946 resultados para Context evaluation


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Finishing yearling steers fed a corn-based diet containing steep liquor had statistically similar live performance as steers fed the control diet. Numerically steers fed the steep containing diet were 6% more efficient. Steers fed steep liquor tended to contain less carcass fat (as measured by intramuscular marbling) less kidney, heart and pelvic fat, and less backfat thickness. When priced at $50/ton adding steep liquor at 10% of diet dry matter reduced feed cost for gain 9%.


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A feeding trial was conducted with 870-lb steers fed 137 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn with dry and wet distillers grains with solubles (DGS) as feed for finishing cattle. Dry DGS was evaluated at 16% of diet dry matter. Wet DGS (WDGS) was evaluated at 14.6%, 26.2%, and 37.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% dry DGS or 14.6% wet DGS increased rate of gain and tended to increase carcass fatness. Increasing the amount of wet DGS in the diet decreased feed intake, reduced gain, and improved feed conversion. The calculated net energy for gain values for dry and wet DGS were .92 and 1.5 times the energy value of corn grain. Economic returns declined slightly as the percentage of wet DGS increased in the diet, but remained above the two diets without DGS. The average benefits from feeding wet DGS averaged $25, $21, and $19 per head for steers fed 14.6%, 26.2%, and 35.7%, respectively, based on a formula price for wet DGS related to price of corn and including a charge for transportation of the wet feed.


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Proteferm is a liquid by-product from the production of monosodium glutamate by fermentation that is 40% solids and contains 95% crude protein on a dry basis. Two trials were conducted with yearling steers to study the effects of different levels of Proteferm when added to 90% concentrate diets to replace corn and urea. Feeding Proteferm resulted in a decrease in urine pH, suggesting a metabolic acidosis that was probably caused by a negative cation–anion balance. Correcting the cation–anion imbalance resulted in an increase in feed intake and the performance of steers fed Proteferm as 1.5% of diet dry matter to be similar to the performance of control steers. Addition of sodium bicarbonate to the control diet or to the diet containing 1.5% Proteferm to produce a positive cation–anion balance did not improve performance. The results of these trials indicate that 1.5% Proteferm is the maximum that should be added to high concentrate diets fed to beef cattle without affecting performance or carcass value.


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Teats of 36 ewes (72 udder halves or teats) were dipped with an experimental barrier - type teat dip product to evaluate product persistency post weaning. Persistency was evaluated one to two times/day and scored positive if the teat end orifice was covered and protected. Persistency or the percentage of teats covered/protected at 36, 54, 72, 96, 132, and 156 hours was 100%, 93%, 89%, 63%, 35%, and 24% respectively. Ewes will be dipped again pre-lambing and both persistency and bacteriology (mastitis prevention) will be evaluated compared to 36 control ewes.


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Pastures containing hay-type and grazing tolerant alfalfa hybrids were grazed in a season-long or complementary rotational stocking system with Nfertilized smooth bromegrass. The pastures were stocked at a seasonal density of .8 cow-calf pairs per acre for 120 days in 1998 and 141 days in 1999. Pastures were intensively managed by daily stripstocking with the assumptions that 50% of live forage was available and daily live dry matter consumption of each cow-calf pair was 3.5% of the cow’s body weight. First-cutting forage was harvested as hay from 40% of the pasture acres to remove excess forage growth early in the grazing season. Grazing occurred on the remaining 60% of each pasture for the first 44 and 54 days and 100% of each pasture after days 45 and 55 in 1998 and 1999, respectively. Proportions of ‘Amerigraze’ and ‘Affinity’ alfalfa in the live forage dry matter decreased by 70% and 55% in pastures stocked season-long and by 60% and 42% in pastures used for complementary stocking (alfalfa type, p<.05; grazing management, p<.05) in 1998, but decreased by a mean of 72% and was unaffected by hybrid or stocking system in 1999. Cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid by either grazing system had greater weight gains during the breeding and overall grazing seasons and greater increases in body condition score pre-breeding and during the breeding season than the cows that grazed smooth bromegrass for the entire season in 1998. Also, cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid in the season-long system had greater breeding season increases in body condition score than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system with smooth bromegrass in 1998. Cows grazing in the season-long alfalfa system had greater prebreeding season weight (p<.10) increases and condition score (p<.05) increases than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system in 1999. Daily and seasonal body weight gains of calves were not affected (p>.10) by the presence of alfalfa in 1998 or by alfalfa type and grazing management in 1998 and 1999. Total animal production (cow and calf) in 1998 was greater (p<.10) from the season-long alfalfa pastures compared with the complementary stocked pastures. Total (p<.10) and live (p<.05) forage masses, estimated by monthly clippings, were greater in September of 1998 from the season-long alfalfa pastures than pastures using alfalfa for complementary stocking. Total (p<.10) and live (p<.05) forage masses were greater in August of 1999 from season-long alfalfa pastures than pastures using alfalfa for complementary stocking.


