915 resultados para County school systems


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Today, Digital Systems and Services for Technology Supported Learning and Education are recognized as the key drivers to transform the way that individuals, groups and organizations “learn” and the way to “assess learning” in 21st Century. These transformations influence: Objectives - moving from acquiring new “knowledge” to developing new and relevant “competences”; Methods – moving from “classroom” based teaching to “context-aware” personalized learning; and Assessment – moving from “life-long” degrees and certifications to “on-demand” and “in-context” accreditation of qualifications. Within this context, promoting Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning, is currently a key issue in the public discourse and the global dialogue on Education, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and Flipped School Classrooms. This volume on Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning contributes to the international dialogue between researchers, technologists, practitioners and policy makers in Technology Supported Education and Learning. It addresses emerging issues related with both theory and practice, as well as, methods and technologies that can support Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning. In the twenty chapters contributed by international experts who are actively shaping the future of Educational Technology around the world, topics such as: - The evolution of University Open Courses in Transforming Learning - Supporting Open Access to Teaching and Learning of People with Disabilities - Assessing Student Learning in Online Courses - Digital Game-based Learning for School Education - Open Access to Virtual and Remote Labs for STEM Education - Teachers’ and Schools’ ICT Competence Profiling - Web-Based Education and Innovative Leadership in a K-12 International School Setting are presented. An in-depth blueprint of the promise, potential, and imminent future of the field, Digital Systems for Open Access to Formal and Informal Learning is necessary reading for researchers and practitioners, as well as, undergraduate and postgraduate students, in educational technology.


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Economic comparisons of income on highly erodible land (HEL) in Adams County were made utilizing five years of grazing data collected from a 13- paddock intensive-rotational grazing system and a four-paddock rotational-grazing system and four years of data collected from an 18-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system, all at the Adams County CRP Research and Demonstration Farm near Corning. Net income from the average grazing weight-gain of Angus-sired calves nursing crossbred cows was compared to the net income from grazing yearling steers, to the net income of eight NRCS-recommended crop rotations, and to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) option. Results of these comparisons show the 13-paddock intensive rotational grazing system with cow-calf pairs to be the most profitable alternative, with a net return of $19.86 per acre per year. The second most profitable alternative is the CRP option, with a net return of $13.09 per acre, and the third most profitable option is the fourpaddock rotation with cows and calves with a net return of $12.53 per acre. An 18-paddock system returned a net income of $2.47 per acre per year with cows and calves in 1993, but lost an average of $107.69 per acre each year in 1994 and 1995 with yearling steers. Each year, the steers were purchased high and sold low, contributing to the large loss per acre. The following recommended crop rotations all show net losses on these 9-14 % slope, Adair-Shelby Complex soils (ApD3): continuous corn; corn-soybean rotation; corn-soybean rotation with a farm program deficiency payment; corn-corn-corn-oats-meadow-meadow rotation with grass headlands; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands and buffer strips; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands, buffer strips, and a deficiency payment; corn-corn-oats-meadow rotation to “T”; and corn-soybeans-oats-meadow-meadow-meadow-meadow rotation to “T”. Per-acre yield assumptions of 90 bushels for corn, 30 bushels for soybeans, 45 bushels for oats, and four tons for alfalfa were used, with per-bushel prices of $2.40 on corn, $5.50 on soybeans, and $1.50 on oats. Alfalfa hay was priced at $40.00 per ton and grass hay at $33.33 per ton. The calf weight-gain in the cow/ calf systems was valued at $.90 per pound. All crop expenses except land costs were calculated from ISU publication Fm 1712, “Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa - 1995.” Land costs were determined by using an opportunity cost and actual property tax figures for the land at the grazing site. In preparation for the end of the CRP beginning in 1996, further economic comparisons will be made after additional grazing seasons and data collection. This project is an interagency cooperative effort sponsored by the Southern Iowa Forage and Livestock Committee which has special permission from the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) to use CRP land for research and demonstration.


