947 resultados para Compress-and-Forward


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In China and world, more than half the recent basin discovered reserves involve lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir reserves. The major target for further hydrocarbon basin exploration is the subtle reservoir. The Liaodong Bay prospect is much important in Bohai Sea, which includes Liaoxi low uplift, Liaodong uplift, Liaoxi sag and Liaozhong sag. After dozens years’ exploration in Liaodong Bay, few unexplored big-and-middle-sized favorable structural traps are remained and most of the stock structure targets are bad for fragmentary. Thus seeking for new prospect area and making a breakthrough, have become the unique way to relieve the severe exploration condition in Liaodong Bay. Technique Route Based on the petrophysical property of target area, the seismic forward inference of typical subtle trap model is expanded with analysis of logging, seismic and geologic data. According to petrophysical characteristics and forward inference and research on seismic response of actual seismic data in target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used in subtle trap identification and the geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir is formed. The Key Research ① Petrophysical Model The petrophysical parameter is the basic parameter for seismic wave simulation. The seismic response difference of rocks bearing different fluids is required. With the crossplot of log data, the influence of petrophysical parameters on rock elastic properties of target area is analyzed, such as porosity, shale index, fluid property and saturation. Based on the current research on Biot-Gassmann and Kuster-Toksoz model, the petrophysical parameter calculator program which can be used for fluid substitution is established. ② S-wave evaluation based on conventional log data The shear velocity is needed during forward inference of AVO or other elastic wave field. But most of the recent conventional log data is lack of shear wave. Thus according to the research on petrophysical model, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. ③ AVO forward modeling based on well data For 6 wells in JZ31-6 block and 9 wells in LD22-1 block, the AVO forward modeling recording is made by log curve. The classification of AVO characteristics in objective interval is made by the lithologic information. ④ The 2D parameter model building and forward modeling of subtle hydrocarbon trap in target area. According to the formation interpretation of ESS03D seismic area, the 2D parameter model building and seismic wave field forward modeling are carried on the given and predicted subtle hydrocarbon trap with log curve. ⑤ The lithology and fluid identification of subtle trap in target area After study the seismic response characteristics of lithology and fluid in given target area, the optimization of geophysical technique is used for lithology identification and fluid forecast. ⑥The geophysical identification technique system of subtle reservoir The Innovative Points of this Paper ① Based on laboratory measurement and petrophysical model theory, the rock S-wave parameter can be evaluated from conventional log data with probability inverse method. Then the fluid substitution method based on B-G and K-T theory is provided. ② The method and workflow for simulating seismic wave field property of subtle hydrocarbon trap are established based on the petrophysical model building and forward modeling of wave equation. ③ The description of subtle trap structural feature is launched. According to the different reflection of frequency wave field structural attribute, the fluid property of subtle trap can be identified by wave field attenuation attribute and absorption analysis. ④ It’s the first time to identify subtle trap by geophysical technique and provide exploration drilling well location. ⑤ The technique system of subtle reservoir geophysical identification is formed to provide available workflow and research ideas for other region of interest.


