986 resultados para Carriera, Rosalba, 1675-1757.


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Background Ensuring efficient and effective delivery of health care to an aging population has been a major driver for a review of the health workforce in Australia. As part of this review a new National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) has evolved with one goal being to improve workforce flexibility. With increased flexibility there have been discussions about the role specialist scopes of practice plays. This study explored the role of gender and other work related characteristics in relation to contemporary scope of podiatry practice and specialisation in Australia. Methods A cross sectional survey was administered through an on-line survey tool on behalf of the Australasian Podiatry Council. Descriptive data was collected over a three-week period. Queensland University of Technology Human Research Ethics approval was sought and confirmed exemption from review, exemption number 1400000791. Results Of the podiatrists participating in this survey (n=218), they were predominately female (66%), early career (34%, 0-9 years) and work in private practices (78%) in multi-podiatrists centres (41%). Relationship between clinical activities performed and “self-perception” of performing a “specialist role” was significant for practitioners who undertook treatment of specific patient groups. The largest area of interest was biomechanics (n=65), followed closely by diabetes (n=61), a third area identified was paediatrics (n=26). Self-perception of specialist status was compared with gender, years of experience, location, primary work environment and clinical practice. When practitioners are asked to categorise themselves to be either “generalist” or “specialist/ generalist with a special interest” podiatrist, male gender was identified as being the only factor which would predict perception of status; 64% males identified as specialist, as opposed to 49% of female survey respondents (Chi square, df = 1, P = 0.044). Self-perception of specialist status was not explained by years of experience, location, working in rural versus urban environment, state worked in, or part-time/full-time work status. Conclusions In conclusion; gender, work environment plus area of interest form a complex relationship, which appear to influence both perception and reality of service provision. Incorporation of specialisation activity (surgical podiatry along with endorsement for use of scheduled medicines) will have lasting impact on the scope of the podiatry profession in Australia. To meet community expectation and maintain high standards, the addition of new subspecialties may be indicated.


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Background From the conservative estimates of registrants with the National Diabetes Supply Scheme, we will be soon passing 1.1 Million Australians affected by all types of diabetes. The diabetes complications of foot ulceration and amputation are costly to all. These costs can be reduced with appropriate prevention strategies, starting with identifying people at risk through primary care diabetic foot screening. Yet levels of diabetic foot screening in Australia are difficult to quantify. This presentation aims to report on foot screening rates as recorded in existing academic literature, national health surveys and national database reports. Methods Literature searches included diabetic foot screening that occurred in the primary care setting for populations over 2000 people from 2002 to 2014. Searches were performed using Medline and CINAHL as well as internet searches of Organisations for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries health databases. The focus is on type 1 and type 2 diabetes in adults, and not gestational diabetes or children. The two primary outcome measures were foot -screening rates as a percentage of adult diabetic population and major lower limb amputation incidence rates from standardised OECD data. Results The most recent and accurate level for Australian population review was in the AUSDIAB (Australian Diabetes and lifestyle survey) from 2004. This survey reported screening in primary care to be as low as 50%. Countries such as the United Kingdom and United States of America have much higher reported rates of foot screening (67-86%) recorded using national databases and web based initiatives that involve patients and clinicians. By comparison major amputation rates for Australia were similar to the United Kingdom at 6.5 versus 5.1 per 100,000 population, but dis-similar to the United States of America at 17 per 100,000 population. Conclusions Australian rates of diabetic foot screening in primary care centres is ambiguous. There is no direct relationship between foot screening levels in a primary care environment and major lower limb amputation, based on national health survey's and OECD data. Uptake of national registers, incentives and web-based systems improve levels of diabetic foot assessment, which are the first steps to a healthier diabetic population.


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Background The School of Clinical Sciences comprises a number of health disciplines including podiatry, paramedic science, pharmacy, medical imaging and radiation therapy. A new inter-professional unit was introduced in 2014, which covered key introductory learnings applicable for future health practitioners. This study examined teaching staff and student perspectives about their experience with the new unit for first year students. Methods Qualitative interviews with teaching staff (n=9) and focus group interviews with students (5 groups which ranged in size from 4-30) were conducted. Extensive notes were taken during the interviews Issues emerging from the interviews were identified and organised according to themes and subthemes. Results Four major themes were identified namely: Something new; To be or not to be that is the question; Advantages of the new unit; and Areas for improvement. Previous staff experience with inter-professional learning (IPL) had been ad-hoc, whereas the new unit brought together several disciplines in a planned and deliberate way. There was strong philosophical agreement about the value of IPL but some debate about the extent to which the unit provided IPL experience. The unit was seen as assisting students’ social and academic adjustment to university and provided opportunity for professional socialisation, exposure to macro and micro aspects of the Australian health care system and various types of communication. For podiatry students it was their first opportunity to formally meet and work with other podiatry students and moved their identity from ‘university student’ to ‘podiatry student’. Other positives included providing the opportunity for staff and students to interact at an early stage with the perceived benefit of reducing attrition. Areas for unit improvement included institutional arrangements, unit administration aspects and assessment. Conclusion The unit was seen as beneficial by staff and students however, students were more polarised in their views than staff. There was a tension between feeling apart of and learning about one's own profession and feeling apart of and learning about the roles of other health professionals in relation to patient care and the health care system.