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Two rotational-grazing systems, a 13-paddock and a 4-paddock, have been demonstrated on CRP land near Corning, Iowa since 1991 and this report summarizes the 2001 production data. Establishment of this project was to show economically feasible grass alternatives to row crops and CRP for steeply sloping (9% - 14% slope), highly-erodible land (HEL). Stocking rates were 1.57 and 1.72 acres per pair on the 13- and 4-paddock systems, respectively. In a 119 day grazing season calves gained 2.23 and 2.27 lbs/day for the 13- and 4-paddock systems, while cows gained 51.4 and 113.4 lbs, respectively. While some system hay growth was utilized to stave off drought conditions, there was a net hay gain of 11 and 5.5 bales of hay for the 13- and 4-paddock systems, respectively


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Two grazing systems were demonstrated on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) land in southwestern Iowa near Corning in the summers of 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1995. This report summarizes the 1995 data and compares them to results from the four previous years. The systems, a 13-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system and a 4-paddock more traditional rotation, both established in 1991, are aimed at showing economically sustainable grass alternatives for steeply sloping (9-14% slope), highly erodible land (HEL) once the 10-year CRP ends. In a 147-day grazing season in 1995, nursing crossbred calves with no creep gained 2.36 pounds and 2.38 pounds per day on the 13- and 4-paddock systems, respectively. The rotations were stocked at 1.65 acres per cow-calf pair on the 13-paddock system and 1.72 acres per pair on the 4-paddock system. This produced 210.2 pounds of calf gain per acre on the 13-paddock system and 203.2 pounds of calf gain per acre on the 4- paddock system.. Similar calves gained 2.37 pounds and 2.50 pounds per day for 155 days, yielding a total gain per acre of 222.7 pounds on the 13-paddock system and 224.9 pounds on the 4-paddock system in 1994. Results for 1992 remain the highest from both systems in the five years of grazing, with calf gain per head per day at 2.45 for 155 days netting 241.9 pounds per acre on the 13- paddock system and calf gain per head per day at 2.38 for 154 days on the 4-paddock system yielding 263.6 pounds per acre. Cows maintained both their weight and condition scores in both systems again in 1995. A third system, the 18-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system, was stocked with stocker steers in 1995, and the results are reported in a second article in the 1996 ISU Beef Research Report entitled “Intensive- Rotational Grazing Steers on Highly Erodible Land at the Adams County CRP Project.” Concerning grazing management, paddocks were grazed four, five, or six times in the 13-paddock intensive- rotational grazing system during the 147-day grazing season of 1995. This number of times grazed per paddock was nearly equal to times grazed per paddock in 1994. However, several paddocks were subdivided temporarily to equalize paddock size and increase grazing uniformity. This increased the total number of cattle moves in the 13-paddock system from 78 in 1994 to 109 in 1995. The average length of stay on each paddock or subdivision of a paddock per grazing time was 1 to 2.2 days. This was less than in any of the other four grazing years in this project. The principle of not grazing more than half the standing forage during any one grazing period was closely followed in 1995. All paddocks in the 13-paddock system were also rested approximately the recommended 30 days between each grazing cycle in 1995.


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Motivation is a core concept to understand work related outcomes and vocational pursuits. However, existing research mostly focused on specific aspects of motivation, such as goals or self-efficacy beliefs, while falling short of adequately addressing more complex and integrative notions of motivation. Advancing the current state of research, we draw from Motivational Systems Theory and a model of proactive motivation to propose a comprehensive model of work-related motivation. Specifically, we define motivation as a system of mutually related factors consisting of goals, emotions, and personal agency beliefs, comprised by capability beliefs and context evaluations. Adapting this model of motivation to the school-to-work transition, we postulate that this motivational system is affected by different social, personal, and environmental variables, for example social support, the presence of role-models, personality traits, and scholastic achievement. We further expect that students with more autonomous work-related goals, expectations of more positive emotional experiences in their future working life, fewer perceived barriers to their career development, and higher work-related self-efficacy beliefs would be more successful in their transition from school to work. We also propose that goal-directed engagement acts as a partial mediator in the relationship between motivation and a successful transition. Finally, we hypothesize that work-related motivation while in school will have meaningful effects on positive outcomes while in vocational training, as represented by more work engagement, higher career commitment, job satisfaction, and lower intentions to quit training. In sum, we advance the point that the adaptation of a broader concept of work-related motivation in the school-to-work transition would result in more powerful predictions of success in this transition and would enhance scientific research and interventions in career development and counselling practice.


