356 resultados para CMC-konsultit
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
The properties of films of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC, of different degree of substitution, DS, have been examined by the use of perichromic indicators (probes). The film properties that have been determined are: empirical polarity, E-T(33); "acidity", alpha; "basicity", beta; and dipolarity/polarizability, pi*. This has been achieved by employing the following perichromic probes: 4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, WB. The correlations between both E-T(33)- or pi* and DS were found to be linear; that between beta and DS is a second order polynomial; no obvious correlation was found between alpha and DS. The polarities of CMC films are in the range of those of butyl alcohols. As models for CMC, we have employed cellulose plus CMC of high DS; oxidized cellulose with degree of oxidation = 0.5; sodium glucuronate. The former model behaved akin to CMC, but the plots of the perichromic properties versus DS showed different slopes/intercepts. FTIR data and molecular dynamics simulations on the solvation of WB have shown that this difference can be traced to more efficient hydrogen bonding between the film of the model and the probe. This affects the intra-molecular charge-transfer energy of the latter, leading to different responses to the variation of DS. Based on the excellent linear correlation between E-T(33) and DS, for CMC from different origins, we suggest that perichromism is a simple, accurate, and expedient alternative for the determination of DS of the biopolymer derivative.
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is characterized by susceptibility to Candida infection of skin, nails, and mucous membranes. Autoimmune endocrinopathies are common in CMC patients, but there are no reports of the involvement of systemic autoimmune disorders. We present here the first case of this kind of association in a patient with an autosomal dominant variant of CMC. The individual had had this disorder since childhood and systemic lupus erythematosus with secondary antiphospholipid syndrome, as well as renal, articular and hepatic manifestations without thymoma.
Multilayer films of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a polyanion, and bromide salts of poly(4-vinylpyridine) quaternized with linear aliphatic chains of 2 (ethyl) and 5 (pentyl) carbon atoms, coded as QPVP-C2 and QPVP-C5, respectively, were fabricated by layer-by-layer (LbL) self-assembly onto Si/SiO2 wafers (hydrophilic substrate) or polystyrene, PS, films (hydrophobic substrate). The films were characterized by means of ex situ and in situ ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements and sum frequency generation vibrational spectroscopy (SFG). Antimicrobial tests were used to assess the exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium. In situ ellipsometry indicated that for Si/SiO2 the chains were more expanded than the PS films and both substrates systems composed of QPVP-C5 were thicker than those with QPVP-C2. For dried layers, the alkyl side group size had a small effect on the thickness evolution, regardless of the substrate. At pH 2 the multilayers showed high resistance, evidencing that the build-up is driven not only by cooperative polymer-polymer ion pairing, but also by hydrophobic interactions between the alkyl side chains. The LbL films became irregular as the number of depositions increased. After the last deposition, the wettability of QPVP-C2 or QPVP-C5 terminated systems on the Si/SiO2 wafers and PS films were similar, except for QPVP-C2 on Si/SiO2 wafers. Unlike the morphology observed for LbL films on Si/SiO2 wafers, PS induced the formation of porous structures. SFG showed that in air the molecular orientation of pyridinium groups in multilayers with QPVP-C5 was stronger than in those containing QPVP-C2. The exposure of pyridinium moieties to the aqueous medium was more pronounced when the LbL were assembled on Si/SiO2 wafers.
