963 resultados para Cochran regressione lineare stima inferenza statistica
Esta dissertação analisa as obras do autor, quadrinista, teatrólogo e ator Lourenço Mutarelli, principalmente, os romances O cheiro do ralo, O natimorto, Jesus Kid e as narrativas gráficas Caixa de Areia, Mundo Pet, Réquiem e Quando meu pai encontrou o e.t. fazia um dia quente, a partir de duas perspectivas presentes na escrita contemporânea: o hibridismo entre diversas linguagens e os novos modos da escrita de si. Quanto ao primeiro aspecto, privilegia-se o dialogismo entre cinema e literatura, com importantes questionamentos e discussões acerca de quanto a literatura, por ser a obra original, é de fato superior em relação à sétima arte. A fim de analisar algumas questões essenciais que advêm da intertextualidade entre cinema e literatura − como originalidade, hierarquia e fidelidade −, este trabalho propõe abordagens que buscam explicitar que, ao se adaptar um texto literário, o cinema cria uma outra obra, híbrida, dotada de novas perspectivas, já contextualizadas no momento presente ao da adaptação, ou seja, trazendo para o texto literário um olhar suplementar, a partir de experiências, ideias e vivências do diretor. Em relação à segunda tendência observada na atualidade, a exposição da intimidade através de diferentes meios − blogs, portais da internet, reality shows, entre outros − vem alterando a forma de o autor lidar com a própria obra e com o público leitor. O escritor parece criar uma persona, tornando-se, muitas vezes, personagem de seu texto e fazendo uso da autoficção, com a mescla de elementos biográficos e ficcionais. Essa nova forma de escrita de si para além dos tradicionais diários, cartas e autobiografias resgata o autor da morte anunciada por Barthes e o traz novamente como objeto de análise do texto literário
Piezocomposites that can operate at frequencies above 30 MHz without spurious modes are required in order to develop sufficiently sensitive high frequency arrays for high resolution imaging. However, scaling down of conventional piezocomposite fabrication techniques becomes increasingly difficult as dimensions decrease with increasing frequency. The approach presented here is to use micro-moulded 1-3 piezocomposites and a distribution of piezoelectric segment size and separation. Innovative approaches to composite pattern design, based on a randomized spatial distribution, are presented. Micro-moulding techniques are shown to be suitable for fabricating composites with dimensions required for high frequency composites. Randomized piezocomposite patterns are modeled and are shown to suppress spurious modes.
Integration of a piezoelectric high frequency ultrasound (HFUS) array with a microfabricated application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) performing a range of functions has several advantages for ultrasound imaging. The number of signal cables between the array/electronics and the data acquisition / imaging system can be reduced, cutting costs and increasing functionality. Electrical impedance matching is also simplified and the same approach can reduce overall system dimensions for applications such as endoscopic ultrasound. The work reported in this paper demonstrates early ASIC operation with a piezocomposite HFUS array operating at approximately 30 MHz. The array was tested in three different modes. Clear signals were seen in catch-mode, with an external transducer as a source of ultrasound, and in pitch-mode with the external transducer as a receiver. Pitch-catch mode was also tested successfully, using sequential excitation on three array elements, and viable signals were detected. However, these were relatively small and affected by interference from mixed-signal sources in the ASIC. Nevertheless, the functionality and compatibility of the two main components of an integrated HFUS - ASIC device have been demonstrated and the means of further optimization are evident.
High-frequency ultrasound is needed for medical imaging with high spatial resolution. A key issue in the development of ultrasound imaging arrays to operate at high frequencies (≥30 MHz) is the need for photolithographic patterning of array electrodes. To achieve this directly on 1-3 piezocomposite, the material requires not only planar, parallel, and smooth surfaces, but also an epoxy composite filler that is resistant to chemicals, heat, and vacuum. This paper reports, first, on the surface finishing of 1-3 piezocomposite materials by lapping and polishing. Excellent surface flatness has been obtained, with an average surface roughness of materials as low as 3 nm and step heights between ceramic/polymer of ∼80 nm. Subsequently, high-frequency array elements were patterned directly on top of these surfaces using a photolithography process. A 30-MHz linear array electrode pattern with 50-μm element pitch has been patterned on the lapped and polished surface of a high-frequency 1-3 piezocomposite. Excellent electrode edge definition and electrical contact to the composite were obtained. The composite has been lapped to a final thickness of ∼55 μm. Good adhesion of electrodes on the piezocomposite has been achieved and electrical impedance measurements have demonstrated their basic functionality. The array was then packaged, and acoustic pulse-echo measurements were performed. These results demonstrate that direct patterning of electrodes by photolithography on 1-3 piezocomposite is feasible for fabrication of high-frequency ultrasound arrays. Furthermore, this method is more conducive to mass production than other reported array fabrication techniques.
