358 resultados para COM Logos
Plato, in his Phaedo, develops an investigation concerning the relationship between opposites. The account of Socrates s historical death (57 a 60 a / 116 a - 118), the palaios logos (60 b 70 c), the reciprocal generation between opposites (70 c 72 e), the recollection argument (77 d 80 e), the reciprocal exclusion between opposites (95 e 107 a) and the myth (107 b 116 a), are all instruments to define death for the philosopher. The core of this research, or the argument of the opposites in both its modes of articulation: double generation (70 c 72 e) and double exclusion of opposites (103 a), when added to the recollection argument (72 c d) becomes decisive in discerning both the real cause of generation and the understanding of what occurs in the process of exclusion between opposites (70 c 72 e)
The theme that fits the perspective of this thesis comes from the interest of treating, in the Epicurean corpus, about the importance of the body and its manners of realization for understanding the thought of Epicurus of Samos. Based on the inferences contained in the texts that remained from Epicurus, we did an analysis of the aspects that characterize Epicurism as a thought that makes repeated references to the body as an instance of sensitivity. It was necessary, therefore, to discuss how the body is linked to the possibility of thought, and how the latter can be admitted as a body element. It is further understood that the atomistic physics converges to the idea that asserts natural phenomena as likely to be contained and explained by the observations that come from the senses which are manifested through the body. For this reason, it was also pertinent to reflect on the admission of the body as a key element for the interpretation of Epicurean thought, even under the constitution of language. The Epicurean construction about body image was also used for the interpretation and questioning of the dynamics that define the relationships between individuals, characterizing the koinonía of the garden through the notion of corporeal unity. It was defined, therefore, that the characterization of the action field of individuals who lived in the Epicurean garden revolves around the use of logos, with the dialogues coming from the exercise of philosophy for therapeutic purposes, which were able to introduce a specific mode of political action marked by the absence of strange interests of the notion of philía
Heráclito é conhecido na história do pensamento filosófico como o propositor da doutrina do mobilismo universal O tudo flui, nada permanece, asserção pela qual é comumente sintetizada, integra o cerne da Metafísica: suscita em Platão a não menos conhecida Teoria das Formas, que acabará por tomar-se o pensamento diretor da filosofia do Ocidente. Para melhor compreender essas ressonâncias, desenvolveremos algumas considerações sobre a essência do devir heraclítico.
Este artigo responde afirmativamente à questão, vez por outra retomada, da efetiva contribuição que o estudo do pensamento político dos antigos gregos pode trazer ao debate dos problemas com que se defrontam as modernas sociedades democráticas.
O artigo parte de uma simples constatação: é bastante insatisfatória, no presente estágio da pesquisa, a colocação do problema das relações entre imagens e palavras no universo fílmico. Trata-se, no entanto, de uma questão decisiva para a estética do cinema. em geral, as análises feitas valorizam apenas a função das imagens na gênese e no desenvolvimento das significações. A hipótese de trabalho que se apresenta aqui, vem propor, ao contrário, uma abordagem do complexo sígnico constituído pela fusão indissolúvel dos dois recursos expressivos, que forma assim um meio de comunicação específico, original e absolutamente novo. Esse caráter inédito exige uma investigação minuciosa e urgente, conjugando-se perspectivas filosóficas, semióticas e propriamente cinematográficas.
O Pensamento de Platão tem o encanto das estátuas de Dédalo: esvai-se pelos meandros do discurso, tão logo se pretenda travar com ele uma relação de domínio. A sua correta interpretação exige que se assuma a Polis como o lugar natural no qual emerge, como a limitação que ele se propõe superar remontando à Fysis e ao Ser. Fazê-lo importa em captar o movimento que lhe é próprio, partindo da questão sobre o ente e visualizando a resposta como o enunciado de sua essência, isto é, do eidos, e de seu fundamento, isto é, do Bem como nome próprio do Ser. Determinando o ente em sua essência, o eidos é a medida de toda a adequação, da episteme à Polis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
Nuno Judice’poetry has a peculiar discourse, whose devices of construction mixe poetry and prose in order to eliminate the borders between the two kinds of language. The Classical tradition is a constant reference in his poetry, by means of the imagery and the allegory in which some Greek myths are mentioned. Nevertheless, the context of modernity from which the poet Nuno Judice emerges put together the dimensions of space and time so as it is impossible to separate them. In this paper we analyse two poems extracted from the book As Regras da Perspectiva (1990) and our purpose is to discuss some literary questions as the metalanguage, the sensations, the lyric subjectivity, the narrative trends, the special meanings and the forms of the world.