Avaliou-se o efeito de revestimentos à base de carboidratos nas características microbiológicas, físicas, físico-químicas e sensoriais de mamão Formosa minimamente processado (MP), armazenado sob refrigeração. Após tratamento com cloreto de cálcio, os frutos descascados e cortados foram imersos em soluções de amido de arroz (AA) 3%; alginato de sódio (AS) 0,5%; carboximetilcelulose (CMC) 0,25%, e armazenados a 5 ºC e 90% de UR. Os produtos foram avaliados nos dias 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15. O uso de revestimentos à base de AA, AS e CMC em mamões MP resultou em menor contagem de coliformes totais que o controle. Mamões revestidos com AA e CMC apresentaram redução e aumento do processo respiratório, respectivamente. Os frutos revestidos apresentaram menores teores de sólidos solúveis e seus valores de pH se tornaram menores após o 9º dia de armazenamento. O uso da CMC como revestimento proporcionou, no 15º dia, maior firmeza da polpa. As variações nos parâmetros de cor (Luminosidade, Hue e Croma) não comprometeram a qualidade sensorial do mamão MP. Os atributos sensoriais dos mamões com revestimentos não diferiram do controle durante os 15 dias de estudo. Como a maioria dos efeitos positivos das coberturas ocorreu aos 12º e 15º dias e, considerando-se o custo da tecnologia e o preço dos revestimentos, a melhor opção, até 9 dias de armazenamento, consiste em apenas sanitizar os frutos, como feito no controle. Se o interesse for preservar a vida útil por um período maior, até 15 dias, os revestimentos utilizados podem ter resultados satisfatórios, desde que respeitadas as condições de estocagem utilizadas no estudo.
In the present study, mixed systems composed of SDS in the presence of neutral cyclodextrins were considered. Firstly, the effect of the CDs on the CMC of the surfactant was evaluated by CE experiments. Furthermore, a new CE approach based on electric current measurement was developed for the estimation of the stoichiometry as well as of the binding constants of SDS-CDs complexes. The results of these investigations were compared to those obtained with a different technique, electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The obtained results suggested that methylated CDs, in particular (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD), strongly affect the micellization of SDS in comparison to the other studied CDs. This effect also paralleled the chiral CD-MEKC performance, as indicated by the enantioresolution of (+/-)-Catechin, which was firstly selected as a model compound representative of important chiral phytomarkers. Then a CD-MEKC system, composed of sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant (90 mM) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (25 mM) as chiral selector, under acidic conditions (25 mM borate – phosphate buffer, pH 2.5) was applied to study the thermal epimerisation of epi-structured catechins, (-)-Epicatechin and (-)-Epigallocatechin, to non epi-structured (-)-Catechin and (-)-Gallocatechin. The latter compounds, being non-native molecules, were for the first time regarded as useful phytomarkers of tea sample degradation. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of more than twenty tea samples of different geographical origins (China, Japan, Ceylon), having undergone different storage conditions and manufacturing processes.
Kurzzusammenfassung Produktion, Reinigung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung von Cellulasen eines Wildtyp-Hefeisolates. Die effiziente Verwendung von Cellulose wird in naher Zukonft ein wichtiges Instrument zur Vermeidung einer Nahrungsmittel- und Energieknappheit werden. Deshalb haben wir uns intensiv mit Cellulasen befaßt, die aus Hefestämmen isoliert wurden. Die Fähigkeit der Cellulase-produktion eines Hefe-Stammes der Feuerwanze Pyrrhocoris apterus wurde genauer untersucht. Die systematische Stellung des Hefe-Isolates PAG1 wurde durch Sequenzierung der 18S rDNA bestimmt. Es zeigte eine nahe Verwandtschaft zu einem bereits beschriebenen Stämme der Gattung Trichosporon. Außerdem wurden die Wachstums-bedingungen für eine optimale CellulaseProduktion bestimmt. Anschließend konnte eine der produzierten Cellulasen mit FPLC aufgereinigt und deren biochemische Eigenschaften (z.B. Substratspezifität, Temperatur optimum, optimaler pH-Wert, Einfluß von Chemikalien) untersucht werden. Eine Analyse der Abbau-Produkte zeigte, daß kristalline Cellulose und CMC zu Cellobiose, Cellulotriose, Cellulotetraose und Cellulopentaose in einem molaren Verhältnis von 32:16:8:1 umgesetezt wurden. Bei Zusatz von ?-Glykosidase aus demselben Hefestamm entstand nur Glucose und Cellobiose in einem molaren Verhältnis von 1:10. Da bisher nur eine Publikation über Cellulase-produzierende Hefe-Stämme erschienen ist, zeigen auch unsere Untersuchungen, daß Wildtyp-Hefestämme Cellulasen mit interessanten Eigenschaften produzieren können.