A modified gel-casting technique was used to fabricate a 1-3 piezoelectric ceramic/polymer composite substrate formed by irregular-shaped pillar arrays of small dimensions and kerfs. This technique involves the polymerization of aqueous piezoelectric (PZT) suspensions with added water-soluble epoxy resin and polyamine-based hardener that lead to high strength, high density and resilient ceramic bodies. Soft micromoulding was used to shape the ceramic segments, and micropillars with lateral features down to 4 m and height-to-width aspect ratios of ∼10 were achieved. The composite exhibited a clear thickness resonance mode at approximately 70 MHz and a k eff ∼ 0.51, demonstrating that the ceramic micropillars possess good electrical properties. Furthermore, gel-casting allows the fabrication of ceramic structures with non-conventional shapes; hence, device design is not limited by the standard fabrication methods. This is of particular benefit for high-frequency transducers where the critical design dimensions are reduced. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
A survey of the testate amoebae of northwest Yunnan in the Hengduan Mountains region of southwest China revealed 151 species belonging to 29 genera. Of these, three genera and 27 species were new to the testate amoebae fauna of China. The widely distributed and dominant species were Centropyxis aculeata aculeata, C aerophila aerophila, C. sylvatica, Difflugia elegans, D. globulosa, D. pristis, D. pulex, Phryganella hemisphaerica, Trinema enchelys, and T lineare. The most diverse genera were Difflugia (41 species), Centropyxis (31 species), Arcella (18 species), and Euglypha (11 species). The number of species in each sample varied greatly. It appears that species diversity of testate amoebae is related not only to macro-environments (e.g., geographic zonation) but also to microenvironments (e.g., microhabitats).
Twenty-two populations of seven species of Cremanthodium from high altitude regions of western China were observed karyologically. C. ellisii, C. microglossum, C. brunneo-pilosum, C. stenoglossum, C. discoideum and C. lineare all had the same chromosome number of 2n=58 whereas C. humile had 2n=60. All chromosome numbers of these species are documented here for the first time. The basic number of x=30 is new for this genus. The karyotypes of all species belong to 2A type according to Stebbins' asymmetry classification of karyotypes. Two basic chromosome numbers, x=30 and x=29 in Cremanthodium, correspond exactly to two branching patterns in this genus, sympodial versus monopodial. The systematic and taxonomic statuses of the sympodial species need further study. The karyomorphological data provide no support to the sectional subdivision in Cremanthodium. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.
本文描述了贵州中寒武世凯里组中的分枝状宏观藻类化石5属7种,即:Marpolia spissa Walcott,Marpolia aequalis Walcott,Guizhouella ramulosa Yang(gen.et sp.nov.),Doushantuophyton lineare Chen,Thamnophton formosus Yang(gen.et sp.nov.),Eoulothrix fibrillata Ding,Eoulothrix flabellophyton Yang(sp.mov.)。根据大量的藻类与凯里生物群共生特征,从藻类的生态及生物群分布受到沉积韵律控制等特征分析,认为凯里生物群生活环境的水深应该在30-60m,而埋藏和保存环境的水深是150m左右。另外,将凯里生物群中的宏观藻类化石与震旦纪陡山沱期的藻类化石进行了比较,两者在以分枝状藻类占主要组成上是相似的,从这一方面来说,晚震旦世宏观藻类与寒武纪宏观藻类没有大的演变,但寒武纪宏观藻类以出现钙质珊瑚藻类、分枝更加复杂的类型和具有锯齿状叶状体、生殖托构造的藻类为特征。