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Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) translocate DNA and protein substrates across prokaryotic cell envelopes generally by a mechanism requiring direct contact with a target cell. Three types of T4SS have been described: (i) conjugation systems, operationally defined as machines that translocate DNA substrates intercellularly by a contact-dependent process; (ii) effector translocator systems, functioning to deliver proteins or other macromolecules to eukaryotic target cells; and (iii) DNA release/uptake systems, which translocate DNA to or from the extracellular milieu. Studies of a few paradigmatic systems, notably the conjugation systems of plasmids F, R388, RP4, and pKM101 and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/VirD4 system, have supplied important insights into the structure, function, and mechanism of action of type IV secretion machines. Information on these systems is updated, with emphasis on recent exciting structural advances. An underappreciated feature of T4SS, most notably of the conjugation subfamily, is that they are widely distributed among many species of gram-negative and -positive bacteria, wall-less bacteria, and the Archaea. Conjugation-mediated lateral gene transfer has shaped the genomes of most if not all prokaryotes over evolutionary time and also contributed in the short term to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and other virulence traits among medically important pathogens. How have these machines adapted to function across envelopes of distantly related microorganisms? A survey of T4SS functioning in phylogenetically diverse species highlights the biological complexity of these translocation systems and identifies common mechanistic themes as well as novel adaptations for specialized purposes relating to the modulation of the donor-target cell interaction.


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Type IV secretion systems (T4SS) translocate DNA and protein substrates across prokaryotic cell envelopes generally by a mechanism requiring direct contact with a target cell. Three types of T4SS have been described: (i) conjugation systems, operationally defined as machines that translocate DNA substrates intercellularly by a contact-dependent process; (ii) effector translocator systems, functioning to deliver proteins or other macromolecules to eukaryotic target cells; and (iii) DNA release/uptake systems, which translocate DNA to or from the extracellular milieu. Studies of a few paradigmatic systems, notably the conjugation systems of plasmids F, R388, RP4, and pKM101 and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB/VirD4 system, have supplied important insights into the structure, function, and mechanism of action of type IV secretion machines. Information on these systems is updated, with emphasis on recent exciting structural advances. An underappreciated feature of T4SS, most notably of the conjugation subfamily, is that they are widely distributed among many species of gram-negative and -positive bacteria, wall-less bacteria, and the Archaea. Conjugation-mediated lateral gene transfer has shaped the genomes of most if not all prokaryotes over evolutionary time and also contributed in the short term to the dissemination of antibiotic resistance and other virulence traits among medically important pathogens. How have these machines adapted to function across envelopes of distantly related microorganisms? A survey of T4SS functioning in phylogenetically diverse species highlights the biological complexity of these translocation systems and identifies common mechanistic themes as well as novel adaptations for specialized purposes relating to the modulation of the donor-target cell interaction.


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With the observation that stochasticity is important in biological systems, chemical kinetics have begun to receive wider interest. While the use of Monte Carlo discrete event simulations most accurately capture the variability of molecular species, they become computationally costly for complex reaction-diffusion systems with large populations of molecules. On the other hand, continuous time models are computationally efficient but they fail to capture any variability in the molecular species. In this study a hybrid stochastic approach is introduced for simulating reaction-diffusion systems. We developed an adaptive partitioning strategy in which processes with high frequency are simulated with deterministic rate-based equations, and those with low frequency using the exact stochastic algorithm of Gillespie. Therefore the stochastic behavior of cellular pathways is preserved while being able to apply it to large populations of molecules. We describe our method and demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency compared with the Gillespie algorithm for two different systems. First, a model of intracellular viral kinetics with two steady states and second, a compartmental model of the postsynaptic spine head for studying the dynamics of Ca+2 and NMDA receptors.


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This research examines the graduation rate experienced by students receiving public education services in the state of Texas. Special attention is paid to that subgroup of Texas students who meet Texas Education Agency criteria for handicapped status. The study is guided by two research questions: What are the high school completion rates experienced by handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending Texas public schools? and What are the predictors of graduation for handicapped and nonhandicapped students?^ In addition, the following hypotheses are explored. Hypothesis 1: Handicapped students attending a Texas public school will experience a lower rate of high school completion than their nonhandicapped counterparts. Hypothesis 2: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending school in a Texas public school with a budget above the median budget for Texas public schools will experience a higher rate of high school completion than similar students in Texas public schools with a budget below the median budget. Hypothesis 3: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending school in large Texas urban areas will experience a lower rate of high school completion than similar students in Texas public schools in rural areas. Hypothesis 4: Handicapped and nonhandicapped students attending a Texas public school in a county which rates above the state median for food stamps and AFDC recipients will experience a lower rate of high school completion than students living in counties below the median.^ The study will employ extant data from the records of the Texas Education Agency for the 1988-1989 and the 1989-1990 school years, from the Texas Department of Health for the years of 1989 and 1990, and from the 1980 Census.^ The study reveals that nonhandicapped students are graduating with a two year average rate of.906, while handicapped students following an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) achieve a two year average rate of.532, and handicapped students following the regular academic program present a two year average graduation rate of only.371. The presence of other handicapped students, and the school district's average expense per student are found to contribute significantly to the completion rates of handicapped students. Size groupings are used to elucidate the various impacts of these variables on different school districts and different student groups.^ Conclusions and implications are offered regarding the need to reach national consensus on the definition and computation of high school completion for both handicapped and nonhandicapped students, and the need for improved statewide tracking of handicapped completion rates. ^