La presente tesi si pone in continuità con il Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale in Urbanistica “La città e le case. L’urbanistica e lo spazio dell’abitare”e si propone di applicare e sperimentare una nuova forma urbana quella dell’open block derivante dall’omonima teoria dell’architetto francese Christian de Portzamparc. L’intervento si inserisce all’interno della cosiddetta Darsena di Città di Ravenna, un’ex area industriale di 136 ettari collocata a ridosso del centro storico della città, ma priva di collegamenti diretti con questo da cui si discosta nettamente per caratteristiche e funzioni. Nel corso del laboratorio si sono condotte analisi in maniera approfondita rispetto alle caratteristiche dello stato di fatto e dei bisogni principali del territorio, non solo facendo riferimento agli stessi strumenti urbanistici, ma anche avvalendosi dell’incontro con professionisti, tecnici e docenti. La conoscenza dell’area così raggiunta ci ha permesso di redigere, a conclusione del laboratorio, una serie di linee guida generali da cui nasce il masterplan. Su questo si basa la riqualificazione urbana dell’intera area da cui deriva la peculiarità della nuova Darsena ovvero la coesistenza di due rive dalle caratteristiche opposte e allo stesso tempo complementari. A nord trova spazio la “riva naturale” contraddistinta dalla prevalenza di spazi verdi di diversa natura; questa riva si pone in stretta relazione con il verde agricolo collocato nelle immediate vicinanze della Darsena e fortemente segnato dalla centuriazione romana. La riva sud, la “riva urbana”, è invece caratterizzata dalla prevalenza del costruito che trova un diretto confronto con il tessuto urbano preesistente collocato sia all’interno dell’area sia lungo il limite sud della stessa. Grande importanza per la riqualificazione del Comparto Darsena è stata data al mantenimento degli edifici di archeologia industriale ai quali viene dato ruolo centrale attraverso le nuove funzioni che vengono loro affidate. Altro aspetto fondamentale per la riuscita della riqualificazione della Darsena e allo stesso tempo valoreaggiunto per l’intero territorio comunale, nonché argomento centrale della presente tesi, è il tema dell’housing sociale. A seguito di analisi, studi sulle politiche abitative attualmente vigenti a livello regionale e comunale e indagini sui bisogni radicati nel territorio, si è redatto un masterplan da cui nasce un progetto per un quartiere con housing sociale situato all’interno del comparto CMC. Il progetto nasce dalle riflessioni condotte sull’argomento, mette al centro l’idea della mixité e si fonda sulla forma urbana dell’isolato aperto.
In this work a generally applicable method for the preparation of mucoadhesive micropellets of 250 to 600µm diameter is presented using rotor processing without the use of electrolytes. The mucoadhesive micropellets were developed to combine the advantages of mucoadhesion and microparticles. It was possible to produce mucoadhesive micropellets based on different mucoadhesive polymers Na-CMC, Na-alginate and chitosan. These micropellets are characterized by a lower friability (6 to 17%) when compared to industrial produced cellulose pellets (Cellets®) (41.5%). They show great tapped density and can be manufactured at high yields. The most influencing variables of the process are the water content at the of the end spraying period, determined by the liquid binder amount, the spraying rate, the inlet air temperature, the airflow and the humidity of the inlet air and the addition of the liquid binder, determined by the spraying rate, the rotor speed and the type of rotor disc. In a subsequent step a fluidized bed coating process was developed. It was possible to manifest a stable process in the Hüttlin Mycrolab® in contrast to the Mini-Glatt® apparatus. To reach enteric resistance, a 70% coating for Na-CMC micropellets, an 85% for chitosan micropellets and a 140% for Na-alginate micropellets, based on the amount of the starting micropellets, was necessary. Comparative dissolution experiments of the mucoadhesive micropellets were performed using the paddle apparatus with and without a sieve inlay, the basket apparatus, the reciprocating cylinder and flow-through cell. The paddle apparatus and the modified flow-through cell method turned out to be successful methods for the dissolution of mucoadhesive micropellets. All dissolution profiles showed an initial burst release followed by a slow release due to diffusion control. Depending on the method, the dissolution profiles changed from immediate release to slow release. The dissolution rate in the paddle apparatus was mainly influenced by the agitation rate whereas the flow-through cell pattern was mainly influenced by the particle size. Also, the logP and the HLB values of different emulsifiers were correlated to transfer HLB values of excipients into logP values and logP values of API´s into HLB values. These experiments did not show promising results. Finally, it was shown that manufacture of mucoadhesive micropellets is successful resulting in product being characterized by enteric resistency combined with high yields and convincing morphology.
