930 resultados para Co-ordinating the Department‰Ûªs contribution to completing the Regional EQIA programme
Microzooplankton database. Originally published in: Buitenhuis, Erik, Richard Rivkin, Sévrine Sailley, Corinne Le Quéré (2010) Biogeochemical fluxes through microzooplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles Vol. 24, GB4015, doi:10.1029/2009GB003601 This new version has had some mistakes corrected.
We compiled a database of bacterial abundance of 39 766 data points. After gridding with 1° spacing, the database covers 1.3% of the ocean surface. There is data covering all ocean basins and depth except the Southern Hemisphere below 350 m or from April until June. The average bacterial biomass is 3.9 ± 3.6 µg l-1 with a 20-fold decrease between the surface and the deep sea. We estimate a total ocean inventory of about 1.3 - 1029 bacteria. Using an average of published open ocean measurements for the conversion from abundance to carbon biomass of 9.1 fg cell-1, we calculate a bacterial carbon inventory of about 1.2 Pg C. The main source of uncertainty in this inventory is the conversion factor from abundance to biomass.
Macrozooplankton are an important link between higher and lower trophic levels in the oceans. They serve as the primary food for fish, reptiles, birds and mammals in some regions, and play a role in the export of carbon from the surface to the intermediate and deep ocean. Little, however, is known of their global distribution and biomass. Here we compiled a dataset of macrozooplankton abundance and biomass observations for the global ocean from a collection of four datasets. We harmonise the data to common units, calculate additional carbon biomass where possible, and bin the dataset in a global 1 x 1 degree grid. This dataset is part of a wider effort to provide a global picture of carbon biomass data for key plankton functional types, in particular to support the development of marine ecosystem models. Over 387 700 abundance data and 1330 carbon biomass data have been collected from pre-existing datasets. A further 34 938 abundance data were converted to carbon biomass data using species-specific length frequencies or using species-specific abundance to carbon biomass data. Depth-integrated values are used to calculate known epipelagic macrozooplankton biomass concentrations and global biomass. Global macrozooplankton biomass has a mean of 8.4 µg C l-1, median of 0.15 µg C l-1 and a standard deviation of 63.46 µg C l-1. The global annual average estimate of epipelagic macrozooplankton, based on the median value, is 0.02 Pg C. Biomass is highest in the tropics, decreasing in the sub-tropics and increasing slightly towards the poles. There are, however, limitations on the dataset; abundance observations have good coverage except in the South Pacific mid latitudes, but biomass observation coverage is only good at high latitudes. Biomass is restricted to data that is originally given in carbon or to data that can be converted from abundance to carbon. Carbon conversions from abundance are restricted in the most part by the lack of information on the size of the organism and/or the absence of taxonomic information. Distribution patterns of global macrozooplankton biomass and statistical information about biomass concentrations may be used to validate biogeochemical models and Plankton Functional Type models.
Coccolithophores are calcifying marine phytoplankton of the class Prymnesiophyceae. They are considered to play an import role in the global carbon cycle through the production and export of organic carbon and calcite. We have compiled observations of global coccolithophore abundance from several existing databases as well as individual contributions of published and unpublished datasets. We estimate carbon biomass using standardised conversion methods and provide estimates of uncertainty associated with these values. The database contains 58 384 individual observations at various taxonomic levels. This corresponds to 12 391 observations of total coccolithophore abundance and biomass. The data span a time period of 1929-2008, with observations from all ocean basins and all seasons, and at depths ranging from the surface to 500 m. Highest biomass values are reported in the North Atlantic, with a maximum of 501.7 ?gCl-1. Lower values are reported for the Pacific (maximum of 79.4 ?gCl-1) and Indian Ocean (up to 178.3 ?gCl-1). Coccolithophores are reported across all latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, from the Equator to 89degN, although biomass values fall below 3 ?gCl-1 north of 70degN. In the Southern Hemisphere, biomass values fall rapidly south of 50degS, with only a single non-zero observation south of 60degS. Biomass values show a clear seasonal cycle in the Northern Hemisphere, reaching a maximum in the summer months (June-July). In the Southern Hemisphere the seasonal cycle is less evident, possibly due to a greater proportion of low-latitude data.
