285 resultados para COMMENSAL


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The inflammasome is a complex of proteins that controls the activity of caspase-1, pro-IL-1b and pro-IL-18. It acts in inflammatory processes and in pyropoptosis. The lower intestine is densely populated by a community of commensal bacteria that, under healthy conditions, are beneficial to the host. Some evidence suggests that the gut microbiota influences regulation of the inflammasome. Components of inflammasomes have been shown to have a protective function against development of experimental colitis, dependent on IL-18 production. However the precise mechanisms and the role of the inflammasome in maintaining a healthy host-microbial mutualism remains unknown. To address this question, we have performed axenic (GF) and gnotobiotic in vivo experiments to investigate how the inflammasome components mainly at the level of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) are regulated under different hygiene conditions. We have established that gene expression of the inflammasome components NLRC4, NLRP3, NLRP6, NLRP12, caspase-1, ASC and IL-18 do not differ between germ-free and colonised conditions under steady-state. In contrast, induction in IL-18 was observed following infection with the pathobiont Segmented Filamentous Bacteria or the pathogen C. rodentium. Additional preliminar findings suggest that a more diverse intestinal flora, like specific pathogen-free (SPF) flora, is more efficient in inducing basal activation of the inflammasome and especially production of IL-18 by IECs, shortly after colonisation. We are also in the process of testing if basal activation of the inflammasome upon intestinal colonization with commensal bacteria helps to protect the host from potential pathobiont bacteria, like C. rodentium, SFB, Prevotella and TM7.


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Intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) are believed to sample and present commensal bacteria to the gut-associated immune system to maintain immune homeostasis. How antigen sampling pathways handle intestinal pathogens remains elusive. We present a murine colitogenic Salmonella infection model that is highly dependent on DCs. Conditional DC depletion experiments revealed that intestinal virulence of S. Typhimurium SL1344 DeltainvG mutant lacking a functional type 3 secretion system-1 (DeltainvG)critically required DCs for invasion across the epithelium. The DC-dependency was limited to the early phase of infection when bacteria colocalized with CD11c(+)CX3CR1(+) mucosal DCs. At later stages, the bacteria became associated with other (CD11c(-)CX3CR1(-)) lamina propria cells, DC depletion no longer attenuated the pathology, and a MyD88-dependent mucosal inflammation was initiated. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, we showed that the MyD88 signaling within hematopoietic cells, which are distinct from DCs, was required and sufficient for induction of the colitis. Moreover, MyD88-deficient DCs supported transepithelial uptake of the bacteria and the induction of MyD88-dependent colitis. These results establish that pathogen sampling by DCs is a discrete, and MyD88-independent, step during the initiation of a mucosal innate immune response to bacterial infection in vivo.


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In the mammalian gastrointestinal tract the close vicinity of abundant immune effector cells and trillions of commensal microbes requires sophisticated barrier and regulatory mechanisms to maintain vital host-microbial interactions and tissue homeostasis. During co-evolution of the host and its intestinal microbiota a protective multilayered barrier system was established to segregate the luminal microbes from the intestinal mucosa with its potent immune effector cells, limit bacterial translocation into host tissues to prevent tissue damage, while ensuring the vital functions of the intestinal mucosa and the luminal gut microbiota. In the present review we will focus on the different layers of protection in the intestinal tract that allow the successful mutualism between the microbiota and the potent effector cells of the intestinal innate and adaptive immune system. In particular, we will review some of the recent findings on the vital functions of the mucus layer and its site-specific adaptations to the changing quantities and complexities of the microbiota along the (gastro-) intestinal tract. Understanding the regulatory pathways that control the establishment of the mucus layer, but also its degradation during intestinal inflammation may be critical for designing novel strategies aimed at maintaining local tissue homeostasis and supporting remission from relapsing intestinal inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.


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Propionibacterium acnes is a Gram-positive commensal bacterium thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. Although the ability of P. acnes in the initiation of pro-inflammatory responses is well documented, little is known about adaptive immune responses to this bacterium. The observation that infiltrating immune cells consist mainly of CD4(+) T cells in the perifollicular space of early acne lesions suggests that helper T cells may be involved in immune responses caused by the intra-follicular colonization of P. acnes. A recent report showing that P. acnes can induce IL-17 production by T cells suggests that acne might be a T helper type 17 (Th17)-mediated disease. In line with this, we show in this work that, in addition to IL-17A, both Th1 and Th17 effector cytokines, transcription factors, and chemokine receptors are strongly upregulated in acne lesions. Furthermore, we found that, in addition to Th17, P. acnes can promote mixed Th17/Th1 responses by inducing the concomitant secretion of IL-17A and IFN-γ from specific CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Finally, we show that both P. acnes-specific Th17 and Th17/Th1 cells can be found in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from acne and, at lower frequencies, in healthy individuals. We therefore identified P. acnes-responding Th17/Th1 cells as, to our knowledge, a previously unreported CD4(+) subpopulation involved in inflammatory acne.


