540 resultados para Coins, Gallic.


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Antioxidant activity (AA), total phenolic content, and reducing power of the crude extract, fractions, and subfractions derived from a red alga, Polysiphonia urceolata, were evaluated and determined. The antioxidative activity was measured using the alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-pierylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay and the P-carotene-linoleate assay systems, and compared with that of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), gallic acid (GA), and ascorbic acid (AscA). The results showed that the crude extract and the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction exhibited higher AA than BHT in the DPPH assay model, at all of four concentration levels tested (from 0.4 to 50 mu g/ml), while, in the beta-carotene-linoleate assay system, the crude extract and the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction exhibited similar or, in most cases, higher AA than GA and AscA at the same concentrations (from 10 to 200 mu g/ml). The ethyl acetate-soluble fraction was further fractionated into seven subfractions F1-F7 by silica gel vacuum liquid chromatography. F1 was found to be the most effective subfraction in both assay systems. The total phenolic content and reducing power were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu and the potassium ferricyanide reduction methods, respectively. Statistical analysis indicated a significant association between the antioxidant potency and total phenolic content as well as between the antioxidant potency and reducing power. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-APCI-MS) assay for the determination of five pharmacologically active compounds (PAC) extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine, Rhodiola , namely salidroside, tyrosol, rhodionin, gallic acid, and ethyl gallate has been developed. In this method, PAC could be baseline separated and detected with DAD at 275 nm. The validation of the method, including sensitivity, linearity, repeatability, and recovery, was examined. The linear calibration curves were acquired with correlation coefficient >0.999 and the limits of detection LOD (at a signal-to-noise ratio=3:1) were between 0.058 and 1.500 mu mol/L. It was found, that the amounts of PAC varied with different species of Rhodiola . The established method is rapid and reproducible for the separation of five natural pharmacologically active compounds from extracts of Rhodiola with satisfactory results.


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A rapid capillary electrophoresis method for the separation of five natural pharmacologically active compounds from extracted Rhodiola, namely salidroside, tyrosol, rhodionin, gallic acid and ethyl gallate has been developed. The separation of five natural pharmacologically active compounds was carried out in a fused-silica capillary with 14 mM boric acid, 30 mM SDS and 2.5% acetonitrile, adjusted to pH 10.7 with NaOH. Applied potential was 21 kV. The temperature of the capillary was maintained at 25 degreesC by the instrument thermostating system, with the correlation coefficients of 0.9805-0.9989 for migration time, and relative standards of < 3.52% for peak areas. The established method is rapid and reproducible for the separation of five natural pharmacologically compounds from extracts of Rhodiola with satisfactory results.


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This study investigated the effect of ethanolic sesame cake extract on oxidative stabilization of olein based butter. Fractionation of cream was performed by the dry fractionation technique at 10 °C, ethanolic sesame cake extract (SCE) was incorporated into olein butter at three different concentrations; 50, 100, 150 ppm (T1, T2, T3) and compared with a control. The total phenolic content of SCE was 1.72 (mg gallic acid equivalent g−1 dry weight). The HPLC characterization of ethanolic sesame cake revealed the presence of antioxidant substances viz. sesamol, sesamin and sesamolin in higher extents. The DPPH free radical scavenging activity of SCE was 83 % as compared to 64 and 75 % in BHA and BHT. Fractionation of milk fat at 10 °C significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the fatty acid profile of olein and stearin fractions from the parent milk fat. Concentration of oleic acid and linoleic acid in olein fraction was 29.62 and 33.46 % greater than the parent milk fat. The loss of C18:1 in 90 days stored control and T3 was 24.37 and 3.58 %, respectively, 58 % C18:2 was broken down into oxidation products over 8.55 % loss in T3. The peroxide value of control, T1, T2, BHT and T3 in the Schaal oven test was 8.59, 8.12, 5.34, 4.52 and 2.49 (mequiv O2/kg). The peroxide value and anisidine value of 3 months stored control and T3 were 1.21, 0.42 (mequiv O2/kg) and 27.25, 13.25, respectively. The concentration of conjugated dienes in T3 was substantially less than the control. The induction period of T3 was considerably higher than BHT with no difference in sensory characteristics (p > 0.05). Ethanolic SCE can be used for the long-term preservation of olein butter, with acceptable sensory characteristics.


