620 resultados para COLIFORM MASTITIS


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Little is known about the heavy metal and microbial contamination of vegetables produced in Central Asian cities. We therefore measured the concentration of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) and of faecal pathogens (Coliform bacteria, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Ascaris lubricoides, Entamoeba sp. and pinworms [Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis]) in soil, irrigation water, and marketed vegetables of Kabul City, Afghanistan. Leaf Pb and Zn concentrations of leafy vegetables were with 1–5 and 33–160 mg kg^{-1} dry weight (DW) several-fold above respective international thresholds of 0.3 mg Pb kg^{-1} and 50 mg Zn kg^{-1}. The tissue concentration of Cu was below threshold limits in all samples except for spinach in one farm. Above-threshold loads of microbes and parasites on vegetables were found in five out of six gardens with coliforms ranging from 0.5–2 × 10^7 cells 100g^{-1} fresh weight (FW), but no Salmonella and Shigella were found. Contamination with 0.2 × 10^7 eggs 100g^{-1} FW of Ascaris was detected on produce of three farms and critical concentrations of Entamoeba in a single case, while Oxyuris vermicularis, and Enterobius vermicularis were found on produce of three and four farms, respectively. Irrigation water had Ascaris, Coliforms, Salmonella, Shigella, Entamoeba, and Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis ranging from 0.35 × 10^7 to 2 × 10^7 cells l^{-1}. The heavy metal and microbial loads on fresh UPA vegetables are likely the result of contamination from rising traffic, residues of the past decades of war and lacking treatment of sewage which needs urgent attention.


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Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, detailliert Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem binären Gesundheitsmerkmal klinischer Mastitis auf der einen und Produktionsmerkmalen (z. B. Milch-kg) und funktionalen Merkmalen (z.B. somatischer Zellgehalt) auf der anderen Seite unter simultaner Berücksichtigung von Umwelt und genetisch bedingten Einflussgrößen auf phänotypischer und genetischer Ebene abzubilden. Die Studie fokussierte auf innovative Aspekte der genetisch-statistischen Modellierung bzgl. der Anwendung von rekursiver Pfadmodellmethodik und einer erstmalig durchgeführten detaillierten Beschreibung bzw. Aufteilung von Umwelteffekten im Kontext quantitativ genetischer Studien. Die Aufteilung der Umwelteffekte beinhaltete nicht nur herkömmliche bekannte Effekte wie den der Herde, des Herdentesttags oder der Laktationsnummer, sondern auch tierindividuelle antibiotische Applikationen. Diese antibiotischen Applikationen wurden als zusätzlicher Effekt in die statistische Modellierung integriert, um deren Einfluss auf Produktionsmerkmale und funktionale Merkmale im weiteren Laktationsverlauf abschätzen zu können. Unerwünschte Effekte einer antibiotischen Applikation auf andere Merkmale mit ökonomischer oder auch ethologischer Relevanz implizieren eine unerwünschte Nebenwirkung von antibiotischen Applikationen im weiteren Sinne, aber basierend auf einer objektiv erfassten und quantitativ und qualitativ hochwertigen Datengrundlage. Darüber hinausgehend erfolgte die direkte Evaluierung antibiotischer Applikationen zur Behandlung klinischer Mastitiden bzgl. etwaiger auftretender unerwünschter Arzneimittelwirkungen (UAW) im Sinne der klassischen Definition. Eine systematische Analyse mit der Definition einer UAW nicht als Effekt, sondern direkt als Merkmal, erfolgte basierend auf a) initiierter Versuchsdesigns b) der intensiven Zusammenarbeit mit kooperierenden externen Tierarztpraxen und c) bereits in Datenbanken elektronisch hinterlegter Information. Basis der direkten Analyse von UAW war die UAW Datenbank des Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit in Berlin, in der unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen seit 2005 zentral erfasst werden. Die beiden weiteren Datensätze zur quantitativ genetischen Modellierung „zu indirekten UAW“ mittels Pfadmodellmethodik waren zum einen ein Datensatz von 19870 Holstein Friesian Kühen, die in 9 Testherden in Thüringen gehalten wurden (Datensatz II) sowie ein Datensatz von 1275 Braunviehkühen, die in 46 kleinstrukturierten Betrieben in der Schweiz gehalten wurden (Datensatz III). Insgesamt wurden in Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sechs verschiedene wissenschaftliche Studien (siehe Kapitel III - Kapitel VIII) auf Grundlage von drei Datenbanken bzw. Datensätzen angefertigt. Diese Kapitel stehen im Gesamtkontext dieser Dissertationsschrift.


