941 resultados para Classical super-integrable field theory
Binding energy differences of mirror nuclei for A = 15, 17, 27, 29, 31, 33, 39 and 41 are calculated in the framework of relativistic deformed mean-field theory. To fully include the effects of the polarization of the nuclear core due to the extra particle or hole, the spatial components of the vector meson fields and the photon are taken into account in a self-consistent manner. The calculated binding energy differences are systematically smaller than the experimental values and lend support to the existency of the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly found decades ago in nonrelativistic calculations, For the majority of the nuclei studied, however, the results are such that the anomaly is significantly smaller than the one obtained within state-of-the-art nonrelativistic calculations.
Perhaps one of the main features of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is that spacetime is not flat itself but curved. Nowadays, however, many of the unifying theories like superstrings on even alternative gravity theories such as teleparalell geometric theories assume flat spacetime for their calculations. This article, an extended account of an earlier author's contribution, it is assumed a curved group manifold as a geometrical background from which a Lagrangian for a supersymmetric N = 2, d = 5 Yang-Mills - SYM, N = 2, d = 5 - is built up. The spacetime is a hypersurface embedded in this geometrical scenario, and the geometrical action here obtained can be readily coupled to the five-dimensional supergravity action. The essential idea that underlies this work has its roots in the Einstein-Cartan formulation of gravity and in the 'group manifold approach to gravity and supergravity theories'. The group SYM, N = 2, d = 5, turns out to be the direct product of supergravity and a general gauge group g: G = g circle times <(SU(2, 2/1))over bar>.
The relation between the spin and the mass of an infinite number of particles in a q-deformed dual string theory is studied. For the deformation parameter q a root of unity, in addition to the relation of such values of q with the rational conformal field theory, the Fock space of each oscillator mode in the Fubini-Veneziano operator formulation becomes truncated. Thus, based on general physical grounds, the resulting spin-(mass)2 relation is expected to be below the usual linear trajectory. For such specific values of q, we find that the linear Regge trajectory turns into a square-root trajectory as the mass increases.
We review two-dimensional QCD. We start with the field theory aspects since 't Hooft's 1/N expansion, arriving at the non-Abelian bosonization formula, coset construction and gauge-fixing procedure. Then we consider the string interpretation, phase structure and the collective coordinate approach. Adjoint matter is coupled to the theory, and the Landau-Ginzburg generalization is analysed. We end with considerations concerning higher algebras, integrability, constraint structure, and the relation of high-energy scattering of hadrons with two-dimensional (integrable) field theories.
The soliton spectrum (massive and massless) of a family of integrable models with local U(1) and U(1) ⊗U(1) symmetries is studied. These models represent relevant integrable deformations of SL(2,ℝ) ⊗U(1) n-1-WZW and SL(2,ℝ) ⊗ SL(2,ℝ) ⊗U(1) n-2-WZW models. Their massless solitons appear as specific topological solutions of the U(1)(or U(1) ⊗ U(1)-) CFTs. The nonconformal analog of the GKO-coset formula is derived and used in the construction of the composite massive solitons of the ungauged integrable models. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.
Following suggestions of Nekrasov and Siegel, a non-minimal set of fields are added to the pure spinor formalism for the superstring. Twisted ĉ ≤ 3 N ≤ 2 generators are then constructed where the pure spinor BRST operator is the fermionic spin-one generator, and the formalism is interpreted as a critical topological string. Three applications of this topological string theory include the super-Poincaré covariant computation of multiloop superstring amplitudes without picture-changing operators, the construction of a cubic open superstring field theory without contact-term problems, and a new four-dimensional version of the pure spinor formalism which computes F-terms in the spacetime action. © SISSA 2005.
We construct an infinite number of exact time dependent soliton solutions, carrying non-trivial Hopf topological charges, in a 3+1 dimensional Lorentz invariant theory with target space S2. The construction is based on an ansatz which explores the invariance of the model under the conformal group SO(4,2) and the infinite dimensional group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of S2. The model is a rare example of an integrable theory in four dimensions, and the solitons may play a role in the low energy limit of gauge theories. © SISSA 2006.
We consider a field theory with target space being the two dimensional sphere S2 and defined on the space-time S3 × . The Lagrangean is the square of the pull-back of the area form on S2. It is invariant under the conformal group SO(4,2) and the infinite dimensional group of area preserving diffeomorphisms of S2. We construct an infinite number of exact soliton solutions with non-trivial Hopf topological charges. The solutions spin with a frequency which is bounded above by a quantity proportional to the inverse of the radius of S3. The construction of the solutions is made possible by an ansatz which explores the conformal symmetry and a U(1) subgroup of the area preserving diffeomorphism group. © SISSA 2006.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
Desenvolvemos a quantização do campo vetorial não massivo no espaço-tempo de Schwarzschild, e calculamos a potência irradiada por uma carga elétrica em órbita circular em torno de um objeto com massa M em ambos os espaços-tempos. Em Minkowski é encontrada a expressão analítica da potência irradiada utilizando teoria quântica de campos e assumindo gravitação newtoniana. O resultado obtido é equivalente ao resultado clássico, dado que o cálculo é realizado em nível de árvore. Dadas as dificuldades matemáticas encontradas ao se tentar obter soluções expressas em termos de funções especiais conhecidas, em Schwarzschild o problema é abordado de duas formas: solução analítica no limite de baixas freqüências, e resolução numérica. O primeiro caso serviu como cheque de consistência para o método numérico. Em Schwarzschild, o cálculo também é realizado utilizando teoria quântica de campos em nível de árvore, e a expressão da potência é encontrada analiticamente na aproximação de baixas freqüências e através de métodos numérico. Após a comparação dos resultados, concluímos que, para uma mesma velocidade angular de rotação da carga (medida por observadores estatísticos assintóticos), a potência irradiada em Minkowski é maior que a potência irradiada em Schwarzschild.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)