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Ce numéro était déjà sous presse quand, le 13 novembre 2015, Paris était une nouvelle fois la cible d’attentats terroristes d’une ampleur sans précédent, faisant plus d’une centaine de morts. Le Président François Hollande parla cette fois, de manière répétée, d’‘un acte de guerre’. Des voix solidaires se sont élevées des quatre coins de la planète, soulignant bien que, à travers la France, ce sont bien les valeurs qu’elle représente et qu’elle partage avec nombre de pays que les assassins de Daech visaient. Parmi tous les messages de solidarité, il nous semble important de souligner celui d’Hassan Rohani, le Président iranien, et celui d’Abdelaziz Bouteflika, le Président algérien: immédiatement, le premier ‘condamn[ait] avec vigueur ces crimes contre l'humanité et présent[ait] [s]es condoléance au peuple français endeuillé et au gouvernement’; le second dénonçait sans réserve ‘cette horreur planifiée [qui] constitue un véritable crime contre l'humanité’. Quant à Anouar Kbibech, le nouveau président du Conseil français du culte musulman, il ‘condamn[ait] avec la plus grande vigueur ces attaques inqualifiables’ et ‘appel[ait] à se regrouper autour de ces valeurs qui font la France’. Plus que jamais, il faut éviter les amalgames pour ne pas faire le jeu des minorités extrémistes.