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As tetraciclinas são compostos antibacterianos utilizados em bovinos de leite para tratamento de doenças infecciosas, como a mastite, mas também como aditivos em ração animal. O uso das tetraciclinas pode conduzir à presença de resíduos destes fármacos no leite, principalmente se não forem utilizados de acordo com as indicações, nem respeitado o período mínimo de eliminação dos antibióticos pelo leite. A presença de resíduos de antibióticos no leite interfere no processo industrial dos seus derivados, podendo inviabilizar a produção destes e, consequentemente, causar igualmente prejuízos económicos, como por exemplo, pela inibição de fermentos lácticos que são culturas de microorganismos utilizados na produção de iogurtes, queijos e outros produtos lácteos. Os resíduos de antibióticos no leite de consumo podem representar riscos à saúde humana, podendo causar reacções alérgicas em indivíduos sensíveis ou ter um efeito adverso na flora intestinal humana, prejudicando a sua acção protectora local, além de propiciar a selecção de populações bacterianas resistentes.(Denobile & Nascimento, 2004)


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Quando um microrganismo patogénico invade a glândula mamária, através do canal do teto, pode ocorrer infecção intramamária, desencadeando uma resposta inflamatória – a mastite. Esta possui diversas etiologias, sendo normalmente de origem bacteriana. Na resposta inflamatória, actuam as células somáticas presentes no leite. O presente estudo teve como principal objectivo avaliar a relação entre as contagens de células somáticas e os agentes causadores de mastite em amostras de leite. Foram utilizados dados referentes aos resultados de análises de leite para diagnóstico de mastite realizadas em amostras de explorações de Entre Douro e Vouga. Os resultados consistem em identificação dos agentes e respectivo antibiograma, CCS, sendo ainda registado o objectivo da análise (Secagem ou Tratamento). Determinaram-se as prevalências dos agentes, avaliando de seguida a relação entre as seguintes variáveis: agentes e CCS; CCS e objectivo da análise; e entre agentes e objectivo da análise. Concluiu-se que os Staphylococcus coagulase-negativa são os mais prevalentes, 14,5%, seguindo, Streptococcus uberis, 7,6%; Escherichia coli, 6,3%; Lactococcus garviae, 5,8% e Staphylococcus aureus, 4,1%. Concluiu-se ainda, a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas análises realizadas, confirmando a relação entre as demais variáveis.


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A Mastite é a afeção mais comum do úbere e consiste na reação inflamatória dos tecidos secretores da glândula mamária, como resposta a lesões traumáticas, infeções bacterianas e fúngicas. É uma das doenças mais observadas em explorações leiteiras, com grande impacto e perdas a nível económico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi a análise da eficácia da utilização de uma terapia combinada com Cefquinoma para o tratamento de mastites, comparando a terapêutica de Cefquinoma e outra terapêutica alternativa, o tempo de tratamento aplicado e a evolução do caso clínico. O estudo foi realizado num total de 80 vacas com mastite clínica em 3 explorações na área de grande Lisboa, tendo sido registados e analisados, para cada caso, qual o tratamento usado (a terapia combinada com Cefquinoma ou a terapêutica protocolar estabelecida pela exploração), o tempo de tratamento e a sua evolução clínica (se obteve cura, morte, refugo ou perda de ¼ mamário). O estudo da eficácia da terapia combinada com Cefquinoma pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da eficácia das terapias existentes como coadjuvantes da melhoria da rentabilidade das explorações leiteiras. Os resultados obtidos permitem estabelecer uma relação positiva entre a taxa de cura e a terapêutica usada.


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This Note outlines the further development of a system of models for the estimation of the costs of livestock diseases first presented by Bennett (2003). The models have been developed to provide updated and improved estimates of the costs associated with 34 endemic diseases of livestock in Great Britain, using border prices and including assessments of the impact of diseases on human health and animal welfare. Results show that, of the diseases studied, mastitis has the highest costs for cattle diseases, enzootic abortion for sheep diseases, swine influenza for pig diseases and salmonellosis for poultry diseases.


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We are social beings. What we do and don’t do, what we think, the decisions we take are all influenced by those around us. Sometimes we are conscious of those influences, often we are not. Those who influence us are not just our close family and friends, our own social and professional networks, but the wider societies and cultures to which we belong. The goals we espouse, the values we hold, the image we have of ourselves are all molded to a large extent by our interactions and relationships with other people. The social sciences offer a range of concepts and tools for exploring these influences. In this paper, I introduce some of these and illustrate them with recent research I and my colleagues have been doing at the University of Reading among livestock farmers in the UK, with a view to providing insights that can then be used to plan and implement more effective interventions.