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Pastures containing hay-type and grazing tolerant alfalfa hybrids were grazed in a season-long or complimentary rotational stocking system with Nfertilized smooth bromegrass. The pastures were stocked at a seasonal density of .8 cow-calf pairs per acre for 120 days. Pastures were intensively managed by daily strip-stocking with the assumptions that 50% of live forage was available and daily live dry matter consumption of each cow-calf pair was 3.5% of the cow’s body weight. First-cutting forage was harvested as hay from 40% of pasture acres to remove excess forage growth early in the grazing season. Forage was grazed from the remaining 60% of each pasture for the first 44 days of the experiment and then from the entire pasture thereafter. Live forage yields, estimated by monthly clippings, were greater in May and September on the season-long alfalfa pastures compared with the complementary pastures and on the alfalfa pastures compared with the N-fertilized smooth bromegrass pastures. The proportions of legumes in the live dry matter in pastures with grazing tolerant and hay-type alfalfas in the season-long grazing systems declined by 70% and 50%, respectively, in the 120 day trial. The proportions of legumes in the live dry matter in pastures with grazing tolerant and the hay-type alfalfas in the complementary grazing system declined 60% and 42%, respectively, in the 120 day trial. Cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid by either management system had greater weight gains during the breeding and grazing seasons and greater increases in body condition score prebreeding and during the breeding season than the cows that grazed N-fertilized smooth bromegrass for the entire season. Also, cows grazing either alfalfa in the season-long system had greater breeding season increases in body condition score than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system with N-fertilized smooth bromegrass. Daily gains and seasonal gains of calves from cows grazing the alfalfa pastures tended to be greater than those grazing N-fertilized smooth bromegrass. Within alfalfa treatments, calves of cows grazing alfalfa pastures in the season-long system tended to produce more pounds per acre than those of cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary systems.


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Three-hundred-forty-eight newly weaned beef calves were used in duplicate 28-day experiments to evaluate GAINPRO®, Aureomycin, or no feed additive. Diets fed were formulated to provide 14.5% crude protein (CP) and .48 megacalorie per pound net energy (Mcal/lb. NEg) . Aureomycin reduced (P < .05) average daily gain (ADG) for the first 14 days compared to GAINPRO® or no feed additive. This effect disappeared by 28 days on feed, and ADG favored (P < .05) Aureomycin-supplemented calves compared to those given no feed additives. Calves receiving GAINPRO® fell between the two treatments for 28-day ADG.


