878 resultados para Cement-loaded, Kuntscher Nail, Revision, Hip Arthroplasty, Bone Loss


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Introducción: El Deslizamiento Epifisiario Capital Femoral es la enfermedad de la cadera más común en adolescentes entre los 9 y 16 años. Es de causa idiopática, más frecuente en hombres, se clasifica en 4 estadios según criterios clínicos y radiológicos. Se buscó evaluar la evolución de los deslizamientos moderados y severos tratados con una de las dos técnicas propuestas. Metodología Se realizó un estudio descriptivo con pacientes que fueron llevados a fijación in situ o luxación controlada entre 2008 y 2011. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 pacientes, los cuales el 65.4% se les realizó luxación quirúrgica controlada y el 34.6% fijación in situ. El 70,6% de pacientes tenían DECF inestable y 70,5% tenían desplazamiento severo. La evaluación de la escala WOMAC para dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional encontró mejores beneficios para el grupo de fijación in situ, estadísticamente significativos (p<0,05), no solo en términos de dolor, rigidez y capacidad funcional sino menor frecuencia de complicaciones. Las complicaciones más frecuentes en el grupo de luxación quirúrgica controlada fueron un caso de infección, 7 casos (41,2%) de necrosis avascular de cabeza femoral, 5 casos (29,4%) de condrolisis y 2 casos (11,8%) de pseudoartrosis; En el grupo de fijación in situ, solo 1 (11,1%) presentó Infección del Sitio Operatorio y 1 (11,1%) Condrolisis. Resultados significativos solo para necrosis avascular. Discusión: Los pacientes con deslizamientos moderados y severos manejados con fijación in situ tuvieron una mejor resultado con menor proporción de complicaciones.


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Introducción: La hipotermia perioperatoria se ha documentado como factor de riesgo para el aumento de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes aumentando morbilidad miocárdica, riesgo de infección, pérdidas sanguíneas y tiempo de hospitalización. La aplicación de anestésicos toma relevancia ya que causa la pérdida de control central de la temperatura. Nuestro objetivo con este estudio fue describir la proporción de casos de hipotermia en la población sometida a un reemplazo articular durante un periodo de cuatro meses. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo. La población a estudio fueron los pacientes que fueron sometidos a un reemplazo total de cadera, rodilla u hombro. Se registró la temperatura central en el momento previo a la inducción anestésica, 30, 60 y 90 minutos después, al finalizar el procedimiento y al ingresar a recuperación. Se reportó el porcentaje de pacientes con hipotermia en cada tiempo. Resultados: Se analizaron en total 88 pacientes, el 55,7% fue llevado a cirugía de cadera, 39,7% de rodilla y 4,5% de hombro. El tipo de anestesia más utilizado fue general y la duración promedio de anestesia fue 164 minutos. La medición de la temperatura central se realizó en nasofaringe, esófago o tímpano. La proporción de pacientes que presentaron hipotermia en la inducción fue 21,6%, a 30 minutos 83%, a 60 minutos 73,9%, a 90 minutos 68,2%, al finalizar 59,1% y en recuperación 58%. Se realizó una prueba Chi cuadrado comparando las proporciones entre la inducción y los cinco periodos posteriores, se encontró que la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia en los cinco tiempos posteriores tuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,00) comparada con la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia durante la inducción. Conclusión: En los pacientes sometidos a un reemplazo articular la hipotermia fue una condición prevalente posterior a la aplicación de los anestésicos sistémicos. Los dispositivos de calentamiento intraoperatorio usados actualmente son insuficientes para evitar la hipotermia, lo que indica concordancia con la literatura en cuanto a las recomendaciones de calentamiento perioperatorio, con énfasis en el precalentamiento, para prevenir la caída significativa de la temperatura y la morbimortalidad asociada.


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This paper examines the role of the avB3 integrin in osteoclastic resorption using a model of a localized inflammatory bone loss.


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Background and purpose: The inflammation-resolving lipid mediator resolvin E1 (RvE1) effectively stops inflammation-induced bone loss in vivo in experimental periodontitis. It was of interest to determine whether RvE1 has direct actions on osteoclast (OC) development and bone resorption. Experimental approach: Primary OC cultures derived from mouse bone marrow were treated with RvE1 and analysed for OC differentiation, cell survival and bone substrate resorption. Receptor binding was measured using radiolabelled RvE1. Nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B activation and Akt phosphorylation were determined with western blotting. Lipid mediator production was assessed with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Key results: OC growth and resorption pit formation were markedly decreased in the presence of RvE1. OC differentiation was inhibited by RvE1 as demonstrated by decreased number of multinuclear OC, a delay in the time course of OC development and attenuation of receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand-induced nuclear translocation of the p50 subunit of NF-kappa B. OC survival and apoptosis were not altered by RvE1. Messenger RNA for both receptors of RvE1, ChemR23 and BLT(1) is expressed in OC cultures. Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) competed with [(3)H] RvE1 binding on OC cell membrane preparations, and the LTB(4) antagonist U75302 prevented RvE1 inhibition of OC growth, indicating that BLT(1) mediates RvE1 actions on OC. Primary OC synthesized the RvE1 precursor 18R-hydroxy-eicosapentaenoic acid and LTB(4). Co-incubation of OC with peripheral blood neutrophils resulted in transcellular RvE1 biosynthesis. Conclusions and implications: These results indicate that RvE1 inhibits OC growth and bone resorption by interfering with OC differentiation. The bone-sparing actions of RvE1 are in addition to inflammation resolution, a direct action in bone remodelling.


