959 resultados para CONDUCTION-BAND
High resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to determine the valence band alignment at ultrathin SiO2/Si interfaces. In the oxide thickness range 1.6-4.4 nm the constant band-offset values of 4.49 and 4.43 eV have been obtained for the dry SiO2/Si(100) and the wet SiO2/Si(100) interfaces, respectively. The valence band alignment of dry SiO2/Si(111) (4.36 eV) is slightly smaller than the case of the dry SiO2/Si(100) interface.
Opinnäytetyö käsittelee big bandia sekä sille sovittamista. Keskityn tarkastelemaan ennen kaikkea 1930-40-lukujen musiikillista murrosta, jolloin syntyi uusi tapa käsitellä useasti suurimpien orkestereiden kokoonpanoon kuuluneita puhaltimia. Tuona ajanjaksona orkestereiden puhallinryhmistä sekä komppisoittimista alettiin yleisesti muodostaa sektioita. Tämä kokoonpano sai nimekseen ”big band”. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli syventää tietojani big bandin puhallinsektioiden toiminnasta sekä niiden yleisimmistä tehtävistä. Tehtäviä selventääkseni tein big band -sovituksen omasta kappaleestani, missä peilasin 1930-40-luvuilla yleistynyttä tyyliä sovittaa. Sovitustyön valmistuminen pohjautui kolmeen seikkaan: historian tuntemus, sovitussuunnitelman teko sekä musiikin teorian tuntemus. Historian tuntemus loi pohjan sovitussuunnitelmalle, minkä avulla loin kehykset sovitustyön tekemiselle. Sovituksen tekninen suoritus sekä valmistuminen pohjautuivat musiikin teorian ymmärtämiseen sekä kokemukseeni sovittajana. Sovitukseni analyysi-osiossa käyn sovituksen läpi osa kerrallaan, selventäen kuinka puhallinsektiot kussakin osassa toimivat. Opinnäytetyön suunnittelu sekä tiukka rajaus eivät poissulkeneet täysin aiheen moniulotteisuutta. Pelkkiin puhallinsektioihin keskittyminen aiheutti ongelmallisia tilanteita, jotka vaativat suurien kompromissien tekemistä. Muun muassa teorian ja reharmonisoinnin syvempi analysoiminen tässä jää tekemättä. Sovituksellisten sekä soinnullisien ratkaisuiden olemassaolo vaatisi yleensä rinnalleen syvempää perustelua. Näin varsinkin nyt, kun ratkaisut harmoniassa ovat aika ajoin jopa radikaaleja. Tulin kuitenkin siihen päätelmään, että kaikki tekstissä ilmenevä tieto mikä ei koskisi puhallinsektioiden käyttäytymistä olisi irrelevanttia. Lopputuloksen oli tarkoitus olla jäsennelty esittely siitä, mitä big bandin puhallinsektiot ovat ja tekevät. Käyn opinnäytteessäni lyhyesti läpi myös sovitukseni esikuvat. Tämä lyhyt historia-osuus kertoo tiivistetysti mistä ajalta mallintamani sovitustyyli on peräisin ja ketkä ovat edesauttaneet sen yleistymisessä. Historia osuus toimii mainiosti suppeana avainsanastona aiheesta enemmän kiinnostuneelle.
Iliotibial band lesions constitute a potential source of discomfort and are frequently confounded with other conditions which cause pain on the lateral aspect of the hip, thigh and knee. Ultrasonography is usually regarded as a first-line imaging modality in the assessment of such conditions because of its excellent diagnostic accuracy, low cost and wide availability. The correct identification of the structure involved in the production of symptoms leads to an appropriate management and to a higher probability of resolution of the clinical complaint. The present article is aimed at reviewing the different sonographic presentations of iliotibial band syndromes.
Despite recent advances, early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) from electroencephalography (EEG) remains a difficult task. In this paper, we offer an added measure through which such early diagnoses can potentially be improved. One feature that has been used for discriminative classification is changes in EEG synchrony. So far, only the decrease of synchrony in the higher frequencies has been deeply analyzed. In this paper, we investigate the increase of synchrony found in narrow frequency ranges within the θ band. This particular increase of synchrony is used with the well-known decrease of synchrony in the band to enhance detectable differences between AD patients and healthy subjects. We propose a new synchrony ratio that maximizes the differences between two populations. The ratio is tested using two different data sets, one of them containing mild cognitive impairment patients and healthy subjects, and another one, containing mild AD patients and healthy subjects. The results presented in this paper show that classification rate is improved, and the statistical difference between AD patients and healthy subjects is increased using the proposed ratio.