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A study was designed to collect a database of Iowa feedlot rations for determination of effective neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in complete diets from fiber analysis and particle size determination of individual feed ingredients and compare this with particle size determination of mixed wet rations. Seventy-one beef finishing total mixed rations were collected by ISU Extension Beef Field Specialists across Iowa. Producers were asked to complete a form assessing the acidosis risk associated with each ration. The average NDF of these diets was 25.9%. Of the total mixed rations 1.33 % remained in the top tray (>.75 in.), 47.27 % remained in the middle tray (>.31 in.), and 50.88 % was smaller than the .31 in screen. The effective NDF (eNDF) calculated from the eNDF of the ingredients averaged 10.56%. Estimated eNDF from total diet NDF and the percentage of the total diet in the top and middle trays averaged 12.47%. The calculated eNDF from non-grain sources alone averaged 3.6%. The percentage of digestive deads was weakly related to the percentage of the ration in the bottom tray (r=.19), the percentage in the top tray (r=- .46) and the effective NDF of the ration (r=-.23). The percentage of bloat was related to the total NDF of the diet (r=.28) and the effective fiber from non-grain sources (r=-.23). The number of off-feed incidences was related to the dry matter of the ration (r=.38), the apparent eNDF (r=-.28) and the percentage of ration in the bottom tray (r=.24). This study confirms that there is some relationship between effective NDF of the diet, effective NDF from non-grain sources or diet particle size; and acidosis indicators. These relationships are weak, however, indicating that other factors such as feedbunk management, feed processing, feed presentation and feed mixing likely also play a role in the incidence of acidosis in feedlot cattle.


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The floods of 1993 caused the corn crop to be low in test weight. The following study was conducted to determine the relative feeding value of low test weight corn. The ability to feed this discounted corn to lambs could be a means of adding extra value to the discounted crop and lower the cost of lamb gain. Performance parameters indicated that low test weight corn was of equal value to normal test weight corn.


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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of body condition scores of beef calves on performance efficiency and carcass characteristics. In Experiment 1, 111 steer calves were stratified by breed and condition score (CS) and randomly allotted to 14 pens. The study was analyzed as a 2 x 3 factorial design, with two breeds (Angus and Simmental) and three initial CS (4.4, 5.1, and 5.6). In Experiment 2, 76 steer calves were allotted to six pens by CS. The resultant pens averaged 3.9, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0, 5.1, and 5.6 in CS. Calves in both studies were fed a corn-based finishing diet formulated to 13.5% crude protein. All calves were implanted with Synovex- SÒ initially and reimplanted with Revalor-SÒ. In Experiment 1, 29-day dry matter intake (lb/day) increased with CS (17.9, 18.1, and 19.1 for 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .04). Daily gain (29 days) tended to decrease with increasing CS (4.19, 3.71, and 3.26; p < .13). Days on feed decreased with increasing CS (185, 180, and 178d; p < .07). In Experiment 2, daily gains also increased with decreasing initial CS for the first 114 days (p < .05) and tended to increase overall (p < .20). In Experiment 1, calves with lower initial CS had less external fat at slaughter (.48, .53, and .61 in. for CS 4.4, 5.1, and 5.6, respectively; p < .05). This effect was also noted at slaughter (p < .10), as well as at 57 days (p < .06) and at 148 days (p < .06) as measured by real-time ultrasound. Measurements of intramuscular fat and marbling were not different in either study. These data suggest that CS of feeder calves may be a useful tool for adjusting energy requirements of calves based on body condition. Also, feeder cattle may be sorted into outcome or management groups earlier than currently practiced using body condition and/or real-time ultrasound.


