895 resultados para Cochlear filter bank
The removal of organics from copper electrolyte solutions after solvent extraction by dual media filtration is one of the most efficient ways to ensure the clean electrolyte flow into the electrowinning. The clean electrolyte will ensure the good quality cathode plate production. Dual media filtration uses two layers of filter media for filtration as anthracite and garnet respectively. The anthracite layer will help the coalescing of the entrained organic droplets which will then float to the top of the filter, and back to the solvent extraction process. The garnet layer will catch any solids left in the electrolyte traveling through the filter media. This thesis will concentrate on characterization of five different anthracites in order to find some differences using specific surface area analysis, particle size analysis, and morphology analysis. These results are compared to the pressure loss values obtained from lab column tests and bed expansion behavior. The goal of the thesis was to find out if there were any differences in the anthracite which would make the one perform better than the other. There were no big differences found on any aspect of the particle characterization, but some found differences should be further studied in order to confirm the meaning of the porosity, surface area, intensity mean and intensity SD (Standard Deviation) on anthracites and their use in dual media filtration. The thesis work analyzed anthracite samples the way that is not found on any public literature sources, and further studies on the issue would bring more knowledge to the electrolyte process.
Financial industry has recently encountered many changes in the business environment. Increased regulation together with growing competition is forcing commercial banks to rethink their business models. In order to maintain profitability in the new environment, banks are focusing more into activities that yield noninterest income. This is a shift away from the traditional intermediation function of banks. This study aims to answer the question if the shift from traditional income yielding activities to more innovative noninterest activities is logical in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. This study also aims to answer the question if diversification within the noninterest income categories has impact on profitability and risk and if there are certain categories of noninterest income that are better than others in terms of profitability and risk in Nordics. Results show that diversification between interest and noninterest activities and increase in the share of noninterest income have a negative impact on the risk adjusted returns and risk profile. Results also show that further diversification within the noninterest income categories has negative impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk while an increase of the share of commission and fee income category of total noninterest income has a positive impact on risk adjusted profitability and risk. Results are logical and in line with previous research (De Young & Roland, 2001; Stiroh, 2004). Results provide useful information to banks and help them better evaluate outcomes of different income diversification strategies.
The objective of the study was to characterize annual ryegrass seed population dynamics, managed for natural re-sowing, in no til systems in rotation with soybean, in different chronosequences An area was cultivated for two years with soybean, left as fallow land for the next two years and then cultivated again with soybean for the next two years. The four chronosequences represented different management periods, two with soybean (6 and 8 years old) and the other two resting (3 and 9 years old). Soil samples were taken every month during one year and divided into two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm). Vegetation dynamics were also evaluated (number of plants, inflorescences and seedlings). Soil seed bank (SSB) dynamics showed structural patterns in time, with a "storage period" in summer, an "exhausting period" during autumn and a "transition period" in winter and spring. Pasture establishment by natural re-sowing was totally dependent on the annual recruitment of seeds from the soil. The influence of the management practices on the SSB was more important than the number of years that these practices had been implemented. Places where soybean was sown showed the largest SSBs. Most of the seeds overcame dormancy and germinated at the end of the summer and beginning of the autumn, showing a typically transitory SSB, but with a small proportion of persistent seeds
ABSTRACT Before the mid 1980s the World Bank conceived "nature" as something to be "conquered" and "environment" as a source of resources for "development". By the late 1980s the Bank incorporated norms of environmental sustainability and indigenous peoples' protection into its mandate, and other development-oriented IOs followed. This two-part paper describes how a fight over the Polonoroeste road project in the Brazilian Amazon - inside the Bank, between the Bank and NGOs supported by the US Congress, and between the Bank and the government of Brazil -helped to generate the far-reaching change of policy norms. The first part describes how the project was designed as an innovation in sustainable development in rainforests; and how it provoked a firestorm inside the Bank as it moved towards project approval.
