887 resultados para Circulating Tumour Cells
CD99, glicoproteina di membrana codificata dal gene MIC2, è coinvolta in numerosi processi cellulari, inclusi adesione, migrazione, apoptosi, differenziamento e regolazione del trafficking intracellulare di proteine, in condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche. Nell’osteosarcoma risulta scarsamente espressa ed ha ruolo oncosoppressivo. L’isoforma completa (CD99wt) e l’isoforma tronca (CD99sh), deleta di una porzione del dominio intracellulare, influenzano in modo opposto la malignità tumorale. In questo studio, comparando cellule di osteosarcoma caratterizzate da differenti capacità metastatiche e diversa espressione di CD99, abbiamo valutato la modulazione dei contatti cellula-cellula, la riorganizzazione del citoscheletro di actina e la modulazione delle vie di segnalazione a valle del CD99, al fine di identificare i meccanismi molecolari regolati da questa molecola e responsabili del comportamento migratorio e invasivo delle cellule di osteosarcoma. L'espressione forzata di CD99wt induce il reclutamento di N-caderina e β-catenina a livello delle giunzioni aderenti ed inibisce l'espressione di molecole cruciali nel processo di rimodellamento del citoscheletro di actina, come ACTR2, ARPC1A, Rho-associated, coiled–coil-containing protein kinase 2 (ROCK2), nonché di ezrina, membro della famiglia ezrin/radixin/moesin e chiaramente associata con la progressione tumorale e la metastatizzazione dell’OS. Gli studi funzionali identificano ROCK2 come mediatore fondamentale nella regolazione della migrazione e della diffusione metastatica dell’osteosarcoma. Mantenendo cSRC in una conformazione inattiva, CD99wt inibisce la segnalazione mediata da ROCK2 inducendo una diminuzione dell’ezrina a livello della membrana accompagnata dalla traslocazione in membrana di N-caderina e β-catenina, principali ponti molecolari per il citoscheletro di actina. La ri-espressione di CD99wt, generalmente presente negli osteoblasti, ma perso nelle cellule di osteosarcoma, attraverso l'inibizione dell'attività di cSrc e ROCK2, aumenta la forza di contatto e riattiva i segnali anti-migratori ostacolando l’azione pro-migratoria, altrimenti dominante, dell’ezrina nell’osteosarcoma. Abbiamo infine valutato la funzione di ROCK2 nel sarcoma di Ewing: nonostante il ruolo oncogenico esercitato da CD99, ROCK2 guida la migrazione cellulare anche in questa neoplasia.
Hintergund: HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine) sind klinisch etablierte Cholesterinsenker. Über die Inhibition der intrinsischen Cholesterinbiosynthese hinaus zeigen sie sogenannte pleiotrope biologische Effekte. Ein Großteil dieser Wirkungen wird auf die Inhibition kleiner Ras homologer GTPasen (Rho GTPasen) zurückgeführt. In vitro schützt das Statinderivat Lovastatin (Lova) primäre humane Endothelzellen vor der Zytotoxizität von ionisierender Strahlung (IR) und dem Krebsmedikament Doxorubicin (Doxo). Zielsetzung: Die Relevanz dieser Befunde für ein in vivo Mausmodell sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit überprüft werden. Dafür wurden BALB/c-Mäuse mit IR oder Doxo behandelt und der Einfluss einer Kobehandlung mit Lova auf verschiedene Toxizitätsendpunkte untersucht (24 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis IR (i), 14 Tage nach zwei geringen Dosen IR (ii), 48 h nach einer einzelnen hohen Dosis Doxo (iii), sowie 8 Tage nach drei niedrigen Dosen Doxo (iv)). Eine mögliche gleichzeitige Protektion von Tumorzellen durch die Statingabe wurde in einem Xenotransplantationsexperiment überprüft (v), in dem das gleiche Behandlungsschema wie bei iv angewendet wurde. Ergebnisse: Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Statinbehandlung Normalgewebe