872 resultados para Creole dialects, Danish


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Today 80 % of the content on the Web is in English, which is spoken by only 8% of the World population and 5% of Indian population. There is wealth of useful content in the various languages of the world other than English, which can be made available on the Internet. But, to date, for various reasons most of it is not yet available on the Internet. India itself has 18 officially recognized languages and scores of dialects. Although the medium of instruction for most of the higher education and research in India is English, substantial amount of literature by way of novels, textbooks, scholarly information are being generated in the other languages in the country. Many of the e-governance initiatives are in the respective state languages. In the past, support for different languages by the operating systems and the software packages were not very encouraging. However, with the advent of Unicode technology, operating systems and software packages are supporting almost all the major languages of the world that have scripts. In the work reported in this paper, we have explained the configuration changes that are needed for Eprints.org software to store multilingual content and to create a multilingual user interface.


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The behaviour of gaseous chlorine and alkali metals of three sorts of biomass (Danish straw, Swedish wood, and sewage sludge) in combustion or gasification is investigated by the chemical equilibrium calculating tool. The ranges of temperature, air-to-fuel ratio, and pressure are varied widely in the calculations (T=400-1800 K, gimel=0-1.8, and P=0.1-2.0 MPa). Results show that the air excess coefficient only has less significant influence on the release of gaseous chlorine and potassium or sodium during combustion. However, in biomass gasification, the influence of the air excess coefficient is very significant. Increasing air excess coefficient enhances the release of HCl(g), KOH(g), or NaOH(g) as well as it reduces the formation of KCl(g), NaCl(g), K(g), or Na(g). In biomass combustion or straw and sludge gasification, increasing pressure enhances the release of HCl(g) and reduces the amount of KCI(g), NaCl(g), KCI(g), or NaOH(g) at high temperatures. However, during wood gasification, the pressure enhances the formation of KOH(g) and KCI(g) and reduces the release of K(g) and HCl(g) at high temperatures. During wood and sewage sludge pyrolysis, nitrogen addition enhances the formation of KCN(g) and NaCN(g) and reduces the release of K(g) and Na(g). Kaolin addition in straw combustion may enhance the formation of potassium aluminosilicate in ash and significantly reduces the release of KCl(g) and KOH(g) and increases the formation of HCl(g).


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Resumen: Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, de la orden de Santo Domingo, fue uno de los tantos religiosos criollos comprometidos con la independencia. En este trabajo se toma el famoso sermón que predicara en la Colegiata de Guadalupe en el año 1794, en el cual buscó explicar y justificar una mítica proto-evangelización de México, anterior a la llegada de los españoles, con el fin velado de quitarle a España uno de los títulos de dominio sobre América, el de Evangelizadora, en busca de una justificación teológica a la Emancipación.


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El autor señala el papel singular y de primera magnitud que asumió el clero en los tres primeros decenios de la configuración política y organización de Argentina. El artículo presenta el cuadro cultural del Virreinato en los tiempos de la Revolución, los centros de estudio de la filosofía y de la teología en el Virreinato a los que recurrían el clero secular y religioso y el lugar que les cupo a las órdenes religiosas en esa tarea. Se hace referencia al rol que asumió el clero ilustrado, tanto religioso como secular, en la justificación doctrinaria tanto teológica como política y la fundamentación de la Revolución, y la influencia del clero popular en la realización de dicho proyecto, a la cabeza de los movimientos; ambos integrados predominantemente por criollos. Se han elegido ocho teólogos, nativos todos, cinco con grado de doctor en teología y los restantes tres con estudios superiores en filosofía, la mayoría jóvenes.


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Resumen: El presente trabajo es un análisis individual de cada Oración Patriótica enunciada en el título. En cada una de ellas se destaca, como eje de estudio, el lenguaje utilizado y el orden dialéctico que cada personaje propone. El tiempo histórico en que cada uno de los discursos fue pronunciado es también analizado como relación directa a la naturaleza del mensaje. Se busca remarcar además la preeminencia que tuvo el clero criollo como uno de los actores sociales fundamentales del proceso revolucionario.


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Resumen: Se trata de hallar solución al problema surgido por dos danzas criollas diferentes que ostentan, para los estudiosos, la misma designación, con la particularidad de que los cultores de las danzas nativas denominan, a una de ellas, con nombre inapropiado. Se hace el relato del problema surgido, presentando el estudio de las especies en cuestión y, demostrada su diferencia, se propone una designación para cada una de ellas, sin traicionar los nombres con que fueron conocidas en su tiempo.