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Candida albicans is the most common opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans. The balance between commensal and pathogenic C. albicans is maintained largely by phagocytes of the innate immune system. Analysis of transcriptional changes after macrophage phagocytosis indicates the C. albicans response is broadly similar to starvation, including up-regulation of alternate carbon metabolism. Systems known and suspected to be part of acetate/acetyl-CoA metabolism were also up-regulated, importantly the ACH and ACS genes, which manage acetate/acetyl-CoA interconversion, and the nine-member ATO gene family, thought to participate in transmembrane acetate transport and also linked to the process of environmental alkalinization. ^ Studies into the roles of Ach, Acs1 and Acs2 function in alternate carbon metabolism revealed a substantial role for Acs2 and lesser, but distinct roles, for Ach and Acs1. Deletion mutants were made in C. albicans and were phenotypically evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. Loss of Ach function resulted in mild growth defects on ethanol and acetate and no significant attenuation in virulence in a disseminated mouse model of infection. While loss of Acs1 did not produce any significant phenotypes, loss of Acs2 greatly impaired growth on multiple carbon sources, including glucose, ethanol and acetate. We also concluded that ACS1 and ACS2 likely comprise an essential gene pair. Expression analyses indicated that ACS2 is the predominant form under most growth conditions. ^ ATO gene function had been linked to the process of environmental alkalinization, an ammonium-mediated phenomenon described here first in C. albicans. During growth in glucose-poor, amino acid-rich conditions C. albicans can rapidly change its extracellular pH. This process was glucose-repressible and was accompanied by hyphal formation and changes in colony morphology. We showed that introduction of the ATO1G53D point mutant to C. albicans blocked alkalinization, as did over-expression of C. albicans ATO2, the only C. albicans ATO gene to lack the conserved N-terminal domain. A screen for alkalinization-deficient mutants revealed that ACH1 is essential for alkalinization. However, addition of acetate to the media restored alkalinization to the ach1 mutant. We proposed a model of ATO function in which Atos regulated the cellular co-export of ammonium and acetate. ^


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The present data set provides a tab separated text file compressed in a zip archive. The file includes metadata for each TaraOceans V9 rDNA OTU including the following fields: md5sum = identifier of the representative (most abundant) sequence of the swarm; cid = identifier of the OTU; totab = total abundance of barcodes in this OTU; TARA_xxx = number of occurrences of barcodes in this OTU in each of the 334 samples;rtotab = total abundance of the representative barcode; pid = percentage identity of the representative barcode to the closest reference sequence from V9_PR2; lineage = taxonomic path assigned to the representative barcode ; refs = best hit reference sequence(s) with respect to the representative barcode ; taxogroup = high-taxonomic level assignation of the representative barcode. The file also includes three categories of functional annotations: (1) Chloroplast: yes, presence of permanent chloroplast; no, absence of permanent chloroplast ; NA, undetermined. (2) Symbiont (small partner): parasite, the species is a parasite; commensal, the species is a commensal; mutualist, the species is a mutualist symbiont, most often a microalgal taxon involved in photosymbiosis; no the species is not involved in a symbiosis as small partner; NA, undetermined. (3) Symbiont (host): photo, the host species relies on a mutualistic microalgal photosymbiont to survive (obligatory photosymbiosis); photo_falc, same as photo, but facultative relationship; photo_klep, the host species maintains chloroplasts from microalgal prey(s) to survive; photo_klep_falc, same as photo_klep, but facultative; Nfix, the host species must interact with a mutualistic symbiont providing N2 fixation to survive; Nfix_falc, same as Nfix, but facultative; no, the species is not involved in any mutualistic symbioses; NA, undetermined.


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Acknowledgements We would like to thank Jean-Denis Vigne, members of the Searle lab, and SNEEB at Cornell University for a stimulating environment and many early discussions and comments. We would also like to thank Maeve McMahon for comments on the manuscript.


