297 resultados para Cornezuelo de centeno
En los últimos tiempos los esfuerzos se están centrando en mejorar los métodos de interacción entre el humano y el robot. El objetivo es conseguir que esa relación parezca simple y que se produzca de la manera más natural posible entre el humano y el robot. Para ese fin se está investigando en métodos de reconocimiento e interpretación del lenguaje corporal, gestos, expresiones de la cara y de sonidos que emite el humano para que la máquina se de cuenta de las intenciones y deseos de los humanos sin recibir órdenes muy específicas. Por otro lado interesa saber cómo se podría aplicar estas técnicas a la comunicación entre robots, pensando aquí en grupos de robots que trabajan en equipos realizando tareas ya asignadas. Estas máquinas se tienen que comunicar para entender las situaciones, detectar necesidades puntuales (si una máquina falla y necesita refuerzo, si pasan acontecimientos inesperados) y reaccionar a ello. Ejecutar estas tareas y realizar las comunicaciones para desarrollar las tareas entre las máquinas resultan especialmente difíciles en entornos hostiles, p.ej. debajo del agua, por lo que el objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es investigar las posibles aplicaciones de las técnicas de comunicación entre humanos y máquinas a grupos de robots, como refuerzo o sustitución de los métodos de comunicación clásicos. ABSTRACT. During the last years, many efforts are made to improve the interaction between humans and robots. The aim is to make this relationship simpler and the most natural as possible. For these purpose investigations on the recognition and interpretation of body language, gestures, facial expressions etc are carried out, in order to understand human intentions and desires without receiving specific orders. On the other hand, it is of interest investigate how these techniques could be applied to the communication among robots themselves, e.g. groups of robots which are working in teams resolving certain tasks. These machines have to communicate in order to understand the situations, detect punctual necessities and react to them (e.g. if a machines fails and needs some support, or when some unexpected event happens). The execution of certain tasks and the involved communication, happen to be especially hard in hostile environments, i.e. under water. The objective of this final thesis is to investigate the possible applications of the communication techniques between human and machines to groups of robots, as reinforcement or substitution for the classical communication methods.
Los regímenes fiscales que se aplican a los contratos de exploración y desarrollo de petróleo y gas, entre los propietarios del recurso natural (generalmente el país soberano representado por su gobierno) y las compañías operadoras internacionales (COI) que aportan capital, experiencia y tecnología, no han sabido responder a la reciente escalada de los precios del crudo y han dado lugar a que los países productores no estén recibiendo la parte de renta correspondiente al incremento de precios. Esto ha provocado una ola de renegociaciones llegándose incluso a la imposición unilateral de nuevos términos por parte de algunos gobiernos entre los que destacan el caso de Venezuela y Argentina, por ser los más radicales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio y diseño de un régimen fiscal que, en las actuales condiciones del mercado, consiga que los gobiernos optimicen sus ingresos incentivando la inversión. Para ello se simulan los efectos de siete tipos diferentes de fiscalidades aplicadas a dos yacimientos de características muy distintas y se valoran los resultados. El modelo utilizado para la simulación es el modelo de escenarios, ampliamente utilizado tanto por la comunidad académica como por la industria para comparar el comportamiento de diferentes regímenes fiscales. Para decidir cuál de las fiscalidades estudiadas es la mejor se emplea un método optimización multicriterio. Los criterios que se han aplicado para valorar los resultados recogen la opinión de expertos de la industria sobre qué factores se consideran deseables en un contrato a la hora invertir. El resultado permite delinear las características de un marco fiscal ideal del tipo acuerdo de producción compartida, sin royalties, con un límite alto de recuperación de crudo coste que permita recobrar todos los costes operativos y una parte de los de capital en cualquier escenario de precios, un reparto de los beneficios en función de un indicador de rentabilidad como es la TIR, con un mecanismo de recuperación de costes adicional (uplift) que incentive la inversión y con disposiciones que premien la exploración y más la de alto riesgo como la amortización acelerada de los gastos de capital o una ampliación de la cláusula de ringfence. Un contrato con estas características permitirá al gobierno optimizar los ingresos obtenidos de sus reservas de petróleo y gas maximizando la producción al atraer inversión para la exploración y mejorar la recuperación alargando la vida del yacimiento. Además al reducir el riesgo percibido por el inversor que recupera sus costes, menor será la rentabilidad exigida al capital invertido y por tanto mayor la parte de esos ingresos que irá a parar al gobierno del país productor. ABSTRACT Fiscal systems used in petroleum arrangements between the owners of the resource (usually a sovereign country represented by its government) and the international operating company (IOC) that provides capital, knowhow and technology, have failed to allocate profits from the recent escalation of oil prices and have resulted in producing countries not receiving the right share of that increase. This has caused a wave of renegotiations and even in some cases, like Venezuela and Argentina, government unilaterally imposed new terms. This paper aims to outline desirable features of a petroleum fiscal system, under current market conditions, for governments to maximize their revenues while encouraging investment. Firstly the impact of seven different types of fiscal regimes is studied with a simulation for two separate oil fields using the scenario approach. The scenario approach has been frequently employed by academic and business researchers to compare the performance of diverse fiscal regimes. In order to decide which of the fiscal regimes’ performance is best we used a multi-objective optimization decision making approach to assess the results. The criteria applied gather the preferences of a panel of industry experts about the desirable features of a contract when making investment decisions. The results show the characteristics of an ideal fiscal framework that closely resembles a production sharing contract, with no royalty payment and a high cost recovery limit that allows the IOC to recover all operating expenses and a share of its capital costs under any price scenario, a profit oil sharing mechanism based on a profitability indicator such as the ROR, with an uplift that allows to recover an additional percentage of capital costs and provisions that promote exploration investment, specially high-risk exploration, such as accelerated depreciation for capital costs and a wide definition of the ringfence clause. A contract with these features will allow governments to optimize overall revenues from its petroleum resources maximizing production by promoting investment on exploration and extending oil fields life. Also by reducing the investor’s perception of risk it will reduce the minimum return to capital required by the IOC and therefore it will increase the government share of those revenues.