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Con el propósito de evaluar el rendimiento y la capacidad de almacenamiento de catorce cultivares de cebolla (Allium Cap L.), se realizó un ensayo en el Centro experimental “Raúl González A”, del valle de Sebaco durante el periodo Diciembre 1987 a Julio 1,988 El método de siembra utilizado fue el de trasplante: el diseño experimental utilizado fue el de bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones y parcela experimental de 6 mts. De largo y 1.6 mts de Ancho. El área de la parcela útil fue de 5.4 mts2. Los paramentos evaluados fueron los siguientes: longitud de planta, numero de hojas, diámetro polar y ecuatorial, grados Srix porcentaje de plantas sin bulbo, porcentaje de bulbos dobles, porcentaje de bulbos enfermos y el rendimiento. En almacenamiento se evaluó el porcentaje de bulbos comerciales al final del almacenamiento. En base al ANDEVA y la prueba de Tukey al 5% de determino que las variedades Toro PRR ( 20.262 kg/ha), Grand prix (18.194 kg/ha) y Ringer Grano PRR (17.898) superan en rendimiento al resto de las variedades: Los materiales se sabe que no presentan los rendimientos más pobres, aunque se destaca el hecho de que los materiales mejorados superan al material original. En el almacenamiento mostrado un mejor comportamiento las variedades Yellow Granex y Red Creole con 80% de bulbos comerciales al final del periodo de almacenamiento.


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Research tools that are freely available and accessible via the Internet cover an emergent field in the worldwide research infrastructure. Clearly, research tools have increasing value for researchers in their research activities. Knowledge Exchange recently commissioned a project to explore use case studies to show research tools’ potential and relevance for the present research landscape. Makers of successful research tools have been asked questions such as: How are these research tools developed? What are their possibilities? How many researchers use them? What does this new phenomenon mean for the research infrastructure? Additional to the Use Cases, the authors offer observations and recommendations to contribute to effective development of a research infrastructure that can optimally benefit from research tools. the Use Cases are: •Averroes Goes Digital: Transformation, Translation, Transmission and Edition •BRIDGE: Tools for Media Studies Researchers •Multiple Researchers, Single Platform: A Virtual Tool for the 21st Century •The Fabric of Life •Games with A Purpose: How Games Are Turning Image Tagging into Child’s Play •Elmer: Modelling a Future •Molecular Modelling With SOMA2 •An Online Renaissance for Music: Making Early Modern Music Readable •Radio Recordings for Research: How A Million Hours of Danish Broadcasts Were Made Accessible •Salt Rot: A Central Space for Essential Research •Cosmos: Opening Up Social Media for Social Science A brief analysis by the authors can be found: •Some Observations Based on the Case Studies of Research Tools


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One of the goals of Knowledge Exchange (www.knowledge-exchange.info) is to help partners to share knowledge and expertise and facilitate the build of expert networks. In the area of digitisation, including non-textual and 3-D-digitisation, a first step is to provide a snapshot of current activities and challenges in the KE partner countries. This paper is a synthesis of the information gathered in a questionnaire that was sent to 15 infrastructure institutions, e.g. libraries and also funders, within the five partner countries of Knowledge Exchange: Denmark (DK), Finland (FIN), Germany (GER), the Netherlands (NL) and the United Kingdom (UK). The paper is based on the answers provided by 6 respondents from four countries:  DK o Danish Agency of Culture (Henrik Jarl Hansen) o State and University Library (Tonny Skovgård Jensen)  GER o German research foundation, DFG (Franziska Regner)  NL o Royal Library (Hildelies Balk) o Leiden University Library (Saskia van Bergen)  UK o Jisc (Paola Marchionni, Peter Findlay) The absence of Finnish responses may be due to Finland participating in the recent Enumerate Core Survey II that also addressed digitisation. We have included some of the outcomes of this survey to present a richer picture.


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Organised by Knowledge Exchange & the Nordbib programme 11 June 2012, 8:30-12:30, Copenhagen Adjacent to the Nordbib conference 'Structural frameworks for open, digital research' Participants in break out discussion during the workshop on cost modelsThe Knowledge Exchange and the Nordbib programme organised a workshop on cost models for the preservation and management of digital collections. The rapid growth of the digital information which a wide range of institutions must preserve emphasizes the need for robust cost modelling. Such models should enable these institutions to assess both what resources are needed to sustain their digital preservation activities and allow comparisons of different preservation solutions in order to select the most cost-efficient alternative. In order to justify the costs institutions also need to describe the expected benefits of preserving digital information. This workshop provided an overview of existing models and demonstrated the functionality of some of the current cost tools. It considered the specific economic challenges with regard to the preservation of research data and addressed the benefits of investing in the preservation of digital information. Finally, the workshop discussed international collaboration on cost models. The aim of the workshop was to facilitate understanding of the economies of data preservation and to discuss the value of developing an international benchmarking model for the costs and benefits of digital preservation. The workshop took place in the Danish Agency for Culture and was planned directly prior to the Nordbib conference 'Structural frameworks for open, digital research'


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2008ko abenduaren 13-14ean, Baionan Aldaketak, aldaerak, bariazioak euskaran eta euskal testugintzan Nazioarteko Mintegia-ren barruan aurkeztua.