Wearable inertial and magnetic measurements units (IMMU) are an important tool for underwater motion analysis because they are swimmer-centric, they require only simple measurement set-up and they provide the performance results very quickly. In order to estimate 3D joint kinematics during motion, protocols were developed to transpose the IMMU orientation estimation to a biomechanical model. The aim of the thesis was to validate a protocol originally propositioned to estimate the joint angles of the upper limbs during one-degree-of-freedom movements in dry settings and herein modified to perform 3D kinematics analysis of shoulders, elbows and wrists during swimming. Eight high-level swimmers were assessed in the laboratory by means of an IMMU while simulating the front crawl and breaststroke movements. A stereo-photogrammetric system (SPS) was used as reference. The joint angles (in degrees) of the shoulders (flexion-extension, abduction-adduction and internal-external rotation), the elbows (flexion-extension and pronation-supination), and the wrists (flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation) were estimated with the two systems and compared by means of root mean square errors (RMSE), relative RMSE, Pearson’s product-moment coefficient correlation (R) and coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC). Subsequently, the athletes were assessed during pool swimming trials through the IMMU. Considering both swim styles and all joint degrees of freedom modeled, the comparison between the IMMU and the SPS showed median values of RMSE lower than 8°, representing 10% of overall joint range of motion, high median values of CMC (0.97) and R (0.96). These findings suggest that the protocol accurately estimated the 3D orientation of the shoulders, elbows and wrists joint during swimming with accuracy adequate for the purposes of research. In conclusion, the proposed method to evaluate the 3D joint kinematics through IMMU was revealed to be a useful tool for both sport and clinical contexts.
Internet e turismo sono due settori che si intersecano profondamente e che da sempre risultano interconnessi. Grazie al progresso delle nuove tecnologie l’ambito turistico ha mutato profondamente i suoi connotati, sia da un punto di vista strutturale sia nella gestione e nella distribuzione delle informazioni. Con l’ingresso nell’era digitale, lo sviluppo delle ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) e l’avvento del web 2.0, la comunicazione turistica si è modificata in modo sostanziale: si è passati da una comunicazione monologica e unidirezionale da esperti a pubblico, a un dialogo tra le varie parti coinvolte, dove la centralità dell’utente/consumatore, che ha acquisito un ruolo proattivo e guadagnato il diritto di parola, si fa sempre più evidente. In particolare la comparsa del web sociale, che si contraddistingue per la sua forte dinamicità e un carattere collaborativo e comunitario, ha permesso lo sviluppo di modelli comunicativi originali, che sono riusciti ad apportare elementi innovativi e peculiari anche nel linguaggio del turismo, varietà linguistica già di per sé piuttosto particolare ed eterogenea. Tramite l’analisi della versione spagnola del portale di viaggi più famoso al mondo (Tripadvisor.es), si è cercato di evidenziare quali caratteristiche mostrate nei testi pubblicati in questo spazio fossero riconducibili all’influenza del linguaggio del turismo dei generi più tradizionali (guide, dépliant, cataloghi) e quali invece fossero gli elementi attribuibili al mezzo computer e quindi appartenessero alla sfera della comunicazione mediata dal computer.