Pós-graduação em Comunicação - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
From the 1990s, Brazilian newspapers began to refer to the convening of different personalities to comment on the World Cup soccer in their sports pages. This article seeks to examine this phenomenon under the notion that the French philosopher Michel Foucault called the “author function” - one that establishes the existence, circulation and functioning of certain discourses within a specific audience.
The Creative Economy is an experimental laboratory for the creation , innovation , invention and reinvention of the universe of media - analog and digital . The scenery in the media and converging technologies favors the process of “ creative destruction and destructive creation “ of this field . The mapping of basins and technological corridors distributed through the territory of concentrated areas creates an infrastructural chassis for the production of content , information and entertainment . As locus and logos of immaterial production , digital ecology that gives speed to the flow of production - planning, fundraising , publishing , distribution and enjoyment - and allows the dispossession of their local clusters , the fragmentation and dilution of their creative chains . The collective cultural production and creation appropriating these capilarizados articles and produce content against political, economic and social status quo . The land is fertile and favorable to the emergence of radical media and rebels that recreate the public sphere , and edit poor public spheres , alternative , radical and efficient , the tactical point of view . This article aims to contribute to studies and research that scour the ecosystem of the media for understanding the management of their creative processes, actors and critics of tangible and intangible resources that support their communication actions .
Presentations sponsored by the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Association (PTDLA) at the American Library Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, June 25, 2006 Speaker #1: Nan Myers Associate Professor; Government Documents, Patents and Trademarks Librarian Wichita State University, Wichita, KS Title: Intellectual Property Roundup: Copyright, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, and Patents Abstract: This presentation provides a capsule overview of the distinctive coverage of the four types of intellectual property – What they are, why they are important, how to get them, what they cost, how long they last. Emphasis will be on what questions patrons ask most, along with the answers! Includes coverage of the mission of Patent & Trademark Depository Libraries (PTDLs) and other sources of business information outside of libraries, such as Small Business Development Centers. Speaker #2: Jan Comfort Government Information Reference Librarian Clemson University, Clemson, SC Title: Patents as a Source of Competitive Intelligence Information Abstract: Large corporations often have R&D departments, or large numbers of staff whose jobs are to monitor the activities of their competitors. This presentation will review strategies that small business owners can employ to do their own competitive intelligence analysis. The focus will be on features of the patent database that is available free of charge on the USPTO website, as well as commercial databases available at many public and academic libraries across the country. Speaker #3: Virginia Baldwin Professor; Engineering Librarian University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE Title: Mining Online Patent Data for Business Information Abstract: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website and websites of international databases contains information about granted patents and patent applications and the technologies they represent. Statistical information about patents, their technologies, geographical information, and patenting entities are compiled and available as reports on the USPTO website. Other valuable information from these websites can be obtained using data mining techniques. This presentation will provide the keys to opening these resources and obtaining valuable data. Speaker #4: Donna Hopkins Engineering Librarian Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY Title: Searching the USPTO Trademark Database for Wordmarks and Logos Abstract: This presentation provides an overview of wordmark searching in www.uspto.gov, followed by a review of the techniques of searching for non-word US trademarks using codes from the Design Search Code Manual. These codes are used in an electronic search, either on the uspto website or on CASSIS DVDs. The search is sometimes supplemented by consulting the Official Gazette. A specific example of using a section of the codes for searching is included. Similar searches on the Madrid Express database of WIPO, using the Vienna Classification, will also be briefly described.