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A artrose do quadril é uma doença articular degenerativa que atinge principalmente idosos, faixa etária que vem gradativamente aumentando nos últimos tempos. Assim, medidas de racionalização do uso de leitos e recursos hospitalares são necessárias para melhor viabilizar os procedimentos cirúrgicos e reduzir gastos para o sistema de saúde, uma vez que quase dois terços destes gastos decorrem do período de internação. Com esse objetivo, foi desenvolvido um protocolo assistencial de artroplastia total de quadril (PAATQ), multidisciplinar, com consultas ambulatoriais e visitas domiciliares programadas para pacientes a serem submetidos à artroplastia total de quadril (ATQ), visando uma melhor abordagem por parte da equipe médica e de enfermagem e uma melhor orientação dos pacientes e familiares quanto ao procedimento cirúrgico. Este estudo transversal (piloto), com controle histórico aninhado a um ensaio clínico randomizado, tem por objetivo avaliar a factibilidade de implantação e a adesão, por parte das equipes médica e de enfermagem, à utilização deste protocolo. Secundariamente, visa determinar o impacto desta rotina no tempo de internação, na independência funcional do paciente e nos eventos clínicos da fase hospitalar, bem como avaliar a factibilidade das visitas domiciliares de enfermagem. Um total de 22 pacientes (9 homens e 13 mulheres) submetidos à ATQ no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (Brasil), com média (dp) de idade de 58,86 (16,87), variando de 21 a 86 anos, foram incluídos no estudo. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos  grupo 1 (n=12) e grupo 2 (n=10)  de acordo com aplicação ou não do PAATQ. No grupo 1, as principais comorbidades foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) (dois casos), o diabete mellitus (um caso); e o alcoolismo (um caso).No grupo 2, houve um caso de HAS. O tempo de permanência médio (dp) pós-operatório (DPO) foi de 5,2 e 7,5 dias para os grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente (p=0.0055). A adesão ao protocolo foi de 90% e 100% por parte das equipes médica e de enfermagem, respectivamente. Sete pacientes do grupo 1 conseguiram sentar fora do leito no 2o dia pós-operatório (PO), dois sentaram no 3o e nenhum foi incapaz de sair do leito. Todos deambularam com muletas um dia após sentarem. No grupo 2, todos os pacientes saíram do leito no 4o DPO. Em conclusão, o presente protocolo mostrou-se factível, tendo obtido ótima adesão por parte da equipe e propiciado redução do tempo de internação. O seguimento do programa determinará mais detalhadamente a sua eficácia e a factibilidade das visitas domiciliares.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O número de artroplastia total de quadril (ATQ) bilateral tem aumentado a cada ano. Analgesia pós-operatória pela infusão contínua perineural com anestésico local tem se mostrado favorável quando comparada com analgesia sistêmica. O uso de bombas elastoméricas tem aumentado a satisfação do paciente quando em comparação com os modelos eletrônicos. O objetivo deste relato foi descrever um caso de analgesia contínua bilateral do plexo lombar via posterior, com infusão contínua através de bomba elastomérica, em paciente submetido à uma artroplastia bilateral de quadril. RELATO do CASO: Paciente feminina, 46 anos, 65 kg, 162 cm, com artrite reumatoide e hipertensão arterial, estado físico ASA II, escalada para ser submetida a ATQ bilateral em um único estágio. Uso de corticosteroide por 13 anos. Hemoglobina = 10,1 g.dL-1, hematócrito = 32,7%. Monitoração de rotina. Raquianestesia com 15 mg de bupivacaína 0,5% isobárica. Anestesia geral com propofol (PFS) e remifentanil e intubação sem bloqueadores neuromusculares. ATQ direita e no final, bloqueio plexo lombar com estimulador e conjunto agulha 150 mm e injeção de 20 mL bupivacaína 0,2% e passagem de cateter. ATQ esquerda e, no final, mesmo procedimento. Estudado dispersão do anestésico e contraste. Instalado bomba elastomérica com bupivacaína 0,1% (400 mL) em velocidade de 14 mL.h-1. Transferida para Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Vinte e quatro horas após, nova bomba com a mesma solução. Nenhum bolus durante 50 horas. Após remoção de cateter, dor controlada por via oral com cetoprofeno e dipirona. CONCLUSÕES: O bloqueio bilateral contínuo periférico com infusão de bupivacaína a 0,1% com bombas elastoméricas é um procedimento seguro e efetivo em adultos.