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The Personal Response System Program at Huffington Center on Aging, Baylor College of Medicine, provides emergency call systems for elderly people living independently in Houston, Texas. The goal of the project was to complete a formative evaluation of the Personal Response System Program. The specific aims of the evaluation were three-fold. One aim was to evaluate participant health status and level of disability. The second aim was to develop a health care cost estimation strategy. Finally, a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis was completed to evaluate the program's impact on health care costs and health status among the elderly target population. ^ The evaluation was a longitudinal, randomized experimental design. After the screening of 120 volunteers for eligibility, clients were asked to complete a written questionnaire and a monthly health service contact diary. Volunteers were contacted by telephone interviewers to collect health status information from 100 eligible clients (83%) on three occasions during the six months of follow-up. ^ Initially, volunteers were randomized to two experimental groups. The two groups were found to be comparable at the beginning of the study. No significant differences were detected related to health status, level of disability, or history of physician visits at baseline. However, the group with the Personal Response System (PRS) device had more adverse health events, higher IADL scores, more frequent use of walkers, lower average health status scores, and fewer community volunteers hours than the usual care comparison group. ^ The health care costs were estimated based on an algorithm adapted from the American Medical Association guidelines. Average total health care costs for the group with the PRS device ($912) were greater than the usual care group ($464). However, median health care values for the PRS group ($263) were similar to the usual care comparison group ($234). The preliminary findings indicated that the use of the PRS device was not associated with health care cost savings. ^ In the preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis, use of the personal response system was found to be associated with increased mental health status among elderly clients. The cost-effectiveness evaluation indicated that the associated cost for six months was $710 per unit increase in mental component score when the $150 PRS subscription was included. However, clients with the PRS device were found to have a greater decline in physical health status during the six-month follow-up. The beneficial effect on mental health status was found to be in contrast to negative findings associated with changes in physical health status. The implications for future research relate to the need to identify risk factors among geriatric populations to better target groups that would most likely benefit from PRS Program enrollment. ^


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The democratic deficit of evidence-based policymaking and the little attention the approach pays to values and norms have repeatedly been criticized. This article argues that direct-democratic campaigns may provide an arena for citizens and stakeholders to debate the belief systems inherent to evidence. The study is based on a narrative analysis of Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) reports, as well as of newspaper coverage and governmental information referring to PISA in Swiss direct-democratic campaigns on a variety of school policy issues. The findings show that PISA reports are discursive instruments rather than ‘objective evidence’. The reports promote a narrative of economic progress through educational evidence that is adopted without scrutiny by governmental coalitions in direct-democratic campaigns to justify school policy reforms. Yet, the dominant PISA narrative is contested in two counter-narratives, one endorsed by numerous citizens, the other by a group of experts. These counter-narratives question how PISA is used by an ‘expertocracy’ to prescribe reforms, as well as the performance ideology inherent to. Overall, these findings suggest that direct-democratic campaigns may make more transparent how evidence is produced and used according to existing belief systems. Evidence, on the other hand, may be a stimulus for democratic discourse by feeding the debate with potential policy problems and solution. Thus, direct-democratic debates may reconcile normative positions of citizens with the desire to base decisions on empirical evidence.


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How do institutional settings and their embedded policy principles affect gender-typed enrolment in educational programmes? Based on gender-sensitive theories on career choice, we hypothesised that gender segregation in education is higher with a wider range of offers of vocational programmes. By analysing youth survey and panel data, we tested this assumption for Germany, Norway and Canada, three countries whose educational systems represent a different mix of academic, vocational and universalistic education principles. We found that vocational programmes are considerably more gender-segregated than are academic (e.g. university) programmes. Men, more so than women, can avoid gender-typed programmes by passing on to a university education. This in turn means that as long as their secondary school achievement does not allow for a higher education career, they have a higher likelihood of being allocated to male-typed programmes in the vocational education and training (VET) system. In addition, social background and the age at which students have to choose educational offers impact on the transition to gendered educational programmes. Overall, gender segregation in education is highest in Germany and the lowest in Canada. We interpret the differences between these countries with respect to the constellations of educational principles and policies in the respective countries.