We present new optical and infrared photometric observations and high resolution H α spectra of the periodic radio star LSI+61◦303. The optical photometric data set covers the time interval 1985-1993 and amounts to about a hundred nights. A period of ∼26 days is found in the V band. The infrared data also present evidence for a similar periodicity, but with higher amplitude of variation ((0.m 2). The spectroscopic observations include 16 intermediate and high dispersion spectra of LSI+61◦303 collected between January 1989 and February 1993. The H α emission line profile and its variations are analyzed. Several emission line parameters -- among them the H α EW and the width of the H α red hump -- change strongly at or close to radio maximum, and may exhibit periodic variability. We also observe a significant change in the peak separation. The H α profile of LSI+61◦303 does not seem peculiar for a Be star. However, several of the observed variations of the H α profile can probably be associated with the presence of the compact, secondary star.
In this note we report high time resolution V Johnson photometry of the microquasar V4641 Sgr (SAX J1819.3-2525 - XTE J1819-254). This source was discovered as an X-ray transient by BeppoSAX and RossiXTE satellites (In't Zand et al. 1999; Markwardt et al. 1999). On 1999 September, a very fast transient optical and X-ray outburst was observed, reaching up to ...
The purpose of the research project The poetics of the talking book is to contribute to the knowledge about patterns of understanding in young adults’ reception of fiction, which they listened to through audio books. The problem explored was: How do different groups of listeners receive fictive text presented as a talking book with variations regarding use of voice, engagement and sound effects? The problem formulation rendered four specific research questions: 1. What patterns can be identified in the listeners’ answers regarding story structure and cognitive content in a comparative perspective comprising different reading styles in the taped versions of the text? 2. What patterns of understanding in interpretative reading can be identified in different listeners? 3. Which thoughts do the listeners have about what the talking book should sound like? 4. What affordances for young adults with the functional disability of mild mental retardation can be made visible through guided literature conversations? The theoretical frame of reference was formed by text–reader-oriented literary theory, psychological schema theory, and research regarding voice quality and communication. The project was carried out in two steps. The first phase was to produce the audio books with two variations of reading practice of three short stories with an existential theme in each text. The second step comprised interviewing of 32 young adults (a special group with a reading handicap in form of mild mental retardation, and a reference group with no handicap). The interviews formed as literary conversation were carried out three times during one year. The phenomenological-hermeneutic approach focused on the life worlds of the participants as meaning seeking beings. The analysis was carried out using method triangulation, mainly using phenomenological meaning concentration. The double hermeneutics in use when interpreting the interpretations of the participants revealed a capacity for aesthetic reading of fiction in the special group as well as in the reference group. The aesthetic qualities were found sufficient in all variations of reading by the professional readers of the audio book they listened to. The young adults also could describe how they wanted the audio book to sound: just as if you were reading yourself. A model describing the analytical steps and concepts in use was a result that can serve as an outline of a poetics for the talking book. Unexpected research results were how important the guided literary conversation turned out to be in order to realise the affordances given by the texts regarding exploration of existential themes in the young adults’ life worlds. Thus the result of the research project can be positioned as a piece of emancipatory research stressing the importance of including this group of young adults in the society’s conversation about culture and meaning.
This work studies the forced convection problem in internal flow between concentric annular ducts, with radial fins at the internal tube surface. The finned surface heat transfer is analyzed by two different approaches. In the first one, it is assumed one-dimensional heat conduction along the internal tube wall and fins, with the convection heat transfer coefficient being a known parameter, determined by an uncoupled solution. In the other way, named conjugated approach, the mathematical model (continuity, momentum, energy and K-epsilon equations) applied to tube annuli problem was numerically solved using finite element technique in a coupled formulation. At first time, a comparison was made between results obtained for the conjugated problem and experimental data, showing good agreement. Then, the temperature profiles under these two approaches were compared to each other to analyze the validity of the one-dimensional classical formulation that has been utilized in the heat exchanger design.