vor Doxo- und IR-induzierter Toxizität schützt, ohne gleichzeitig protektiv auf transformierte Zellen zu wirken. Dieser Effekt ist wahrscheinlich von einer Inhibition der kleinen GTPasen Rac1 und RhoA abhängig und einer daraus folgenden Modifizierung der DNA-Schadensantwort. i: Die Statinvorbehandlung der Mäuse hatte keinen Einfluss auf die Bildung von initialen IR-induzierten DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen (DSB) in der Leber. Die Lova-Behandlung wirkte sich jedoch auf IR-induzierte Stressantworten aus, was sich in einer Minderung der Expression von Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern in Leber und Darm widerspiegelte. ii: In der Lunge der Tiere wurde ein Anstieg von molekularen Inflammations- und Fibrosesurrogatmarkern detektiert, der bei Statinkobehandlung ausblieb. Zudem verhinderte die Kobehandlung mit Lova eine IR-induzierte Abnahme der Thrombozytenzahl, ohne sich auf die durch IR verringerte Leukozytenzahl im Blut auszuwirken. iii: Die Verabreichung einer hohen Dosis Doxo induzierte DSB-Formation in der Leber. Die Statinvorbehandlung reduzierte deren Menge um ca. 50 %. Dieser genoprotektive Effekt war unabhängig von der Entstehung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sowie einer Änderung des Doxo-Imports oder Exports. Die Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen fiel besonders in der Leber und im Herzen durch die Lova-Kobehandlung geringer aus, als in der nur mit Doxo behandelten Gruppe. Zudem verringerte Lova die durch Doxo induzierte Hochregulation von für den AP1-Komplex kodierenden Genen sowie von Zellzykluskontrollfaktoren. Die Lova-Vorbehandlung führte darüber hinaus im Herzen zu einem reduzierten mRNA-Spiegel der Topoisomerasen II α und β. iv: Es konnten schwere Herz- und Leberschäden detektiert werden (gemessen an Gldh-, Gpt- sowie cTn-I-Serumkonzentrationen), die bei einer Kobehandlung mit dem Statin nicht auftraten. Die Lova-Kobehandlung verhinderte außerdem eine durch die Doxo-Behandlung verringerte Leukozytenzahl. Molekulare Marker für frühe fibrotische Ereignisse, sowie für Inflammation und Hypertrophie waren in der Leber und im Herzen nach der Doxo-Behandlung erhöht. Das Statin war auch hier in der Lage, diese toxischen Wirkungen des Anthrazyklins zu mindern. Auch die Doxo-induzierte Expression von Surrogatmarkern für Zellantworten auf oxidativen Stress wurde in der Leber abgeschwächt. In der Leber und im Herzen wiesen die mit Doxo behandelten Tiere höhere mRNA Spiegel von an Zellzykluskontrolle beteiligten Faktoren sowie von DNA-Reparatur und Fremdstoffmetabolismus assoziierten Genen auf. Am stärksten wurde die Expression von Topoisomerase II alpha - ein molekularer Marker für Zellproliferation und bedeutsame Zielstruktur von Doxo - in der Leber hochreguliert. Die Statin-Kobehandlung verhinderte all diese Doxo-induzierten Expressionsänderungen. Im Gegensatz zur Leber wurde die Top2a-mRNA Menge im Herzen durch die Doxo-Applikation reduziert. Auch hier bewirkte die Kobehandlung mit dem Statin, dass die Expression nahe dem Kontrollniveau blieb. v: Die Kobehandlung mit Lova führte zu keinem Schutz der Tumorzellen vor Doxo, sondern erhöhte sogar dessen antineoplastisches Potential.rnFazit: Die Erkenntnisse aus vorhergegangenen in vitro Versuchen konnten zum großen Teil auf die in vivo Situation im Mausmodell übertragen werden. Sie stehen im Einklang mit Ergebnissen anderer Gruppen, welche die Inhibition kleiner GTPasen mit einer geringeren, durch zytotoxische Substanzen induzierten, Inflammation und Fibrose korrelieren konnten. Eine Kobehandlung mit Lova während einer Krebstherapie erscheint somit als vielversprechende Möglichkeit Doxo- oder IR-induzierte Nebenwirkungen auf Normalgewebe zu mildern.
