1000 resultados para Cidades e vilas - Marília (SP)
This article portrays Supervised Curricular Training experiences in Paulistas Universities by means of learning portfolios. The reflections presented indicate the pathways of experiences with this feature didactic-pedagogical motivator of qualitative advances in cultural formation of students and teachers of the Pedagogy Course. The methodological approach was chosen for consistent in the defense of necessary joints of dialogical, reflexive and emancipatory dimensions in training teachers for Early Childhood Education, and to contribute in the mediation of the activities carried out by undergraduates, with individualized follow in the formation of each one of them. The experience, stand out learnings regarding limits of this practice and the significant advances realized in each student, by means of their written work, sharing of knowledge, the interlocution between them and the teachers and the link with theory and practice through the Internship Supervised and the use of learning portfolios.
The school library is a preferential placefor the contact of students with various informationresources and action of librarians and teachers, likemediators in order to enhance this experience. Thecollaborative relationship between this mediators isessential for planning and implementing activitiesfor learning. This article discusses some aspects ofcollaborative work between teachers and librarianand presents the results of applying a model ofcollaboration with the two librarians in Marília-SP, Brazil. Data collection was conducted withlibrarians from two schools, through interviews.The analysis was performed using the technique ofcontent analysis from four models of collaboration.It is noticed that the models are applicable tothe brazilian context and that there is a model ofcooperation prevailing in the participating schools.KEYWORDS: School library. Librarian. Teacher.Colaboration. Information literacy.
INTRODUCTION: developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing of simple words often involving deficits in phonological decoding and spelling. It affects individuals without sensory disabilities, free of significant emotional commitment and adequate educational opportunities. OBJECTIVE: to characterize the performance in activities related to writing observed in children with developmental dyslexia. METHOD: a total of six children (boys and girls) from 3rd to 7th grade from public schools in a city in the state of Sao Paulo, eight to thirteen years of age, participated in this study. Data were collected in CEES - Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde of UNESP - in Marília -SP in writing tasks. The results were analyzed descriptively by the score in percentage of correct answers. RESULTS: children with developmental dyslexia presented alterations in relation to the activities: writing of isolated words and writing of dictated words were below expectations for the education level, presenting phonological and orthographic changes. CONCLUSION: it is important that children with school problems make a more specific evaluation concerning these tasks.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Developmental dyslexia is characterized by impairment in reading and writing as a result of changes in the cognitive-linguistic behavior. The goal of the research was to analyze and compare the performance on tasks of reading and writing in children with developmental dyslexia after a mentoring program. Participated in this study 15 children of both genders from 3rd to 7th grade public schools of a city in the State of São Paulo, with average age (M = 9.4) and (DP = 1.08) divided into GIexperimental group (7 children who received intervention) and GII – control group (8 children did not receive the intervention, they were matched according to sex and age group with GI). The children were subjected to the diagnostic survey of reading and writing and to the intervention program in Reading Recovery tutoring. The data regarding reading and writing tasks related to mentoring program were collected in CEES-Centro de Estudos de Educação e Saúde da UNESP. The results revealed statistically significant difference between the GI and GII, where children with dyslexia in the GI showed superior performance on the task of reading words and reading the book I in relation to children of the GII. It was concluded that the GI introduced significant advances compared to GII that did not receive mentoring intervention, demonstrating that due to variability of cognitive-linguistic profile of children with dyslexia, it is necessary to develop, mainly, in the school context programs with specific difficulties that focus on interventions of this population.
By analyzing the pedagogical practices in respect of acts of reading in the current context of school education institutions vital, it is clear that they are linked to decipher. But it is believed that for the student to learn to read is necessary dialogue with the text, attribute meaning to writing and comprehension. When thinking about the use of technologies such as film subtitles, it is believed that they allow readers to form since they require a quick read without using the decryption with the attribution of meaning to follow the entire course of the film. This paper aims to present and analyze a film session the project subtitled and dubbed films in public schools and training of the reader, which investigates the contributions of cinematic legends in training readers in elementary school. In this paper we present data on the session of the film The Secret Garden, with students between six and ten years old in a public school in Marilia, SP. The session took place in film school, in a room adapted. When analyzing the results, we observed that reading subtitles contributes to children are not attached to decipher, because we used reading strategies to understand the plot and tried to dialogue with the text. This approach not only contributes reader for reading the screens, but also in fixed supports, for developing specific tactics for the scrolling text which can be applied to the texts on the immobilized support.
Este texto é fruto de um projeto de extensão que promove a reflexão entre professores da Universidade Estadual Paulista e diretores e supervisores da Delegacia de Ensino da Região de Marília/SP. O MEC vem defendendo a adoção do PDE nas escolas públicas que não atingiram as metas definidas pelo IDEB. Nosso objetivo é analisar as propostas do PDE, identificando suas origens, suas características e a concepção de gestão que o embasam. Do mesmo modo, confrontar com o PPP das escolas, analisando suas implicações e consequências para a gestão. A Metodologia adota as pesquisas: bibliográfica, documental (PDE e PPP) e a pesquisa ação com o grupo de estudos em que participam diretores e supervisores da rede estadual e docentes e discentes da UNESP. Como resultados, identificamos que a concepção de gestão, consubstanciada no PDE, caminha em sentido oposto ao da concepção do PPP, especialmente no que se refere à gestão democrática.