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An 8-year-old male Boxer with a severely contaminated open fracture of the left radius and ulna fracture, produced by a helicopter propeller, was treated using bone transport by the Ilizarov method. Extensive diaphyseal bone loss and soft-tissue vascular damage were present. The radius and ulna were stabilised with an Ilizarov ring external fixator. The bone defect was partially shortened and restored by gradual transport of a bone segment created from proximal segments of the radius and ulna. The external fixator was removed 4fi months after the beginning of the latency period, due to instability caused by osteolysis around the wires. A cast was placed for 3 weeks. Although the bone transport had resulted in formation of approximately 4 cm of bone, the antebrachium showed approximately 50% shortening when compared to the contralateral limb. The infection was eradicated, and the dog was able to bear weight on the operated limb when walking.


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Background: This prospective and controlled histologic study evaluates the impact of smoking on bone-to-implant contact, the bone density in the threaded area, and the bone density outside the threaded area around microimplants with anodized surface retrieved from human jaws.Methods: A total of 24 subjects (mean age 51.32 +/- 7.5 years) were divided in two groups: smokers (n = 13 subjects) and non-smokers (n = 11 subjects). Each subject received one microimplant with oxidized surface during conventional mandible or maxilla implant surgery. After 8 weeks, the microimplants and the surrounding tissue were removed and prepared for histomorphometric analysis.Results: Three microimplants placed in smokers showed no osseointegration. The newly formed bone showed early stages of maturation, mainly in the non-smokers. Marginal bone loss, gap, and fibrous tissue were present around implants retrieved from smokers. Histometric evaluation indicated that the mean bone-to-implant contact ranged between 25.97% +/- 9.02% and 40.01% +/- 12.98% for smokers and non-smokers, respectively (P <0.001). Smokers presented 28.17% +/- 10.32% of bone density in the threaded area, whereas non-smokers showed 46.34% +/- 19.12%. The mean of bone density outside the threaded area ranged between 18.76% and 25.11% for smokers and non-smokers, respectively (P>0.05).Conclusion: The present data obtained in human subjects confirm that smoking has a detrimental effect on early bone tissue response around oxidized implant surfaces. J Periodontol 2010;81:575-583.


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Objective: To evaluate 2 techniques for the treatment of human primary molars with necrotic Pulp and bifurcation bone loss by means of radiographic examination for 48 months. Method and Materials: Fifty-one mandibular primary molars were evaluated in children ranging from 4.5 to 6.5 years of age. The teeth with necrotic pulp and bifurcation bone loss were diagnosed by radiographic examination. The teeth were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (28 teeth)-pulpotomy technique using formocresol as a temporary dressing between sessions and coronal chamber obturation with zinc oxide-eugenol cement; and group 2 (23 teeth)-pulpectomy technique with calcium hydroxide paste as a temporary dressing between sessions and root canal obturation with a dense Calcium hydroxide paste. Standardized radiographs were taken immediately after the fillings were completed and after 12, 24, 36, and 48 months. The radiographs were digitized and analyzed with software that outlined and measured the bifurcation radiolucency. Results: Bifurcation radiolucency reduced significantly or repaired completely for both treatnients in the first 12 months. Minor radiographic reduction of the lesion was observed from 12 to 24 months, and no significant reduction of the remaining radioulcent area was observed from 24 to 48 months after treatment. Conclusion: The 2 endodontic techniques evaluated showed similar results. The main effect of treatment on the lesion repair was obtained in the first year after treatment.