Exposition von Endothelzellen mit ionisierender Strahlung (IR) oder Behandlung mit inflammatorischen Zytokinen (z. B. TNFa) induziert über eine Rho-GTPasen abhängige NF-kB-Aktivierung die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle, u. a. auch von E-Selektin. E-Selektin vermittelt die Adhäsion von Tumorzellen (TC) an Endothelzellen und ist daher vermutlich an der Extravasation von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen beteiligt. HMG-CoA-Reduktase-Inhibitoren (Statine), welche eine breite klinische Anwendung als Lipidsenker erfahren, sind in der Lage, Rho-GTPasen und die durch sie vermittelten Signalwege zu hemmen. Daher sollten Statine wie Lovastatin auch Zell-Zell-Adhäsionsvorgänge beeinflussen. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den Mechanismen, mit denen IR und TNF in Endothel- und/oder Tumorzellen pro-adhäsive Faktoren induzieren können und ob diese Effekte durch Lovastatin beeinflussbar sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde mittels eines ELISA-basierenden Zelladhäsions-Assays die Auswirkung von IR und TNF auf Zell-Zell-Kontakte zwischen humanen Tumorzellen (u. a. Kolonkarzinomzellen (HT29)) und humanen, venösen Nabelschnurendothelzellen (HUVEC) analysiert. Zudem wurden die Effekte einer Lovastatinvorbehandlung von TC und/oder HUVEC auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion untersucht. Des Weiteren wurden die Wirkungen des sLex-Mimetikums Glycyrrhizin und des Rac1-spezifischen „small-molecule“ Inhibitors NSC23766 auf TC-HUVEC-Adhäsion überprüft. Zusätzlich wurde die strahleninduzierbare mRNA-Expression von diversen Zelladhäsionsmolekülen, Metastasierungsfaktoren und DNA-Reparatur-Genen mittels qRT-PCR (Real-Time Analysen) quantitativ erfasst. Um die erhaltenen in vitro Ergebnisse auch in vivo zu bestätigen, untersuchten wir den Effekt einer Ganzkörperbestrahlung (TBI) von BALB/c-Mäusen auf die Expression von pro-adhäsiven Faktoren. Zur Analyse der Tumorzell-Extravasation wurden Tumorzellen in die laterale Schwanzvene immundefizienter Mäuse injiziert und anschließend eine Ganzkörperbestrahlung durchgeführt (4 Gy). Nach einer Wartezeit von 4 Wochen wurde ein erhöhtes Auftreten von Lungenmetastasen beobachtet, welches durch Vorbehandlung der Tiere mit Statinen, NSC23766 oder Glycyrrhizin blockiert werden konnte. Zusammenfassend konnte somit ein Einfluss von IR auf die Expression verschiedener Zelladhäsionsmoleküle in vitro und auf die Extravasation zirkulierender Tumorzellen in vivo festgestellt werden. Diese pro-metastatischen Strahleneffekte konnten durch pharmakologische Hemmung Rho-regulierter Signalwege abgeschwächt werden.
Autophagy (literally self-eating) is a catabolic mechanism involved in the recycling and turnover of cytoplasmic constituents. Although often referred to as type II programmed cell death, autophagy is primarily a survival rather than a cell death mechanism in response to different stress stimuli. Autophagy is a process in which part of the cytoplasm or entire organelles are sequestered into double-membrane vesicles, called autophagosomes, which ultimately fuse with lysosomes to degrade their contents. Studies show that autophagy is associated with a number of pathological conditions, including cancer, infectious diseases, myopathies and neurodegenerative disorders. With respect to cancer, it has been suggested that the early stages of tumourigenesis are associated with downregulation of autophagy-related (ATG) genes. Indeed, several ATG genes display tumour suppressor function, including Beclin1, which is frequently hemizygously deleted in breast cancer cells. Conversely, in advanced stages of tumourigenesis or during anticancer therapy, autophagy may promote survival of tumour cells in adverse environmental conditions. Therefore, a thorough understanding of autophagy in different cancer types and stages is a prerequisite to determine an autophagy-activating or autophagy-inhibiting treatment strategy.
Autophagy is a conserved proteolytic mechanism that degrades cytoplasmic material including cell organelles. Although the importance of autophagy for cell homeostasis and survival has long been appreciated, our understanding of how autophagy is regulated at a molecular level just recently evolved. The importance of autophagy for the quality control of proteins is underscored by the fact that many neurodegenerative and myodegenerative diseases are characterized by an increased but still insufficient autophagic activity. Similarly, if the cellular stress, leading to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage, mitochondrial damage and/or damaged proteins, does not result in sufficient autophagic repair mechanisms, cells seem to be prone to transform into tumour cells. Therefore, autophagy has multiple roles to play in the causation and prevention of human diseases.