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Human settlement of Polynesia was a major event in world prehistory. Despite the vastness of the distances covered, research suggests that prehistoric Polynesian populations maintained spheres of continuing interaction for at least some period of time in some regions. A low level of genetic variation in ancestral Polynesian populations, genetic admixture (both prehistoric and post-European contact), and severe population crashes resulting from introduction of European diseases make it difficult to trace prehistoric human mobility in the region by using only human genetic and morphological markers. We focus instead on an animal that accompanied the ancestral Polynesians on their voyages. DNA phylogenies derived from mitochondrial control-region sequences of Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) from east Polynesia are presented. A range of specific hypotheses regarding the degree of interaction within Polynesia are tested. These include the issues of multiple contacts between central east Polynesia and the geographically distinct archipelagos of New Zealand and Hawaii. Results are inconsistent with models of Pacific settlement involving substantial isolation after colonization and confirm the value of genetic studies on commensal species for elucidating the history of human settlement.


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It has long been known that cholera outbreaks can be initiated when Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is present in drinking water in sufficient numbers to constitute an infective dose, if ingested by humans. Outbreaks associated with drinking or bathing in unpurified river or brackish water may directly or indirectly depend on such conditions as water temperature, nutrient concentration, and plankton production that may be favorable for growth and reproduction of the bacterium. Although these environmental parameters have routinely been measured by using water samples collected aboard research ships, the available data sets are sparse and infrequent. Furthermore, shipboard data acquisition is both expensive and time-consuming. Interpolation to regional scales can also be problematic. Although the bacterium, V. cholerae, cannot be sensed directly, remotely sensed data can be used to infer its presence. In the study reported here, satellite data were used to monitor the timing and spread of cholera. Public domain remote sensing data for the Bay of Bengal were compared directly with cholera case data collected in Bangladesh from 1992–1995. The remote sensing data included sea surface temperature and sea surface height. It was discovered that sea surface temperature shows an annual cycle similar to the cholera case data. Sea surface height may be an indicator of incursion of plankton-laden water inland, e.g., tidal rivers, because it was also found to be correlated with cholera outbreaks. The extensive studies accomplished during the past 25 years, confirming the hypothesis that V. cholerae is autochthonous to the aquatic environment and is a commensal of zooplankton, i.e., copepods, when combined with the findings of the satellite data analyses, provide strong evidence that cholera epidemics are climate-linked.


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Bacteriophage lytic enzymes quickly destroy the cell wall of the host bacterium to release progeny phage. Because such lytic enzymes specifically kill the species in which they were produced, they may represent an effective way to control pathogenic bacteria without disturbing normal microflora. In this report, we studied a murein hydrolase from the streptococcal bacteriophage C1 termed lysin. This enzyme is specific for groups A, C, and E streptococci, with little or no activity toward several oral streptococci or other commensal organisms tested. Using purified lysin in vitro, we show that 1,000 units (10 ng) of enzyme is sufficient to sterilize a culture of ≈107 group A streptococci within 5 seconds. When a single dose of lysin (250 units) is first added to the oral cavity of mice, followed by 107 live group A streptococci, it provides protection from colonization (28.5% infected, n = 21) compared with controls without lysin (70.5% infected, n = 17) (P < 0.03). Furthermore, when lysin (500 units) was given orally to 9 heavily colonized mice, no detectable streptococci were observed 2 h after lysin treatment. In all, these studies show that lysin represents a unique murein hydrolase that has a rapid lethal effect both in vitro and in vivo on group A streptococci, without affecting other indigenous microorganisms analyzed. This general approach may be used to either eliminate or reduce streptococci from the upper respiratory mucosal epithelium of either carriers or infected individuals, thus reducing associated disease.


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Escherichia coli can respond to gradients of specific compounds, moving up gradients of attractants and down gradients of repellents. Stimulated phagocytic leukocytes produce H2O2, OCl-, and N-chlorotaurine in a response termed the respiratory burst. E. coli is actively repelled by these compounds. Catalase in the suspending medium eliminated the effect of H2O2. Repulsion by H2O2 could be demonstrated with 1 microM H2O2, which is far below the level that caused overt toxicity. Strains with defects in the biosynthesis of glutathione or lacking hydroperoxidases I and II retained this response to H2O2, and 2.0 mM CN- did not interfere with it. Mutants with defects in any one of the four known methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins also retained the ability to respond to H2O2, but a "gutted" mutant that was deleted for all four methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, as well as for CheA, CheW, CheR, CheB, CheY, and CheZ, did not respond to H2O2. Hypochlorite and N-chlorotaurine were also strongly repellent. Chemotaxis down gradients of H2O2, OCl-, and N-chlorotaurine may contribute to the survival of commensal or pathogenic microorganisms.