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Pseudocercospora macadamiae is an important pathogen of macadamia in Australia, causing a disease known as husk spot. Growers strive to control the disease with a number of carbendazim and copper treatments. The aim of this study was to consider the macadamia fruit developmental stage at which fungicide application is most effective against husk spot, and whether application of copper-only applications at full-size fruit developmental stage toward the end of the season contributed to effective disease control. Fungicides were applied to macadamia trees at four developmental stages in three orchards in two subsequent production seasons. The effects of the treatments on disease incidence and severity were quantified using area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and logistic regression models. Although disease incidence varied between cultivars, incidence and severity on cv. A16 showed consistent differences between the treatments. Most significant reduction in husk spot incidence occurred when spraying commenced at match-head sized-fruit developmental stage. All treatments significantly reduced husk spot incidence and severity compared with the untreated controls, and a significant positive linear relationship (R2 = 73%) between AUDPC and severity showed that timing of the first fungicide application is important for effective disease control. Application of fungicide at full-size fruit stage reduced disease incidence but had no impact on premature fruit drop.


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Background Surgery is an example of expanded practice scope that enhances podiatry and incorporates inter-professional collaboration. By 2050 demand for foot and ankle procedures is predicted to rise nationally by 61.9%. Performance management of this increase motivated the development of an online audit tool. Developed in collaboration with the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (ACPS), the ACPS audit tool provides real-time data capture and reporting. It is the first audit tool designed in Australia to support and improve the outcomes of foot and ankle surgery. Methods Audit activity in general, orthopaedic, plastic and podiatric surgery was examined using a case study design. Audit participation enablers and barriers were explored. Case study results guided a Delphi survey of international experts experienced or associated with foot and ankle surgery. Delphi survey-derived consensus informed modification of a generic data set from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). Based on the Delphi survey findings the ACPS online audit tool was developed and piloted. Reliability and validity of data entry and usability of this new tool was then assessed with an online survey. Results The case study found surgeon attitudes and behaviours positively impacted audit participation, and also indicated that audit data should be: (1) available in real time, (2) identify practice change, (3) applicable for safety and quality management, and; (4) useful for peer review discussion. The Delphi process established consensus on audit variables to be captured, including the modified RACS generic data set. 382 cases of foot and ankle surgery were captured across 3 months using the new tool. Data entry was found to be valid and reliable. Real-time outcome reporting and practice change identification impacted positively on safety and quality management and assisted peer review discussion. An online survey showed high levels of usability. Conclusions Surgeon contribution to audit tool development resulted in 100% audit participation. The data from the ACPS audit tool supported the ACPS submission to the Medical Services Advisory Committee to list podiatric surgery under Medicare, an outcome noted by the Federal Minister of Health.


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Background Prescribing is a complex task, requiring specific knowledge and skills, and the execution of effective, context-specific clinical reasoning. Systematic reviews indicate medical prescribing errors have a median rate of 7% [IQR 2%-14%] of medication orders [1-3]. For podiatrists pursuing prescribing rights, a clear need exists to ensure practitioners develop a well-defined set of prescribing skills, which will contribute to competent, safe and appropriate practice. Aim To investigate the methods employed to teach and assess the principles of effective prescribing in the undergraduate podiatry program and compare and contrast these findings with four other non-medical professions who undertake prescribing after training at Queensland University of Technology. Method The NPS National Prescribing Competency Standards were employed as the prescribing standard. A curriculum mapping exercise was undertaken to determine whether the prescribing principles articulated in the competency standards were addressed by each profession. Results A range of methods are currently utilised to teach prescribing across disciplines. Application of prescribing competencies to the context of each profession appears to influence the teaching methods used. Most competencies were taught using a multimodal format, including interactive lectures, self-directed learning, tutorial sessions and clinical placement. In particular clinical training was identified as the most consistent form of educating safe prescribers across all five disciplines. Assessment of prescribing competency utilised multiple techniques including written and oral examinations and research tasks, case studies, objective structured clinical examination exercises and the assessment of clinical practice. Effective and reliable assessment of prescribing undertaken by students in diverse settings remains challenging e.g. that occurring in the clinical practice environment. Conclusion Recommendations were made to refine curricula and to promote efficient cross-discipline teaching by staff from the disciplines of podiatry, pharmacy, nurse practitioner, optometry and paramedic science. Students now experience a sophisticated level of multidisciplinary learning in the clinical setting which integrates the expertise and skills of experience prescribers combined with innovative information technology platforms (CCTV and live patient assessments). Further work is required to establish a practical, effective approach to the assessment of prescribing competence especially between the university and clinical settings.