锑(antimony,Sb)是一种典型的毒害重金属元素。我国作为世界上最主要的锑生产国,有关锑的表生地球化学及锑污染防治研究还很薄弱。贵州省位于我国西南低温成矿域中心,具有高Sb地球化学背景值,是我国重要的锑工业基地,境内分布着大量Sb矿床,锑矿储量居全国第四位。贵州又地处我国西南喀斯特中心区域,岩溶地貌极其发育,生态环境脆弱。由于大规模锑矿资源的开采利用,锑矿区土壤和水体中Sb污染十分突出,并通过水体或食物链对矿区及流域居民健康形成潜在威胁。因此,研究矿山环境中Sb的表生地球化学对于认识Sb污染的环境效应和寻求Sb污染修复方式具有至关重要的意义。 本文以贵州半坡大型锑矿区为研究对象,系统研究了Sb在矿区岩石、固体废弃物、土壤、水体和植物体等表生环境介质中的分布、迁移、富集规律与赋存机制,阐明了矿区Sb的表生地球化学过程规律,评价了矿区围岩、(废)矿石和尾矿砂等样品的产酸潜力,筛选出新的锑潜在超富集植物和超耐受性植物,并获得以下主要认识: (1) 独山半坡锑矿区是典型高锑地质地球化学背景区,不仅矿石中Sb含量很高,而且围岩中Sb含量也远高于上地壳Sb的平均含量。辉锑矿是锑的主要载体和释放源。 (2) 在固体废弃物中,冶炼废渣中Sb含量最高,其次为废石堆和尾砂库。废石中元素特征基本与围岩一致,继承了围岩的元素特征,而尾矿砂由于破碎、浮选过程的改造,其元素含量特征与围岩存在差异。尾砂砂中Sb以中层最富,底层和表层依次降低,与Fe、Al矿物的分布特征相似,这种分布模式主要受氧化还原条件、雨水淋滤、Fe/Al矿物吸附机制等因素控制。尾矿砂中不同相态的锑含量依次为残渣态>碳酸盐结合态>有机物结合态>可交换态>铁锰氧化物结合态,其中生物易利用态Sb的空间分布特征与总Sb分布特征一致。 (3) 所有的(废)矿石样品都具有潜在产酸能力,需要采取必要的措施抑制酸性矿山排水的产生。尾矿砂没有产酸潜力,这与矿石在选冶过程中加入石灰处理和S含量过低等原因有关,这种碱性环境可能有利于锑的表生地球化学活化和迁移。 (4) 研究区土壤受到严重锑污染,土壤中Sb含量高达51~7369 mg/kg,且随深度增加而逐渐降低,底层含量与对照区相近。这种高含量的Sb可能是与锑矿化有关的裸露岩石和土壤的自然风化淋滤过程和采矿、冶炼活动等造成的。研究区土壤中不同相态的Sb含量依次为残渣态>铁/锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>有机物/硫化物结合态>可交换态。土壤中Sb的生物有效性很低。土壤中Sb的迁移与As密切相关。 (5) 研究区水体为SO4/HCO3-Ca型,水体中的Sb以溶解态、悬浮态和沉积物形式存在,并通过吸附-解吸附和水流推移方式进行迁移。洪水期和枯水期水体中Sb的扩散迁移机制存在差异,洪水期研究区内水体对岔河下游水体污染危害更大。在枯水期,岔河水体中溶解态Sb含量和沉积物中Sb含量存在显著正相关关系,表明枯水期沉积物和水体界面间达到物质交换平衡。水体的氧化还原条件和pH值控制着水体中Sb的存在形态。沉积物中不同相态Sb含量依次为残渣态>碳酸盐结合态,铁锰氧化物结合态>可交换态,有机物/硫化物结合态。研究区水体中Sb主要受矿区采矿、选冶活动的强烈影响。水体中硫同位素示踪研究发现,岔河下游水体中59%的S来自于矿山硫源的贡献,表明矿山活动严重影响到岔河下游水体水质。 (6) 植物对土壤中Sb的吸收与植物部位和种类有关。大体上地下部分>地上部分,且根>叶片>茎。在农作物中,白菜>甘蓝>辣椒和稻谷。研究发现,土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn.)是新的Sb潜在超富集植物,鬼针草(Bidens pilosa Linn.)、一年蓬(Erigeron annuus (Linn.) Pers.)、佛甲草(Sedum lineare Thun)、凹叶景天(Sedum emarginatum Migo)、灰灰菜(Chenopodium album Linn.)和鼠麹草(Gnaphalium affine D. Don)也能大量富集Sb,并有很强耐受性。 (7) 研究区这种特殊的高Sb地质环境和人为活动的影响,导致表生环境中Sb的高度富集,造成农作物、水体中Sb含量极高,通过食物链和水体严重影响当地居民的身体健康。
The identification of subject-specific traits extracted from patterns of brain activity still represents an important challenge. The need to detect distinctive brain features, which is relevant for biometric and brain computer interface systems, has been also emphasized in monitoring the effect of clinical treatments and in evaluating the progression of brain disorders. Graph theory and network science tools have revealed fundamental mechanisms of functional brain organization in resting-state M/EEG analysis. Nevertheless, it is still not clearly understood how several methodological aspects may bias the topology of the reconstructed functional networks. In this context, the literature shows inconsistency in the chosen length of the selected epochs, impeding a meaningful comparison between results from different studies. In this study we propose an approach which aims to investigate the existence of a distinctive functional core (sub-network) using an unbiased reconstruction of network topology. Brain signals from a public and freely available EEG dataset were analyzed using a phase synchronization based measure, minimum spanning tree and k-core decomposition. The analysis was performed for each classical brain rhythm separately. Furthermore, we aim to provide a network approach insensitive to the effects that epoch length has on functional connectivity (FC) and network reconstruction. Two different measures, the phase lag index (PLI) and the Amplitude Envelope Correlation (AEC), were applied to EEG resting-state recordings for a group of eighteen healthy volunteers. Weighted clustering coefficient (CCw), weighted characteristic path length (Lw) and minimum spanning tree (MST) parameters were computed to evaluate the network topology. The analysis was performed on both scalp and source-space data. Results about distinctive functional core, show highest classification rates from k-core decomposition in gamma (EER=0.130, AUC=0.943) and high beta (EER=0.172, AUC=0.905) frequency bands. Results from scalp analysis concerning the influence of epoch length, show a decrease in both mean PLI and AEC values with an increase in epoch length, with a tendency to stabilize at a length of 12 seconds for PLI and 6 seconds for AEC. Moreover, CCw and Lw show very similar behaviour, with metrics based on AEC more reliable in terms of stability. In general, MST parameters stabilize at short epoch lengths, particularly for MSTs based on PLI (1-6 seconds versus 4-8 seconds for AEC). At the source-level the results were even more reliable, with stability already at 1 second duration for PLI-based MSTs. Our results confirm that EEG analysis may represent an effective tool to identify subject-specific characteristics that may be of great impact for several bioengineering applications. Regarding epoch length, the present work suggests that both PLI and AEC depend on epoch length and that this has an impact on the reconstructed network topology, particularly at the scalp-level. Source-level MST topology is less sensitive to differences in epoch length, therefore enabling the comparison of brain network topology between different studies.