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Purpose. To examine the association between living in proximity to Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities and the incidence of childhood cancer in the State of Texas. ^ Design. This is a secondary data analysis utilizing the publicly available Toxics release inventory (TRI), maintained by the U.S. Environmental protection agency that lists the facilities that release any of the 650 TRI chemicals. Total childhood cancer cases and childhood cancer rate (age 0-14 years) by county, for the years 1995-2003 were used from the Texas cancer registry, available at the Texas department of State Health Services website. Setting: This study was limited to the children population of the State of Texas. ^ Method. Analysis was done using Stata version 9 and SPSS version 15.0. Satscan was used for geographical spatial clustering of childhood cancer cases based on county centroids using the Poisson clustering algorithm which adjusts for population density. Pictorial maps were created using MapInfo professional version 8.0. ^ Results. One hundred and twenty five counties had no TRI facilities in their region, while 129 facilities had at least one TRI facility. An increasing trend for number of facilities and total disposal was observed except for the highest category based on cancer rate quartiles. Linear regression analysis using log transformation for number of facilities and total disposal in predicting cancer rates was computed, however both these variables were not found to be significant predictors. Seven significant geographical spatial clusters of counties for high childhood cancer rates (p<0.05) were indicated. Binomial logistic regression by categorizing the cancer rate in to two groups (<=150 and >150) indicated an odds ratio of 1.58 (CI 1.127, 2.222) for the natural log of number of facilities. ^ Conclusion. We have used a unique methodology by combining GIS and spatial clustering techniques with existing statistical approaches in examining the association between living in proximity to TRI facilities and the incidence of childhood cancer in the State of Texas. Although a concrete association was not indicated, further studies are required examining specific TRI chemicals. Use of this information can enable the researchers and public to identify potential concerns, gain a better understanding of potential risks, and work with industry and government to reduce toxic chemical use, disposal or other releases and the risks associated with them. TRI data, in conjunction with other information, can be used as a starting point in evaluating exposures and risks. ^


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Dental caries is a common preventable childhood disease leading to severe physical, mental and economic repercussions for children and their families if left untreated. A needs assessment in Harris County reported that 45.9% of second graders had untreated dental caries. In order to address this growing problem, the School Sealant Program (SSP), a primary preventive initiative, was launched by the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) to provide oral health education, and underutilized dental preventive services to second grade children from participating Local School Districts (LSDs). ^ To determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the SSP, a program evaluation was conducted by the HDHHS between September 2007 and June 2008 for the Oral Health Education (OHE) component of the SSP. The objective of the evaluation was to assess short term changes in oral health knowledge of the participants and determine if these changes, if any, were due to the OHE sessions. An 8-item multiple choice pre/post test was developed for this purpose and administered to the participants before and immediately after the OHE sessions. ^ The present project analyzed pre and post test data of 1,088 second graders from 22 participating schools. Changes in overall and topic-specific knowledge of the program participants before and after the OHE sessions were analyzed using the Wilcoxon's signed rank test. ^ Results. The overall knowledge assessment showed a statistically significant (p <0.001) increase in the dental health knowledge of the participants after the oral health education sessions. Participants in the higher scoring category (7-8 correct responses) increased from 9.5% at baseline to 60.8% after the education sessions. Overall knowledge increased in all school regions with the highest knowledge gains seen in the Central and South regions. Males and females had similar knowledge gains. Significant knowledge differences were also found for each of the topic specific categories (functions of teeth, healthy diet, healthy habits, dental sealants; p<0.001) indicating an increase in topic specific knowledge of the participants post-health education sessions. ^ Conclusions. The OHE sessions were successful in increasing the short term oral health knowledge of the participants. ^


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Community health workers (CHWs) are an accepted, viable component of health systems worldwide. Most often they are utilized in developing regions where health care access is limited and/or health care practitioners are scarce. In this way community health workers have been used to extend the reach of primary care delivery to whole nations, and can be used to reduce health disparities in disadvantaged populations or minority groups as well. In the United States, utilization of CHWs is fragmented, and an amalgam of programs exist which are usually only community-specific. These programs are often burdened by financial un-sustainability. The Community Health Worker National Workforce Study (2007) was markedly the first effort to compile a profile of the CHW workforce in all 50 states. El Paso County, as a uniquely bi-national setting, provided a prime locale to assess CHW utilization on a localized scale, and in a distinctively Latino population and medically underserved area. ^ Results gleaned from this study of 45 CHWs and 5 administrators demonstrate commonalities between El Paso County CHWs and the national CHW workforce; differences were found in average education level, wages for experienced CHWs, as well as primary target populace and target health issues. Future research should focus on cost-effectiveness of CHW utilization.^