Background Purified thymus extracts (pTE) and synthetic thymic peptides (sTP) are thought to enhance the immune system of cancer patients in order to fight the growth of tumour cells and to resist infections due to immunosuppression induced by the disease and antineoplastic therapy. Objectives To evaluate the effectiveness of pTE and sTP for the management of cancer. Search methods We searched CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue 3), MEDLINE, EMBASE, AMED, BIOETHICSLINE, BIOSIS, CATLINE, CISCOM, HEALTHSTAR, HTA, SOMED and LILACS (to February 2010). Selection criteria Randomised trials of pTE or sTP in addition to chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or both, compared to the same regimen with placebo or no additional treatment in adult cancer patients. Data collection and analysis Two authors independently extracted data from published trials. We derived odds ratios (OR) from overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates, tumour response (TR) rates, and rates of adverse effects (AE) related to antineoplastic treatments. We used a random-effects model for meta-analysis. Main results We identified 26 trials (2736 patients). Twenty trials investigated pTE (thymostimulin or thymosin fraction 5) and six trials investigated sTP (thymopentin or thymosin α1). Twenty-one trials reported results for OS, six for DFS, 14 for TR, nine for AE and 10 for safety of pTE and sTP. Addition of pTE conferred no benefit on OS (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.79 to 1.25); DFS (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.16); or TR (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.92 to 1.25). Heterogeneity was moderate to high for all these outcomes. For thymosin α1 the pooled RR for OS was 1.21 (95% CI 0.94 to 1.56, P = 0.14), with low heterogeneity; and 3.37 (95% CI 0.66 to 17.30, P = 0.15) for DFS, with moderate heterogeneity. The pTE reduced the risk of severe infectious complications (RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.78, P = 0.0008; I² = 0%). The RR for severe neutropenia in patients treated with thymostimulin was 0.55 (95% CI 0.25 to 1.23, P = 0.15). Tolerability of pTE and sTP was good. Most of the trials had at least a moderate risk of bias. Authors' conclusions Overall, we found neither evidence that the addition of pTE to antineoplastic treatment reduced the risk of death or disease progression nor that it improved the rate of tumour responses to antineoplastic treatment. For thymosin α1, there was a trend for a reduced risk of dying and of improved DFS. There was preliminary evidence that pTE lowered the risk of severe infectious complications in patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is widely used to consolidate first remission in AML. We determined the significance of circulating CD34+ cells at the day of blood stem cell collection in 78 AML patients. Patients mobilizing more than 60,000 CD34+ cells/ml had shorter overall survival (OS; P=0.0274), shorter time to progression (TTP; P=0.0014), and a higher relapse rate (P=0.0177). High levels of CD34+ cells were an independent marker for shorter OS and TTP in a multivariate analysis. These data suggest that ASCT is associated with unfavorable outcome in AML patients with high levels of mobilized peripheral CD34+ cells.
Cancer stem cell (CSC) based gene expression signatures are associated with prognosis in various tumour types and CSCs are suggested to be particularly drug resistant. The aim of our study was first, to determine the prognostic significance of CSC-related gene expression in residual tumour cells of neoadjuvant-treated gastric cancer (GC) patients. Second, we wished to examine, whether expression alterations between pre- and post-therapeutic tumour samples exist, consistent with an enrichment of drug resistant tumour cells. The expression of 44 genes was analysed in 63 formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tumour specimens with partial tumour regression (10-50% residual tumour) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy by quantitative real time PCR low-density arrays. A signature of combined GSK3B(high), β-catenin (CTNNB1)(high) and NOTCH2(low) expression was strongly correlated with better patient survival (p<0.001). A prognostic relevance of these genes was also found analysing publically available gene expression data. The expression of 9 genes was compared between pre-therapeutic biopsies and post-therapeutic resected specimens. A significant post-therapeutic increase in NOTCH2, LGR5 and POU5F1 expression was found in tumours with different tumour regression grades. No significant alterations were observed for GSK3B and CTNNB1. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated a chemotherapy-associated increase in the intensity of NOTCH2 staining, but not in the percentage of NOTCH2. Taken together, the GSK3B, CTNNB1 and NOTCH2 expression signature is a novel, promising prognostic parameter for GC. The results of the differential expression analysis indicate a prominent role for NOTCH2 and chemotherapy resistance in GC, which seems to be related to an effect of the drugs on NOTCH2 expression rather than to an enrichment of NOTCH2 expressing tumour cells.