The planktonic haptophyte Phaeocystis has been suggested to play a fundamental role in the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon and sulphur, but little is known about its global biomass distribution. We have collected global microscopy data of the genus Phaeocystis and converted abundance data to carbon biomass using species-specific carbon conversion factors. Microscopic counts of single-celled and colonial Phaeocystis were obtained both through the mining of online databases and by accepting direct submissions (both published and unpublished) from Phaeocystis specialists. We recorded abundance data from a total of 1595 depth-resolved stations sampled between 1955-2009. The quality-controlled dataset includes 5057 counts of individual Phaeocystis cells resolved to species level and information regarding life-stages from 3526 samples. 83% of stations were located in the Northern Hemisphere while 17% were located in the Southern Hemisphere. Most data were located in the latitude range of 50-70° N. While the seasonal distribution of Northern Hemisphere data was well-balanced, Southern Hemisphere data was biased towards summer months. Mean species- and form-specific cell diameters were determined from previously published studies. Cell diameters were used to calculate the cellular biovolume of Phaeocystis cells, assuming spherical geometry. Cell biomass was calculated using a carbon conversion factor for Prymnesiophytes (Menden-Deuer and Lessard, 2000). For colonies, the number of cells per colony was derived from the colony volume. Cell numbers were then converted to carbon concentrations. An estimation of colonial mucus carbon was included a posteriori, assuming a mean colony size for each species. Carbon content per cell ranged from 9 pg (single-celled Phaeocystis antarctica) to 29 pg (colonial Phaeocystis globosa). Non-zero Phaeocystis cell biomasses (without mucus carbon) range from 2.9 - 10?5 µg l-1 to 5.4 - 103 µg l-1, with a mean of 45.7 µg l-1 and a median of 3.0 µg l-1. Highest biomasses occur in the Southern Ocean below 70° S (up to 783.9 µg l-1), and in the North Atlantic around 50° N (up to 5.4 - 103 µg l-1).
In the naturally iron-fertilized surface waters of the northern Kerguelen Plateau region, the early spring diatom community composition and contribution to plankton carbon biomass were investigated and compared with the High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) surrounding waters (October-November 2011, KEOPS 2). The large iron-induced blooms were dominated by small diatom species belonging to the genera Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) and Thalassiosira, which rapidly responded to the onset of favorable light-conditions in the meander of the Polar Front. In comparison, the iron-limited HNLC area was typically characterized by autotrophic nanoeukaryote-dominated communities and by larger and more heavily silicified diatom species (e.g. Fragilariopsis spp.). Our results support the hypothesis that diatoms are valuable vectors of carbon export to depth in naturally iron-fertilized systems of the Southern Ocean. Comparison with the diatom assemblage composition of a sediment trap deployed in the iron-fertilized area suggests that the dominant Chaetoceros (Hyalochaete) cells were less efficiently exported than the less abundant yet heavily silicified cells of Thalassionema nitzschioides and Fragilariopsis kerguelensis. Our observations emphasize the strong influence of species-specific diatom cell properties combined with trophic interactions on matter export efficiency, and illustrate the tight link between the specific composition of phytoplankton communities and the biogeochemical properties characterizing the study area.
Planktic foraminifera are heterotrophic mesozooplankton of global marine abundance. The position of planktic foraminifers in the marine food web is different compared to other protozoans and ranges above the base of heterotrophic consumers. Being secondary producers with an omnivorous diet, which ranges from algae to small metazoans, planktic foraminifers are not limited to a single food source, and are assumed to occur at a balanced abundance displaying the overall marine biological productivity at a regional scale. We have calculated the assemblage carbon biomass from data on standing stocks between the sea surface and 2500 m water depth, based on 754 protein-biomass data of 21 planktic foraminifer species and morphotypes, produced with a newly developed method to analyze the protein biomass of single planktic foraminifer specimens. Samples include symbiont bearing and symbiont barren species, characteristic of surface and deep-water habitats. Conversion factors between individual protein-biomass and assemblage-biomass are calculated for test sizes between 72 and 845 µm (minimum diameter). The calculated assemblage biomass data presented here include 1057 sites and water depth intervals. Although the regional coverage of database is limited to the North Atlantic, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, and Caribbean, our data include a wide range of oligotrophic to eutrophic waters covering six orders of magnitude of assemblage biomass. A first order estimate of the global planktic foraminifer biomass from average standing stocks (>125 µm) ranges at 8.5-32.7 Tg C yr-1 (i.e. 0.008-0.033 Gt C yr-1), and might be more than three time as high including the entire fauna including neanic and juvenile individuals adding up to 25-100 Tg C yr-1. However, this is a first estimate of regional planktic-foraminifer assemblage-biomass (PFAB) extrapolated to the global scale, and future estimates based on larger data-sets might considerably deviate from the one presented here. This paper is supported by, and a contribution to the Marine Ecosystem Data project (MAREDAT).