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Em Portugal, as indústrias corticeira e de pasta de papel constituem um importante sector económico, contudo, gerando elevadas quantidades de subprodutos. Estes subprodutos poderiam ser explorados em aplicações de alto valor acrescentado, como fonte de compostos fenólicos, por exemplo, em vez de serem apenas queimados para produção de energia. Estes compostos são conhecidos pelas suas inúmeras propriedades, entre as quais, antioxidante, anti-inflamatória e anti-trombótica. Neste estudo as frações fenólicas da maior parte dos subprodutos gerados nas indústrias corticeira e de pasta de papel foram caracterizados em detalhe, com vista à sua valorização. A fração fenólica das cascas de Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii, bem como da cortiça de Quercus suber e resíduos provenientes da sua exploração, nomeadamente, o pó de cortiça e os condensados negros, foi obtida por processos convencionais de extração sólido-líquido. No caso da casca de E. globulus, foi ainda avaliado o potencial de metodologias “verdes” no processo de extração de compostos fenólicos, usando extração com CO2 supercrítico. Esta técnica foi otimizada com recurso a metodologias de superfície de resposta. Na identificação e quantificação dos compostos fenólicos foi usada cromatografia líquida de alta resolução aliada a técnicas de espectrometria de massa. O teor de fenólicos totais foi ainda determinado pelo método de Folin- Ciocalteu, essencialmente para efeitos comparativos. A caracterização da fração fenólica de cada extrato foi ainda complementada com a análise da atividade antioxidante, usando o radical 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazilo (DPPH). Foram identificados trinta compostos fenólicos na casca de E. globulus, 17 deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes, nomeadamente os ácidos quínico, di-hidroxifenilacétic, cafeico e metil-elágico, bis-hexahidroxidifenoil( HHDP)-glucose, galoil- bis-HHDP-glucose, galoil-HHDPglucose, isoramnetina—hexosídeo, quercetina-hexosídeo, ácido metil-elágicopentosídeo, miricetina-ramnosídeo, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo, mearnsetina, floridzina, mearnsetina-hexosídeo, luteolina e uma proantocianidina B. Neste trabalho, foi estudada pela primeira vez a composição fenólica das cascas de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii. Treze, doze e vinte e quatro compostos fenólicos foram identificados nas cascas de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii, respetivamente. Entre estes compostos encontram-se os ácidos quínico, gálico, metilgálico, protocatequínico, clorogénico e elágico, catequina, galoil-bis-HHDP-glucose, digaloilglucose, epicatequina, quercetina-glucoronídeo, di-hidroxiisopropilcromona- hexosídeo, isoramnetina-hexosídeo, ácido elágicoramnosídeo, taxifolina, quercetina-hexosídeo, di-hidroxi- (metilpropil)isopropilcromona-hexosídeo, ácido metil-elágico-pentosídeo, miricetina-ramnosídeo, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo, aromadendrina-ramnosídeo, mearnsetina, mearnsetina-hexosídeo, eriodictiol, quercetina, isoramnetina e naringenina. A análise da fração fenólica da cortiça permitiu identificar vinte e dois compostos fenólicos, dez deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes, nomeadamente, os ácidos quínico, salicílico, p-hidroxifenillático e metilgálico, ácido carboxílico da brevifolina, eriodictiol, naringenina, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico, isoramnetina-ramnosídeo e isoramnetina. No pó de cortiça industrial foram identificados dezasseis compostos fenólicos, nomeadamente os ácidos quínico, gálico, protocatequínico, cafeico, ferúlico, elágico e metilgálico, esculetina, ácido carboxílico da brevifolina, coniferaldeído, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico, uma dilactona do ácido valoneico, ácido elágico-pentosídeo, ácido elágico-ramnosídeo, isoramnetinaramnosídeo e isoramnetina. Destes, apenas o ácido elágico foi previamente referenciado como componente do pó de cortiça. Do mesmo modo, treze compostos fenólicos foram identificados no condensado negro, doze deles referenciados pela primeira vez como seus constituintes. São eles os ácidos quínico, gálico, p-hidroxifenil-láctico, protocatequínico, p-coumarico, cafeico e elágico, vanilina, esculetina, coniferaldeído, um éster isoprenílico do ácido cafeico e o eriodictiol. A extração supercrítica de compostos fenólicos da casca de eucalipto permitiu não só verificar os parâmetros que afetam a qualidade e quantidade finais dos extratos, como também obter os valores ótimos para estes parâmetros. Esta extração mostrou ainda ser bastante seletiva para determinados grupos de compostos fenólicos, como as flavanonas eriodictiol e naringenina e para o flavonol O-metilado isoramnetina. Este é também o primeiro estudo envolvendo a determinação da atividade antioxidante de extratos da cortiça e dos resíduos da sua exploração, bem como da casca de E. grandis, E. urograndis e E. maidenii. A vasta gama de compostos fenólicos identificados em cada extrato analisado, assim como as prominentes atividades antioxidantes, todas na mesma gama de valores do bem conhecido antioxidante comercial, ácido ascórbico, são claramente um grande contributo para a valorização destes subprodutos industriais.