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With the development of seismic exploration, the target becomes more and more complex, which leads to a higher demand for the accuracy and efficiency in 3D exploration. Fourier finite-difference (FFD) method is one of the most valuable methods in complex structure exploration, which keeps the ability of finite-differenc method in dealing with laterally varing media and inherits the predominance of the phase-screen method in stablility and efficiency. In this thesis, the accuracy of the FFD operator is highly improved by using simulated annealing algorithm. This method takes the extrapolation step and band width into account, which is more suitable to various band width and discrete scale than the commonely-used optimized method based on velocity contrast alone. In this thesis, the FFD method is extended to viscoacoustic modeling. Based on one-way wave equation, the presented method is implemented in frequency domain; thus, it is more efficient than two-way methods, and is more convenient than time domain methods in handling attenuation and dispersion effects. The proposed method can handle large velocity contrast and has a high efficiency, which is helpful to further research on earth absorption and seismic resolution. Starting from the frequency dispersion of the acoustic VTI wave equation, this thesis extends the FFD migration method to the acoustic VTI media. Compared with the convetional FFD method, the presented method has a similar computational efficiency, and keeps the abilities of dealing with large velocity contrasts and steep dips. The numerical experiments based on the SEG salt model show that the presented method is a practical migration method for complex acoustical VTI media, because it can handle both large velocity contrasts and large anisotropy variations, and its accuracy is relatively high even in strong anisotropic media. In 3D case, the two-way splitting technique of FFD operator causes artificial azimuthal anisotropy. These artifacts become apparent with increasing dip angles and velocity contrasts, which prevent the application of the FFD method in 3D complex media. The current methods proposed to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy significantly increase the computational cost. In this thesis, the alternating-direction-implicit plus interpolation scheme is incorporated into the 3D FFD method to reduce the azimuthal anisotropy. By subtly utilizing the Fourier based scheme of the FFD method, the improved fast algorithm takes approximately no extra computation time. The resulting operator keeps both the accuracy and the efficiency of the FFD method, which is helpful to the inhancements of both the accuracy and the efficiency for prestack depth migration. The general comparison is presented between the FFD operator and the generalized-screen operator, which is valuable to choose the suitable method in practice. The percentage relative error curves and migration impulse responses show that the generalized-screen operator is much sensiutive to the velocity contrasts than the FFD operator. The FFD operator can handle various velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator can only handle some range of the velocity contrasts. Both in large and weak velocity contrasts, the higher order term of the generalized-screen operator has little effect on improving accuracy. The FFD operator is more suitable to large velocity contrasts, while the generalized-screen operator is more suitable to middle velocity contrasts. Both the one-way implicit finite-difference migration and the two-way explicit finite-differenc modeling have been implemented, and then they are compared with the corresponding FFD methods respectively. This work gives a reference to the choosen of proper method. The FFD migration is illustrated to be more attractive in accuracy, efficiency and frequency dispertion than the widely-used implicit finite-difference migration. The FFD modeling can handle relatively coarse grids than the commonly-used explicit finite-differenc modeling, thus it is much faster in 3D modeling, especially for large-scale complex media.


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Objects move, collide, flow, bend, heat up, cool down, stretch, compress and boil. These and other things that cause changes in objects over time are intuitively characterized as processes. To understand common sense physical reasoning and make programs that interact with the physical world as well as people do we must understand qualitative reasoning about processes, when they will occur, their effects, and when they will stop. Qualitative Process theory defines a simple notion of physical process that appears useful as a language in which to write dynamical theories. Reasoning about processes also motivates a new qualitative representation for quantity in terms of inequalities, called quantity space. This report describes the basic concepts of Qualitative Process theory, several different kinds of reasoning that can be performed with them, and discusses its impact on other issues in common sense reasoning about the physical world, such as causal reasoning and measurement interpretation. Several extended examples illustrate the utility of the theory, including figuring out that a boiler can blow up, that an oscillator with friction will eventually stop, and how to say that you can pull with a string but not push with it. This report also describes GIZMO, an implemented computer program which uses Qualitative Process theory to make predictions and interpret simple measurements. The represnetations and algorithms used in GIZMO are described in detail, and illustrated using several examples.


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It is anticipated that constrained devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) will often operate in groups to achieve collective monitoring or management tasks. For sensitive and mission-critical sensing tasks, securing multicast applications is therefore highly desirable. To secure group communications, several group key management protocols have been introduced. However, the majority of the proposed solutions are not adapted to the IoT and its strong processing, storage, and energy constraints. In this context, we introduce a novel decentralized and batch-based group key management protocol to secure multicast communications. Our protocol is simple and it reduces the rekeying overhead triggered by membership changes in dynamic and mobile groups and guarantees both backward and forward secrecy. To assess our protocol, we conduct a detailed analysis with respect to its communcation and storage costs. This analysis is validated through simulation to highlight energy gains. The obtained results show that our protocol outperforms its peers with respect to keying overhead and the mobility of members.


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Li, Longzhuang, Liu, Yonghuai, Obregon, A., Weatherston, M. Visual Segmentation-Based Data Record Extraction From Web Documents. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, 2007, pp. 502-507. Sponsorship: IEEE


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We consider the problem of architecting a reliable content delivery system across an overlay network using TCP connections as the transport primitive. We first argue that natural designs based on store-and-forward principles that tightly couple TCP connections at intermediate end-systems impose fundamental performance limitations, such as dragging down all transfer rates in the system to the rate of the slowest receiver. In contrast, the ROMA architecture we propose incorporates the use of loosely coupled TCP connections together with fast forward error correction techniques to deliver a scalable solution that better accommodates a set of heterogeneous receivers. The methods we develop establish chains of TCP connections, whose expected performance we analyze through equation-based methods. We validate our analytical findings and evaluate the performance of our ROMA architecture using a prototype implementation via extensive Internet experimentation across the PlanetLab distributed testbed.