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A year-round grazing system for spring- and fall-calving cows was developed to compare animal production and performance, hay production and feeding, winter forage composition changes, and summer pasture yield and nutrient composition to that from a conventional, or minimal land system. Systems compared forage from smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures for both systems in the summer and corn crop residues and stockpiled grass-legume pastures for the year-round system to drylot hay feeding during winter for the minimal land system. The year-round grazing system utilized 1.67 acres of smooth bromegrassorchardgrass- birdsfoot trefoil (SB-O-T) pasture per cow in the summer, compared with 3.33 acres of (SB-O-T) pasture per cow in the control (minimal land) system. In addition to SB-O-T pastures, the year-round grazing system utilized 2.5 acres of tall fescue-red clover (TFRC) and 2.5 acres of smooth bromegrass-red clover (SBRC) per cow for grazing in both mid-summer and winter for fall- and spring-calving cows, respectively. First-cutting hay was harvested from the TF-RC and SB-RC pastures, and regrowth was grazed for approximately 45 days in the summer. These pastures were then fertilized with 40 lbs N/acre and stockpiled for winter grazing. Also utilized during the winter for spring-calving cows in the year-round grazing system were corn crop residue (CCR) pastures at an allowance of 2.5 acres per cow. In the minimal land system, hay was harvested from three-fourths of the area in SB-O-T pastures and stored for feeding in a drylot through the winter. Summer grazing was managed with rotational stocking for both systems, and winter grazing of stockpiled forages and corn crop residues by year-round system cows was managed by strip-stocking. Hay was fed to maintain a body condition score of 5 on a 9 point scale for spring-calving cows in both systems. Hay was supplemented as needed to maintain a body condition score of 3 for fall-calving cows nursing calves through the winter. Although initial condition scores for cows in both systems were different at the initiation of grazing for both winter and summer, there were no significant differences (P > .05) in overall condition score changes throughout both grazing seasons. In year 1, fall-calving cows in the year-round grazing system lost more (P < .05) body weight during winter than spring-calving cows in either system. In year 2, there were no differences seen in weight changes over winter for any group of cows. Average daily gains of fall calves in the yearround system were 1.9 lbs/day compared with weight gains of 2.5 lbs/day for spring calves from both systems. Yearly growing animal production from pastures for both years did not differ between systems when weight gains of stockers that grazed summer pastures in the year-round grazing system were added to weight gains of suckling calves. Carcass characteristics for all calves finished in the feedlot for both systems were similar. There were no significant differences in hay production between systems for year 1; however, amounts of hay needed to maintain cows were 923, 1373, 4732 lbs dry matter/cow for year-round fall-calving, year-round spring-calving, and minimal land spring-calving cows, respectively. In year 2, hay production per acre in the minimal land system was greater (P < .05) than for the year-round system, but the amounts of hay required per cow were 0, 0, and 4720 lbs dry matter/cow for yearround fall-calving, year-round spring-calving, and minimal land spring-calving cows, respectively.


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A comparison was made between two different summer grazing systems. One system was the summer component of a year-round grazing system, involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass--orchardgrass--birdsfoot trefoil pastures and winter stockpiles pastures with cowcalf pairs co-grazing with stocker yearlings at .75 animal units per acre. That system was compared with a minimal land system involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass--orchardgrass-- birdsfoot trefoil summer pastures with cow-calf pairs grazing at .64 animal units per acre and hay removal from 25% of the pasture. Stocker yearlings or hay removal were used as management tools to remove excess forage and optimize forage quality. Hay was removed once from three fourths of the winter stockpiled pastures and one fourth of the allocated summer pastures. Cow-calf pairs grazing in the year-round system utilized on fourth of the winter stockpile pastures due to lack of forage, whereas cow-calf pairs grazing with hay removal were supplemented with harvested hay for two weeks during the summer. Grazing system did not affect cow body weight, condition score, or daily calf weight gain. Growing animal production per acre was affected by grazing system, with the minimal land system having a higher production level.