Shellac is the purified product of the natural polymer Lac. Shellac types, from different origins and with different ages, all purified by the solvent extraction process were compared in this study. Their physicochemical properties acid value, glass transition temperatures, color numbers and molecular sizes were determined. Metoprolol tartrate pellets were coated by air suspension coating with these different grades of shellac. Two coating levels 20% w/w and 25% w/w were applied and then subjected to in vitro dissolution testing. Enteric resistance was achieved for all tested brands for the two coating levels. At pH 6.8, 7.2 and 7.4, significant variations were obvious between the brands. rnMoreover the molecular size of shellac has a pronounced effect in that shellac types with larger molecular size show a higher and faster release than others, while the one with the smaller molecular size show the opposite effect on the release of metoprolol.rnIn this study commercially available ready for use aqueous shellac solutions (SSB AQUAGOLD), which are based on shellac SSB 57 (Dewaxed Orange Shellac, Bysakhi-Ber type refined in a solvent extraction process), with different manufacturing dates were used. rnTo improve the enteric coating properties of films from aqueous shellac solutions, different aqueous polymeric solutions of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), carboyxmethyl cellulose (CMC), gum arabic and polysaccharides (Pullulan®) were used. These water soluble polymers will act as pore formers to enhance drug release from pellets coated with the combination of shellac and these polymers. The influence of these polymers on the gloss of the shellac films, mechanical properties of the films and drug release from metoprolol tartrate pellets were studied.rnThe potential of ethanol to alter the rate of drug release from shellac coated pellets was assessed by using a modified in vitro dose dumping in alcohol (DDA) method and the test concluded that shellac coated dosage forms can be co-administered with alcohol beverages containing ≤ 5% with no effect of alcohol on the shellac coat.rnPellets coated with shellac sodium salts, showed higher release rates than pellets coated with shellac as ammonium salt forms. rn
The work described herein is aimed at understanding primary and secondary aggregation of bile salt micelles and how micelles can perform chiral recognition of binapthyl analytes. Previous work with cholate and deoxycholate using micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has provided insightinto cholate and deoxycholate micelle formation, especially with respect to the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Chiral separations of the model analyte, 1,1â??-binaphthyl-2,2â??-diyl hydrogen phosphate (BNDHP), via cholate (C) and deoxycholate (DC) mediated MEKC separataions previously have shown the DC CMC to be 7-10 mM andthe cholate CMC at 14 mM at ph 12. A second model analyte,1,1â??-binaphthol (BN), was also previously investigated to probe micellar structure, but the MEKC data for this analyte implied a higher CMC, which may be interpreted as secondary aggregation. Thiswork extends the investigation of bile salts to include pulsed field gradient spin echo (PFGSE) NMR experiments being used to gain information about the size and degree of polydispersity of cholate and deoxycholate micelles. Concentrations of cholate below 10mM show a large variation in effective radius likely due to the existence of transient preliminary aggregates. The onset of the primary micelle shows a dramatic increase in effective radius of the micelle in cholate and deoxycholate. In the region of expectedsecondary aggregation a gradual increase of effective radius was observed with cholate; deoxycholate showed a persistent aggregate size in the secondary micelle region that is modulated by the presence of an analyte molecule. Effective radii of cholate anddeoxycholate (individually) were compared with and without R- and S-BNDHP in order to observe the effective radius difference of micelles with and without analyte present. The presence of S-BNDHP consistently resulted in a larger effective aggregate radius incholate and deoxycholate, confirming previous data of the S-BNDHP interacting more with the micelle than R-BNDHP. In total, various NMR techniques, like diffusion NMR can be used to gain a greater understanding of the bile salt micellization process and chiral resolution.