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A vida da sociedade atual é dependente dos recursos fósseis, tanto a nível de energia como de materiais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma redução das reservas destes recursos, ao mesmo tempo que as necessidades da sociedade continuam a aumentar, tornando cada vez mais necessárias, a produção de biocombustíveis e produtos químicos. Atualmente o etanol é produzido industrialmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar e milho, matérias-primas usadas na alimentação humana e animal. Este fato desencadeou o aumento de preços dos alimentos em todo o mundo e, como consequência, provocou uma série de distúrbios sociais. Os subprodutos industriais, recursos independentes das cadeias alimentares, têm-se posicionado como fonte de matérias-primas potenciais para bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, surgem os subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade pela indústria papeleira. Os licores de cozimento da madeira ao sulfito ácido (SSLs) são uma matériaprima promissora, uma vez que durante este processo os polissacarídeos da madeira são hidrolisados originando açúcares fermentáveis. A composição dos SSLs varia consoante o tipo de madeira usada no processo de cozimento (de árvores resinosas, folhosas ou a mistura de ambas). O bioprocessamento do SSL proveniente de folhosas (HSSL) é uma metodologia ainda pouco explorada. O HSSL contém elevadas concentrações de açúcares (35-45 g.L-1), na sua maioria pentoses. A fermentação destes açúcares a bioetanol é ainda um desafio, uma vez que nem todos os microrganismos são capazes de fermentar as pentoses a etanol. De entre as leveduras capazes de fermentar naturalmente as pentoses, destaca-se a Scheffersomyces stipitis, que apresenta uma elevada eficiência de fermentação. No entanto, o HSSL contém também compostos conhecidos por inibirem o crescimento de microrganismos, dificultando assim o seu bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção de bioetanol pela levedura S. stipitis a partir de HSSL, resultante do cozimento ao sulfito ácido da madeira de Eucalyptus globulus. Para alcançar este objetivo, estudaram-se duas estratégias de operação diferentes. Em primeiro lugar estudou-se a bio-desintoxicação do HSSL com o fungo filamentoso Paecilomyces variotii, conhecido por crescer em resíduos industriais. Estudaram-se duas tecnologias fermentativas diferentes para a biodesintoxicação do HSSL: um reator descontínuo e um reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR). A remoção biológica de inibidores do HSSL foi mais eficaz quando se usou o SBR. P. variotii assimilou alguns inibidores microbianos como o ácido acético, o ácido gálico e o pirogalol, entre outros. Após esta desintoxicação, o HSSL foi submetido à fermentação com S. stipitis, na qual foi atingida a concentração máxima de etanol de 2.36 g.L-1 com um rendimento de 0.17 g.g-1. P. variotti, além de desintoxicar o HSSL, também é útil na produção de proteína microbiana (SCP) para a alimentação animal pois, a sua biomassa é rica em proteína. O estudo da produção de SCP por P. variotii foi efetuado num SBR com HSSL sem suplementos e suplementado com sais. A melhor produção de biomassa foi obtida no HSSL sem adição de sais, tendo-se obtido um teor de proteína elevado (82,8%), com uma baixa concentração de DNA (1,1%). A proteína continha 6 aminoácidos essenciais, mostrando potencial para o uso desta SCP na alimentação animal e, eventualmente, em nutrição humana. Assim, a indústria papeleira poderá integrar a produção de bioetanol após a produção SCP e melhorar a sustentabilidade da indústria de pastas. A segunda estratégia consistiu em adaptar a levedura S. stipitis ao HSSL de modo a que esta levedura conseguisse crescer e fermentar o HSSL sem remoção de inibidores. Operou-se um reator contínuo (CSTR) com concentrações crescentes de HSSL, entre 20 % e 60 % (v/v) durante 382 gerações em HSSL, com uma taxa de diluição de 0.20 h-1. A população adaptada, recolhida no final do CSTR (POP), apresentou uma melhoria na fermentação do HSSL (60 %), quando comparada com a estirpe original (PAR). Após esta adaptação, a concentração máxima de etanol obtida foi de 6.93 g.L-1, com um rendimento de 0.26 g.g-1. POP possuía também a capacidade de metabolizar, possivelmente por ativação de vias oxidativas, compostos derivados da lenhina e taninos dissolvidos no HSSL, conhecidos inibidores microbianos. Por fim, verificou-se também que a pré-cultura da levedura em 60 % de HSSL fez com que a estirpe PAR melhorasse o processo fermentativo em HSSL, em comparação com o ensaio sem pré-cultura em HSSL. No entanto, no caso da estirpe POP, o seu metabolismo foi redirecionado para a metabolização dos inibidores sendo que a produção de etanol decresceu.


