964 resultados para Classical genetics
Classical transport theory is employed to analyze the hot quark-gluon plasma at the leading order in the coupling constant. A condition on the (covariantly conserved) color current is obtained. From this condition, the generating functional of hard thermal loops with an arbitrary number of soft external bosonic legs can be derived. Our approach, besides being more direct than alternative ones, shows that hard thermal loops are essentially classical.
The eye is a complex organ, which provides one of our most important senses, sight. The retina is the neuronal component of the eye and represents the connection with the central nervous system for the transmission of the information that leads to image processing. Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is one of the most common forms of inherited retinal degeneration, in which the primary death of rods, resulting in night blindness, is always followed by the loss of cones, which leads to legal blindness. Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in retinitis pigmentosa is not only due to different mutations in different genes, but also to different effects of the same mutation in different individuals, sometimes even within the same family. My thesis work has been mainly focused on an autosomal dominant form of RP linked to mutations in the PRPF31 gene, which often shows reduced penetrance. Our study has led to the identification of the major regulator of the penetrance of PRPF31 mutations, the CNOT3 protein, and to the characterization of its mechanism of action. Following the same rationale of investigating molecular mechanisms that are responsible for clinical and genetic heterogeneity of retinitis pigmentosa, we studied a recessive form of the disease associated with mutations in the recently-identified gene FAMI61 A, where mutations in the same gene give rise to variable clinical manifestations. Our data have increased the knowledge of the relationship between genotype and phenotype in this form of the disease. Whole genome sequencing technique was also tested as a strategy for disease gene identification in unrelated patients with recessive retinitis pigmentosa and proved to be effective in identifying disease-causing variants that might have otherwise failed to be detected with other screening methods. Finally, for the first time we reported a choroidal tumor among the clinical manifestations of PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, a genetic disorder caused by germline mutations of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN. Our study has highlighted the heterogeneity of this choroidal tumor, showing that genetic and/or epigenetic alterations in different genes may contribute to the tumor development and growth. - L'oeil est un organe complexe, à l'origine d'un de nos sens les plus importants, la vue. La rétine est la composante neuronale de l'oeil qui constitue la connexion avec le système nerveux central pour la transmission de l'information et qui conduit à la formation des images. La rétinite pigmentaire (RP) est une des formes les plus courantes de dégénérescence rétinienne héréditaire, dans laquelle la mort primaire de bâtonnets, entraînant la cécité nocturne, est toujours suivie par la perte de cônes qui conduit à la cécité complète. L'hétérogénéité clinique et génétique dans la rétinite pigmentaire n'est pas seulement due aux différentes mutations dans des gènes différents, mais aussi à des effets différents de la même mutation chez des individus différents, parfois même dans la même famille. Mon travail de thèse s'est principalement axé sur une forme autosomique dominante de RP liée à des mutations dans le gène PRPF31, associées souvent à une pénétrance réduite, me conduisant à l'identification et à la caractérisation du mécanisme d'action du régulateur principal de la pénétrance des mutations: la protéine CNOT3. Dans la même logique d'étude des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'hétérogénéité clinique et génétique de la RP, nous avons étudié une forme récessive de la maladie associée à des mutations dans le gène récemment identifié FAMI61 A, dont les mutations dans le même gène donnent lieu à des manifestations cliniques différentes. Nos données ont ainsi accru la connaissance de la relation entre le génotype et le phénotype dans cette forme de maladie. La technique de séquençage du génome entier a été ensuite testée en tant que stratégie pour l'identification du gène de la maladie chez les patients atteints de RP récessive. Cette approche a montré son efficacité dans l'identification de variantes pathologiques qui n'auraient pu être détectées avec d'autres méthodes de dépistage. Enfin, pour la première fois, nous avons identifié une tumeur choroïdienne parmi les manifestations cliniques du PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome, une maladie génétique causée par des mutations germinales du gène suppresseur de tumeur PTEN. Notre étude a mis en évidence l'hétérogénéité de cette tumeur choroïdienne, montrant que les altérations génétiques et/ou épigénétiques dans les différents gènes peuvent contribuer au développement et à la croissance tumorale.
SLC26A2-related dysplasias encompass a spectrum of diseases: from lethal achondrogenesis type 1B (ACG1B; MIM #600972) and atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2; MIM #256050) to classical diastrophic dysplasia (cDTD; MIM #222600) and recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED; MIM #226900). This study aimed at characterizing clinically, radiologically and molecularly 14 patients affected by non-lethal SLC26A2-related dysplasias and at evaluating genotype-phenotype correlation. Phenotypically, eight patients were classified as cDTD, four patients as rMED and two patients had an intermediate phenotype (mild DTD - mDTD, previously 'DTD variant'). The Arg279Trp mutation was present in all patients, either in homozygosity (resulting in rMED) or in compound heterozygosity with the known severe alleles Arg178Ter or Asn425Asp (resulting in DTD) or with the mutation c.727-1G>C (causing mDTD). The 'Finnish mutation', c.-26+2T>C, and the p.Cys653Ser, both frequent mutations in non-Portuguese populations, were not identified in any of the patients of our cohort and are probably very rare in the Portuguese population. A targeted mutation analysis for p.Arg279Trp and p.Arg178Ter in the Portuguese population allows the identification of approximately 90% of the pathogenic alleles.
A very simple model of a classical particle in a heat bath under the influence of external noise is studied. By means of a suitable hypothesis, the heat bath is reduced to an internal colored noise (OrnsteinUhlenbeck noise). In a second step, an external noise is coupled to the bath. The steady state probability distributions are obtained.