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The aim of this study was to asses results obtained from a range of commonly performed lower extremity “open and closed” chain kinetic tests used for predicting foot function and correlate these test findings to data obtained from the Zebris WinFDM-T system®. When performed correctly these tests are thought to be indicators of lower extremity function. Podiatrists frequently perform examinations of joint and muscle structures to understand biomechanical function; however the relationship between these routine tests and forces generated during the gait cycle are not always well understood. This can introduce a degree of variability in clinical interpretation which creates conjecture regarding the value of these tests.


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Characterization of indoor air quality in school classrooms is crucial to children’s health and performance. The present study was undertaken to characterize the indoor air quality in six naturally ventilated classrooms of three schools in Cassino (Italy). Indoor particle number, mass, black carbon, CO2 and radon concentrations, as well as outdoor particle number were measured within school hours during the winter and spring season. The study found the concentrations of indoor particle number were influenced by the concentrations in the outdoors; highest BC values were detected in classrooms during peak traffic time. The effect of different seasons’ airing mode on the indoor air quality was also detected. The ratio between indoor and outdoor particles was of 0.85 ± 0.10 in winter, under airing conditions of short opening window periods, and 1.00 ± 0.15 in spring when the windows were opened for longer periods. This was associated to a higher degree of penetration of outdoor particles due to longer period of window opening. Lower CO2 levels were found in classrooms in spring (908 ppm) than in winter (2206 ppm). Additionally, a greater reduction in radon concentrations was found in spring. In addition, high PM10 levels were found in classrooms during break time due to re-suspension of coarse particles. Keywords: classroom; Ni/Nout ratio; airing by opening windows; particle number


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Dispersal is a significant determinant of the pattern and process of invasions; however, weed dispersal distances are rarely described and descriptions of dispersal kernels are completely lacking for vertebrate-dispersed weeds. Here, we describe dispersal kernels generated by a native disperser, the endangered southern cassowary (Casuarius casuarius, L.) for an invasive, tropical rainforest plant, pond apple (Annona glabra, L.). Pond apple is primarily water-dispersed and is managed as such. We consider whether cassowary dispersal, as a numerically subordinate dispersal mode, provides an additional dispersal service that may modify the invasion process. In infested areas, pond apple seed was common in cassowary dung. Gut passage had no effect on the probability of single seed germination but deposition in clumps or as whole fruits reduced the probability of germination below that of single seeds. Gut passage times ranged from 65 to 1675 min. Combined with cassowary movement data, this resulted in estimated dispersal distances of 12.5-5212 m, with a median distance of 387 m (quartile range 112-787 m). Native frugivores can be effective dispersers of weeds in rainforest and even terrestrial dispersers can provide long-distance dispersal. Importantly, though pond apple might be expected to be almost entirely dispersed downstream and along the margins of aquatic and marine habitats, cassowaries provide dispersal upstream and between drainages, leading to novel dispersal outcomes. Even through the provision of small quantities of novel dispersal outcomes, subordinate dispersal modes can play a significant role in determining invasion pattern and influence the ultimate success of control programs by providing dispersal to locations unattainable via the primary mode.


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Insights into the relative importance of various aspects of product quality can be provided through quantitative analysis of consumer preference and choice of fruit. In this study, methods previously used to establish taste preferences for kiwifruit (Harker et al., 2008) and conjoint approaches were used to determine the influence of three key aspects of avocado quality on consumer liking and willingness to purchase fruit: dry matter percentage (DM), level of ripeness (firmness) and internal defects (bruising). One hundred and seven consumers tasted avocados with a range of DM levels from ~20% (minimally mature) to nearly 40% (very mature), and at a range of fruit firmness (ripeness) stages (firm-ripe to soft-ripe). Responses to bruising, a common quality defect in fruit obtained from the retail shelf, were examined using a conjoint approach in which consumers were presented with photographs showing fruit affected by damage of varying severity. In terms of DM, consumers showed a progressive increase in liking and intent to buy avocados as the DM increased. In terms of ripeness, liking and purchase intent was higher in avocados that had softened to a firmness of 6.5 N or below (hand-rating 5). For internal defects, conjoint analysis revealed that price, level of bruising and incidence of bruising all significantly lowered consumers' future purchase decision, but the latter two factors had a greater impact than price. These results indicate the usefulness of the methodology, and also provide realistic targets for Hass avocado quality on the retail shelf.