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There is increasing concern that the intensification of dairy production reduces the concentrations of nutritionally desirable compounds in milk. This study therefore compared important quality parameters (protein and fatty acid profiles; α-tocopherol and carotenoid concentrations) in milk from four dairy systems with contrasting production intensities (in terms of feeding regimens and milking systems). The concentrations of several nutritionally desirable compounds (β-lactoglobulin, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-3/omega-6 ratio, conjugated linoleic acid c9t11, and/or carotenoids) decreased with increasing feeding intensity (organic outdoor ≥ conventional outdoor ≥ conventional indoors). Milking system intensification (use of robotic milking parlors) had a more limited effect on milk composition, but increased mastitis incidence. Multivariate analyses indicated that differences in milk quality were mainly linked to contrasting feeding regimens and that milking system and breed choice also contributed to differences in milk composition between production systems.


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Wastewater reuse has become an important alternative to agricultural irrigation; on the other hand, it poses concern with regard to public health. Total coliform and Escherichia coli concentration, presence of helminth eggs and Salmonella, and physical-chemical parameters were evaluated in raw and treated wastewater. Chemical and biochemical oxygen demand removal efficiency was 74.6 and 77.9%, respectively. As for organic nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total suspended solids, total efficiency removal was 17.4, 12.5, and 32.9%, respectively. The average density of total coliforms and E. coli was 3.5 x 10(9) and 1.8 x 10(8) MPN/100 mL and 1.1 x 10(7) MPN/100 mL and 3.9 x 10(5) MPN/100 mL for raw and treated wastewater, respectively. Ascaris eggs were observed in 80.8% of the samples collected, and viable eggs in 42.3% of the samples. Salmonella was detected in 36.4% of the samples. The values observed in treated wastewater did not show the adequate bacteriological quality, as recommended by World Health Organization (Geneva, Switzerland). Therefore, additional measures should be taken to achieve an improved microbiological and parasitological quality.


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The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) in raw milk and casein fractions of 15 batches of the corresponding ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk was examined. Raw milk was collected, pasteurised and submitted to UHT treatment. Samples of the UHT milk were taken on days 8, 30, 60, 90 and 120 of storage at room temperature and their casein fractions analysed by high performance liquid chromatography. SCC ranged from 197,000 to 800,000 cells/mL. No correlation (p>0.05) was found between SCC and K-casein concentrations in raw or UHT milks. The alpha(s2) and P-casein concentrations in raw milk were negatively correlated with SCC (p<0.05). In UHT milk, negative correlations were observed for a,1-casein (p<0.05) and beta-casein (p<0.05) on the 8th day, and for alpha S-2-casein (p<0.01) on the 60th day of storage. Results indicate that higher SSC in raw milk is associated with substantial degradation of beta-casein and alpha(s)-casein, which may lead to quality defects in UHT milk during storage. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 63, 45-49


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In order to assess the influence of the colostrum period on pH and, electrical conductivity, we collected 418 milk samples from 127 Jersey cows. The samples were collected from healthy udders that did not present any bacterial growth in the microbiological examination. They were divided into eight groups as follows < 1/2 day; 1/2 and 1 degrees day; 2 degrees day; 3 degrees day; 4 degrees and 5 degrees day; 6 degrees and 7 degrees day; 8 degrees to 15 degrees day; 16 degrees to 30 degrees days of lactation. The samples were collected before milking and the following analyses were conducted: pH, electrical conductivity. In the first 24 hours of lactation, there was an reduction in electrical conductivity value, associated with an increase in pH value. We observed that transition of secretion from colostrum to milk, occurs during the first week of lactation; from 6(rd) day of lactation for pH value and 3(th) day for electrical conductivity value. We recommend the use the following figures as normal ranges for the first 24 hours of lactation (colostrum period): pH <= 6,51 and electrical conductivity <= 6,33 mS/cm; while for the interval between 2(nd) and 7(th) days of lactation (transition from colostrum to milk) we suggest the use of the values as normal ranges: pH <= 6,66 and electrical conductivity <= 5,93 mS/cm.


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In this work, lipolysis, proteolysis and viscosity of ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk containing different somatic cell counts (SCC) were investigated. UHT milks were analysed on days 8, 30, 60, 90 and 120 of storage. Lipolysis as measured by free fatty acids increase, casein degradation and viscosity of UHT milk were not affected by SCC but increased during storage. A negative relationship was observed between SCC and casein as a percentage of true protein on the 120th day of storage, hence indicating that high SCC increases the proteolysis of UHT milk by the end of its shelf life.


