996 resultados para Clay minerals adsorbents


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How the micro-scale fabric of clay-rich mudstone evolves during consolidation in early burial is critical to how they are interpreted in the deeper portions of sedimentary basins. Core samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, covering seafloor to 600 meters below sea floor (mbsf) are ideal for studying the micro-scale fabric of mudstones. Mudstones of consistent composition and grain size decrease in porosity from 80% at the seafloor to 37% at 600 mbsf. Argon-ion milling produces flat surfaces to image this pore evolution over a vertical effective stress range of 0.25 (71 mbsf) to 4.05 MPa (597 mbsf). With increasing burial, pores become elongated, mean pore size decreases, and there is preferential loss of the largest pores. There is a small increase in clay mineral preferred orientation as recorded by high resolution X-ray goniometry with burial.


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This paper provides a brief, descriptive, sedimentological background for the chapters on hydraulic piston core Site 480 in this symposium, and supplements data given in the site chapter for Sites 479-480 (this volume, Pt. 1). Sediments are composed primarily of planktonic diatoms, with minor numbers of silicoflagellates, radiolarians, and varying amounts of both benthic and planktonic foraminifers, along with a large terrigenous component of olive brown, silty clay. The section contains meter-thick intervals of finely laminated facies alternating with nonlaminated zones. A few paleoenvironmental events are documented within the generally uniform sequence by sporadic occurrences of thin turbidites, phosphatic concretions, fish debris concentrations, an ash layer, and a thin layer of diagenetic dolomite. The distribution of nonlaminated and laminated zones is attributed to fluctuations of bottom-water oxygen content caused by variations in circulation, fertility, and productivity. Homogeneous sections are interpreted as coinciding with cooler climatic periods, whereas laminated sections seem to correspond to upwelling conditions during drier periods.


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The basement cored at Site 1201 (west Philippine Basin) during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 consists of a 91-m-thick sequence of basalts, mostly pillow lavas and perhaps one sheet lava flow, with a few intercalations of hyaloclastite and interpillow sedimentary material. Hydrothermal alteration pervasively affected the basalt sequence, giving rise to a variety of secondary minerals such as K-Fe-Mg-clay minerals, oxyhydroxides and clay minerals mixtures, natrolite group zeolites, analcite, alkali feldspar, and carbonate. The primary minerals of pillow and sheet basalts that survived the intense hydrothermal alteration were investigated by electron microprobe with the aim of characterizing their chemical composition and variability. The primary minerals are mostly plagioclase, ranging in composition from bytownite through labradorite to andesine, chromian-magnesian-diopside, and spinels, both Ti magnetite (partially maghemitized) and chromian spinel. Overall, the chemical features of the primary minerals of Site 1201 basalts correspond to the primitive character of the bulk rocks, suggesting that the parent magma of these basalts was a mafic tholeiitic magma that most likely only suffered limited fractional crystallization and crystallized at high temperatures (slightly below 1200°C) and under increasing fO2 conditions. The major element composition of clinopyroxene suggests a backarc affinity of the mantle source of Site 1201 basement.


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The interaction of seawater with basalts in DSDP Hole 501 and the upper part of Hole 504B (Costa Rica Rift) produced oxidative alteration and a zonation of clay minerals along cracks. From rock edges to interiors in many cracks the following succession occurs, based on microscopic observations and microprobe analysis: iron hydroxides (red), "protoceladonite" (green), iddingsite (orange), and saponite (yellow). Clay minerals replace olivines and fill vesicles and cracks. Other secondary minerals are phillipsite, aragonite, and unidentified carbonates. Some glass is transformed to Mg-rich palagonite. Bulk rock chemistry is related to the composition of the secondary minerals. The zonation can be interpreted as a succession of postburial nonoxidative and oxidative diagenesis similar to that described in the Leg 34 basalts.


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Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic sediments deposited on the eastern and western sides of the Shatsky Rise show similar clay assemblages of chlorite, illite, mixed layers, smectite, kaolinite, and palygorskite, and a similar vertical differentiation into three units. The deep-sea pelagic red clay is dominated by terrigenous components, which suggests that diagenesis is minor in this part of the western North Pacific and that eolian supply is very important. The role of the Shatsky Rise as a submarine barrier is of minor importance. The volcanic contribution to the clay component appears very small, as in some other parts of the Pacific Ocean. Stratigraphic correlations between Sites 576 and 578, which can be made from mineralogical data, partly offset the rareness of biostratigraphic markers.


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Claystones immediately overlying the early Eocene age ocean-floor basalt, cored at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647, underwent hydrothermal and thermal alterations originating from the basalt, which resulted in changes in both the mineralogical and chemical composition of the sediments. Chlorites and higher magnesium and iron concentrations were found in the lowermost sediment sequence. Upcore, changes in the bulk chemical composition of the sediments become smaller, when compensated for variations in the carbonate content originating from biogenic and authigenic components. Chlorite disappears upcore, but still only part of the swelling clay minerals have survived the thermal influence. Thirty meters above the basalt, the clay mineralogy and chemical composition become uniform throughout the Paleogene section. Iron-rich smectites (i.e., nontronitic types), totally dominate the clay mineral assemblage. Biogenic components, responsible for the dominant part of the calcite and cristobalite contents, vary in amount in the upper part, and so do the authigenic carbonate and sulfide contents. Detrital components, such as kaolinite, illite, quartz, and feldspars, make up a very small proportion of the sediment record. The nontronitic smectites are believed to be authigenic, formed by a supply of iron from the continuous formation of ocean-floor basalt in the ridge area that reacted with the detrital and biogenic silicates and alumina silicates.