1000 resultados para Creole Studies


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An ambitious rendering of the digital future from a pioneer of media and cultural studies, a wise and witty take on a changing field, and our orientation to it Investigates the uses of multimedia by creative and productive citizen-consumers to provide new theories of communication that accommodate social media, participatory action, and user-creativity Leads the way for new interdisciplinary engagement with systems thinking, complexity and evolutionary sciences, and the convergence of cultural and economic values Analyzes the historical uses of multimedia from print, through broadcasting to the internet Combines conceptual innovation with historical erudition to present a high-level synthesis of ideas and detailed analysis of emergent forms and practices Features an international focus and global reach to provide a basis for students and researchers seeking broader perspectives


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The work by graduate teachers in this volume represent intentional design of learning experiences using technology for Early Childhood settings. They were given a two-part design task: a sequence of lessons organised around a themed project; and the collection of resources to support such activities. The project had to be constructive in nature where the children built objects and representations that were meaningful to them. The excellent works presented here offer a range of approaches that would be suitable in a variety of contexts. Because they are reasoned, these projects offer flexibility in implementation along with confidence that they would be effective.


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Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on single chain models of linear low-density polyethylene in vacuum to study the effects of branch length, branch content, and branch distribution on the polymer’s crystalline structure at 300 K. The trans/gauche (t/g) ratios of the backbones of the modeled molecules were calculated and utilized to characterize their degree of crystallinity. The results show that the t/g ratio decreases with increasing branch content regardless of branch length and branch distribution, indicating that branch content is the key molecular parameter that controls the degree of crystallinity. Although t/g ratios of the models with the same branch content vary, they are of secondary importance. However, our data suggests that branch distribution (regular or random) has a significant effect on the degree of crystallinity for models containing 10 hexyl branches/1,000 backbone carbons. The fractions of branches that resided in the equilibrium crystalline structures of the models were also calculated. On average, 9.8% and 2.5% of the branches were found in the crystallites of the molecules with ethyl and hexyl branches while C13 NMR experiments showed that the respective probabilities of branch inclusion for ethyl and hexyl branches are 10% and 6% [Hosoda et al., Polymer 1990, 31, 1999–2005]. However, the degree of branch inclusion seems to be insensitive to the branch content and branch distribution.


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An important component of current models for interstellar and circumstellar evolution is the infrared (IR)spectral data collected from stellar outflows around oxygen-rich stars and from the general interstellar medium [1]. IR spectra from these celestial bodies are usually interpreted as showing the general properties of sub-micron sized silicate grains [2]. Two major features at 10 and 20 microns are reasonably attributed to amorphous olivine or pyroxene (e.g. Mg2Si04 or MgSi03) on the basis of comparisons with natural standards and vapor condensed silicates [3-6]. In an attempt to define crystallisation rates for spectrally amorphous condensates, Nuth and Donn [5] annealed experimentally produced amorphous magnesium silicate smokes at 1000K. On analysing these smokes at various annealing times, Nuth and Donn [5] showed that changes in crystallinity measured by bulk X-ray diffraction occured at longer annealing times (days) than changes measured by IR spectra (a few hours). To better define the onset of crystallinity in these magnesium silicates, we have examined each annealed product using a JEOL 1OOCX analytical electron microscope (AEM). In addition, the development of chemical diversity with annealing has been monitored using energy dispersive spectroscopy of individual grains from areas <20nm in diameter. Furthermore, the crystallisation kinetics of these smokes under ambient, room temperature conditions have been examined using bulk and fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectra.


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Experimentally obtained Mg.SiO smokes were studied by analytical electron microscopy using the same samples that had been previously characterized by repeated infrared spectroscopy. Analytical electron microscopy shows that unannealed smokes contain some degree of microcrystallinity which increases with increased annealing for up to 30 hr. An SiO2 polymorph (tridymite) and MgO may form contemporaneously as a result of growth of forsterite (Mg2SiO4) microcrystallites in the initially nonstoichiometric smokes. After 4 hr annealing, forsterite and tridymite react to enstatite (MgSiO3). We suggest that infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis should be complemented by detailed analytical electron microscopy to detect budding crystallinity in vapor phase condensates.


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Abstract: LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a new cold-formed steel hollow flange channel section produced using a patented manufacturing process. It is commonly used as flexural members in residential, industrial and commercial buildings. Current practice in flooring systems is to include openings in the web element of floor joists or bearers so that building services can be located within them. Test results have shown that the shear capacity of LSBs can be reduced considerably by the inclusion of web openings. A cost effective method of eliminating the detrimental effects of a large web opening is to attach suitable stiffeners around the web openings of LSBs. A detailed experimental study consisting of 17 shear tests was therefore undertaken to investigate the shear behaviour and strength of LSBs with stiffened circular web openings. Both plate and stud stiffeners with varying sizes and thicknesses were attached to the web elements of LSBs using a number of screw-fastening arrangements in order to develop a suitable stiffening arrangement for LSBs. Simply supported test specimens of LSBs with an aspect ratio of 1.5 were loaded at mid-span until failure. This paper presents the details of this experimental study of LSBs with stiffened web openings, and the results of their shear capacities and associated behavioural characteristics. Suitable screw-fastened plate stiffener arrangements have been recommended in order to restore the original shear capacity of LSBs.