Este texto trae consideraciones respecto de una investigación que se está desarrollando en escuelas públicas Marília (SP). El objetivo es observar cómo la democracia es experimentada en la existencia cotidiana de vida escolar y cómo los derechos humanos y la cuestión de género aparecen en las relaciones sociales y en su proyecto político-pedagógico. Se supone que la educación democrática sólo se concretará en la escuela si dos dimensiones de la educación escolar son trabajados: la escuela como locus de participación democrática y los estudios basados en la ética y los derechos humanos, que no podrán descartar la cuestión del género. Hemos elaborado que la educación para la ciudadanía no puede descartar la ciudadanía política, además de los derechos humanos y cuestiones de género, de lo contrario, no niños y niñas sensibles a ellos.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize and compare the visual perceptual skills and writing quality of students with dyslexia, with good academic performance, and to relate the perceptual visual motor skills and the writing quality of students with dyslexia, with good academic performance. METHODS: 40 students participated in this study; 35 males and 5 females, from 8 to 11 years and 11 months, who attended from the 3rd to 5th grade level of public municipal schools of Marília-SP, divided into two groups: Group I (GI) comprised 20 students with interdisciplinar diagnoses of dyslexia, and Group II (GII) comprised 20 students with good academic performance. The Visual Perceptual Skills Test - TVPS-3 and the Disgraphy Scale were applied. RESULTS: The results obtained from this study showed that the students with dyslexia presented difficulties in visual skills concerning discrimination and memory. Besides discrimination and memory skills, it was observed inferior performance concerning the relation visual spacial skills and steady form, and inferior performance in all the visual skills, when compared to the chronological age. However, the group of students with good academic performance has also presented inferior performance concerning the relation visual spacial skills and steady form. CONCLUSIONS: The study mentions that maybe schools do not invest sufficiently in activities which envolve visual experiences necessary for the enhancement of reading and writing. Although statistically significant difference was not observed between the groups concerning disgraphy, it iwas possible to observe that a higher amount of students presented disgraphy.
The ecology and sustainability have never been in question as they are today, this is because the planet has reached a situation in which problems related to consumption and waste production can not be ignored. Cities have become unhealthy and quality of life of urban man is increasingly impaired. As a form of escapism from the major centers, a significant number of people are looking for isolated communities and ecological order that there, in those isolated places, they are able to rescue the idea of community. The journalistic product The Village of the Mountain shows the daily life in an ecovillage and describes the challenges and ideologies of these people trying to build a more suitable place to live
O projeto em questão trata-se da tentativa de criar um outro tipo de cidade dentro da cidade já estabelecida. Uma cidade em maior sintonia com a escala humana, que possibilite outras formas de vivência no espaço urbano. Uma cidade que valorize o meio ambiente e as relações humanas possíveis com ele, excluindo as possibiidades de degradação mútua. Um projeto de cidade que num primeiro momento pode dar a impressão parecer-se com uma ilha no oceano ou um oásis no deserto, mas que tem a possíbilidade de se expandir por suas características físicas e pelos próprios vetores que o ambiente e a antiga cidade proporcionam.No caso deste projeto seus vetores são a princípio o rio, as áreas industriais vazias ou subutilizadas e também seus equipamentos de mobilidade urbana
In this study we discuss a range of topics related to urban development from the perspective of connection points between the existence of the individual subjects’ lives. In this connection we identified the signs that express an articulation among subjectivity processes and conditions for interference in the real world, relying on circumscribed remarks about spatial configurations and its uses. This way, the substance of our research is structured upon the concept of fashion brands operating new dynamics of urban lifestyles, a strengthened reliance on the physical body’s appearance and the profusion of a supposed “I”, presented as a spectacle. Taking these assertions as new “trends” on building view-points and contemporary cities, we discuss the implications of these currents on how people gather and organize themselves in the urban landscape, making an effort to comprehend how these vogues reverberate on the (re)production of increasingly segregated cities
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O projeto busca intervir em uma região da cidade de Osasco (Região Metropolitana de Grande São Paulo), que é cortada pelo Rio Tietê, onde o rio acaba por criar uma grande barreira física. Esta barreira, apesar da existência de pontes no local, até hoje não conseguiu ser vencida urbanisticamente, ou seja, a cidade não conseguiu se integrar ao rio. O fato de essa região ser reduto de indústrias, em boa parte abandonadas, somados a poluição do rio, gera um cenário urbano degradado e faz com que a barreira que divide a cidade em duas partes seja maior. O Plano Diretor da cidade já aponta a necessidade de uma revitalização nessa área. A prefeitura da cidade vem desenvolvendo um projeto de revitalização de parte dessa área e ligando os dois lados. Porém essa ligação ainda dá traços de privilegiar mais o automóvel do que o pedestre, até mesmo pela largura considerável do rio nessa região. Nesse ponto, a proposta deste trabalho está em criar um elo de ligação entre as duas margens do rio, de maneira a integrá-lo a cidade e aos cidadãos. Essa integração deve ser segura, pois assaltos são freqüentes nas passarelas dessa região. Também deve apresentar um caráter estético satisfatório e que se encaixe na paisagem. Busca-se também a revitalização da área, com substituição das fábricas e galpões abandonados, por residências, serviços e comércio, assim criando uma nova dinâmica. Então, este trabalho aponta para a criação de um EDIFICIO-PONTE, como tentativa de solucionar o problema dessa ligação (ou falta dela), com segurança, qualidade urbanística, ampliação da dinâmica local, fluxo de pessoas, além de ser um desafio projetual de arquitetura, já que não são tão comuns os edifícios-ponte
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