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Representational difference analysis was used to search for pathogens in multiple sclerosis brains. We detected a 341-nucleotide fragment that was 99.4% identical to the major DNA binding protein gene of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). Examination of 86 brain specimens by PCR demonstrated that HHV-6 was present in > 70% of MS cases and controls and is thus a commensal virus of the human brain. By DNA sequencing, 36/37 viruses from MS cases and controls were typed as HHV-6 variant B group 2. Other herpesviruses, retroviruses, and measles virus were detected infrequently or not at all. HHV-6 expression was examined by immunocytochemistry with monoclonal antibodies against HHV-6 virion protein 101K and DNA binding protein p41. Nuclear staining of oligodendrocytes was observed in MS cases but not in controls, and in MS cases it was observed around plaques more frequently than in uninvolved white matter. MS cases showed prominent cytoplasmic staining of neurons in gray matter adjacent to plaques, although neurons expressing HHV-6 were also found in certain controls. Since destruction of oligodendrocytes is a hallmark of MS, these studies suggest an association of HHV-6 with the etiology or pathogenesis of MS.


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The mammalian gut microbiota harbors a diverse ecosystem where hundreds of bacterial species interact with each other and their host. Given that bacteria use signals to communicate and regulate group behaviors (quorum sensing), we asked whether such communication between different commensal species can influence the interactions occurring in this environment. We engineered the enteric bacterium, Escherichia coli, to manipulate the levels of the interspecies quorum sensing signal, autoinducer-2 (AI-2), in the mouse intestine and investigated the effect upon antibiotic-induced gut microbiota dysbiosis. E. coli that increased intestinal AI-2 levels altered the composition of the antibiotic-treated gut microbiota, favoring the expansion of the Firmicutes phylum. This significantly increased the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, to oppose the strong effect of the antibiotic, which had almost cleared the Firmicutes. This demonstrates that AI-2 levels influence the abundance of the major phyla of the gut microbiota, the balance of which is known to influence human health.


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Resistance to antibiotics used against Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections is a major public health concern. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) testing relies on time-consuming culture-based methods. Development of rapid molecular tests for detecting AMR determinants could provide valuable tools for surveillance, epidemiological studies and to inform individual case management. We developed a fast (<1.5 hrs) SYBR-green based real-time PCR method with high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. One triplex and three duplex reactions included two sequences for N. gonorrhoeae identification and seven determinants of resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs), azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, and spectinomycin. The method was validated by testing 39 previously fully-characterized N. gonorrhoeae strains, 19 commensal Neisseria spp., and an additional panel of 193 gonococcal isolates. Results were compared with culture-based AMR determination. The assay correctly identified N. gonorrhoeae and the presence or absence of the seven AMR determinants. There was some cross-reactivity with non-gonococcal Neisseria species and the detection limit was 10(3)-10(4) gDNA copies/reaction. Overall, the platform accurately detected resistance to ciprofloxacin (sensitivity and specificity, 100%), ceftriaxone (sensitivity 100%, specificity 90%), cefixime (sensitivity 92%, specificity 94%), azithromycin and spectinomycin (both sensitivity and specificity, 100%). In conclusion, our methodology accurately detects mutations generating resistance to antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea. Low assay sensitivity prevents direct diagnostic testing of clinical specimens but this method can be used to screen collections of gonococcal isolates for AMR more quickly than with current culture-based AMR testing.


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The aims of the current study were to describe presence and clinical role over time of Streptococcus pluranimalium isolated in milk samples of Mediterranean buffalo (MB). Two hundred composite milk samples originating from 40 primiparous MB were collected at 10, 30, 60, 90, and 150d in milk (DIM) and from 20 pluriparous MB at 77 to 120 DIM. Milk samples were used for analysis of somatic cell counts, bacteriological cultures, and identification (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry). Nine of 200 (4.5%) samples of primiparous MB and 3 of 20 (15%) samples of pluriparous MB were positive for Strep. pluranimalium. The prevalence of the bacterium in primipari was 0% (0/40) at 10, 30, and 150 DIM, whereas it was 5 (2/40) and 17.5% (7/40) at 60 and 90 DIM, respectively. Eight primipari were positive only once, whereas 1 was positive at 2 different samplings. Mono-infection was not detected in any of the age categories or udder health status. Infections were transient in primipari. Clinical mastitis was observed in primipari once at 90 DIM, subclinical mastitis detected twice in the same animals at 60 and 90 DIM, and intramammary infections were diagnosed 1 and 5 times at 60 and 90 DIM in primipari, respectively, whereas 3 infections were diagnosed in pluripari. The clinical reflections demonstrate for the first time the presence of Strep. pluranimalium in MB and its association with different udder health status. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that the bacterium may simply follow a pattern of commensal or opportunistic behavior, taking advantage of a preexisting bacterial udder infection.