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Objectives: the administration of cyclosporin A has been associated with significant bone loss and increased bone remodeling. The present investigation was designed to evaluate the effects of cyclosporin A on alveolar bone of rats subjected to experimental periodontitis, using serum, stereometric and radiographic analysis.Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided into one of the following groups with six animals each: group I, control rats; group II, in which the animals received a cotton ligature around the lower first molars; group III, in which the rats received a cotton ligature around the lower first molars and were treated with 10 mg/(kg body weight day) of cyclosporin A; group IV, in which the rats were treated with 10 mg/(kg body weight day) of cyclosporin A. At the end of experimental period, at 30 days, animals were killed and the serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels were measured in all groups. The distance from the alveolar bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction was measured radiographically for each mesial surface of the lower first molars of each rat. After histological processing, the stereological parameters: volume densities of multinucleated osteoclasts (V-o), alveolar bone (V-b), marrow (V-m), and relation of eroded surface/bone surface (Es/Bs) were assessed at the mesial region of the alveolar bone.Results: Significant decreases in serum calcium were observed in those groups that received cyclosporin A therapy. No significant changes in serum alkaline phosphatase were observed. The therapy with cyclosporin A combined with the ligature placement decreased the V-b and increased the V-o, V-m and Es/Bs at the mesial surface of lower first molars. on the other hand, the radiographic data showed that cyclosporin A therapy diminished the alveolar bone loss at the mesial surface of the lower first molars.Conclusions: Therefore, within the limits of this study, we suggest that cyclosporin A at immunosuppressive levels can bring about an imbalance in the alveolar bone homeostasis in rats. However, in the presence of inflammatory stimulation, the inhibition of the immune system by cyclosporin A may decrease the initial periodontal breakdown.


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Objectives: (1) To evaluate the intraobserver agreement related to image interpretation and (2) to compare the accuracy of 100%, 200% and 400% zoomed digital images in the detection of simulated periodontal bone defects.Methods: Periodontal bone defects were created in 60 pig hemi-mandibles with slow-speed burs 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm in diameter. 180 standardized digital radiographs were made using Schick sensor and evaluated at 100%, 200% and 400% zooming. The intraobserver agreement was estimated by Kappa statistic (kappa). For the evaluation of diagnostic accuracy receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed followed by chi-square test to compare the areas under ROC curves according to each level of zooming.Results: For 100%, 200% and 400% zooming the intraobserver agreement was moderate (kappa = 0.48, kappa = 0.54 and kappa = 0.43, respectively) and there were similar performances in the discrimination capacity, with ROC areas of 0.8611 (95% CI: 0.7660-0.9562), 0.8600 (95% CI: 0.7659-0.9540), and 0.8368 (95% CI: 0.7346-0.9390), respectively, with no statistical significant differences (chi(2)-test; P = 0.8440).Conclusions: A moderate intraobserver agreement was observed in the classification of periodontal bone defects and the 100%, 200% and 400% zoomed digital images presented similar performances in the detection of periodontal bone defects.


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Background: Changes in mineral density in the mandibular and femoral bones (BMD) after estrogen deficiency caused by ovariectomy (OVX) and the influence of these changes on induced periodontal disease were evaluated in female rats.Methods: Forty-eight female Holtzman rats (90 days old) were randomly divided into five groups: 0: control (N = 9); 1: SHAM without induced periodontal disease (N = 11); 2: SHAM with induced disease (N = 10); 3: OVX without induced disease (N = 9); and 4: OVX with induced disease (N = 9). In groups 2 and 4, the first lower molars were tied with ligatures for 30 days 120 days after surgery. After 5 months the animals were sacrificed to measure global mineral density (BMD) and that of the sub-regions of the mandible and femur by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). The extent of vertical bone loss was evaluated with digital radiography by measuring the distance from the bone crest to the cemento-enamel junction at the mesial of the first lower molar.Results: Results of the femur (Kruskal-Wallis test) showed a significant difference (P < 0.001) between the groups SHAM and OVX in bone density values for all regions. Comparison between the groups in relation to the BMD of the mandible, both in the sub-regions and global revealed no differences (P < 0.05). The vertical bone loss measured for the groups with induced disease was similar (P= 0.713).Conclusions: Differences between the groups were found in the bone mineral density BMD of the femur but not of the mandible. OVX had no influence on induced periodontal disease.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Individuals with periodontal disease have increased risk of tooth loss, particularly in cases with associated loss of alveolar bone and periodontal ligament (PDL). Current treatments do not predictably regenerate damaged PDL. Collagen I is the primary component of bone and PDL extracellular matrix. SPARC/Osteonectin (SP/ON) is implicated in the regulation of collagen content in healthy PDL. In this study, periodontal disease was induced by injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in wild-type (WT) and SP/ON-null C57/B16 mice. A 20-mu g quantity of LPS was injected between the first and second molars 3 times a week for 4 weeks, whereas PBS control was injected into the contralateral maxilla. LPS injection resulted in a significant decrease in bone volume fraction in both genotypes; however, significantly greater bone loss was detected in SP/ON-null maxilla. SP/ON-null PDL exhibited more extensive degradation of connective tissue in the gingival tissues. Although total cell numbers in the PDL of SP/ON-null were not different from those in WT, the inflammatory infiltrate was reduced in SP/ON-null PDL. Histology of collagen fibers revealed marked reductions in collagen volume fraction and in thick collagen volume fraction in the PDL of SP/ON-null mice. SP/ON protects collagen content in PDL and in alveolar bone in experimental periodontal disease.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)