936 resultados para Competencies gaps
Recreational food service is a newly-identified industry segment. It represents over 3 percent of the total industry and has its own specific competency requirements, in addition to core food service management competency needs. The education, training, and development needs for professionals in this industry segment have not as yet been ascertained. This article is an effort to establish a benchmark for future research in this area.
The purpose of the study is to investigate how beginning teachers in the state of Florida perceive their preparation to demonstrate the 27 Florida Essential Generic Competencies. The basic research question of this study was: How do beginning teachers perceive their level of preparation regarding their implementation of the Florida Essential Generic Competencies? This study identified and categorized the perceived degree of preparation for each of the competencies. Also, elementary, middle, and high school beginning teachers were compared to find significant differences and similarities in their perception of their preparation. A comparison was also done for graduates from in-state versus out-of-state and private versus public institutions. A survey developed in collaboration with the Department of Education, Florida State University, members of the Professional Orientation Program (POP) Coordinators, and the Project Director of Program Review in the College of Education at the University of South Florida, was sent to 5,076 beginning teachers. A total of 1,995 returned the survey in February of 1993. The Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) procedure was used (Alpha = .05). Statistical analysis of the data involved a comparison of the different groups of beginning teachers by school level and kind of graduating institutions. The dependent variables analyzed were the responses to all items representing the generic competencies. The study identified and categorized the degree of preparation for each competency. The competencies receiving the lowest ratings for degree of preparation were: integrate computers in instruction; manage situations involving child abuse and/or neglect; severe emotional stress; alcohol and drug abuse. The Wilkes lambda and the Hotellings multivariate tests of significance were used to examine the differences among the groups. The competency items were further analyzed by a univariate F test. Results indicated that: (1) significant differences were found in nine competency items in which elementary teachers felt better prepared than middle and high school beginning teachers, (2) graduates from a Florida teacher education program felt they were better prepared in demonstrating the competencies than those from out-of-state schools, and (3) no significant difference was found in the perceptions of those who graduated from public versus private institutions. Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made: (1) Florida's institutions responsible for teacher preparation programs need to focus on those competencies receiving the lowest ratings, (2) Districts should provide an orientation program for out-of-state beginning teachers, and (3) The survey instrument should be used annually to evaluate teacher education programs.
Currently, the diagnostic ultrasound is inserted in various areas of medical action and carried out by many medical professionals, from which militate directly in the image area, such as radiologists and sonographers, but also by gynecologists, pediatricians, neurologists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, angiologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, urologists, general and vascular surgeons. It is well known that the medical professional, for the exercise of its mission, requires a broad set of skills, competencies and attitudes developed and exercised during their training period. Living with medical students over nearly 20 years in hospital environment, I noticed gaps in the learning process by the students about what is diagnostic ultrasound and its applications, demonstrating failures as understanding the basic acoustic ultrasound, difficulties in identifying of anatomical structures in ultrasound images and inability in requests examinations and interpretations of images and reports. Based on these findings, it was developed in this Professional Masters a multimedia digital book that exposes what the ultrasound as a diagnostic modality imaging, dealing with its historiography and its physical/acoustic concepts, relating the process of formation of the ultrasound image, discussing about the features of sonographic equipments and their embedded technologies and highlighting its diagnostic applications , the latter presented through videos which will be described aspects of captured ultrasound images. This book will be available for access in digital format, serving as a teaching tool in medical education since the beginning of the course, so that can be used in conjunction with the discipline of Gross Anatomy, offered in the basic cycle of the Medicine Undergraduate Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).
In this paper, we use a model of hydrogenated amorphous silicon generated from molecular dynamics with density functional theory calculations to examine how the atomic geometry and the optical and mobility gaps are influenced by mild hydrogen oversaturation. The optical and mobility gaps show a volcano curve as the hydrogen content varies from undersaturation to mild oversaturation, with largest gaps obtained at the saturation hydrogen concentration. At the same time, mid-gap states associated with dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds disappear at saturation but reappear at mild oversaturation, which is consistent with the evolution of optical gap. The distribution of Si-Si bond distances provides the key to the change in electronic properties. In the undersaturation regime, the new electronic states in the gap arise from the presence of dangling bonds and strained Si-Si bonds, which are longer than the equilibrium Si-Si distance. Increasing hydrogen concentration up to saturation reduces the strained bonds and removes dangling bonds. In the case of mild oversaturation, the mid-gap states arise exclusively from an increase in the density of strained Si-Si bonds. Analysis of our structure shows that the extra hydrogen atoms form a bridge between neighbouring silicon atoms, thus increasing the Si-Si distance and increasing disorder in the sample.
