens spore heat-resistance remains unknown. In the current study, we investigated the role of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASPs) in heat-resistance of spores produced by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates. RESULTS: Our current study demonstrated the presence of all three SASP-encoding genes (ssp1, 2 and 3) in five surveyed C. perfringens clinical food poisoning isolates. beta-Glucuronidase assay showed that these ssp genes are expressed specifically during sporulation. Consistent with these expression results, our study also demonstrated the production of SASPs by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates. When the heat sensitivities of spores produced by a ssp3 knock-out mutant of a C. perfringens food poisoning isolate was compared with that of spores of the wild-type strain, spores of the ssp3 mutant were found to exhibit a lower decimal reduction value (D value) at 100 degrees C than exhibited by the spores of wild-type strain. This effect was restored by complementing the ssp3 mutant with a recombinant plasmid carrying wild-type ssp3, suggesting that the observed differences in D values between spores of wild-type versus ssp3 mutant was due to the specific inactivation of ssp3. Furthermore, our DNA protection assay demonstrated that C. perfringens SASPs can protect DNA from DNase I digestion. CONCLUSION: The results from our current study provide evidences that SASPs produced by C. perfringens food poisoning isolates play a role in protecting their spores from heat-damage, which is highly significant and relevant from a food safety perspective. Further detailed studies on mechanism of action of SASPs from C. perfringens should help in understanding the mechanism of protection of C. perfringens spores from heat-damage.
El presente trabajo aborda los métodos de estimación de las edades dentarias en una población representativa de la región de Cuyo en la República Argentina. Si bien los métodos desarrollados para medir el desarrollo dentario constituyen herramientas de gran utilidad, éstos han sido formulados en conjuntos poblacionales muy acotados. Por ello, el objetivo general de este trabajo ha sido aplicar los métodos tradicionales de medición, obtener datos referenciales de la edad dentaria y evaluar el error de estimación de estos métodos para medir la edad dentaría en la población en estudio. Se calcularon las edades dentarias por los métodos de Nolla y Demirjian sobre 374 estudios panorámicos de niños y adolescentes entre 5 y 17 años, previa estratificación nutricional de la población en estudio y se compararon con edades cronológicas decimales. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a prueba estadística ANOVA y prueba de correlación de Pearson mediante paquete estadístico Graphpad Prism 5. Los resultados obtenidos presentaron correlación adecuada r = 0,92; p < 0,0001, sin embargo revelaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la edad cronológica y las edades dentarias calculadas Test ANOVA p < 0,0001, lo que expresó la limitación diagnóstica de los métodos estudiados al aplicarlos en esta población. El método de Nolla produjo una subestimación, lo que reflejó que nuestra población estuvo atrasada entre 4 y 6 meses respecto a la muestra estudiada para el método. En cambio, el método de Demirjian arrojó una sobrestimación, lo que indicó que nuestra población estuvo adelantada respecto de la muestra estudiada para la realización del método. Estas correcciones calculadas permiten realizar la correcta estimación de la edad dentaria al ser aplicadas a la población de nuestra región.
Se analizó la equivalencia entre tres sistemas de organización del conocimiento (SOC), identificándose 235 epígrafes de la Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia para Bibliotecas (LEMB) y 174 descriptores del Tesauro de la Unesco (TU) referidos a Bibliotecología. Se tradujeron todos ellos a notaciones de la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU), obteniéndose 286 notaciones simples y precoordinadas. Los resultados fueron: Entre LEMB y CDU: sin equivalencia: 27 epígrafes (11,4); equivalencia parcial (epígrafe más específico que notación): 9 (3,9) y equivalencia exacta: 199 (84,6). La equivalencia exacta fue sin precoordinación: 117 (49,6), precoordinación entre clases principales: 60 (25,4) y precoordinación con auxiliares: 22 (9,6). Entre TU y CDU los resultados fueron: sin equivalencia: 33 descriptores (19,0); equivalencia parcial (descriptor más específico que notación): 25 (14,3): equivalencia exacta: 116 (66,7). La equivalencia exacta también fue de tres tipos: sin precoordinación: 74 (42,5), precoordinación entre clases principales 31 (17,9), precoordinación con auxiliares: 11 (6,3). Se establecieron 205 equivalencias de los tres SOC (71,7), hecho que sugiere que CDU puede actuar como SOC intermediario entre los otros dos.