A major challenge in the management of patients with prostate cancer is identifying those individuals at risk of developing metastatic disease, as in most cases the disease will remain indolent. We analyzed pooled serum samples from 4 groups of patients (n = 5 samples/group), collected prospectively and actively monitored for a minimum of 5 yrs. Patients groups were (i) histological diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia with no evidence of cancer 'BPH', (ii) localised cancer with no evidence of progression, 'non-progressing' (iii) localised cancer with evidence of biochemical progression, 'progressing', and (iv) bone metastasis at presentation 'metastatic'. Pooled samples were immuno-depleted of the 14 most highly abundant proteins and analysed using a 4-plex iTRAQ approach. Overall 122 proteins were identified and relatively quantified. Comparisons of progressing versus non-progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 25 proteins (p<0.001). Comparisons of metastatic versus progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 23 proteins. Mapping the differentially expressed proteins onto the prostate cancer progression pathway revealed the dysregulated expression of individual proteins, pairs of proteins and 'panels' of proteins to be associated with particular stages of disease development and progression. The median immunostaining intensity of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (eEF1A1), one of the candidates identified, was significantly higher in osteoblasts in close proximity to metastatic tumour cells compared with osteoblasts in control bone (p = 0.0353, Mann Whitney U). Our proteomic approach has identified leads for potentially useful serum biomarkers associated with the metastatic progression of prostate cancer. The panels identified, including eEF1A1 warrant further investigation and validation.
The central nervous system (CNS) is an immunologically privileged site to which access of circulating immune cells is tightly controlled by the endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB; see Glossary) localized in CNS microvessels, and the epithelial blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) within the choroid plexus. As a result of the specialized structure of the CNS barriers, immune cell entry into the CNS parenchyma involves two differently regulated steps: migration of immune cells across the BBB or BCSFB into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-drained spaces of the CNS, followed by progression across the glia limitans into the CNS parenchyma. With a focus on multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal models, this review summarizes the distinct molecular mechanisms required for immune cell migration across the different CNS barriers.
BACKGROUND The central nervous system (CNS) is an immunologically privileged site to which access for circulating immune cells is tightly controlled by the endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) located in CNS microvessels. Under physiological conditions immune cell migration across the BBB is low. However, in neuroinflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis, many immune cells can cross the BBB and cause neurological symptoms. Extravasation of circulating immune cells is a multi-step process that is regulated by the sequential interaction of different adhesion and signaling molecules on the immune cells and on the endothelium. The specialized barrier characteristics of the BBB, therefore, imply the existence of unique mechanisms for immune cell migration across the BBB.
Autophagy-related gene (Atg) 5 is a gene product required for the formation of autophagosomes. Here, we report that Atg5, in addition to the promotion of autophagy, enhances susceptibility towards apoptotic stimuli. Enforced expression of Atg5-sensitized tumour cells to anticancer drug treatment both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, silencing the Atg5 gene with short interfering RNA (siRNA) resulted in partial resistance to chemotherapy. Apoptosis was associated with calpain-mediated Atg5 cleavage, resulting in an amino-terminal cleavage product with a relative molecular mass of 24,000 (Mr 24K). Atg5 cleavage was observed independent of the cell type and the apoptotic stimulus, suggesting that calpain activation and Atg5 cleavage are general phenomena in apoptotic cells. Truncated Atg5 translocated from the cytosol to mitochondria, associated with the anti-apoptotic molecule Bcl-xL and triggered cytochrome c release and caspase activation. Taken together, calpain-mediated Atg5 cleavage provokes apoptotic cell death, therefore, represents a molecular link between autophagy and apoptosis--a finding with potential importance for clinical anticancer therapies.