993 resultados para Calibration data
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XIX/5 along track lines of approximately 4000 NM total length in the Scotia Sea. Data were achieved along the Scotia Arc from Burdwood Bank to King George Island. A multibeam box survey was conducted at the southern part of the Discovery Rise, located at 50°55'S / 35°30'W and covering an area of 90 x 15 NM. A bathymetric survey of 25 x 60 NM was carried out at the eastern part of the South Shetland Trench and its intersection with the Shackleton Fracture Zone, continuing multibeam data from former expeditions. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were collected during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XXVI/2 along track lines of about 9,270 NM total length along transits, survey profiles and during stationary work. Departing in Punta Arenas the ship headed for its first main working area, the Eltanin Impact Area. In the following the ship's track crosses Pacific Antarctic Ridge and the corresponding fracture zones several times before arriving in Wellington. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing CTD profiles or by the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XIX/2 along track lines of about 6,100 NM total length along transits, survey profiles and during stationary work, mainly in the Weddell Sea. A multibeam survey was conducted in the eastern Weddell Sea at a potential earthquake area, located east of Fimbul Canyon. The tracks complemented data from former expeditions and extended the surveyed area to 60 by 80 NM. Data were achieved during the transit to the eastern Weddell Sea and by several wide spaced track lines at the continental margin east of Antarctic Peninsula. Between 66°30'S and 67°S a systematic survey of about 35 by 40 NM was carried out at a slump area. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XXII/2 along track lines of approximately 6800 NM total length during transits and the Ice Station POLarstern (ISPOL) experiment. Data were achieved during the transit from Cape Town via Bouvet Island towards Antarctic Peninsula for three weeks, crossing Agulhas Ridge, Agulhas Basin and Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and during the transit to Cape Town via South Georgia for two weeks. During the ISPOL station, data were gained while the vessel was drifting for five weeks anchored to an ice floe in the south-western Weddell Sea, starting at 68°13'S/54°47'W. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle. The refraction correction was achieved using CTD profiles or utilizing the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ARK-XXIII/3 along track lines of 7248 NM total length in the Arctic Ocean during transits and stationary work. Data were achieved on the transit from Iceland through the Northwestern Passage and the Beaufort Sea to the East Siberian Sea, crossing Northwind Ridge and Chukchi Plateau. The continental margin of East Siberian was surveyed by several wide spaced transects for almost three weeks. The Mendeleev Ridge and the surrounding deep sea bassins were investigated by a transect of about 1000 NM length, located at 80°-81°N. Lomonosov Ridge and Gakkel Ridge were also crossed. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle, 120° in shallow water areas. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing 14 CTD profiles measured during the cruise or by the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
On the orbiter of the Rosetta spacecraft, the Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser (COSIMA) will provide new in situ insights about the chemical composition of cometary grains all along 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (67P/CG) journey until the end of December 2015 nominally. The aim of this paper is to present the pre-calibration which has already been performed as well as the different methods which have been developed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the COSIMA mass spectra and more especially of their organic content. The first step was to establish a mass spectra library in positive and negative ion mode of targeted molecules and to determine the specific features of each compound and chemical family analyzed. As the exact nature of the refractory cometary organic matter is nowadays unknown, this library is obviously not exhaustive. Therefore this library has also been the starting point for the research of indicators, which enable to highlight the presence of compounds containing specific atom or structure. These indicators correspond to the intensity ratio of specific peaks in the mass spectrum. They have allowed us to identify sample containing nitrogen atom, aliphatic chains or those containing polyaromatic hydrocarbons. From these indicators, a preliminary calibration line, from which the N/C ratio could be derived, has also been established. The research of specific mass difference could also be helpful to identify peaks related to quasi-molecular ions in an unknown mass spectrum. The Bayesian Positive Source Separation (BPSS) technique will also be very helpful for data analysis. This work is the starting point for the analysis of the cometary refractory organic matter. Nevertheless, calibration work will continue in order to reach the best possible interpretation of the COSIMA observations.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XV/2 along track lines of approximately 10200 NM total length during transits, surveys and partly during stationary work, mainly in the Scotia Sea and the Weddell Sea. Areal multibeam surveys were performed in the vicinity of the South Shetland trench, the Bransfield Basin, the South Sandwich trench, and off the Ekstrom Ice Shelf for time periods of three to eight days. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated using 59 beams and 90° aperture angle, in some shallow areas 120°. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing sound velocity profiles sampled during the cruise, and by the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.
Multibeam data were measured during R/V Polarstern cruise ANT-XXII/3 along track lines of approximately 8000 NM total length during transits and partly during stationary work. Data were achieved on a transect along the Greenwich meridian, across the Weddell Sea from Kapp Norvegia to Joinville Island, across the Powell Basin, furthermore in the Drake Passage and west of Antarctic Peninsula. Short bathymetric surveys were carried out on the continental slope off Kapp Norvegia and Fimbulisen, and in the area of the Weddell Abyssal Plain. The multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS-2 was operated mainly in the HDBE softbeam mode with 240 depth values per swath and a receiving coverage of 100°. The refraction correction was achieved utilizing CTD profiles or the system's own cross fan calibration. The quality of data might be reduced during bad weather periods or adverse sea ice conditions. The dataset contains raw data that are not processed and thus may contain errors and blunders in depth and position.