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The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of ionic liquids (ILs) as a new class of extractive solvents for added-value products from biomass. These include phenolic compounds (vanillin, gallic, syringic and vanillic acids), alkaloids (caffeine) and aminoacids (L-tryptophan). The interest on these natural compounds relies on the wide variety of relevant properties shown by those families and further application in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aiming at developping more benign and effective extraction/purification techniques than those used, a comprehensive study was conducted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ILs and inorganic/organic salts. In addition, ILs were characterized by a polarity scale, using solvatochromic probes, aiming at providing prior indications on the ILs affinity for particular added-value products. Solid-liquid (S-L) extractions from biomass and using aqueous solution of ILs were also investigated. In particular, and applying and experimental factorial design to optimize the operational conditions, caffeine was extracted from guaraná seeds and spent coffee. With both types of extractions it was found that it is possible to recover the high-value compounds and to recycle the IL and salt solutions. Finally, aiming at exploring the recovery of added-value compounds from biomass using a simpler and more suistainable technique, the solubility of gallic acid, vanillin and caffeine was studied in aqueous solutions of several ILs and common salts. With the gathered results it was possible to demonstrate that ILs act as hydrotropes and that water can be used as an adequate antisolvent. This thesis describes the use of ILs towards the development of more effective and sustainable processes.


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In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations (OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism. The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosangallic acid (GA) release in water from film-1, film-2 and film-3 was next studied over a 30 day period. The mathematical model for the release of GA based on Fick’s law successfully fitted the experimental data and GA diffusion coefficients, assumed to be Arrhenius temperature dependent were obtained for each film. This work will contribute to the development of environmentally friendly packaging films, resulting in improved food preservation and shelf-life extension.


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In this paper, it was evaluated the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of beverages using an electrochemical biosensor. The biosensor consisted on the purine base (guanine or adenine) electro-immobilization on a glassy carbon electrode surface (GCE). Purine base damage was induced by the hydroxyl radical generated by Fenton-type reaction. Five antioxidants were applied to counteract the deleterious effects of the hydroxyl radical. The antioxidants used were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants have the ability to scavenger the hydroxyl radical and protect the guanine and adenine immobilized on the GCE surface. The interaction carried out between the purinebase immobilized and the free radical in the absence and presence of antioxidants was evaluated by means of changes in the guanine and adenine anodic peak obtained by square wave voltammetry (SWV). The results demonstrated that the purine-biosensors are suitable for rapid assessment of TAC in beverages.


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A flow injection analysis (FIA) system comprising a tartrate- (TAT) selective electrode has been developed for determination of tartaric acid in wines. Several electrodes constructed for this purpose had a PVC membrane with a complex of quaternary ammonium and TAT as anion exchanger, a phenol derivative as additive, and a more or less polar mediator solvent. Characterization of the electrodes showed behavior was best for membranes with o-nitrophenyl octyl ether as solvent. On injection of 500 μL into a phosphate buffer carrier (pH = 3.1; ionic strength 10–2 mol/L) flowing at 3 mL/min, the slope was 58.06 ± 0.6 with a lower limit of linear range of 5.0 × 10–4 mol/L TAT and R2 = 0.9989. The interference of several species, e.g. chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, gallic acid, tannin, sucrose, glucose, fructose, acetate, and citrate, was evaluated in terms of potentiometric selectivity coefficients. The Hofmeister series was followed for inorganic species and the most interfering organic ion was citrate. When red and white wines were analyzed and the results compared with those from an independent method they were found to be accurate, with relative standard deviations below 5.0%.