A Mathematical Representation of "Excitement" in Games: A Contribution to the Theory of Game Systems
Researchers have long believed the concept of "excitement" in games to be subjective and difficult to measure. This paper presents the development of a mathematically computable index that measures the concept from the viewpoint of an audience and from that of a player. One of the key aspects of the index is the differential of the probability of "winning" before and after one specific "play" in a given game. The index makes a large contribution to the study of games and enables researchers to compare and analyze the “excitement” of various games. It may be applied in many fields, especially the area of welfare economics, and applications may range from those related to allocative efficiency to axioms of justice and equity.
Las tecnologías de vídeo en 3D han estado al alza en los últimos años, con abundantes avances en investigación unidos a una adopción generalizada por parte de la industria del cine, y una importancia creciente en la electrónica de consumo. Relacionado con esto, está el concepto de vídeo multivista, que abarca el vídeo 3D, y puede definirse como un flujo de vídeo compuesto de dos o más vistas. El vídeo multivista permite prestaciones avanzadas de vídeo, como el vídeo estereoscópico, el “free viewpoint video”, contacto visual mejorado mediante vistas virtuales, o entornos virtuales compartidos. El propósito de esta tesis es salvar un obstáculo considerable de cara al uso de vídeo multivista en sistemas de comunicación: la falta de soporte para esta tecnología por parte de los protocolos de señalización existentes, que hace imposible configurar una sesión con vídeo multivista mediante mecanismos estándar. Así pues, nuestro principal objetivo es la extensión del Protocolo de Inicio de Sesión (SIP) para soportar la negociación de sesiones multimedia con flujos de vídeo multivista. Nuestro trabajo se puede resumir en tres contribuciones principales. En primer lugar, hemos definido una extensión de señalización para configurar sesiones SIP con vídeo 3D. Esta extensión modifica el Protocolo de Descripción de Sesión (SDP) para introducir un nuevo atributo de nivel de medios, y un nuevo tipo de dependencia de descodificación, que contribuyen a describir los formatos de vídeo 3D que pueden emplearse en una sesión, así como la relación entre los flujos de vídeo que componen un flujo de vídeo 3D. La segunda contribución consiste en una extensión a SIP para manejar la señalización de videoconferencias con flujos de vídeo multivista. Se definen dos nuevos paquetes de eventos SIP para describir las capacidades y topología de los terminales de conferencia, por un lado, y la configuración espacial y mapeo de flujos de una conferencia, por el otro. También se describe un mecanismo para integrar el intercambio de esta información en el proceso de inicio de una conferencia SIP. Como tercera y última contribución, introducimos el concepto de espacio virtual de una conferencia, o un sistema de coordenadas que incluye todos los objetos relevantes de la conferencia (como dispositivos de captura, pantallas, y usuarios). Explicamos cómo el espacio virtual se relaciona con prestaciones de conferencia como el contacto visual, la escala de vídeo y la fidelidad espacial, y proporcionamos reglas para determinar las prestaciones de una conferencia a partir del análisis de su espacio virtual, y para generar espacios virtuales durante la configuración de conferencias.
The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration
Two new features have been proposed and used in the Rich Transcription Evaluation 2009 by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, which outperform the results of the baseline system. One of the features is the intensity channel contribution, a feature related to the location of the speaker. The second feature is the logarithm of the interpolated fundamental frequency. It is the first time that both features are applied to the clustering stage of multiple distant microphone meetings diarization. It is shown that the inclusion of both features improves the baseline results by 15.36% and 16.71% relative to the development set and the RT 09 set, respectively. If we consider speaker errors only, the relative improvement is 23% and 32.83% on the development set and the RT09 set, respectively.