The refractive index and extinction coefficient of chemical vapour deposition grown graphene are determined by ellipsometry analysis. Graphene films were grown on copper substrates and transferred as both monolayers and bilayers onto SiO2/Si substrates by using standard manufacturing procedures. The chemical nature and thickness of residual debris formed after the transfer process were elucidated using photoelectron spectroscopy. The real layered structure so deduced has been used instead of the nominal one as the input in the ellipsometry analysis of monolayer and bilayer graphene, transferred onto both native and thermal silicon oxide. The effect of these contamination layers on the optical properties of the stacked structure is noticeable both in the visible and the ultraviolet spectral regions, thus masking the graphene optical response. Finally, the use of heat treatment under a nitrogen atmosphere of the graphene-based stacked structures, as a method to reduce the water content of the sample, and its effect on the optical response of both graphene and the residual debris layer are presented. The Lorentz-Drude model proposed for the optical response of graphene fits fairly well the experimental ellipsometric data for all the analysed graphene-based stacked structures.
The MPS2 (monopolar spindle two) gene is one of several genes required for the proper execution of spindle pole body (SPB) duplication in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Winey et al., 1991). We report here that the MPS2 gene encodes an essential 44-kDa protein with two putative coiled-coil regions and a hydrophobic sequence. Although MPS2 is required for normal mitotic growth, some null strains can survive; these survivors exhibit slow growth and abnormal ploidy. The MPS2 protein was tagged with nine copies of the myc epitope, and biochemical fractionation experiments show that it is an integral membrane protein. Visualization of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) Mps2p fusion protein in living cells and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of 9xmyc-Mps2p revealed a perinuclear localization with one or two brighter foci of staining corresponding to the SPB. Additionally, immunoelectron microscopy shows that GFP-Mps2p localizes to the SPB. Our analysis suggests that Mps2p is required as a component of the SPB for insertion of the nascent SPB into the nuclear envelope.
El volcán Hecates Tholus (32.18°N, 150.28ºE; cuadrante MC-7), de unos 180 km de diámetro y 5.300 metros de altura, es el único edificio de la provincia volcánica de Elysium, en las Tierras Bajas de Marte, en el que se han descrito rasgos geomorfológicos que podrían estar causados por procesos glaciares. Además, distintos autores relacionan la red radial de canales que surcan las laderas del volcán como causadas por la fusión de un antiguo casquete glaciar en la cima del edificio, siendo éste un ejemplo más de las intensas interacciones magma-agua en esta región del planeta, cercana al antiguo océano marciano y que dieron lugar a fenómenos muy interesantes, como los terrenos caóticos de Galaxias Chaos, a pocos kilómetros del volcán. Una característica muy particular de este edificio volcánico es la presencia de dos depresiones anidadas en la base de la ladera Noroeste, de 20 y 60 km de diámetro. La menor de ellas (Depresión A), situada a mayor altitud, ha sido interpretada por algunos autores como causada por una erupción lateral del volcán hace unos 350 Ma. Sin embargo, la de mayor diámetro y situada a menor altitud (Depresión B), no tiene un origen claro, aunque se han discutido distintas hipótesis. En cualquier caso, es especialmente en el interior de estas depresiones donde se han encontrado los rasgos geomorfológicos que podrían estar causados por actividad glacial, como posibles cordones morrénicos y depósitos de till...
In this work, the WGS performance of a conventional Ni/CeO2 bulk catalyst is compared to that of a carbon-supported Ni-CeO2 catalyst. The carbon-supported sample resulted to be much more active than the bulk one. The higher activity of the Ni-CeO2/C catalyst is associated to its oxygen storage capacity, a parameter that strongly influences the WGS behavior. The stability of the carbon-supported catalyst under realistic operation conditions is also a subject of this paper. In summary, our study represents an approach towards a new generation of Ni-ceria based catalyst for the pure hydrogen production via WGS. The dispersion of ceria nanoparticles on an activated carbon support drives to improved catalytic skills with a considerable reduction of the amount of ceria in the catalyst formulation.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
OBJECTIVE Epilepsy is increasingly considered as the dysfunction of a pathologic neuronal network (epileptic network) rather than a single focal source. We aimed to assess the interactions between the regions that comprise the epileptic network and to investigate their dependence on the occurrence of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). METHODS We analyzed resting state simultaneous electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) recordings in 10 patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy with multifocal IED-related blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses and a maximum t-value in the IED field. We computed functional connectivity (FC) maps of the epileptic network using two types of seed: (1) a 10-mm diameter sphere centered in the global maximum of IED-related BOLD map, and (2) the independent component with highest correlation to the IED-related BOLD map, named epileptic component. For both approaches, we compared FC maps before and after regressing out the effect of IEDs in terms of maximum and mean t-values and percentage of map overlap. RESULTS Maximum and mean FC maps t-values were significantly lower after regressing out IEDs at the group level (p < 0.01). Overlap extent was 85% ± 12% and 87% ± 12% when the seed was the 10-mm diameter sphere and the epileptic component, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE Regions involved in a specific epileptic network show coherent BOLD fluctuations independent of scalp EEG IEDs. FC topography and strength is largely preserved by removing the IED effect. This could represent a signature of a sustained pathologic network with contribution from epileptic activity invisible to the scalp EEG.
Tesis de la Universidad Central (Madrid), Facultad de Farmacia, leída el 20-06-1868.
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