Se analizó la equivalencia entre tres sistemas de organización del conocimiento (SOC), identificándose 235 epígrafes de la Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia para Bibliotecas (LEMB) y 174 descriptores del Tesauro de la Unesco (TU) referidos a Bibliotecología. Se tradujeron todos ellos a notaciones de la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU), obteniéndose 286 notaciones simples y precoordinadas. Los resultados fueron: Entre LEMB y CDU: sin equivalencia: 27 epígrafes (11,4); equivalencia parcial (epígrafe más específico que notación): 9 (3,9) y equivalencia exacta: 199 (84,6). La equivalencia exacta fue sin precoordinación: 117 (49,6), precoordinación entre clases principales: 60 (25,4) y precoordinación con auxiliares: 22 (9,6). Entre TU y CDU los resultados fueron: sin equivalencia: 33 descriptores (19,0); equivalencia parcial (descriptor más específico que notación): 25 (14,3): equivalencia exacta: 116 (66,7). La equivalencia exacta también fue de tres tipos: sin precoordinación: 74 (42,5), precoordinación entre clases principales 31 (17,9), precoordinación con auxiliares: 11 (6,3). Se establecieron 205 equivalencias de los tres SOC (71,7), hecho que sugiere que CDU puede actuar como SOC intermediario entre los otros dos.
Se analizó la equivalencia entre tres sistemas de organización del conocimiento (SOC), identificándose 235 epígrafes de la Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia para Bibliotecas (LEMB) y 174 descriptores del Tesauro de la Unesco (TU) referidos a Bibliotecología. Se tradujeron todos ellos a notaciones de la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU), obteniéndose 286 notaciones simples y precoordinadas. Los resultados fueron: Entre LEMB y CDU: sin equivalencia: 27 epígrafes (11,4); equivalencia parcial (epígrafe más específico que notación): 9 (3,9) y equivalencia exacta: 199 (84,6). La equivalencia exacta fue sin precoordinación: 117 (49,6), precoordinación entre clases principales: 60 (25,4) y precoordinación con auxiliares: 22 (9,6). Entre TU y CDU los resultados fueron: sin equivalencia: 33 descriptores (19,0); equivalencia parcial (descriptor más específico que notación): 25 (14,3): equivalencia exacta: 116 (66,7). La equivalencia exacta también fue de tres tipos: sin precoordinación: 74 (42,5), precoordinación entre clases principales 31 (17,9), precoordinación con auxiliares: 11 (6,3). Se establecieron 205 equivalencias de los tres SOC (71,7), hecho que sugiere que CDU puede actuar como SOC intermediario entre los otros dos.
We describe the case of an eight-year-old girl with complaints of headaches and blurred vision (uncorrected visual acuity: 0.1 decimal) that showed on examination miotic pupils, pseudomyopia, no ocular motility restrictions, and no associated neurological disease. After initial treatment with cyclopentolate for two months, pseudomyopia persisted with an intermittent and variable esotropia. Spectacles of +1 both eyes and atropine 1% one drop daily were then prescribed. The situation improved and remained stable for several weeks, with pseudomyopia and esotropia reappearing later. Finally, botulinum toxin (2.5 iu Botox®) was injected in the medial rectus muscle on two occasions and a visual therapy program based on the stimulation of fusional divergence, diplopia, and stereopsis consciousness was recommended. This prescription was combined with the use of atropine during the first few weeks. Orthotropia and corrected distance visual acuity of 1.0 were found three months after treatment. The evolution and clinical results of this case report suggest that botulinum toxin in combination with other therapeutic alternatives may be useful in the treatment of spasm of the near reflex.
With sections on numeration, surveying, trigonometry and other topics, accompanied by diagrams and hand-colored illustrations.
Handwritten mathematical notebook of Ephraim Eliot, kept in 1779 while he was a student at Harvard College. The volume contains rules, definitions, problems, drawings, and tables on arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, surveying, calculating distances, and dialing. Some of the exercises are illustrated by unrefined hand-drawn diagrams, as well as a sketch of a mariner’s compass. The sections on navigation, mensuration of heights, and spherical geometry are titled but not completed. The ink of the later text, beginning with Trigonometry, is faded.
Sections on numeration, interest, square root, geometry and surveying with accompanying diagrams.
Bound volume containing a late 17th century handwritten mathematical and astronomical text in one hand. The text is separated into mathematical and astronomical sections with rules, instructions for performing calculations, tables, and drawings. The subjects include arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and trigonometry, and segments have titles such as "Subtraction," "A decimal table of English coince," "Logarithes & their use," and "To find the true place of the sun." The text is undated and unattributed but references Briggs, Oughtred, Ramus, and Apollonius. Certain tables are calculated from latitudinal and longitudinal numbers associated with Boston, and many of the examples use dates in the 1670s and 1680. The manuscript pages are mounted onto unruled pages, and some of the manuscript pages are fragments.
This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet II [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.
This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet III [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.
This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet IV [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.
This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet IX [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in southern Gansu Sheng and northwestern Sichuan Sheng, China, including parts of Baishui Jiang and Pai Ho (Gar He). The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.
This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet V [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.