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The results of an EPR investigation are presented on the paramagnetic trap-centres produced on hydrothermally prepared TiO2 particles during water photolysis at room temperature under band-gap irradiation. The trapped holes correspond to O− species adjacent to cation vacancies that are formed to compensate the hydroxyl ions in the subsurface layers. The trapped electrons are accounted for as Ti3+ in the conduction band or Ti3+ - adjoining oxygen vacancy to form shallow donor states. Although hole-centres are normally stabler than electron-centres, strongly adsorbed donor molecules reverse the stability. Concentration of hole-centres is increased by the presence of platinum on TiO2 surface and electron-centres are not detected on Pt/TiO2 during water photolysis.


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Introduction: Statins alone often do not reduce LDL cholesterol levels sufficiently to given maximum cardiovascular benefit. Thus, additional drugs are required to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol. Monoclonal antibodies to PCSK9 have recently been shown to decrease LDL cholesterol, but it is not known whether they improve cardiovascular outcomes. Areas covered: Evaluation of two clinical trials reporting cardiovascular outcomes with antibodies to PCSK9; the OSLER extension with evolocumab and the ODYSSEY LONG TERM trial with alirocumab. Expert opinion: In OSLER and ODYSSEY LONG TERM, there were very few cardiovascular outcomes, but the trials do suggest that evolocumab and alirocumab may reduce these outcomes. However, there are also some safety concerns with both of these antibodies. Large clinical outcome trials are underway with both evolocumab and alirocumab, which will probably clarify both the safety concerns and any cardiovascular benefits with these antibodies. In our opinion, these antibodies may be suitable for use in subjects with familial hypercholesterolemia, who are uncontrolled with their present medications, provided intensive safety and cardiovascular monitoring is being undertaken. However, evolocumab and alirocumab should be used with caution in other subjects, until outcome studies in higher numbers of subjects, have shown acceptable safety and cardiovascular profiles.


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Here, we present the results of two genome-wide scans in two diverse populations in which a consistent use of recently introduced migraine-phenotyping methods detects and replicates a locus on 10q22-q23, with an additional independent replication. No genetic variants have been convincingly established in migraine, and although several loci have been reported, none of them has been consistently replicated. We employed the three known migraine-phenotyping methods (clinical end diagnosis, latent-class analysis, and trait-component analysis) with robust multiple testing correction in a large sample set of 1675 individuals from 210 migraine families from Finland and Australia. Genome-wide multipoint linkage analysis that used the Kong and Cox exponential model in Finns detected a locus on 10q22-q23 with highly significant evidence of linkage (LOD 7.68 at 103 cM in female-specific analysis). The Australian sample showed a LOD score of 3.50 at the same locus (100 cM), as did the independent Finnish replication study (LOD score 2.41, at 102 cM). In addition, four previously reported loci on 8q21, 14q21, 18q12, and Xp21 were also replicated. A shared-segment analysis of 10q22-q23 linked Finnish families identified a 1.6-9.5 cM segment, centered on 101 cM, which shows in-family homology in 95% of affected Finns. This region was further studied with 1323 SNPs. Although no significant association was observed, four regions warranting follow-up studies were identified. These results support the use of symptomology-based phenotyping in migraine and suggest that the 10q22-q23 locus probably contains one or more migraine susceptibility variants.


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A year before Kate Nesbitt’s Theorising a New Agenda For Architecture (1996), the author penned a chapter on the significance of the sublime and its contribution to post-modern architecture via the uncanny or disturbing through the theories of Vidler and Eisenman (Nesbit, 1995). Twenty years on, we see its ongoing presence within the contemporary works of artists Kapoor, Ellison and Viola. Eisenmann and Libeskind aside, explicit reference to the Sublime whether through architectural praxis or theory appears to have been trumped by ecological derivatives and associated transactions, as catalyst for new architecture and architectural thinking. For Edmund Burke (1757), the Sublime was seen as a leading, an overpowering of self to a state of intense self-presence, often leading to a state of otherness. To experience the sublime is to experience affect, physiologically overwhelming the mental faculties through intensities of astonishment, terror, obscurity, magnificence, and reverence. Key here is Burke’s articulation of the stages of the sublime encounter, particularly so, its implications for the process of production which architectural theorists appear to have overstepped in their valorisation of the sublime object. This paper seeks to resituate the sublime within the context of architectural production. Through concepts such as material thinking, bodies and making strange, the paper explores a shift in focus toward affective processes traced from Burke’s inquiry. Rather than proposing strategies solely for affect within the work itself, the focus lies upon the designing experience, where blockage and desirous forces are critical partners in the process of production, as revealed through recent studio programs entitled Strange Space.