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The winter component of a year-round grazing system involving grazing of corn crop residues followed by grazing stockpiled grass-legume forages was compared at the McNay Research Farm with that of the winter component of a minimal land system that maintained cows in drylot. In the summers of 1995 and 1996, two and one cuttings of hay per year were harvested from two 15-acre fields containing “Johnston” low endophtye tall fescue and red clover. Two cuttings of hay in 1995 and one cutting in 1996 were harvested from two 15-acre fields of smooth bromegrass and red clover. Hay yields were 4,236 and 4,600 pounds of dry matter per acre for the tall fescue-red clover in 1995 and 1996, and 2,239 and 2,300 pounds of dry matter per acre for the smooth bromegrass-red clover in 1995 and 1996. Following grain harvest, four 7.5-acre fields containing corn crop residues were stocked with cows at midgestation at an allowance of 1.5 acres per cow. Forage yields at the initiation of corn crop grazing in 1995 and 1996 were 3,757 and 3,551 pounds of dry matter per acre for corn crop residues. Stockpiled forage yields were 1,748 and 2,912 pounds of dry matter for tall fescue-red clover and 1,880 and 2,187 pounds for smooth bromegrass-red clover. Corn crop residues and stockpiled forages were grazed in a strip stocking system. For comparison, 20 cows in 1995 and 16 cows in 1996 were placed in two drylots simultaneously with initiation of corn crop grazing, where they remained throughout the winter and spring grazing periods. Cows maintained in drylots or grazing corn crop residue and stockpiled forages were supplemented with hay as large round bales to maintain a body condition score of five. In both years, no seasonal differences in body weight and body condition score were observed between grazing cows or cows maintained in drylots, but grazing cows required 85% and 98% less harvested hay in years 1 and 2 than cows in drylot during the winter and spring. Because less hay was needed to maintain grazing cows, excesses of 12,354 and 5,244 pounds of hay dry matter per cow in 1995 and 1996 remained in the year-round grazing system. During corn crop grazing, organic matter yield decreased at 23.5 and 28.8 pounds of organic matter per day from grazed areas of corn crop residues in 1995 and 1996. Organic matter losses due to weathering were 6.8, 10.3, and 12.7 pounds per day in corn crop residue, tall fescue-red clover and smooth bromegrass-red clover in 1995 and 12.1, 10.7, and 12.1 in 1996. Organic matter losses from grazed and ungrazed areas of tall fescue-red clover and smooth bromegrass-red clover during stockpiled grazing were 6.9, 6.9, and 2.1, 2.9 in 1995 and 13.4, 4.3, and +6.9, 4.4 pounds per day in 1996.


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Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corncorn- oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994 and 1995. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was allowed to stockpile for winter grazing. In 1995, a brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. After corn grain harvest in 1994 and 1995, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows in midgestation were allotted to replicated fields containing corn crop residues with no complementary forages at 2.5 acres/cow, or corn crop residues and stockpiled berseem clover (2:1) at 2.5 acres/cow to simultaneously graze, or to a drylot. In 1995, cows were allotted to fields containing corn crop residues and brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass (7:3) at 2.5 acres/cow. Berseem clover had greater concentrations of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues at the initiation of grazing, but had a more rapid decrease in digestible organic matter concentration than corn crop residues. Brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass forage also had a higher initial concentration of digestible organic matter, but an equal rate of decrease in digestible organic matter concentration to corn crop residues in ungrazed areas of the field. Cows grazing berseem clover with corn crop residues had greater body condition score increases during the first half of the grazing season than cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required 2,786 and 1,412 less lb hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994 and 1995. In 1994, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone. However, in 1995, grazing berseem clover or brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass with corn crop residues reduced the amount of hay required to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.


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A comparison was made between two different summer grazing systems at the McNay Research Farm. One system was the summer component of a year-round grazing system, involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures and winter stockpile pastures with cow-calf pairs co-grazing with stocker yearlings at .75 animal units per acre. That system was compared with a minimal land system involving the rotational stocking of smooth bromegrass-orchardgrass-birdsfoot trefoil summer pastures with cow-calf pairs grazing at .64 animal units per acre and hay removal from 25% of the pasture. Stocker yearlings or hay removal were used as management tools to remove excess forage and optimize forage quality. Hay was removed once from three fourths of the winter stockpiled pastures in 1996 (Yr. 1) and all the pasture in 1997 (Yr. 2). One hay removal occurred on one fourth of the allocated summer pastures in Year 1 and one half of the pastures in Year 2. In Year one, cow-calf pairs grazing in the year-round system utilized one fourth of the winter stockpile pastures due to a lack of forage on the summer pastures, whereas in Year 2 cowcalf pairs grazed winter stockpile pastures to remove forage as a second cutting of hay. Cow-calf pairs grazing with hay removal were supplemented with harvested hay for two weeks during the summer of Year 1 due to lack of grazable forage; in Year 2, no supplementation was needed. Grazing system did not affect cow body weight, condition score, or daily calf gain in either year. Growing animal production per acre was affected by grazing system, with the minimal land system having a higher production level in Year 1 and Year 2. The year-round system also produced more net winter forage than did the minimal land system in Year 1. Differences in forage yield and quality were only observed between winter stockpile forages of tall fescue-red clover and smooth bromegrass-red clover and summer pastures during the months of June, July, and August.