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A new flow-injection analytical procedure is proposed for the determination of the total amount of polyphenols in wines; the method is based on the formation of a colored complex between 4-aminoantipyrine and phenols, in the presence of an oxidizing reagent. The oxidizing agents hexacyanoferrate(III), peroxodisulfate, and tetroxoiodate(VII) were tested. Batch trials were first performed to select appropriate oxidizing agents, pH, and concentration ratios of reagents, on the basis of their effect on the stability of the colored complex. Conditions selected as a result of these trials were implemented in a flow-injection analytical system in which the influence of injection volume, flow rate, and reaction- coil length, was evaluated. Under the optimum conditions the total amount of polyphenols, expressed as gallic acid, could be determined within a concentration range of 36 to 544 mg L–1, and with a sensitivity of 344 L mol–1 cm–1 and an RSD <1.1%. The reproducibility of analytical readings was indicative of standard deviations <2%. Interference from sugars, tartaric acid, ascorbic acid, methanol, ammonium sulfate, and potassium chloride was negligible. The proposed system was applied to the determination of total polyphenols in red wines, and enabled analysis of approximately 55 samples h–1. Results were usually precise and accurate; the RSD was <3.9% and relative errors, by the Folin–Ciocalteu method, <5.1%.


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In this paper, a biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was used for the evaluation of the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of flavours and flavoured waters. This biosensor was constructed by immobilising purine bases, guanine and adenine, on a GCE. Square wave voltammetry (SWV) was selected for the development of this methodology. Damage caused by the reactive oxygen species (ROS), superoxide radical (O2·−), generated by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase (XOD) system on the DNA-biosensor was evaluated. DNA-biosensor encountered with oxidative lesion when it was in contact with the O2·−. There was less oxidative damage when reactive antioxidants were added. The antioxidants used in this work were ascorbic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid and resveratrol. These antioxidants are capable of scavenging the superoxide radical and therefore protect the purine bases immobilized on the GCE surface. The results demonstrated that the DNA-based biosensor is suitable for the rapid assess of TAC in beverages.


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The purpose of the present work is to determine the antioxidant capacity (AC) of 27 commercial beers. The AC indicates the degree of protection of a certain organism against oxidative damage provoked by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Assays were carried out by the following methods: (i) total radical trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP); (ii) trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC); (iii) trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (DPPH); (iv) ferric-ion reducing antioxidant parameter (FRAP); (v) cupric reducing antioxidant capacity (CUPRAC); (vi) oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). Ascorbic acid (AA), gallic acid (GA) and trolox (TR) were used as standards. All beers showed antioxidant power, but a wide range of ACs was observed. The effect of several factors upon these differences was studied. Statistical differences were found between ACs of beers of different colours. ORAC method provided always higher experimental ACs, of significant statistical differences to other assays.


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Les régions Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Lorraine, Alsace, Picardie, Champagne-Ardenne et Franche-Comté, de Lille à Strasbourg, ont tissé une relation unique avec les voyageurs, travailleurs, artistes, soldats, réfugiés, rapatriés et " sans-papiers " venus des Suds. Depuis le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle, le Nord-Est est une véritable frontière d'empire : il a reçu plus d'un million de combattants et travailleurs coloniaux lors des trois conflits qui opposèrent la France à l'Allemagne. Parallèlement, des dizaines d'expositions coloniales et ethnographiques contribuent à la formation d'une culture coloniale et accompagnent un premier flux d'originaires des colonies vers la métropole, notamment dans les mines du Nord. Durant tout le XXe siècle, venus des quatre coins de l'empire et du monde, recrutés et dockers chinois, soldats et étudiants d'Afrique noire, combattants, travailleurs et militants du Maghreb, migrants et ouvriers turcs, mobilisés indochinois et rapatriés vietnamiens ou d'Algérie, militants et enfants des deuxième et troisième générations, passent ou se fixent dans ces régions... Ce livre raconte leurs parcours et s'attache également au regard posé sur ces centaines de milliers de migrants, aujourd'hui composante importante de la société locale. A travers des images exceptionnelles et inédites, c'est l'histoire " aux confins d'un empire " qui se révèle ici. Histoire longue, complexe et étonnante, toujours en mouvement, constitutive en partie des mémoires et des identités locales.