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. The presence of circulating hematopoietic progenitor cells in patients with myeloproliferative diseases (MPD) has been described. However, the exact nature of such progenitor cells has not been specified until now. The aim of this work was to investigate the presence of endothelial precursor cells in the blood of patients with MPD and to assess the role of the endothelial cell lineage in the pathophysiology of this disease. DESIGN AND METHODS. Endothelial progenitor cell marker expression (CD34, prominin (CD133), kinase insert domain receptor (KDR) or vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), and von Willebrand factor) was assessed in the blood of 53 patients with MPD by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Clonogenic stem cell assays were performed with progenitor cells and monocytes to assess differentiation towards the endothelial cell lineage. The patients' were divided according to whether they had essential thrombocythemia (ET, n=17), polycythemia vera (PV, n=21) or chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis (CIMF, n=15) and their data compared with data from normal controls (n=16) and patients with secondary thrombo- or erythrocytosis (n=17). RESULTS. Trafficking of CD34-positive cells was increased above the physiological level in 4/17 patients with ET, 5/21 patients with PV and 13/15 patients with CIMF. A subset of patients with CIMF co-expressed the markers CD34, prominin (CD133) and KDR, suggesting the presence of endothelial precursors among the circulating progenitor cells. Clonogenic stem cell assays confirmed differentiation towards both the hematopoietic and the endothelial cell lineage in 5/10 patients with CIMF. Furthermore, the molecular markers trisomy 8 and JAK2 V617F were found in the grown endothelial cells of patients positive for trisomy 8 or JAK2 V617F in the peripheral blood, confirming the common clonal origin of both hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS. Endothelial precursor cells are increased in the blood of a subset of patients with CIMF, and peripheral endothelial cells bear the same molecular markers as hematopoietic cells, suggesting a primary role of pathological endothelial cells in this disease.
N-myc downstream-regulated gene-1 (NDRG1) is a recently described hypoxia-inducible protein that is upregulated in various human cancers. Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, called pancreatic cancer, is a highly aggressive cancer that is characterised by its avascular structure, which results in a severe hypoxic environment. In this study, we investigated whether NDRG1 is upregulated in these tumours, thus providing a novel marker for malignant cells in the pancreas. By immunohistochemistry, we observed that NDRG1 was highly expressed in well-differentiated cells of pancreatic cancer, whereas the poorly differentiated tumour cells were negative. In addition, hyperplastic islets and ducts of nonquiescent pancreatic tissue were positive. To further explore its selective expression in tumours, two well-established pancreatic cancer cell lines of unequal differentiation status were exposed to 2% oxygen. NDRG1 mRNA and protein were upregulated by hypoxia in the moderately differentiated Capan-1 cells; however, its levels remained unchanged in the poorly differentiated Panc-1 cell line. Taken together, our data suggest that NDRG1 will not serve as a reliable marker of tumour cells in the pancreas, but may serve as a marker of differentiation. Furthermore, we present the novel finding that cellular differentiation may be an important factor that determines the hypoxia-induced regulation of NDRG1.
The cellular and humoral mechanisms accounting for osteolysis in skeletal metastases of malignant melanoma are uncertain. Osteoclasts, the specialised multinucleated cells that carry out bone resorption, are derived from monocyte/macrophage precursors. We isolated tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) from metastatic (lymph node/skin) melanomas and cultured them in the presence and absence of osteoclastogenic cytokines and growth factors. The effect of tumour-derived fibroblasts and melanoma cells on osteoclast formation and resorption was also analysed. Melanoma TAMs (CD14+/CD51-) differentiated into osteoclasts (CD14-/CD51+) in the presence of receptor activator for nuclear factor kappaB ligand (RANKL) and macrophage-colony stimulating factor. Tumour-associated macrophage-osteoclast differentiation also occurred via a RANKL-independent pathway when TAMs were cultured with tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1alpha. RT-PCR showed that fibroblasts isolated from metastatic melanomas expressed RANKL messenger RNA and the conditioned medium of cultured melanoma fibroblasts was found to be capable of inducing osteoclast formation in the absence of RANKL; this effect was inhibited by the addition of osteoprotegerin (OPG). We also found that cultured human SK-Mel-29 melanoma cells produce a soluble factor that induces osteoclast differentiation; this effect was not inhibited by OPG. Our findings indicate that TAMs in metastatic melanomas can differentiate into osteoclasts and that melanoma fibroblasts and melanoma tumour cells can induce osteoclast formation by RANKL-dependent and RANKL-independent mechanisms, respectively.