The basement membrane (BM) is a highly conserved form of extracellular matrix that underlies or surrounds and supports most animal tissues. BMs are crossed by cells during various remodeling events in development, immune surveillance, or during cancer metastasis. Because BMs are dense and not easily penetrable, most of these cells must open a gap in order to facilitate their migration. The mechanisms by which cells execute these changes are poorly understood. A developmental event that requires the opening of a BM gap is C. elegans uterine-vulval connection. The anchor cell (AC), a specialized uterine cell, creates a de novo BM gap. Subsequent widening of the BM gap involves the underlying vulval precursor cells (VPCs) and the π cells, uterine neighbors of the AC through non-proteolytic BM sliding. Using forward and reverse genetic screening, transcriptome profiling, and live-cell imaging, I investigated how the cells in these tissues accomplish BM gap formation. In Chapter 2, I identify two potentially novel regulators of BM breaching, isolated through a large-scale forward genetic screen and characterize the invasion defect in these mutants. In Chapter 3, I describe single-cell transcriptome sequencing of the invasive AC. In Chapter 4, I describe the role of the π cells in opening the nascent BM gap. A complete developmental pathway for this process has been elucidated: the AC induces the π fate through Notch signaling, after which the π cells upregulate the Sec14 family protein CTG-1, which in turn restricts the trafficking of DGN-1 (dystroglycan), a laminin receptor, allowing the BM to slide. Chapter 5 outlines the implications of these discoveries.
Objective: To determine what, how, for whom, why, and in what circumstances educational interventions to improve the delivery of nutrition care by doctors and other healthcare professionals work?
Design: Realist synthesis following a published protocol and reported following Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis: Evolving Standards (RAMESES) guidelines. A multidisciplinary team searched Medline, CINAHL, ERIC, EMBASE, PsyINFO, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Science Direct for published and unpublished (grey) literature. The team identified studies with varied designs; appraised their ability to answer the review question; identified relationships between contexts, mechanisms, and outcomes (CMOs); and entered them into a spreadsheet configured for the purpose. The final synthesis identified commonalities across CMO configurations.
Results: Over half of the 46 studies from which we extracted data originated from the US. Interventions that improved the delivery of nutrition care improved skills and attitudes rather than just knowledge; provided opportunities for superiors to model nutrition care; removed barriers to nutrition care in health systems; provided participants with local, practically relevant tools and messages; and incorporated non-traditional, innovative teaching strategies. Operating in contexts where student and qualified healthcare professionals provided nutrition care in both developed and developing countries, these interventions yielded health outcomes by triggering a range of mechanisms, which included: feeling competent; feeling confident and comfortable; having greater self-efficacy; being less inhibited by barriers in healthcare systems; and feeling that nutrition care was accepted and recognised.
Conclusion: These findings show how important it is to move education for nutrition care beyond the simple acquisition of knowledge. They show how educational interventions embedded within systems of healthcare can improve patients’ health by helping health students and professionals to appreciate the importance of delivering nutrition care and feel competent to deliver it.
Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for municipalities. We explore the various contexts in which nature-based solutions are relevant for climate mitigation and adaptation in urban areas, identify indicators for assessing the effectiveness of nature-based solutions and related knowledge gaps. In addition, we explore existing barriers and potential opportunities for increasing the scale and effectiveness of nature-based solution implementation. The results were derived from an inter- and transdisciplinary workshop with experts from research, municipalities, policy, and society. As an outcome of the workshop discussions and building on existing evidence, we highlight three main needs for future science and policy agendas when dealing with nature-based solutions: (i) produce stronger evidence on nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation and raise awareness by increasing implementation; (ii) adapt for governance challenges in implementing nature-based solutions by using reflexive approaches, which implies bringing together new networks of society, nature-based solution ambassadors, and practitioners; (iii) consider socio-environmental justice and social cohesion when implementing nature-based solutions by using integrated governance approaches that take into account an integrative and transdisciplinary participation of diverse actors. Taking these needs into account, nature-based solutions can serve as climate mitigation and adaptation tools that produce additional cobenefits for societal well-being, thereby serving as strong investment options for sustainable urban planning.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Apesar do amplo crescimento de iniciativas de educação em empreendedorismo nas últimas décadas, não existe ainda consenso quanto à eficácia destas ações, quer em termos de resultados económicos, quer no desenvolvimento de caraterísticas pessoais. A heterogeneidade de objetivos, e público-alvo e a não existência de métodos bem definidos e padronizados de avaliação, dificultam a obtenção de um entendimento geral sobre este fenómeno. Para além disso, muitos dos estudos apresentam uma série de limitações metodológicas e tendem a concentrar-se no contexto americano. Para colmatar estas lacunas, a presente investigação assume como propósito geral analisar a eficácia da educação em empreendedorismo no desenvolvimento da intenção e comportamento empreendedor, através de três unidades de análise: alunos e ex-alunos de uma unidade curricular de empreendedorismo e empreendedores de negócios nascentes. É utilizado uma metodologia mista: quantitativa, para as unidades de análise um e dois, e qualitativa, para a terceira unidade de análise. Os resultados demonstram que a educação em empreendedorismo não aumenta a intenção empreendedora dos alunos, nem o comportamento empreendedor dos ex-alunos. No entanto, verifica-se que a perceção de controlo do comportamento, o conhecimento relativo para o empreendedorismo e o contexto institucional (ou seja, a forma como os alunos internalizam os instrumentos e iniciativas de apoio ao empreendedorismo) aumentam com a participação na unidade curricular. Também, a educação em empreendedorismo é essencial na fase de arranque da própria empresa dotando os empreendedores de conhecimentos e competências que lhes permitem ter um maior controlo e confiança sobre a realização de todo o processo inerente à criação e desenvolvimento de uma ideia de negócio. Este estudo, ao utilizar uma abordagem integrada para a educação em empreendedorismo, permite compreender as diferenças que se devem considerar quando se planeia um programa deste tipo. Por conseguinte, os objetivos de um programa de empreendedorismo devem ser ajustados aos diferentes públicos-alvo, sendo importante perceber se os destinatários participam de forma voluntária ou obrigatória.
Las brechas de desarrollo entre los niños de diversos fondos socioeconómicos emergen temprano y persisten en un cierto plazo. La formación cognoscitiva de la habilidad es un proceso acumulativo y, así, todas las influencias relevantes que ocurrieron hasta que se mide la habilidad del tiempo pueden desempeñar papel en formar estas brechas. Las descomposiciones lineares basadas en la técnica de la Oaxaca-Blinder son una manera bastante común de estimar la contribución de dos o más categorías de variables a estas diferencias en el logro cognoscitivo. Dos ejemplos prominentes de estas categorías son influencias de la familia y de la escuela. Al respeto, los objetos expuestos de la literatura no tienen ningún consenso en términos de estrategia de la descomposición y la interpretación de sus componentes, tan bien como una tendencia a separar influencias del hogar y de la escuela asignando todas las características observadas de la casa, familia y del niño a la primera categoría. Esto puedo conducir a las implicaciones engañosas de la política y a los diagonales en las contribuciones estimadas de las categorías. Este análisis intenta contribuir a la literatura de dos maneras. Primero, explora formalmente el potencial para los diagonales en los ejercicios de la descomposición procurados hasta ahora. En segundo lugar, ofrece una estrategia alternativa de la descomposición constante con supuestos del comportamiento explícitas con respecto a la determinación de las entradas de la habilidad. Esto previene opciones arbitrarias en términos de técnica de la descomposición, sus componentes e interpretación, y también hace los diagonales menos propensos del análisis. Ilustro de manera empírica los puntos principales del análisis que emplea un dataset que contenga la información longitudinal sobre cuentas de la prueba, familia y características cognoscitivas de la escuela, para descomponer la brecha cognoscitiva de la habilidad observada, en la edad de 8 años entre los niños urbanos y rurales en Perú.
This paper describes a methodological proposal for the design, creation and evaluation of Learning Objects (LOs). This study arises from the compilation and analysis of several LO design methodologies currently used in Ibero-America. This proposal, which has been named DICREVOA, defines five different phases: analysis, design (instructional and multimedia), implementation (LO and metadata), evaluation (from the perspective of both the producer and the consumer of the LO), and publishing. The methodology focuses not only on the teaching inexperienced, but also on those having a basic understanding of the technological and educational aspects related to LO design; therefore, the study emphasizes LO design activities centered around the Kolb cycle and the use of the ExeLearning tool in order to implement the LO core. Additionally, DICREVOA was used in a case study, which demonstrates how it provides a feasible mechanism for LO design and implementation within different contexts. Finally, DICREVOA, the case study to which it was applied, and the results obtained are presented