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This systematic mixed studies review aimed at synthesizing evidence from studies related to the influences on the work participation of people with refugee status (PWRS). The review focused on the role of proximal socio-structural barriers on work participation by PWRS while foregrounding related distal, intermediate, proximal, and meta-systemic influences. For the systematic search of the literature, we focused on databases that addressed work, well-being, and social policy in refugee populations, including, Medline, CINAHL, PsycInfo, Web of Science, Scopus, and Sociological Abstracts. Of the studies reviewed, 16 of 39 met the inclusion criteria and were retained for the final analysis. We performed a narrative synthesis of the evidence on barriers to work participation by PWRS, interlinking clusters of barriers potent to their effects on work participation. Findings from the narrative synthesis suggest that proximal factors, those at point of entry to the labor market, influence work participation more directly than distal or intermediate factors. Distal and intermediate factors achieve their effects on work participation by PWRS primarily through meta-systemic interlinkages, including host-country documentation and refugee administration provisions.


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Evaluation of the Get REAL programme in an inclusive primary school setting has indicated its effectiveness in promoting pro-social behaviour for children with high functioning Autism. However, two children with co-morbid diagnoses and complex personal circumstances showed less consistent improvements. In order to explain their unique trajectories, not readily derived from quantitative studies, an exploratory case study approach was used to examine contextual influences on patterns of progress. Multiple data sources included coded video footage from the Get REAL programme, school reports on conduct, and parents and classroom teacher reports using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. While results provide support for the efficacy of the Get REAL programme for the two children, they also highlight the value of co-ordinated strategies and collaborative individualised approaches in more complex cases. This paper outlines the Get REAL intervention and a range of other school and support agency strategies impacting progress.


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Australian queer (GLBTIQ) university student activist media is an important site of self-representation. Community media is a significant site for the development of queer identity, community and a key part of queer politics. This paper reviews my research into queer student media, which is grounded in a queer theoretical perspective. Rob Cover argues that queer theoretical approaches that study media products fail to consider the material contexts that contribute to their construction. I use an ethnographic approach to examine how editors construct queer identity and community in queer student media. My research contributes to queer media scholarship by addressing the gap that Cover identifies, and to the rich scholarship on negotiations of queer community.


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Background: Despite important implications for the budgets, statistical power and generalisability of research findings, detailed reports of recruitment and retention in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are rare. The NOURISH RCT evaluated a community-based intervention for first-time mothers that promoted protective infant feeding practices as a primary prevention strategy for childhood obesity. The aim of this paper is to provide a detailed description and evaluation of the recruitment and retention strategies used. Methods: A two stage recruitment process designed to provide a consecutive sampling framework was used. First time mothers delivering healthy term infants were initially approached in postnatal wards of the major maternity services in two Australian cities for consent to later contact (Stage 1). When infants were about four months old mothers were re-contacted by mail for enrolment (Stage 2), baseline measurements (Time 1) and subsequent random allocation to the intervention or control condition. Outcomes were assessed at infant ages 14 months (Time 2) and 24 months (Time 3). Results: At Stage 1, 86% of eligible mothers were approached and of these women, 76% consented to later contact. At Stage 2, 3% had become ineligible and 76% could be recontacted. Of the latter, 44% consented to full enrolment and were allocated. This represented 21% of mothers screened as eligible at Stage 1. Retention at Time 3 was 78%. Mothers who did not consent or discontinued the study were younger and less likely to have a university education. Conclusions: The consent and retention rates of our sample of first time mothers are comparable with or better than other similar studies. The recruitment strategy used allowed for detailed information from non-consenters to be collected; thus selection bias could be estimated. Recommendations for future studies include being able to contact participants via mobile phone (particular text messaging), offering home visits to reduce participant burden and considering the use of financial incentives to support participant retention.


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A 1000-word review of Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity by Iain Chambers (Duke UP, 2008)


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified multiple common genetic variants associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer (PrCa), but these explain less than one-third of the heritability. To identify further susceptibility alleles, we conducted a meta-analysis of four GWAS including 5953 cases of aggressive PrCa and 11 463 controls (men without PrCa). We computed association tests for approximately 2.6 million SNPs and followed up the most significant SNPs by genotyping 49 121 samples in 29 studies through the international PRACTICAL and BPC3 consortia. We not only confirmed the association of a PrCa susceptibility locus, rs11672691 on chromosome 19, but also showed an association with aggressive PrCa [odds ratio = 1.12 (95% confidence interval 1.03-1.21), P = 1.4 × 10(-8)]. This report describes a genetic variant which is associated with aggressive PrCa, which is a type of PrCa associated with a poorer prognosis.


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The microstructure of YBa2Cu3O7-delta (Y-123) materials partially-melted in air and quenched from the temperature range 900-1100 degrees C, has been characterized using a combination of X-ray diffractometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analyses, transmission electron microscopy and energy and wave dispersive X-ray spectrometries. The microstructural studies reveal significant changes in the character of the quenched partial-melt as a function of temperature and time before quenching. BaCu2O2 and BaCuO2 are found to co-exist in stoichiometric samples quenched from the temperature range 920-960 degrees C. Under suitable cooling conditions, large pockets of melt cristallize as BaCuO2 with an exsolution of BaCu2O2 in the form of thin plates (approximate to 50-100 nm thick) along facets. Y2BaCuO5 (Y-211) additions are associated with the formation of BaCu2O2 at 1100 degrees C. Preliminary results on the effects of PtO2 and CeO2 additions to Y-123 (and Y-123 with Y-211 additions) show that these enhace the formation of BaCu2O2 at the melting temperature of 1100 degrees C. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.