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Current low-level networking abstractions on modern operating systems are commonly implemented in the kernel to provide sufficient performance for general purpose applications. However, it is desirable for high performance applications to have more control over the networking subsystem to support optimizations for their specific needs. One approach is to allow networking services to be implemented at user-level. Unfortunately, this typically incurs costs due to scheduling overheads and unnecessary data copying via the kernel. In this paper, we describe a method to implement efficient application-specific network service extensions at user-level, that removes the cost of scheduling and provides protected access to lower-level system abstractions. We present a networking implementation that, with minor modifications to the Linux kernel, passes data between "sandboxed" extensions and the Ethernet device without copying or processing in the kernel. Using this mechanism, we put a customizable networking stack into a user-level sandbox and show how it can be used to efficiently process and forward data via proxies, or intermediate hosts, in the communication path of high performance data streams. Unlike other user-level networking implementations, our method makes no special hardware requirements to avoid unnecessary data copies. Results show that we achieve a substantial increase in throughput over comparable user-space methods using our networking stack implementation.


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This paper proposes the use of in-network caches (which we call Angels) to reduce the Minimum Distribution Time (MDT) of a file from a seeder – a node that possesses the file – to a set of leechers – nodes who are interested in downloading the file. An Angel is not a leecher in the sense that it is not interested in receiving the entire file, but rather it is interested in minimizing the MDT to all leechers, and as such uses its storage and up/down-link capacity to cache and forward parts of the file to other peers. We extend the analytical results by Kumar and Ross [1] to account for the presence of angels by deriving a new lower bound for the MDT. We show that this newly derived lower bound is tight by proposing a distribution strategy under assumptions of a fluid model. We present a GroupTree heuristic that addresses the impracticalities of the fluid model. We evaluate our designs through simulations that show that our Group-Tree heuristic outperforms other heuristics, that it scales well with the increase of the number of leechers, and that it closely approaches the optimal theoretical bounds.


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This thesis proposes the use of in-network caches (which we call Angels) to reduce the Minimum Distribution Time (MDT) of a file from a seeder – a node that possesses the file – to a set of leechers – nodes who are interested in downloading the file. An Angel is not a leecher in the sense that it is not interested in receiving the entire file, but rather it is interested in minimizing the MDT to all leechers, and as such uses its storage and up/down-link capacity to cache and forward parts of the file to other peers. We extend the analytical results by Kumar and Ross (Kumar and Ross, 2006) to account for the presence of angels by deriving a new lower bound for the MDT. We show that this newly derived lower bound is tight by proposing a distribution strategy under assumptions of a fluid model. We present a GroupTree heuristic that addresses the impracticalities of the fluid model. We evaluate our designs through simulations that show that our GroupTree heuristic outperforms other heuristics, that it scales well with the increase of the number of leechers, and that it closely approaches the optimal theoretical bounds.


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The enormous growth of wireless communication systems makes it important to evaluate the capacity of such channels. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) wireless communication systems are shown to yield significant performance improvement to data rates when compared to the traditional Single Input Single Output (SISO) wireless systems. The benefits of multiple antenna elements at the transmitter and receiver have become necessary to the research and the development of the next generation of mobile communication systems. In this paper we propose the use of Relaying MIMO wireless communication systems for use over long throughput. We investigate how Relays can be used in a "demodulate-and-forward" operation when the transmitter is equipped with spatially correlated multiple antenna elements and the receiver has only partial knowledge of the statistics of the channel. We show that Relays between the source and destination nodes of a wireless communication system in MIMO configuration improve the throughput of the system when compared to the typical MIMO systems, or achieve the desired channel capacity with significantly lower power resources needed.