A Troublesome Inheritance, by Nicholas Wade, should be read by anyone interested in race and recent human evolution. Wade deserves credit for challenging the popular dog-ma that biological differences between groups either don't exist or cannot ex-plain the relative success of different groups at different tasks. Wade's work should be read alongside another re-cent book, The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution, by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending. Together, these books represent a ma-jor turning point in the public debate about the speed with which relatively isolated groups can evolve: both books suggest that small genetic differences between members of different groups can have large impacts on their abilities and propensities, which in turn affect the outcomes of the societies in which they live.
Sandy shores are known to be extreme ecosystems where the vegetation has evolved many morphological and physiological adaptations for its survival. With the aim of identify possible relationships between the vegetation´s functional diversity with abiotic factors and its corresponding quantification, we collected data on the abundance and richness of the sandy coast vegetation complex in Grande, Anclitas and Caguamas keys. Its flora is largely characterized by the dominance of hemicryptophytes and chamaephytes plants with nanophyllous leaves and displaying dispersal syndromes such as zoochory and anemochory. However, the functional groups´ richness, in the present study, varies from one key to another. Functional diversity is similar between the wet and dry seasons, and its spatial variation is influenced by the interplay of the set of abiotic factors herein studied.
El rol desempeñado por la opinión pública en el desarrollo de la política criminal actual justifica el incremento de investigaciones destinadas a evaluar las actitudes de los ciudadanos hacia el castigo. No obstante, los avances en este ámbito han sido limitados debido a la utilización de rudimentarios instrumentos de medida. Por ello, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito explorar el efecto que generan en la opinión ciudadana ciertas variables referidas al hecho delictivo y al infractor, precisando su contribución relativa y la interacción existente entre ellas. Para satisfacer este objetivo se recurrió a un diseño factorial de la encuesta, creando una población de 256 casos-escenario fruto de la combinación de cuatro factores: la edad del joven, su historial delictivo, el grado de implicación en el hecho y el tipo de delito cometido. Los mismos fueron distribuidos en grupos de ocho casos ordenados aleatoriamente y fueron suministrados a 32 sujetos. Posteriormente se aplicaron análisis de regresión logística binaria. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que la naturaleza violenta de los hechos, la implicación activa de los jóvenes y el historial delictivo son predictores importantes de las condenas punitivas. Sin embargo la edad, una variable fundamental en la configuración de la justicia juvenil, no resulta significativa. De este modo, el trabajo muestra el potencial explicativo de este conjunto de factores y debate sus implicaciones teóricas y metodológicas para la investigación futura en este terreno.