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Nearshore 0-group western Baltic cod are frequently caught as bycatch in the commercial pound net fishery. Pound net fishermen from the Danish Isle of Funen and Lolland and the German Isle of Fehmarn have recorded their catches of small cod between September and December 2008. Abundance patterns were analysed, particularly concerning the influence of abiotic factors (hydrography, meteorology) and the differences between sampling sites. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) differed by site and location, whereas CPUE were highest at Lolland. Correlation between catch and wind/currents were generally weak. However, wind directions and current speeds seem to affect the catch rates. Finally an algorithm was developed to calculate a recruitment index for western Baltic cod recruitment success based on previous analyses.


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Among other tasks the “Working Group on Crangon Fisheries and Life Cycle” of the “International Council for the Exploration of the Sea” collects data on landings and effort in the North Sea brown shrimp fisheries by country. Landings per unit effort data are calculated and all are compared on basis of long-term series as well as on seasonal basis. The development for each country is described and compared for the year 2001 to the ten-year average from 1992 to 2001 were possible, as some data are missing especially for the Netherlands. While the Dutch and British fleets increased their landings substantially in 2001 compared to the previous years, Danish,German and Belgian fishermen had reduced landings. There are regional differences in fishing pattern between the countries, especially Denmark versus the rest of Europe. Effort measures remain incomparable between the countries, and fluctuations in landings per unit effort data seem to be in a normal biological range, giving no reason for concern at present for the situation of brown shrimp stocks in the North Sea. An improvement of the data basis is required and possibly achievable by the EU logbook system being in force for brown shrimp fisheries as well.


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To improve the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea, a number of regulations have recently been established by the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC) and the European Commission. According to these, fishermen are obliged to use nets with escape windows (BACOMA nets) with a mesh size of the escape window of 120 mm until end of September 2003. These nets however, retain only fish much larger than the legal minimum landing size would al-low. Due to the present stock structure only few of such large fish are however existent. As a consequence fishermen use a legal alternative net. This is a conventional trawl with a cod-end of 130 mm diamond-shaped meshes (IBSFC-rules of 1st April 2002), to be increased to 140 mm on 1st September 2003, according to the mentioned IBSFC-rule. Due legal alterations of the net by the fishermen (e.g. use of extra stiff net material) these nets have acquired extremely low selective properties, i. e. they catch very small fish and produce great amounts of discards. Due to the increase of the minimum landing size from 35 to 38 cm for cod in the Baltic, the amount of discards has even increased since the beginning of 2003. Experiments have now been carried out with the BACOMAnet on German and Swedish commercial and research vessels since arguments were brought forward that the BACOMA net was not yet sufficiently tested on commercial vessels. The results of all experiments conducted so far, are compiled and evaluated here. As a result of the Swedish, Danish and German initiative and research the European Commission reacted upon this in June 2003 and rejected the increase of the diamond-meshed non-BACOMA net from 130 mm to 140mm in September 2003. To protect the cod stocks in the Baltic Sea more effectively the use of traditional diamond meshed cod-ends with-out escape window are prohibited in community waters without derogation, becoming effective 1st of September 2003. To enable more effective and simplified control of the bottom trawl fishery in the Baltic Sea the principle of a ”One-Net-Rule“ is enforced. This is going to be the BACOMA net, with the meshes of the escape window being 110 mm for the time being. The description of the BACOMA net as given in the IBSFC-rules no.10 (revision of the 28th session, Berlin 2002) concentrates on the cod-end and the escape window but only to a less extent on the design and mesh-composition of the remaining parts of the net, such as belly and funnel and many details. Thus, the present description is not complete and leaves, according to fishermen, ample opportunity for manipulation. An initiative has been started in Germany with joint effort from scientists and the fishery to better describe the entire net and to produce a proposal for a more comprehensive description, leaving less space for manipulation. A proposal in this direction is given here and shall be seen as a starting point for a discussion and development towards an internationally uniform net, which is agreed amongst the fishery, scientists and politicians. The Baltic Sea fishery is invited to comment on this proposal, and recommendations for further improvement and specifications are welcomed. Once the design is agreed by the Baltic Fishermen Association, it shall be proposed to the IBSFC and European Commission via the Baltic Fishermen Association.