Starting from the standard one-time dynamics of n nonrelativistic particles, the n-time equations of motion are inferred, and a variational principle is formulated. A suitable generalization of the classical LieKnig theorem is demonstrated, which allows the determination of all the associated presymplectic structures. The conditions under which the action of an invariance group is canonical are studied, and a corresponding Noether theorem is deduced. A formulation of the theory in terms of n first-class constraints is recovered by means of coisotropic imbeddings. The proposed approach also provides for a better understanding of the relativistic particle dynamics, since it shows that the different roles of the physical positions and the canonical variables is not peculiar to special relativity, but rather to any n-time approach: indeed a nonrelativistic no-interaction theorem is deduced.
According to Literature and Film studies and from the point of view of the influence of Classical Tradition on Western Culture -Classical Greek Tradition, in this case-, this article is an accurate analysis of the inevitable -to a certain degree- screenwriters betrayals regarding the literary texts that they adapt. However, in spite of being practically inevitable, Dr. Pau Gilabert Barberà indicates which are in his opinion the limits beyond which Ivory/Hesketh-Harvey should have not gone in order not to dilute the Hellenic temper of E. M. Forster's Maurice.
Socrates' serene attitude before his death -although this is questioned-, as described by Xenophon in his Apologia Socratis becomes for the playwright Rodolf Sirera a useful reference in an effort to reflect boldly on the limits of theatrical fiction in another clear example of the Classical Tradition, including that derived from Baroque Tragedy. However, in this case, it is judged severely to make us more conscious of the risk of turning life into a mere theatrical performance and human beings into actors and actresses in a play they did not write.
The aim of this article is to show the classical parameters of Shadowlands by R. Attenborough, with a screenplay by W. Nicholson, on C. S. Lewis's life and work. Based upon an accurate reading of Lewis's works, the author of this article proposes to interpret the opposition Lewis / Gresham as the translation into the real life of the opposition between the Platonic or idealistic and the Aristotelian or materialistic temperaments which was already maintained by Coleridge. In any case, there are many classical references which must be taken into account in order to understand to what extent C. S. Lewis's Christianity is also a classic Christianity, that is, a Greek and Latin one.
The aim of the present study was to establish and compare the durations of the seminiferous epithelium cycles of the common shrew Sorex araneus, which is characterized by a high metabolic rate and multiple paternity, and the greater white-toothed shrew Crocidura russula, which is characterized by a low metabolic rate and a monogamous mating system. Twelve S. araneus males and fifteen C. russula males were injected intraperitoneally with 5-bromodeoxyuridine, and the testes were collected. For cycle length determinations, we applied the classical method of estimation and linear regression as a new method. With regard to variance, and even with a relatively small sample size, the new method seems to be more precise. In addition, the regression method allows the inference of information for every animal tested, enabling comparisons of different factors with cycle lengths. Our results show that not only increased testis size leads to increased sperm production, but it also reduces the duration of spermatogenesis. The calculated cycle lengths were 8.35 days for S. araneus and 12.12 days for C. russula. The data obtained in the present study provide the basis for future investigations into the effects of metabolic rate and mating systems on the speed of spermatogenesis.
A systematic time-dependent perturbation scheme for classical canonical systems is developed based on a Wick's theorem for thermal averages of time-ordered products. The occurrence of the derivatives with respect to the canonical variables noted by Martin, Siggia, and Rose implies that two types of Green's functions have to be considered, the propagator and the response function. The diagrams resulting from Wick's theorem are "double graphs" analogous to those introduced by Dyson and also by Kawasaki, in which the response-function lines form a "tree structure" completed by propagator lines. The implication of a fluctuation-dissipation theorem on the self-energies is analyzed and compared with recent results by Deker and Haake.
In the simplest model of open inflation there are two inflaton fields decoupled from each other. One of them, the tunneling field, produces a first stage of inflation which prepares the ground for the nucleation of a highly symmetric bubble. The other, a free field, drives a second period of slow-roll inflation inside the bubble. However, the second field also evolves during the first stage of inflation, which to some extent breaks the needed symmetry. We show that this generates large supercurvature anisotropies which, together with the results of Tanaka and Sasaki, rule out this class of simple models (unless, of course, Omega0 is sufficiently close to 1). The problem does not arise in modified models where the second field does not evolve in the first stage of inflation.
Ability to induce protein expression at will in a cell is a powerful strategy used by scientists to better understand the function of a protein of interest. Various inducible systems have been designed in eukaryotic cells to achieve this goal. Most of them rely on two distinct vectors, one encoding a protein that can regulate transcription by binding a compound X, and one hosting the cDNA encoding the protein of interest placed downstream of promoter sequences that can bind the protein regulated by compound X (e.g., tetracycline, ecdysone). The commercially available systems are not designed to allow cell- or tissue-specific regulated expression. Additionally, although these systems can be used to generate stable clones that can be induced to express a given protein, extensive screening is often required to eliminate the clones that display poor induction or high basal levels. In the present report, we aimed to design a pancreatic beta cell-specific tetracycline-inducible system. Since the classical two-vector based tetracycline-inducible system proved to be unsatisfactory in our hands, a single vector was eventually designed that allowed tight beta cell-specific tetracycline induction in unselected cell populations.
The Lorentz-Dirac equation is not an unavoidable consequence of solely linear and angular momenta conservation for a point charge. It also requires an additional assumption concerning the elementary character of the charge. We here use a less restrictive elementarity assumption for a spinless charge and derive a system of conservation equations that are not properly the equation of motion because, as it contains an extra scalar variable, the future evolution of the charge is not determined. We show that a supplementary constitutive relation can be added so that the motion is determined and free from the troubles that are customary in the Lorentz-Dirac equation, i.e., preacceleration and runaways.