In the last few decades, banking has strongly internationalized and become more complex. Hence, bank supervision and regulation has taken global perspective, too. The most important international regulation are the Basel frameworks by the Basel committee on banking supervision. This study examines the effects of bank supervision and regulation, especially the Basel II, on bank risk and risk-taking. In order to separate and recognize the efficiency of these effects, the co-effects of many supervisory and regulatory tools together with other relevant factors must be taken into account. The focus of the study is on the effects of asymmetric information and banking procyclicality on the efficiency of the Basel II. This study tries to find an answer, if the Basel II, implemented in 2008, has decreased bank risk in banks of European Union member states. This study examines empirically, if the volatility on bank stock returns have changed after the implementation of the Basel II. Panel data consists of 62 bank stock returns, bank-specific variables, economic variables and variables concerning regulatory environment between 2003 and 2011. Fixed effects regression is used for panel data analysis. Results indicate that volatility on bank stock returns has increased after 2008 and the implementation of the Basel II. Result is statistically very significant and robustness has been verified in different model specifications. The result of this study contradicts with the goal of the Basel II about banking system stability. Banking procyclicality and wrong incentives for regulatory arbitrage under asymmetric information explained in theoretical part may explain this result. On the other hand, simultaneously with the implementation of the Basel II, the global financial crisis emerged and caused severe losses in banks and increased stock volatility. However, it is clear that supervision and regulation was unable to prevent the global financial crisis. After the financial crisis, supervision and regulation have been reformed globally. The main problems of the Basel II, examined in the theoretical part, have been recognized in order to prevent problems of procyclicality and wrong incentives in the future.
The Niagara Suspension Bridge Bank operated in Queenston in 1840. The bank issued notes in denominations of ten dollars, five dollars and one dollar, and featured a drawing of the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge, ten years prior to its construction. The notes are signed by the bank’s Cashier, Gilbert McMicken, and President, Joseph Hamilton. The bank failed a year after its establishment.
The Bank of Canada first introduced Canada Savings Bonds during the First and Second World Wars. At the time, they were known as War Savings Certificates and Victory Bonds and were used to fund the war effort. In 1946, Canada Savings Bonds were used as part of Canada’s Postwar Financing Program. At that time, the government also introduced the sale of bonds through payroll deduction. Canada Savings Bonds proved to be very popular, providing investors with a convenient, flexible and safe investment. Over time the bonds failed to remain competitive with other low-risk investment options, and the high cost of administering the program called into question its relevance. An independent report commissioned by the government in 2004 recommended that the bonds be phased out, however, the government decided to keep the program and make some revisions. As of 2012, Canada Savings Bonds are available exclusively through the payroll savings program, while Canada Premium Bonds (introduced in 1998) are available through financial institutions, dealers and by phone.
In 1973, the Royal Bank of Canada began construction on a new office in downtown Toronto known as the Royal Bank Plaza. The $100 million construction project consisted of two triangular office towers linked by a glass-enclosed banking hall. In addition to housing the Royal Bank of Canada’s Ontario headquarters, the Plaza included a two-level shopping concourse with restaurants and boutiques, as well as office space available for lease. The Plaza officially opened on March 10, 1977.
Canadian Bank of Commerce (vinyl cover), St. Catharines bank book of Welland D. Woodruff Esq., 1915-1917.
Memoranda booklet (soft cover) compliments of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, St. Catharines Branch. Only one page has writing on it. It appears to be a shopping list, n.d.
Indenture of assignment of mortgage between Executors of the Zimmerman Estate and the Bank of Upper Canada regarding Lot no. 4 in block O in the Town of Elgin – instrument no. 6360, May 14, 1858.
Letter to William Dickson of Galt from the cashier of the Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto, Ontario. This letter informs Mr. Dickson that he has received a bonus on his shares of the Old Stock on the Bank of Upper Canada due to an act that was passed by legislature (3 pages, printed), Jan. 6, 1855.
Statement of Debentures lodged in the Bank of Upper Canada for Safe Keeping and for Collection the Interest on them every 6 months, on the 8th of February and the 8th of August every year (handwritten), 1848, 1850.