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Sampling protocols for detecting Salmonella on poultry differ among various countries. In the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service dictates that whole broiler carcasses should be rinsed with 400 ml of 1% buffered peptone water, whereas in the European Union 25-g samples composed of neck skin from three carcasses are evaluated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a whole carcass rinse (WCR) and a neck skin excision (NS) procedure for Salmonella and Escherichia coli isolation from the same broiler carcass. Carcasses were obtained from three broiler processing plants. The skin around the neck area was aseptically removed and bagged separately from the carcass, and microbiological analysis was performed. The corresponding carcass was bagged and a WCR sample was evaluated. No significant difference (alpha <= 0.05) in Salmonella prevalence was found between the samples processed by the two methods, but both procedures produced many false-negative Salmonella results. Prechill, 37% (66 carcasses), 28% (50 carcasses), and 51% (91 carcasses) of the 180 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by WCR, NS, and both procedures combined, respectively. Postchill, 3% (5 carcasses), 7% (12 carcasses), and 10% (17 carcasses) of the 177 carcasses examined were positive for Salmonella by the WCR, NS, and combination of both procedures, respectively. Prechill, E. coli plus coliform counts were 3.0 and 2.6 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively. Postchill. E. coli plus coliform counts were 1.7 and 1.4 log CFU/ml by the WCR and NS methods, respectively.


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The objective of this study is to develop a Pollution Early Warning System (PEWS) for efficient management of water quality in oyster harvesting areas. To that end, this paper presents a web-enabled, user-friendly PEWS for managing water quality in oyster harvesting areas along Louisiana Gulf Coast, USA. The PEWS consists of (1) an Integrated Space-Ground Sensing System (ISGSS) gathering data for environmental factors influencing water quality, (2) an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for predicting the level of fecal coliform bacteria, and (3) a web-enabled, user-friendly Geographic Information System (GIS) platform for issuing water pollution advisories and managing oyster harvesting waters. The ISGSS (data acquisition system) collects near real-time environmental data from various sources, including NASA MODIS Terra and Aqua satellites and in-situ sensing stations managed by the USGS and the NOAA. The ANN model is developed using the ANN program in MATLAB Toolbox. The ANN model involves a total of 6 independent environmental variables, including rainfall, tide, wind, salinity, temperature, and weather type along with 8 different combinations of the independent variables. The ANN model is constructed and tested using environmental and bacteriological data collected monthly from 2001 – 2011 by Louisiana Molluscan Shellfish Program at seven oyster harvesting areas in Louisiana Coast, USA. The ANN model is capable of explaining about 76% of variation in fecal coliform levels for model training data and 44% for independent data. The web-based GIS platform is developed using ArcView GIS and ArcIMS. The web-based GIS system can be employed for mapping fecal coliform levels, predicted by the ANN model, and potential risks of norovirus outbreaks in oyster harvesting waters. The PEWS is able to inform decision-makers of potential risks of fecal pollution and virus outbreak on a daily basis, greatly reducing the risk of contaminated oysters to human health.


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Textile production has been considered as an activity of high environmental impact due to the generation of large volumes of waste water with high load of organic compounds and strongly colored effluents, toxic and difficult biodegradability. This thesis deals with obtaining porous alumina ceramic membranes for filtration of textile effluent in the removal of contaminants, mainly color and turbidity. Two types of alumina with different particle sizes as a basis for the preparation of formulation for mass production of ceramic samples and membranes. The technological properties of the samples were evaluated after using sintering conditions: 1,350ºC-2H, 1,450ºC-30M, 1,450ºC-2H, 1,475ºC-30M and 1,475ºC-2H. The sintered samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, AG, TG, DSC, DL, AA, MEA, RL, MRF-3P, SEM and Intrusion Porosimetry by Mercury. After the characterization, a standard membrane was selected with their respective sintering condition for the filterability tests. The effluent was provided by a local Textile Industry and characterized at the entry and exit of the treatment plant. A statistical analysis was used to study the effluent using the following parameters: pH, temperature, EC, SS, SD, oil and grease, turbidity, COD, DO, total phosphorus, chlorides, phenols, metals and fecal coliform. The filtered effluent was evaluated by using the same parameters. These results demonstrate that the feasibility of the use of porous alumina ceramic membranes for removing contaminants from textile effluent with improved average pore size of 0.4 micrometre (distribution range varying from 0,025 to 2.0 micrometre), with total porosity of 29.66%, and average percentages of color removal efficiency of 89.02%, 92.49% of SS, turbidity of 94.55%, metals 2.70% (manganese) to 71.52% (iron) according to each metal and COD removal of 72.80%