999 resultados para Coeficiente de transferência de calor médio
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
Os recursos genéticos existentes, atualmente, são de suma importância para garantir a preservação de espécies florestais, uma vez que parte delas vem sofrendo excessiva exploração por se tratar de espécies economicamente importantes ou simplesmente devido à ação antrópica. Tendo em vista este panorama, o presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de fornecer subsídios genéticos para a conservação da espécie ipê-roxo. Analisou-se 31 progênies de Tabebuia heptaphylla da região da Bacia do Médio Tiête. Utilizaram-se três locos, sendo um dos primers desenvolvido para o gênero Tabebuia e os outros para outros gêneros. O parâmetro Fst analisado mostrou haver uma menor diversidade entre progênies (21,47%) que dentro delas (78,53%). O coeficiente médio de endogamia, Fis, para a espécie, apresentou um valor relativamente alto (0,276) quando comparado com a literatura para espécies florestais. A taxa de cruzamento foi de 0,808, revelou que a espécie tem sistema reprodutivo misto, com tendência para a alogamia. As autofecundações foram de 19,2%, a percentagem de irmãos completos foi de 11,23%, de meios-irmãos foi igual a 69,57% e o coeficiente de coancestria ( xy) foi de 0,1776
Energia, suas formas e transformações: uma abordagem contextualizada por meio de material não-formal
Energy is a physical quantity very present in physics. Although extremely useful, its concept is very abstract for most students in high school and college. Identify the presence and form of energy in a given phenomenon is not simple, as there is immediate understanding on the transfer and transformation. This work emphasizes the study of mechanical energy in its different forms as well as the thermal energy, considering the possible transformations between them. To this end, use is mad of toys, exploring its potential as an alternative material to be use in supplement classroom teaching in primary and secondary levels. The proposed use of ludic pedagogy takes into account the author’s experience as an intern project Toy Scientific Department of Physics and its role as mediator in the workshops offered by the project to school at these levels
The education research guidelines have shown the important contribution of the investigations that focus on analysis of the discursive dimension of teaching and learning of Science in actual classroom. An interesting proposal to analyze the effectiveness of an educational activity is to assess the potential of investigative activities in the development of argumentation in science classes. Several studies have taken into account the use of argument in the classroom as a way to provide students with new ways to know the science. Argument refers to the process of associating components that play a central role in the construction of explanations, models and theories. In order to investigate the potential of these activities took place the application of investigative activities with third-year high school students, recorded in audio and video, focusing on the development of the argument. The search, conducted ranks as a qualitative research with characteristics of a case study. The arguments collected during the activities contained the students' conceptions about the concepts discussed and all were recorded in audio and video. With the encouragement of the argument by the investigative activity we evaluate the learning experienced by the speech of students. It may be noted that students have appropriated the concept of oxidation involving electron transfer, thus the activity reached the goal, so that was planned, making it effective for the introduction of electrochemical concepts
The anisocytosis is a hematologic finding that is routinely evaluated from the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and erythrocyte morphology in assessment of blood smears. The present study tested the hypothesis that the coefficient of variation of the red cell distribution width (RDW-CV - Red Cell Distribution Width) is a more sensitive parameter in the evaluation of hematologic anisocytosis, considering different levels of anemia in dogs and reticulocytosis. Blood counts of 102 anemic dogs and 353 control dogs made by automated hematology counter. The anemic animals were grouped according to the degree of anemia (mild, moderate and severe) and also as medullary response by manual reticulocyte count (none, weak, moderate and strong). The RDW-CV was different to the animal groups with moderate and severe anemia, which were higher, compared to the control group and mild anemia. The highest average value of RDW-CV (14.45%) occurred in patients with severe anemia. In the control group had higher MCV value that anemic animals , this may be due to a mixed population of erythrocytes in that group of animals. However, there wasn’t difference in MCV between different degrees of anemia and reticulocytosis. Therefore, the RDW is a more sensitive indicator anisocytosis than VCM and its value is directly proportional to the degree of anemia and reticulocytosis; when combined, the sensitivity for detection of anisocytosis in anemic dogs is greater. The use of reference values established by the clinical laboratory itself is mighty important.
We report here a study about the application of a formal teaching strategy about heat and temperature concepts applied among high school students. The strategy belongs to a research trend which deals with epistemological analogies and has an innovative character related to the students’ preparation for rational debates between conceptions and/or rival theories, using didactical rational reconstruction (DRR) which aims to help scientific concepts rational learning. We investigate the outcomes of this preparation and students’ conceptual development, analyzed through a qualitative-interpretative methodological approach.
In this paper we propose and describe the performance of an experimental activity to address the concept of friction in High School Physics practical classes. We use a low-cost and simple construction device that enables the determination of the coefficient of static friction between two materials through three different procedures. The results were coherent, with small percentage deviation, which gives reliability to the activity and can stimulate discussions in class. The activity also allows greater contextualization of concepts that are usually discussed only theoretically, requiring a higher abstraction level of the students. This can stimulate discussions and greater interaction between teacher and students.
In the context of the product development process (PDP), portfolio management plays an important role by determing the set of products that a company uses to compete. Due to its characteristics, performing continuous technological forecasting activities for developing and transferring technologies to their products through the PDP, this tends to make portfolio management a complex activity for products at these companies. This paper’s objective was to identify practices for product portfolio management in a medium-sized technology-based firm located in São Carlos, SP. Qualitative research was used and it was operationalized through a case study. Among the main results, it was noted that decisions on product portfolio depend mainly on the perception of senior management and the financial analyzes constitute the main method used for supporting the decision.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
The study aimed to determine the coefficient of the yellow passion fruit cultivation and irrigation set capable of increasing crop productivity and quality of production in the environmental conditions of the semi-arid region of Piauí. The experiment was conducted in the Pilot Project for Fruit Crops Irrigated area in Santa Rosa, PI. We used a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. Treatments (irrigation) were defined according to percentages of reference evapotranspiration (ETo): T1 25%, T2: 50%, T3: 75%, T4: 100%; T5: T6 and 125%: 150%. For monitoring water in the soil profile was used tensiometers. To determine the crop coefficient (Kc) used the water balance in the soil treatment based on 100% replacement of water. Morphological and physiological characteristics of yellow passion fruit were evaluated. The maximum yield of 27.052 kg ha-1 yr-1 was obtained by applying a water depth of 763.80 mm. The values of average fruit weight ranged from 0.207 kg (T6) and 0.159 kg (T1). The average kc obtained for the vegetative stage was 0.57 to 0.94 and flowering stage to fruiting phase 1.04. The water depth of greater efficiency comprise in the range of 75% and 100% ETo.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)