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My dissertation examines the traces of inverse (mytho)mysticism, more synchronous with mythical alchemy than transcendent mystery, in H.D.’s mature work (1946-1961). Whereas H.D.’s earliest works respond to a fin de siècle occultism and a collective psyche troubled by the eschatological distress that, as Susan Acheson writes, “was widespread amongst modernist writers grappling with …world events and with the implications of Nietzsche’s inaugural annunciation of modernity in terms of the death of God” (187), her later oeuvre is dedicated to the same work of soul undertaken by the “secret cult of Night” in Vale Ave. Here, her thematic scope faces two ways: backward to ancient Greek mystery cults and their palingenesic rites and forward to depth psychologists searching for the Soul of the World. Vale Ave plays a pronounced role in my study as symbolic guide; in its seventy-four sequences the layering of time in the “trilogy” of past, present, and future that H.D. had explored during the years of the Second World War in order to get behind the fallen walls of cause and effect collapses into two distinct phases of human origin—“meeting” (evolution) and “parting” (involution)—and the poem invites Lilith and Lucifer to be its archetypal guides. My method for the study is imaginal, entering such disciplines as history, philosophy, and theology and bringing psychological understanding to them. John Walsh’s introduction to Vale Ave notes H.D.’s theme “that the human psyche exists in a dimension outside of time and space as well as within them. In Vale Ave, H.D. presents the extremity of this dual-dimensionality: metempsychosis” (vii). However, the concept that H.D. investigates is more than a literary processus of characters who adopt different masks and appear at various junctures in a chronological unwinding of history. I explore H.D.'s works as part of a Modernist tradition of writing “books of the dead” designed not to guide the soul after death, but to draw the gaze upon “a nearer thing,” as H.D. writes in Erige Cor Tuum Ad Me In Caelum, the wisdom intrinsic in the spirit of life itself.


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Density functional theory calculations have been used to investigate the chemisorption of H, S, SH, and H2S as well as the hydrogenation reactions S+H and SH+H on a Rh surface with steps, Rh(211), aiming to explain sulfur poisoning effect. In the S hydrogenation from S to H2S, the transition state of the first step S+H-->SH is reached when the S moves to the step-bridge and H is on the off-top site. In the second step, SH+H-->H2S, the transition state is reached when SH moves to the top site and H is close to another top site nearby. Our results show that it is difficult to hydrogenate S and they poison defects such as steps. In order to address why S is poisoning, hydrogenation of C, N, and O on Rh(211) has also been calculated and has been found that the reverse and forward reactions possess similar barriers in contrast to the S hydrogenation. The physical origin of these differences has been analyzed and discussed. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper disseminates the findings from a study into the factors impacting technological innovation adoption and diffusion specific to the deployment of electronic-commerce strategies within professional service sector SMEs in Ireland. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed and seven factors relating to a firm's external/internal environment were found to underpin adoption. These are: electronic-commerce capability; willingness to change/rate of response to new technologies; technological opportunity recognition; customer orientation; sensitivity to competitive/customer environments; perceptions of technology feasibility; and e-skills development mechanisms. t-tests revealed differences between adopters and non-adopters, and forward stepwise logistic regression is used to assess the extent to which these seven factors actually predict electronic-commerce adoption. It was found that electronic-commerce capability and the willingness to change/rate of response to new technologies are the two most important factors affecting adoption behaviours. © Imperial College Press.


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We present a simple framework in which both the exchange rate disconnect and forward bias puzzles are simultaneously resolved. The flexible-price two-country monetary model is extended to include a consumption externality with habit persistence. Habitpersistence is modeled using Campbell Cochrane preferences with ‘deep’ habits along the lines of the work of Ravn, Schmitt-Grohe and Uribe. By deep habits, we mean habits defined over goods rather than countries. The model is simulated using the artificial economy methodology. It offers a neo-classical explanation of the Meese–Rogoff puzzle and mimics the failure of fundamentals to explain nominal exchange rates in a linear setting. Finally, the model naturally generates the negative slope in the standard forward market regression.


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This paper elaborates on the ergodic capacity of fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop systems, which have recently attracted considerable research and industry interest. In particular, two novel capacity bounds that allow for fast and efficient computation and apply for nonidentically distributed hops are derived. More importantly, they are generic since they apply to a wide range of popular fading channel models. Specifically, the proposed upper bound applies to Nakagami-m, Weibull, and generalized-K fading channels, whereas the proposed lower bound is more general and applies to Rician fading channels. Moreover, it is explicitly demonstrated that the proposed lower and upper bounds become asymptotically exact in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Based on our analytical expressions and numerical results, we gain valuable insights into the impact of model parameters on the capacity of fixed-gain AF dual-hop relaying systems. © 2011 IEEE.